Paper Americans

Charles Blow laments that the resident aliens aren’t exercising their political muscle yet:

“In 1990, the U.S. had 19.8 million immigrants. That number rose to a record 40.7 million immigrants in 2012, among them 11.7 million unauthorized. Over this period, the number of immigrants in the U.S. increased more than five times as much as the U.S.-born population (106.1 percent versus 19.3 percent), according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data.”

It continues: “Today there are four states in which about one-in-five or more people are foreign born — California, New York, New Jersey and Florida. By contrast, in 1990, California was the only state to have more than a fifth of its population born outside the U.S.”

According to a September report from the Immigration Policy Center:

“In the 2014 elections, there will be approximately 9.3 million newly eligible voters. These include both people who were 16 or 17 years old at the time of the 2012 elections, as well as immigrants who become naturalized U.S. citizens between 2012 and 2014. Of these 9.3 million newly eligible voters, 1.8 million will be Asian or Latino. Another 1.4 million will be new U.S. citizens through naturalization. Together, these 3.2 million people will comprise 34 percent of the new electorate.”

And that is to say nothing of the surge in African-born immigrants. According to a 2011 article in the United Nations Dispatch:

“Over the last 30 years, the African born population has grown from just 200,000 people to 1.5 million. And while Africans still make up just 3.9 percent of the total foreign-born population, that share is growing fast. In 2010, for example, nearly 10 percent of new green card recipients were born in Africa.”

These immigrants aren’t Americans. And, thanks to the size of the influx and the century-long erosion of the American population, neither they nor their descendants ever will be. The previous waves of European immigration didn’t fully grasp the English Common Law or the vital concept of limited government even when both were still more or less in effect. These new groups of economic vultures are only arriving in time to fight for the less choice pickings from the corpse.

I find it telling that the same people who still consider me to be an American in some capacity simultaneously insist that these paper Americans are no longer Mexicans or Nigerians or Chinese, but through the magic of geographic relocation, have been transformed into something indistinguishable from your average White Anglo-Saxon Protestant circa 1950.

A nation of immigrants is not a nation at all.

46 million more Americans

That’s the CBO estimate for the Senate’s immigration bill:

The Senate’s pending immigration bill will pave the way for the
arrival of 46 million legal immigrants over the next 20 years, increase
the federal debt in the same time period and shrink Americans’ average
wage, according Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Session’s critical reading
of two new reports on the pending immigration reform bill provided by
the Congressional Budget Office. But Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, the most prominent GOP
advocate for the immigration reform bill, says the CBO reports are good
news for Americans.

Marco Rubio wants more Hispanic immigrants.  That’s almost as much of a surprise as Italy’s new Congolese Minister of the Interior, whose first action in office was to argue for the importance of making it easier for Africans to get Italian citizenship.  Isn’t it a remarkable coincidence that the absolute top priority of every immigrant who achieves any political power is to bring in more people just like them?

Anyhow, this should suffice to snuff out the last remnants of any grass roots Republican enthusiasm for Marco Rubio.  And I can’t help but notice the reference to that portentous year. 2033. By the time there are 357 million people living in the lower 48, I very much doubt they will still be a single political entity.

Immigration as ideological weapon

Peter Hitchens admits what was always obvious: the reason the Left has favored mass immigration is because they believed, correctly, that they could use it to politically transform the nation:

The greatest mass migration in our history has taken place…. Our leaders only had to go to Boston, any time in the past five years, and they would have known.

But all our leading politicians were afraid of knowing the truth.

If they knew, they would at least have to pretend to act.

And the truth was, they liked things as they were.

And it was at least partly my own fault.

When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.

It wasn’t because we liked immigrants, but because we didn’t like Britain. We saw immigrants – from anywhere – as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.

Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people – usually in the poorest parts of Britain – who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly ‘vibrant communities’.

If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.

Revolutionary students didn’t come from such ‘vibrant’ areas (we came, as far as I could tell, mostly from Surrey and the nicer parts of London).

We might live in ‘vibrant’ places for a few (usually squalid) years, amid unmown lawns and overflowing dustbins.

But we did so as irresponsible, childless transients – not as homeowners, or as parents of school-age children, or as old people hoping for a bit of serenity at the ends of their lives.

When we graduated and began to earn serious money, we generally headed for expensive London enclaves and became extremely choosy about where our children went to school, a choice we happily denied the urban poor, the ones we sneered at as ‘racists’.

