The Canadian Pedocracy

It isn’t only the USA and UK that feature an improbable number of pedocrats in positions of influence and power. The known and confirmed pedos in the Canadian ruling class are directly connected to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, including his best friend and college roommate.

In 2016, after Amy MacPherson was forced out of her job at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for making unsubstantiated claims and inferences in her reporting, she became a director of the Simcoe-Grey Federal Liberal Riding Association — where she claims to have encountered predatorial sexual exploitation of children by a Liberal Party of Canada official and political colleague. MacPherson insists her experience is indicative of much more systemic problems inside the Liberal Party, and she details a stunning cover-up by party officials.

MacPherson is the cousin of Sophie Trudeau, the Prime Minister’s wife. A self-described ‘political animal’, MacPherson has been active in covering politics as a reporter and as an activist at the local level. She is open about her own experiences of sexual violence and of growing up as a Crown ward, which she explains has instilled in her a moral compass on child advocacy issues.

Despite providing evidence about the child exploitation to several party officials, she claims that her warnings were entirely ignored. On her blog, Free the Press Canada, she lamented that the information she provided to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, to the Barrie Police Service, and to the Ontario Provincial Police had not been acted on….

In another blog post, dated February 19, 2018, MacPherson alleges media bias on the part of CTV News. She claims to have approached CTV to amend and expand its story about Nolan abusing his access to patient data at the Alliston hospital to lure children and distribute child pornography. A special police task force was established to investigate. By July, Nolan had pled guilty to child luring. That December he was sentenced to 18-months in prison and two-years probation.

Nolan had no experience in healthcare before taking a senior position at the hospital — a position that reported to the board of directors. He wasn’t known to the local riding association before taking an executive position with the SGFLRA, either. But Nolan was close to the Liberal Party’s candidate in the Simcoe riding, and that candidate sat on the hospital’s board of directors. Nolan, at age 35, seemed to become a ‘big-wig’ overnight, and all of a sudden the Liberal riding association and the Alliston hospital were being run by the same three people.

The police claim that they weren’t aware that Nolan had access to more sensitive information about a much greater number of children through the party.

Isn’t it remarkable how many influential individuals in the US, the UK, and Canada just happen to be directly and personally connected to convicted pedophiles? Most of you went to college at one point or another, so contemplate this question: how many of your college roommates have been convicted of running international pedophile rings?

I know none of mine were ever involved in anything like that. So really, what are the odds?


Mailvox: Blue Cross Doubles Down

The SJWs at Blue Cross Blue Shield are still attempting to coerce their employees into submitting to the vaccine regime despite every legal ruling going against the vaccine mandates to date:

I’ve attached an internal email I received from the president/CEO of Blue Cross, stating they are still requiring employees to get the clot shot regardless of the mandate being halted. He states in the last paragraph the vaccines are “safe, effective, and FDA-approved.” I don’t know if this deceit is from sheer ignorance or pure malevolence. In the end, it doesn’t matter, the threat is still the same. To tell people the shots are FDA approved, knowing full well they are not, and to threaten them over it, has me enraged.

They denied a religious exemption. When I inquired about it, I received a form letter saying I didn’t match their criteria and there are no appeals. They ignored follow-up emails. I tried filing a complaint with EEOC, but they need an inquiry review first, and the earliest date was in Feb., a month after the termination date. I’ve tried filling an inquiry with the California chapter of Children’s Health Defense and have gotten no response.

The only thing I can think to do is attempt to shine a light on this evil. Maybe it can inspire others to stand up, and push back, file civil lawsuits against the man since he’s the one responsible for violating federal law.

From the desk of President and CEO Daniel J. Loepp

BCBSM will move ahead with our vaccination requirements

As you may have read in the news, a Federal District Court judge in Georgia has issued a nationwide injunction requiring the federal government to stop all actions to enforce the federal contractor vaccine mandate. This ruling is a step in a legal process that undoubtedly will continue to play out in the federal courts over coming weeks and months.

The ruling, regardless of its effect on federal enforcement efforts, will not affect BCBSM and our subsidiaries from moving forward to implement our previously announced policy requiring employees to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4.

