Redefining Christianity

Considering that a certain group of people redefined both America and Palestine out of existence, it should come as no surprise that their grandchildren are now attempting to redefine Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself out of existence as well.

The term CHRIST IS KING has been a declaration of shared Christian values for generations, but shocking research compiled in a report I co-authored with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson demonstrates that this iconic phrase is being hijacked by antisemitic extremists to manipulate Christians…

Satanists always invert; it is this inversion that gives off that unmistakeable stink of sulfur that identifies them. Here they are attempting to deceive ill-informed Christians by claiming that genuine Christians are attempting to manipulate their less-informed brothers and sisters by educating them about the truth of this fallen world.

Never forget that Jesus Christ was the original “antisemitic extremist”. They hated Him so much that they paid his disciple to betray him and plotted to murder Him. And if it’s a choice between explaining to the Devil why one rejects his wicked children and to God why one bowed before the Synagogue of Satan instead of His own Son, I would strongly recommend the former.

Jesus Christ is King. And those who serve Satan are inversive deceivers and lying liars who lie about literally everything.

I did warn you about Jordan B. Peterson. He was always a very weak and wicked man. There was never any doubt at all about who and what he serves.


Appreciate Immigrants

They’re committing the anti-semitisms that Americans won’t commit:

Sean Samitt, 26, is accused of making up a story about being attacked and stabbed outside a West Bloomfield synagogue, the Detroit Free Press reports. Samitt claimed the attacker was ranting anti-Semitic rhetoric when he stabbed and punched him in the parking lot of Temple Kol Ami on Dec. 15, police said.

The assault never happened, police said after an investigation that included detectives, K9 units and a search for the suspect that turned up no evidence of an attack outside the synagogue where Samitt worked, the report said. Police did find blood bloody tissues in Samitt’s office, the men’s bathroom and on a knife in the kitchen. Samitt eventually admitted to intentionally stabbing himself, police said.

I suspect that’s a clue to the deep, dark secret of the Rabbi Small series by Harry Kemelman. Barnard’s Crossing was playing host to a serial killer all along.

Tuesday, The Rabbi Saw Red… On His Hands.

Wednesday, The Rabbi Got Wet… With Blood


The Epstein Files are Coming

Pam Bondi assures us that the Epstein Files will be released and they will be released soon.

Attorney General Pam Bondi has announced plans to begin releasing documents related to Jeffrey Epstein’s case, including the deceased sex trafficker’s list of contacts, alleged clients, and flight logs to his private island, “hopefully” as early as Thursday. US President Donald Trump pledged to release the files as part of a broader effort to declassify high-profile cases. Bondi said the Epstein files have been “sitting on her desk for review” since last week, stressing that Trump “doesn’t make empty promises.”

“There are well over – this will make you sick – 200 victims… well over 250, actually. So we have to make sure their identity is protected, and their personal information,” Bondi told Fox News on Wednesday, explaining the delay.

That’s a credible explanation. But we’ll see… until it happens, it hasn’t happened.

UPDATE: It appears that Phase One of the files have been released to 15 influencers, but is not yet available online. Looks like Cerno’s one of them…


The Conservative Media is Fake

The so-called conservative media not only isn’t a genuine alternative to the mainstream media, since the days of William F. Buckley it has always been a neocon psy-op meant to derail American nationalism and prevent any genuine American nationalist media from being formed in reaction to the growing awareness of Clown World and rejection of it.

In the first New York Post article the day after Ashley St. Clair announced her baby with Elon Musk, she claimed that she didn’t initially have an “much of an interest in Elon” until after she met him in May 2023 at an interview at Twitter HQ. But there she is on May 2nd, 2023, telling @IsabellaIsMoody that she wants to be funny for Elon in order to have his “rocket babies.” This date is important.

That meeting with Elon Musk at Twitter HQ was on May 22–3 weeks after telling Isabella she wanted Elon’s babies. IOW, she lied in the Post article about not being interested in Elon until after she met him. Strange. It looks like she’s constructing a false narrative to make it look like their romance was innocent & spontaneous after having met. Why would she need to do that unless it wasn’t actually innocent & spontaneous?

But the plot thickens a little more. Seth Dillon, CEO of the Babylon Bee, is the one that facilitated her meeting Elon IRL. He had her fly out for that Babylon Bee interview with Elon, as Ashley noted in the Post article and confirmed by Ashley’s own tweet from May 22, 2023.

But Ashley wasn’t ultimately pictured in the Bee’s announcement of the interview with Elon, nor did she participate in the video interview itself at any point. This sort of begs the question: why did Seth Dillon fly her out to meet Elon?

Is it because Dillon is part of an israeli influence operation himself as some–including myself–have suggested?

We already knew the Babylon Bee is fake opposition that gatekeeps Christians. That’s been obvious for some time now, ever since the guy who bought it from its founder unmasked himself. But the extent to which its subversive activities go, and its apparent influence over other fake media conservatives, was not previously suspected.

It appears there is little strategic difference between Epstein, Disney, Jordan Peterson, the Daily Wire, and the Babylon Bee, except for their target populations.