What did we know, or care, of the great silent revolution which even then was beginning to transform the lives of the British poor?

To us, it meant patriotism and tradition could always be derided as ‘racist’.

And now the pro-immigrant Left belatedly discovers they have a tiger by the tail that doesn’t give a damn about their careful distinctions between what is useful to them and what is not.  This is par for the course for the Left; the Mensheviks always end up being cast aside by the Bolsheviks. The Richard Dawkins of the world are always happy to foolishly embrace Islam as an attack on Christian culture, if they weren’t too short-sighted to grasp that Islam would prove every bit as implacable a foe as Christianity, they wouldn’t be Leftists in the first place.

Many, if not most, white progressives, libertarians, and conservatives who bought into the Myth of Ellis Island are going to come over to the nationalist side in the next ten years, frightened by the realization that what they celebrated and advocated has come to pass in a very different way than they expected.  But those of us who have always valued nationalist culture and traditions need to always keep in mind that they are, at best, modestly useful allies of demonstrably inferior judgment on such matters.

The Right has a long and sordid history of elevating those who have “seen the light” to be its opinion leaders.  National Review and Pajamas Media is chock full of former progressives, ex-Democrats, and reformed socialists, which is why their positions are so reliably meek, ineffective, and apologetic.  They still want to curry favor with the Leftist institutions they once revered; they simply do not regard the Left with the contempt such organizations and people merit.  Look, for example, at Hitchens’s attack on Enoch Powell in the very article in which he belatedly comes around to accept the essence of Powell’s
position on immigration.

That is why this rush of newly reformed transnationalists cannot ever be trusted or taken very seriously.  They are still the same traitors to their cultures and traditions they have always been, all that has changed is that they are now frightened of what their own actions have wrought and alarmed at the extent to which the transformations they sought are destroying even the aspects of their society they expected to retain.

Even now, the transnationalist right is still trying to finesse an irrelevant difference between illegal immigration (bad) and legal immigration (good).  This is a fool’s game. The fact is that ALL immigration beyond a small and readily absorbed amount is invariably destructive and will always transform the invaded nation into something different than it was before.  Whether the transformation is desirable or not is a separate and debatable matter, the point is that the transformation is definitely going to take place.

Because you invaded their country

An Indian man wonders why no British people were willing to intervene when he was being beaten up on a train:

‘Why would nobody help me?’ Father punched in the face 18 times by racist thugs in front of 200 witnesses on a packed tram… and not one person intervened. Prakash Patel, 56, attacked while on a tram in Manchester with his daughter

Can you imagine this happening in the England in which Mr. Patel first settled 30 years ago?  No more than you can probably imagine a German complaining that French civilians didn’t come to his assistance when the French Resistance attacked him.  Meanwhile, Mr. Patel’s daughter is very fortunate that they were Indians being attacked in England and not Swiss being attacked in India.

The bien-pensant can cluck like chickens about how terrible it is that humanity does not suffer invasion of its territories and subjugation of its peoples with all the gentle good humor of lambs being led to the slaughter if they like; they will do so to no avail.  Recall that most still regard Winston Churchill, Davy Crockett, and the men of the USS Arizona heroes for their resistance of failed conquests far less credible than those attempted by Mr. Patel and his third world cohorts. The “racist thugs” of today will be the heroes of tomorrow, just as the multicuturalists thought so well of by the progressives and well-behaved conservatives of today will eventually be considered insane monsters of history in the vein of the Nazis and Communists.

Multiculturalism is worse than murder.  It is even worse than mass murder, being more akin to genocide. It is attempted sociocide.  As for the self-hating fifth columnists who piously mouth PC sacraments like “racists have no place in our society”, I suggest they go and try settling in India or Jamaica or Nigeria so they can discover how the people they are so eagerly welcoming to settle in their country truly feel about racial differences.

It doesn’t matter in the slightest how one feels personally about these matters.  It doesn’t matter how pure-in-heart and anti-racist you believe yourself to be. It doesn’t matter that people of various sub-species and races have lived in relative harmony for ten, twenty, or even one hundred years. Cultural friction, like gravity, always wins in the end. History shows, history makes it abundantly clear, that eventually the cultural differences will trigger sufficient violence to restore the violated borders once more.  It is as completely futile to blame “racism” for the inevitable violence as it is to wage war on “terror”.  Doing so is a fundamental category error.