BCBSM has a legal right, as an employer, to issue policies protecting the health and safety of our workforce, including requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. As such, we are within our legal authority to continue with enforcement of our policy over the coming weeks.

As our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. James Grant, and I have stated many times before, the safe, effective, and FDA-approved vaccines available to us now are the single best way for us, our colleagues, families, and communities to defeat COVID-19 and return BCBSM and our enterprise companies to a normal state of business operations. As a health care organization – committed to enriching, extending, and saving lives – we believe promoting vaccinations that have proven to save lives is the right course to take.

Daniel J. Loepp

President and CEO

This information is for internal use only, as it can contain proprietary or confidential information. It is not to be shared outside the company.

Given that it’s California, it’s going to be very, very difficult to do anything preemptively. Fortunately, the courts in California tend to be strongly anti-corporate. The best strategy at this point is to simply wait to get fired, and then seek recourse. Never forget that the enemy always gets a vote and that trying to prevent a wrongful action can be more difficult than exacting legal retribution for one.

Note that California-based Google is also firing all of its unvaccinated employees.

But remember, it’s very hard to get a court or a legal authority or even a policeman to address a situation before it actually happens. Yes, the perpetrators-to-be may have SAID they’re going to do something, but they haven’t actually done it yet. So there isn’t any serious justification for any legal action yet, because sparing people the emotional and psychological strain of experiencing the wrongful action is just not a concern to anyone on either side of the legal process.


Pureblood Actor Sues ABC

A very public test of the corporate vaccine mandates is in process:

A veteran actor is suing ABC for religious discrimination after he was fired from America’s longest-running soap opera for refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

Ingo Rademacher, 50, who starred as Jasper Jacks on General Hospital for 25 years before his dismissal last month, has accused the Disney-owned American Broadcasting Company (ABC) of refusing to accept his exemption request for “sincerely held religious objections to the Covid-19 shots.”

Rademacher is represented by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – the son of assassinated US Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former US president John F. Kennedy – along with attorneys John W. Howard and Scott J. Street. The actor’s lawsuit claims ABC “subjected him to half an hour of cross-examination about his religious beliefs and then denied his exemption request, without explanation.”

The lawsuit blasts the network’s decision as “blatantly unlawful” and argued that ABC does not “have the authority to force a medical treatment on its employees against their will,” and would have to offer religious exemption even if it did.

And yet, I’ll bet the denizens of the Hellmouth would fall all over each other granting religious exemptions if there was porcine DNA in the vaccines. That’s an area of accommodation that anyone suing a Jewish corporation like the Devil Mouse should be sure to delve into, because you can be fairly certain that they are not being as respectful of Christian religious beliefs as federal law requires.


Mailvox: Defending Pedo Zeppelin

Cuckservative indeed. Why would you take the side of sexual abuse industry feminist fanatics and pearl clutch over 14 year old groupies fucking rock stars? Why would you call that pedophilia? Do you even know what that word means? It means before puberty, not before the age of consent, whose purpose is to discourage men from pursuing youthful attractiveness to the dismay of old whores.

Are you aware most women married in human history at puberty or slightly before? Are you aware 14 is the age of consent in many countries even today? I’m surprised you would act like a literal old jealous whore and perpetuate the myth that a 14 year old girl doesn’t know what a penis is, and intimate that somehow a man who has a normal attraction to a post pubescent 14 year old girl is somehow the pedophilic equivalent to fucking babies.

How many men suffer needlessly because of the feminist post puberty “pedophile” myth you perpetuate here? Completely unacceptable from someone supposedly grounded in reality.

Because in this particular case, the “feminist fanatics” are absolutely correct. And given that the legal age of consent LONG precedes the very existence of feminism, this bold defender of rock stars using their media-generated fame to indiscriminately abuse underage girls barely into their teens is relying upon a foundation of lies for his defense.

Furthermore, the pedos clearly don’t limit themselves to “post pubescent 14 year old girls”, as the 2013 sentencing of LostProphets lead singer Ian Watkins “to 29 years of imprisonment for multiple sexual offences, including the sexual assault of young children and babies” proves. The illegal behavior of Pedo Zeppelin is merely the tip of a very evil iceberg.

