Ukraine’s War on Christianity

Clown World’s puppet in Ukraine has proposed a law to ban the Christian church in Ukraine.

President Zelensky of Ukraine announced Draft Law 8821, which will make the Ukrainian Orthodox Church illegal throughout the country. The law, if passed, will also allow the Ukrainian government the ability to confiscate all church property and outlaw both public and private practice of the religion.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has long been the largest religion of Ukraine, tracing its origins over a thousand years back to 988 with the baptism of Vladimir the Great of the Kievan Rus’ and conversion of the eastern slavs, of which both Russians and Ukrainians share a united heritage.

President Zelensky announced the reasoning behind the law as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church being in communion with the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. Of course, all of the main Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches are in communion with each other through a shared faith and deep history back to its Great Schism with the Holy See in 1054 AD. Zelensky has stated he hopes that this will weaken ties with Russia and demoralize any pro-peace sentiments Ukrainian Christians have with their brothers that they have been so tragically spilling blood with since February.

To put this into perspective, this would essentially be the same as if FDR had outlawed Catholicism during World War II due to the United States being at war with Italy… Zelensky, who is not a Christian, nor has he ever claimed to be, is willing to use his military to raid and persecute Christians to the same extent as his communist predecessors.

His action notwithstanding, Zelensky’s obvious intent is more akin to FDR outlawing every Protestant denomination in America, from the Assemblies of God to the United Methodist Church after outlawing the Roman Catholic Church. It’s akin to Winston Churchill banning the Anglican Church. Vladimir Putin’s decision to risk war with NATO in order to free the Russian people of the Donbass from the wicked color revolutionists in Kiev should be making a lot more sense to everyone now, even to those who foolishly opposed the special military operation and “stood with Ukraine”.

If you stand with Ukraine, you are literally standing with people who are satanists, sex traffickers, and pedophiles. It doesn’t matter if they call themselves “Bolsheviks” or “communists” or “neoconservatives” or “neo-Nazis” or “judeo-christians” or “secularists” or even, laughably, “Ukraine nationalists”, the only thing you need to know about them is that the citizens of Clown World are ferociously dedicated to the Holocaust and are violently opposed to Christians, Christianity, and Jesus Christ.

They are the enemy with one thousand names.

Ignore their purported ideologies. The ideological conflicts are nothing but smokescreens for the real war, which is spiritual rather than ideological, material, or economic.

And that is why everyone, of every nation and faith, should pray for Russia’s victory over Clown World.

UPDATE: The writer is correct. Zelensky’s current action is statistically akin to FDR banning the Roman Catholic Church in 1940. However, his obvious intent is to ban the larger Ukrainian Orthodox Church as well; until 2018 they were one and the same. So, if you think this proposed new law is inspired by the NATO-Russian war and the smaller church’s connection to the Moscow Patriarchate, you are foolish, short-sighted, and will be proven wrong.

Plus ça change… It’s been 84 years, and TIME is still celebrating the spirit of antichrist.


A List of Demons

What’s remarkable is how many of the names on this alleged list of visitors to Jeffrey Epstein’s wicked island are exactly those you’d expect to be involved in awful things based on unrelated reports and rumors. So much so, in fact, that it almost makes one suspect it might be fake. There are a few disappointing surprises, but regardless, all of these people should be viewed with extreme skepticism, unless and until proven otherwise.

UPDATE: While some of these people are known to have visited the island, I’m pretty sure it’s a fake. I very much doubt Arsenal’s Spanish manager ever visited there, or even met Epstein.


When Nurture Wins

This is straight-up child abuse. Literally satanic child abuse from which they will likely never recover.

Elllon Muskrat: A few years back I took my kids to a showing of The Little Mermaid at the Castro Theatre in SF. It was introduced and MCd by some drag folks. The kids just said “look at the pretty ladies” and then we watched the movie.

Dave Watson: Wait! Your children haven’t been turned into DragQueens?! Impossible!

Elllon Muskrat: Well, they have all come out as trans in the years since, but I don’t think the Little Mermaid show was the catalyst.

Never, ever, again say that God blesses America. It’s readily apparent that He hasn’t been doing that for some time now.


Is it Time for Twitter to Go?

Never forget, the Jews never did nothing to nobody, they have absolutely no power or influence in the United States or anywhere else, they’re just as good Christians as any other church-going American, and anyone who is less than entirely enthusiastic about not living under their totally benign and selfless not-influence is full of hate for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

It’s ironic, Jonathan, but I suspect more than a few irrational, hate-filled Americans are thinking exactly the same thing about you and your defamation league. For absolutely no reason at all.


They Never Said He Was Wrong

Isaiah Jackson: Look up the religious affiliation of everyone involved in the FTX collapse. Kanye was right.

CoinDesk: In response to a tweet from Isaiah Jackson that made an anti-Semitic, hurtful statement, CoinDesk is immediately terminating his contract for his weekly Community Crypto show on CoinDesk TV. Isaiah Jackson’s profoundly inflammatory comments are unacceptable and violate our values of mutual respect, diversity and inclusion. CoinDesk does not tolerate antisemitism and any other form of hate speech.

The Great Noticing continues apace. And as with the collapsing Second West’s economic war on the BRICSIA nations, the ADL and its corporate servitors are in the early stages of discovering that all of their sanctions and denunciations and terminations are going to leave them trying to survive alone, left to their own resources, outside of civilized society.

I mean, “since you hurt our feelings, we won’t let you use our fraudulent, worthless electric currency anymore” isn’t exactly an effective threat these days. Go ahead, take your punctured, deflated ball and go home.

It will be incredibly amusing when Kanye comes back strong with a Chinese or Qatari record deal.

UPDATE: As I said, the ADL is beginning to discover that in the post-Boomer era, no one they don’t actively control even pretends to believe anything they say anymore. The tweet is particularly ironic in light of the fact that the ADL was founded in 1913 to frame a black man for a Jewish man’s crimes.


Can Confirm

Max Blumenthal points out something I’d told everyone about 17 years ago, to little avail.

Neocon child actor Ben Shapiro has had his career astroturfed by corporate GOP powerbrokers, granting him notoriety and affluence while he trades on bogus antisemitism victimhood narratives.

He perfectly embodies the phenomenon I described and runs the same hustle as the ADL.

Max Blumenthal, 5 November 2022

Shapiro has never done anything more than read someone else’s talking points, and he’s been doing it since he was in junior high. He’s even more of a fraud than Jordan Peterson.