Immigration is when a small number of foreigners are permitted to settle within a country by the native people.  Invasion is when tens of thousands or more foreigners settle in a country against the wishes of the native people, regardless of whether they happen to be armed or not. Both Europe and the USA have suffered quiet and undeclared large-scale invasions; only now are the natives beginning to wake up and become restless.

And the reason they will become considerably more violent is explained by Mr. Patel himself: “He said he would consider leaving Britain in the wake of the attack were it not for the fact that his family is so well established here.”  In other words, the invaders will not leave until they are forced to do so, as we have seen in India, in Zimbabwe, as we are presently seeing in South Africa, and as we will eventually see in England and the USA.

Now, there is certainly a case to be made that there is no need to harbor any sympathy for the British, considering how they themselves invaded more than half the countries around the world.  But it is blatantly dishonest to pretend the British people are not being invaded against their will, as dishonest as it would be to deny the invasions of the British imperial era.

The honest monohumanist, assuming one can be found, will be inclined to ask “why are you racist?”  To which one can only respond: “on what basis do you assume that this time, for the first time in over six thousand years of recorded history, it will be different?”

2 down, 48 to go

Hispanics recognize their mass migration is an invasion and conquest, so how is it possible that the natives still deny it?

 “I was a freshman in college, and suddenly there was a blatant attack on people like my parents,” said Mr. Lara, who grew up in East Los Angeles with other Mexican immigrants. “The so-called sleeping giant has always been awake, but they’ve been in our schools and colleges, and now we are really starting to run things.”

Perhaps nobody has seen this more clearly than María Elena Durazo, the executive secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, where Latino service workers are the primary source of growth for unions. Proposition 187 was “the perfect storm to anger and motivate a big number of Latinos, and once we had them coming out, we made sure they kept voting,” she said.

“Nobody had ever gone out to new citizens in the immigrant community, to poor working-class immigrants, but they turned out to be very reliable voters for us,” Ms. Durazo said. “People were always talking about low enthusiasm, but that is not what we were ever seeing. Now the rest of the country is starting to catch up.”

Ms. Durazo recalled the huge May Day protests in 2006, when thousands of immigrants lined the streets of Los Angeles. At the time, she said, organizers made a strategic decision to discourage the waving of Mexican flags and instead handed out American flags on street corners.

“We wanted to project what we feel — we’re working people who love this country and are staying here,” she said. “For a long time, we were living in no more than four or five states, but now, we are in the smallest towns of Georgia and Alabama. And once we’re there, it gets harder to ignore or hope that immigrants will just go away.” 

Of course California is “easing its tone”.  It’s been occupied and those who do not show the proper respect to their new padrones will be punished.  And very clear signals have been sent that nowhere is safe; every non-Latino enclave will eventually be invaded and Latinized, be it black or white.  It should be fascinating to see what happens when the Latino elite decides to make a play for dominance in Washington DC, which I expect will begin to take place once the Latino population hits around 100 million.  The increased visibility of politiicians such as Rubio and Cruz only marks the beginning of this process.

I have no sympathy for the coming American white minority.  This is the path white Americans chose when they elected to mass-murder three generations of unborn children and embraced cheap imported labor because they believed they were a nation of immigrants rather than settlers.  The rules of The Game of History are perfectly clear, and a nation that permits itself to be invaded by 50 million foreigners without so much as a protest, let alone a massive military response, has clearly demonstrated that it is not fit to survive.

And it could certainly be worse.  Better Cancun, after all, than Johannesburg or Beijing on the Potomac.

Glenn 1, GOP 0

Glenn Reynolds considers the “natural conservative” argument in light of Kaus’s zero-sum Game of President:

“The race to control the Presidency is a zero-sum contest, like a football game. One party wins, and one loses. Both can’t win. Immigration amnesty (or gun control, or spending cuts) might help Democrats dominate national politics and lock up the presidency for generations to come (as some believe) or it might help Republicans by allowing them to increase their dismal share of the growing Latino vote. But both sides can’t be right. Even if they both think immigration amnesty will help them, one of them is wrong.”

If the GOP thinks this is going to get them Latino votes, then the GOP is wrong.

This really isn’t that hard.  There are two mainstream parties in Mexico.  One is Partido Revolucionario Institucional.  The other is Partido de la Revolución Democrática.  Both are members of the Socialist International.  Which means that the growing Latino vote in the United States is going to vote socialist.

This is not rocket science.

What you going to do

White boy, white girl, when they come for you?