The appeal to history is misplaced. These men are not marrying and financially supporting young women in a society where life expectancy is less than 40. They are predators who are illegally abusing girls adult society has deemed to be incapable of supporting themselves or making responsible decisions about medical treatment, voting, drinking, tobacco, and sex.

Someone is protesting way too much here, although in this case it sounds more as if that someone is primarily concerned that their love for their underage anime waifu might be deemed pedophilic.


Pedo Zeppelin

The worst-kept secret in rock and roll is finally going to take down the pedophile monsters of rock:

Four years after the fall of Harvey Weinstein fired up the #MeToo movement, few areas of public life haven’t faced a reckoning over predatory male behaviour. So why has rock music remained untouched?

That question could most appropriately be asked of Led Zeppelin, who were ‘monsters of rock’ in every way.

Many of the stories told of the hugely successful British band and their hotel-trashing, drug-abusing, groupie-indulging ways are nearly too awful to print — a fact that has probably helped the surviving members to dismiss them as cocaine-fuelled fabrications.

However, Bob Spitz, American author of Led Zeppelin: The Biography, a new 688-page history of the band, spoke to dozens of those involved and says he confirmed the horror stories were largely true. Led Zeppelin are guilty as charged, according to him.

Boomers can, and will, whine “but it was different back then” all they like. The incontrovertible fact is that some of their rock heroes were, and are, unrepentant pedos. They weren’t particularly evil pedos – no one is claiming they were preying upon kindergarteners – but they were absolutely in serial violation of the age of consent laws.

They fully deserve to get cancelled, permanently, for their egregious misdeeds.

They should have paid heed to Maugham’s addition to Crowley’s philosophy: do what thou wilt… with due regard for the policeman around the corner.


Literal Government by Pedos

The CIA has covered for at least 10 pedophile employees over the last 14 years.

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.

The revelations are contained in hundreds of internal agency reports obtained by BuzzFeed News through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

One employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him. A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked.

Only one of the individuals cited in these documents was charged with a crime. In that case, as in the only previously known case of a CIA staffer being charged with child sexual crimes, the employee was also under investigation for mishandling classified material.

Considering a) the way in which “national security” is used to conceal a massive quantity of evils, and b) the fact that the nation has been subject to the largest invasion in human history and its so-called democracy has been rendered entirely fraudulent, it is time to eliminate the concept of “national security” or “revealing state secrets” as a defense against prosecution or the use of evidence in criminal trials.

Vaccine Mandates are War Crimes

The governments and corporations imposing vaccine mandates and compulsory vaccinations are literally committing crimes against humanity. Nazis were put on trial and hung for less egregious violations in the 20th century. The first point of the Nuremberg Code:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

The Nuremberg Code

Notice in particular the term “any element of force… or coercion”. This includes losing your job; if it is coercion to demand sexual services from someone in exchange for keeping their job, it is obviously coercion to demand that they inject foreign substances into their body to remain employed.

This means that any amount of force, including lethal, is justified in self-defence of oneself or one’s children against these literal war criminals.

The attempted excuse will be that the vaccines are not experiments, that they are a necessary response to a medical emergency. First, there is no medical emergency; fewer people died in 2020 than in 2019 despite the pandemic. Second, the vaccines are literally experimental, with none of them having completed the usual trials before being approved for use on an “emergency” basis.

“It was legal at the time” was not accepted as an excuse at Nuremberg, and it will not be accepted at Nuremberg II: Vaccine Edition.


Was Kenosha a Failed Hit?

AC postulates that Kyle Rittenhouse was supposed to be the victim of a targeted assassination, as was clearly the case in the murder of Aaron Danielson in Portland.