Kingdom Come: Degenerate II

Fandom Pulse correctly called out Daniel Vavra for his deranged and degenerate promotion of pedophilia in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II:

Yesterday, the tides turned on the discussion for Kingdom Come: Deliverance II as video game influencers learned that Daniel Vavra inserted underage gay sex into the game. Melonie Mac eviscerated the developer with comments on X, leading the charge against evil LGBTQ+ grooming.

It’s been uncovered that the graphic scene depicting sodomy in the game actually shows a child (Hans Capon) engaging in it.

It was revealed by IGN that the scene in question featured Hans Capon with the outlet writing on X, “The medieval world of 1403 Bohemia can be a lonely and dangerous place, so why not make it just that bit more special by romancing everyone’s favourite Lord, Sir Hans Capon.”

Based on a codex from the first game, Hans is a teenager when this vile act takes place.

An entry from the Codex for Hans Capon states that he was likely born around 1388 and died in 1419. It also makes it clear he is “underage.”

It states, “The underage son of Jan Jesek Ptacek and Hedvika of Dauba.”

This response raised questions from various gamers who didn’t appreciate the defense of graphic pedophilia scenes in the name of historical accuracy, especially when Vavra took liberties with historical accuracy by adding a black person to the court in Bohemia in another strange move to add “diversity” to the series.

It will be fascinating to see if all the moronic YouTubers who defended the game on the grounds of Optional Gay Sex will continue to defend it on the grounds of Historically Accurate Optional Gay Pedophilia.

This is precisely why hard, firm, and bright lines have to be drawn and policed hard. Give them an inch, and they’ll immediately start molesting children and sacrificing them to Satan.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.


The Conservative Rock Star

L’il Benny has come a long way from his days as the openly imperialist Littlest Chickenhawk, and as the Hollywood Reporter – which is famous for its panegyrics to conservatives and Republicans – breathlessly reports, his massive success is totally real, totally organic, and not at all fake and manufactured:

Shapiro admits that, yes, he was once a Never Trumper. “In 2016, I didn’t vote for either candidate because I didn’t know if President Trump was going to be conservative,” he says in a bit of self-serving revisionism. Like many other right wing media figures at the time, he eloquently spoke about Trump’s many moral failures and called him a joke — but eventually caved. He maintains, however, that his take on Trump as a person is basically the same. As he puts it to me on the plane, “My opinion of Trump characterologically has not changed.”

But once Trump was in office, “right away he nominated Justice [Neil] Gorsuch, and I put on a MAGA hat,” says Shapiro. “In 2020, obviously, I backed him. And in 2024, I gave money to his campaign, I fundraised for him. I campaigned in six states. If we back him and if he does the right things, which I think he will, then America will be great.”

It’s mildly amusing that even a puff-piece article about Ben Shapiro can’t help but show what a complete fraud he is. The thing is, I knew Ben Shapiro back when he had a conscience. He made a conscious, informed decision to sell his soul and his mind for fame and money. And I can assure you, he knows better than anyone else what an intellectual imposter he is.

As for the so-called “fastest-growing conservative empire”, the Daily Wire, well, conservative Boomers have always been suckers for those who despise them pretending to be one of them. But the Daily Wire has never been able to conserve its professed positions and principles any more than conservatives managed to conserve marriage or the Ladies Room.

Universal Press Syndicate signed my WND column because they thought I was the intellectual heir to William F. Buckley. As it turns out, it’s Ben Shapiro who was his true heir. In more ways than one..


Christmas and the New Covenant

Andrew Torba calls out the Churchians and their falsehoods.

The book of Hebrews makes it crystal clear: the Old Covenant is obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). It’s done. Finished. Over. The New Covenant in Christ’s blood has replaced it entirely. The Church fulfills God’s promise to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him (Genesis 22:18) and his seed, who is Christ. (Galatians 3:16-18)

The belief that ethnic Israel retains a distinctive status apart from the Church misinterprets Scripture. It neglects the transformative nature of Christ’s work. He did not simply enhance Israel; He fulfilled its purpose and extended it to embrace all who believe.

If your pastor is preaching anything else on this subject, you’re not in a church.

You’re in a synagogue of Satan.

One thing that is fascinating about the inability of many Christians to pay attention to God’s Word is that we are warned, over and over again, about the various ways in which deceivers will attempt to deceive us. And yet, even in the face of obvious and documented deceit that flies directly in the face of the words of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul alike, Churchians will insist that their Gospel of Niceness takes precedence over Church tradition, secular history, current observation, and the Bible itself.

But they could not be more wrong. The fruit of Churchianity has been the decline of not only the Church and the nation, but the descent of civilization itself.


The Babylon Bee is… Babylonian

It’s funny, sure, but I don’t read the Babylon Bee because it is no more on the side of the truth than CNN or the Onion.

I’m not against a certain kind of nationalism that takes culture, beliefs, and character into account. America should be for Americans, and we should start defining exactly what that means because right now things are a mess.