A Latino gang is intimidating blacks into leaving the city that was once an African American enclave. It’s part of a violent trend seen in other parts of the L.A. area….

Compton Councilwoman Yvonne Arceneaux said she was deeply troubled by the incident. “I’m floored,” she said. “That’s blatant to tell a family you can’t
live in this area because you are black. That’s just shocking.”

Two decades ago, when Arceneaux joined the Compton City Council, she
said that older blacks occupied the well-maintained, small homes in the
neighborhood. But as they died or moved away, Latinos moved in. Although she noted cultural differences between blacks and Latinos, she said she thought they were minor.

So, the blacks have fled Compton.  Liberal whites are beginning to flee CaliMexifornia.  And with the incipient amnesty being pushed by Barack Soebarkah and the Republican Party’s Great Hispanic Hope, Marco Rubio, the 52-million strong Aztec invasion is going to get a new head of steam.  California and New Mexico are already lost.  Texas is next, and I suspect it is the most likely flashpoint in the coming clash between Aztec and Anglo cultures, just as it was 177 years ago.

Like the naive councilwoman, most Americans foolishly believe that the rest of the world gives a damn about their pretense to not see differences of color, race, and culture.  The Union is already done for due to debt, and what we’re seeing now is a preemptive race to be in a position to pick up the pieces prior to its shattering.  The killing and the ethnic cleansing is micro-scale and well below the radar of the macro-focused, see-no-evil mainstream media, but it has already begun.

This shouldn’t come as any surprise.  I recognized the historical pattern developing more than 15 years ago.  It is one of the reasons I left.  These mass migrations – and this is a large one by historical standards – have reliably led to the replacement of the previous culture and people by the invading one.  It is why the Italian province of Lombardia still bears that name today, more than 1,400 years after the Lombard invasion of northern Italy.

“The Lombard king Audoin defeated the Gepid leader Thurisind in 551 or 552; his successor Alboin eventually destroyed the Gepids at the Battle of Asfeld in 567.  Following this victory, Alboin decided to lead his people to Italy, which had become severely depopulated after the long Gothic War (535–554) between the Byzantine Empire and the Ostrogothic Kingdom there. The Lombards were joined by numerous Saxons, Heruls, Gepids, Bulgars, Thuringians, and Ostrogoths, and their invasion of Italy was almost unopposed. By late 569 they had conquered all the principal cities north of the Po River except Pavia, which fell in 572. At the same time, they occupied areas in central and southern Italy. They established a Lombard Kingdom in Italy, later named Regnum Italicum (“Kingdom of Italy”), which reached its zenith under the 8th-century ruler Liutprand.

In 774, the Kingdom was conquered by the Frankish King Charlemagne and integrated into his Empire. However, Lombard nobles continued to rule parts of the Italian peninsula well into the 11th century when they were conquered by the Normans and added to their County of Sicily. Their legacy is apparent in the regional appellation, Lombardy.”

Historians will not view the Aztec conquest of the American Southwest as “immigration”, but as “an invasion that was unopposed”.  History suggests that the invaders will likely accept the current political status quo so long as they continue to receive tribute in the form of free government services and “transfer payments”, but demonstrates very clearly that as soon as the tribute falters, the swords will come out and the invaders will forcefully alter the political system to suit themselves.

All wars are not created equal

The Mises Institute erroneously conflates the War on Drugs with a hypothetical War on Immigration:

One of the arguments people make against immigration is that immigrants from less-free countries will lead to the adoption of policies that encroach on liberty in the US. I doubt that the immigrants in the US want to recreate the dysfunctional institutions that encouraged them to leave their homelands in the first place, but I also think the consequences of the wars on drugs and terror are instructive. There’s no free lunch, and there’s also no free border fence, either financially or institutionally. I also doubt very much that we could deport even a fraction of the undocumented workers who are already in the US or do “secure our borders” to the nativists’ satisfaction without even more of the kinds of encroachments on liberty that we have endured as a result of the wars on drugs and terror.

I think the case for immigration is pretty solid on its own practical and philosophical merits. Even if immigrants bring with them the possibility of tyranny, I think stopping them would require that we embrace even greater tyranny.

I count no less than four errors in this post. Immigration and open borders is one of the few areas where I part company from the Misean approach. First, it is an observable fact that immigrants from less free countries lead to the imposition of policies that encroach on liberty. For two hundred years, immigrants have regularly favored bigger government and more government intervention in the economy.