Now suppose the riot was a complex intel operation, being run from an underground command center many miles away, by intel professionals watching events live on their TV screens, like feeds from numerous “streamers” like Gaige who were running around with their phones, streaming the riot. Suppose that command center was giving orders to their operatives on the ground in the riot through hidden earpieces, using bounced signals from locally positioned repeaters brought in by “Antifa” commanders. Imagine the plan for that night was to make an example out of some patriot who was armed, to counter the images of armed patriots in body armor protesting the Cabal, and make those guys look less scary. Suppose that command center picked Kyle out of the video streams during the early moments of the riot, because he was clearly young, out of shape, naive to how things worked, and looked like a Cherry these seasoned Cabal assets could roll over.

In the trial we learned, that at just the wrong moment, whoever was protecting the CarSource suddenly bailed with no explanation as the crowd moved in (the defense said it in closing). Then, one of the “leaders” of the armed patriots asked 17 year old Kyle to go down there to take the position, and at the same moment, Kyle’s “buddy” in the buddy system the patriots were using, who had been assigned to him earlier (a forty something Army vet), suddenly disappeared inexplicably from the side of the 17 year old kid he should have felt responsible for. So Kyle was suddenly alone and could not find him, just as the order to head to CarSource came in. So Kyle went toward the CarSource alone on orders, where Joseph Rosenbaum was hiding behind a car waiting, and where the FBI had just moved its overhead drone and aviation units to that location to record everything that was about to happen.

What Cabal didn’t know was Kyle was under God’s protection, and just happened to be extra-sharp and highly cool under fire as well. So he smokes two Cabal protesters and cripples a third, all clearly in compliance with all legal strictures, before successfully exfiling and getting to safety.

The evidence exposed during the trial does make it appear as if Rittenhouse was selected and set up to be a sacrificial lamb, only he unexpectedly turned out to be a skilled young warrior capable of defeating the antifa ambush team by himself.

And while it is very hard to believe that the USA might have already entered the early stages of a “Bloody Kansas” era, or that Federal agencies are actively targeting young Americans on American soil, unfortunately, that is what the evidence presently suggests.

The real surprise is that some enterprising propagandist hasn’t tried to claim that Kyle Rittenhouse was a secret Spetsnaz agent in an attempt to justify declaring war on Russia.


Fake President, Alleged Abuse

The FBI’s efforts in attempting to discover the leak of Ashley Biden’s diary strongly suggests its legitimacy despite its insinuations of child abuse by the alleged “President of the United States”:

While O’Keefe’s organization – a conservative-leaning muckraking outfit – had refused to publish the diary, they did claim to know where it was located and even alleged to have an audio recording of Biden herself admitting it was hers. In his video on Friday, O’Keefe said that the group was approached by tipsters who stayed “temporarily” in the same hotel room as Biden’s daughter, claiming that she “abandoned” the diary.

O’Keefe said that PV had turned the diary over to law enforcement after first reaching out to Ashley Biden’s attorney, who “refused to authenticate it.” O’Keefe said that he contacted the Department of Justice on his own volition and “conveyed unassailable facts that demonstrate[d] Project Veritas’ lack of involvement in criminal activity and/or criminal intent.” The group said it opted not to publish the diary because it couldn’t verify its contents or whether it truly belonged to Ashley Biden.

Despite initially adhering to the agency’s wishes – according to O’Keefe, at least – the FBI visits were followed up shortly by a call from a Times reporter demanding comment on the legal process. The FBI declined to confirm the raids, telling the Times that they “performed law enforcement activity related to an ongoing investigation” at two addresses without elaboration.

While Ashley Biden’s diary is bristling with potential bombshells – including repeated discussion of drug use, marital failure, multiple affairs and her issues with her father, whom she claimed to have showered with in situations that were “probably not appropriate” – the document was largely ignored by other conservative outlets and mainstream media. The diary also suggested that the younger Biden was sexually molested as a child.

Given Hunter Biden’s obvious psychological issues, it wouldn’t be even remotely surprising to learn he was sexually abused too.

Think it’s unlikely for a major politician to be a pedophile? The statistical odds are much higher than you might think:

AUSTRALIA: The List of the 28 Pedophile Politicians Has Been Released

The reason Australia’s pedo-protecting government gave on why they couldn’t release the results of the pedophile investigation was because they said it would cause people to lose faith in the system. Too late, faith is already lost. So Patriots released the list, and it is Patriots that’ll be administering justice.