What I’m against is white nationalism. I think skin color is a stupid thing to base “ethnos” on. And because I believe skin color is irrelevant, Auron will straw-man me and say that must mean I believe America is just an “economic zone” or “tax farm” or slander me as a multiculturalist.

Assuming he isn’t stupid, the reason he presents a false choice between racial “purity” and multiculturalism is because he believes culture is inextricably linked to race, or as many of his followers always tell me on here, “culture is downstream from race.” I disagree with that statement. I think it’s not only wrong scientifically, I think it is a godless error of materialism that denies the Imago Dei and reduces men to products of their DNA.

America as a creedal nation is a great idea I truly believe in. The problem is we haven’t taught, passed down, enforced, or required allegiance to the creed—and that needs to change.

He’s not against “a certain kind of nationalism” that isn’t nationalism at all. There is no such thing as “a creedal nation”. Civic nationalism is a modern deconstruction of nationalism; it was articulated by Hans Kohn in his book The Idea of Nationalism: A Study in Its Origins and Background published in 1944. It’s an entirely false and intrinsically subversive concept that was utilized to first subvert the USA and is now being used to subvert and destroy nations from Scandinavia and Great Britain to Japan. No one who subscribes to such an obvious falsehood is in line with either a) the Bible, b) the Founding Fathers, c) the U.S. Constitution, or d) science.

All creatures are products of their DNA. And here we see the intrinsic snakery revealed, as he attempts to derive the nonexistence of nationalism – literally, natalism or blood kinship – from the existence of the Imago Dei, or the “image of God”. This is not the act of one who is misguided, but rather, one who seeks to mislead. And as always, anytime anyone mentions the word “god”, one can assume nothing until one learns to which god the other person is referring.


A Different God

Whenever people talk about God, it’s extremely important to determine exactly what god they’re talking about. Because the god this man served was not the Creator whom Christians worship as the Father of Jesus Christ:

A beloved rabbi in an Orthodox community in Chicago, he has just come home from synagogue in a foul temper – something that has been happening more and more regularly lately – and the violence rises slowly and with a terrifying inevitability.

In her searing new memoir, There Was Night and There Was Morning, Sherbill describes her father’s dark double life and how, once he was no longer able to abuse his own family, he descended into a spiral of depraved drug abuse, preying on vulnerable young girls in his congregation.

It’s not just about the observable behaviors either, as in the case of a sinful priest or pastor. What many people don’t understand about the rabbinic religion is that the Torah is not studied in order to better obey it, but rather, to better determine how to “legally” work around it. It’s very much like the Constitution, whereas the Talmud is akin to the growing collection of case law and interpretation that takes precedence over the black letter law itself. In the same way lawyers are able to justify violating Constitutional rights despite the clear language of the Constitution, rabbis are highly skilled in their ability to justify various activities despite the clear language of the Law of the Old Testament.

Which is why there is a specific warning in Isaiah against those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

If you can imagine ten thousand Ben Shapiros deciding what is right, what is wrong, and constantly redefining both over time as desired, that’s pretty much the situation.


Carthago Delenda Est

Decades ago, I predicted that with the rise of Clown World would come the return of public human sacrifice. And while we’re not quite there yet, it’s already visible on the horizon:

Krishna Kushwaha of Hathras, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the first in his family to get a formal education. To ensure a brighter future for his children, he enrolled them in a hostel. Little did he know that his 11-year-old son Kritarth would fall prey to black magic.

Kritarth was a student of standard II at the DL Public School. On the evening of September 22, he was kidnapped by two of his teachers, the owners of the school, and one of their fathers.

Black magic is defined as the use of supernatural power or magic for selfish motives or purposes. It turns the human mind away from logic and rationality. The occult is not new in India, having been practiced for ages up and down the country. Surprisingly, society doesn’t protest against black magic.

The kidnappers assaulted Kritarth, breaking his collarbone. They then performed an occult ritual, after which the boy was strangled to death. The school contacted Krishna and told him that his son was not well, and he was being taken to hospital in Agra. Krishna found this suspicious. When the family found their son’s body, they discovered disturbing marks and found that his head had been shaved.

During a subsequent investigation, police visited the site of the black magic rituals and uncovered material linked to the practice, such as occult texts. Under interrogation, one of the accused confessed that the child had been sacrificed, as the school owners believed it would bring prosperity to the institute.

This has been happening in secret for centuries across Europe, and for the last century, in the United States as well. Along with homosexuality and transgenderism, it is the historical hallmark of The Empire That Never Ended, against which both China and Russia are warring. Vladimir Putin calls it The Empire of Lies, whereas Xi refers to it as The Western Hegemony, albeit in a different context than his predecessors Deng and Mao did.

This is why, whether its outward form is Hinduism, Judaism, enlightened secularism, churchianity, or open Satanism, its primary target is always Christianity. It is why, if it is not crushed again the way it was when Scipio Africanus took Rome, I suspect it won’t be more than two decades before we start seeing neo-Aztec temples publicly performing human sacrifices in Mexico.