Considering that a certain group of people redefined both America and Palestine out of existence, it should come as no surprise that their grandchildren are now attempting to redefine Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself out of existence as well.
The term CHRIST IS KING has been a declaration of shared Christian values for generations, but shocking research compiled in a report I co-authored with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson demonstrates that this iconic phrase is being hijacked by antisemitic extremists to manipulate Christians…
Satanists always invert; it is this inversion that gives off that unmistakeable stink of sulfur that identifies them. Here they are attempting to deceive ill-informed Christians by claiming that genuine Christians are attempting to manipulate their less-informed brothers and sisters by educating them about the truth of this fallen world.
Never forget that Jesus Christ was the original “antisemitic extremist”. They hated Him so much that they paid his disciple to betray him and plotted to murder Him. And if it’s a choice between explaining to the Devil why one rejects his wicked children and to God why one bowed before the Synagogue of Satan instead of His own Son, I would strongly recommend the former.
Jesus Christ is King. And those who serve Satan are inversive deceivers and lying liars who lie about literally everything.
I did warn you about Jordan B. Peterson. He was always a very weak and wicked man. There was never any doubt at all about who and what he serves.