Second, the cost of proper border control is far less expensive than the cost of providing free government services to tens of millions of immigrants. Third, as the success of Operation Wetback and the long period of restricted immigration proves, it is not necessary to institute a police state in order to methodically return immigrants to their homes in a civilized manner. Indeed, American society was far more free prior to the opening of its borders.

Fourth and finally, it is eminently stupid to assume that immigrants will be transformed to value American ideals, as the course of history demonstrates that immigrants instead tend to transform the nations to which they migrate, usually not for the better. Indeed, it is not an accident that the architect of the 1986 Immigration Act that led to the present problems was engineered by a fourth-generation Irish immigrant named Kennedy,

More joys of vibrancy

Milwaukee is proud to join Vibrant America:

After the 2000 U. S. Census, figures showed that for the first time, the city had become a majority-minority city. The 2010 Census shows that there has been a 44% growth in the Latino population, largely on the city’s south side. That’s the area that will see the most boundary shifts by the council and the area that’s sparked the most controversy.

Today the city is 40% black, 37% white, 17% Hispanic and 3.7% Asian.

Unsurprisingly, now that Africans make up the largest portion of the population, the traditional African behavioral patterns are now beginning to exert themselves.

20 to 25 friends from Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood had gathered at the park shortly before midnight to watch some fireworks set off by a neighbor. In interviews with 11 people who said they were attacked or witnessed the attack, a larger group of youths appeared in another section of the park around midnight and were joined by more young people running up the park’s stairs.

At some point the group of friends and the group of youths intersected; those interviewed said the attack appeared to be unprovoked.

“I saw people dancing and I figured they were just having a good time,” said Riverwest resident Jessica Bublitz, 28.

Minutes later Bublitz saw a male friend hit in the temple and fall down. Her fiancé told her to run to safety. James Zajackowski, 28, said things suddenly turned chaotic.

“Within 30 seconds to a minute, bottles were flying and people started getting punched. I was in shock. I thought, ‘Really? Is this really happening?’ I was on the ground, people were trying to get into my pockets, I could feel their hands but I held on to my cellphone and my wallet,” said Zajackowski, a census worker.

Emily Mowrer, 27, was not hurt but saw her friends beaten and punched and full beer bottles thrown at them. Her boyfriend was punched. She saw Perry lying with blood on her face, not moving. She called 911 on her cellphone.

“I saw some of my friends on the ground getting beat pretty severely. They got away with one of my friends’ bikes. Some people had their wallets stolen,” said Mowrer, who owns a house with her boyfriend in Riverwest. “It didn’t seem like it was a mugging – it seemed like an attack. Like they weren’t after anything – just violence.”

It’s really not that difficult to understand that whereas small minorities usually conform, more or less, to the behavioral patterns of the majority that outnumbers them, they cease to do so once they become the numerically dominant population. And to be fair, why on Earth should they? It’s now their territory by ancient right of conquest and modern right of self-determination. So, one can safely predict that it will not take long before the Milwaukee crime rate rises to the level of Detroit.

Fortunately, the police are there to protect the new minority, right? Well, perhaps not.

“Most of the 11 people who told the Journal Sentinel they were attacked or witnessed the attacks on their friends said that police did not take their complaints seriously. They each said police responded to the scene quickly and tended to the injured, but officers did not take statements from them and told them to leave the area.”

The downfall accelerates

It’s really impossible to pretend that Americans don’t deserve to have their country overrun with barbarians. France has banned the burqah, Switzerland has banned minarets… and 11 U.S. states are providing affirmative action to illegal immigrants:

This week, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley signed a bill to require the state’s public universities to give undocumented aliens — generally illegal — in-state tuition privileges. The bill, known as the Dream Act, is already the law in ten other states, including California, New York, Texas and Illinois. But critics argue that the bill will give illegal aliens better treatment than Americans and legal immigrants — thanks to existing diversity policies at universities.

When one reads history, one often finds oneself astonished at the apparent inability of various political and military leaders to foresee the obvious consequences of their actions. When I was reading Mahan’s reasonably detailed summary of the long struggle for naval supremacy between Britain and France, it was remarkable to read about France’s stubborn unwillingness to change its naval doctrine despite its consistent ineffectiveness in wars spanning hundreds of years and at least three different forms of government. So, I have no doubt that the historians of the future will marvel in disbelief at the epic, self-destructive short-sightedness of the American political class and the bovine placidity of an American public that meekly accepts their inept governance.