Operation SkyBack

The God-Emperor 2.0 is sending more than half a million foreigners home:

The Trump administration will be revoking the legal status of hundreds of thousands of Latin American and Haitian migrants welcomed into the U.S. under a Biden-era sponsorship process, urging them to self-deport or face arrest and removal by deportation agents.

The termination of their work permits and deportation protections under an immigration authority known as parole will take effect in late April, 30 days after March 25, according to a notice posted by the federal government. The move will affect immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela who flew to the U.S. under a Biden administration program, known as CHNV, that was designed to reduce illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border by giving would-be migrants legal migration avenues.

A total of 532,000 migrants entered the U.S. under that policy, which was paused soon after President Trump took office, though it’s unclear how many have been able to secure another status that will allow them to stay in the country legally.

It took 500 years for the Reconquista to free Spain. At this pace, it wouldn’t take the USA 4 years to remove the consequences of the entire post-1965 mass invasion. Again and again, we’re seeing the God-Emperor 2.0 demonstrate that was formerly deemed unthinkable and impossible is actually quite doable.


Demographics Not Digital

It’s true that average human intelligence is falling across the West. But it’s not because of smartphones:

Human intellectual abilities such as reasoning and problem-solving are diminishing, possibly due to increased exposure to visual media, the Financial Times has reported.

Human intelligence appeared to peak in the early 2010s and has been in decline since, the FT added, citing PISA, an international benchmarking test for 15-year-olds that includes reading, mathematics and science, and adult cognitive evaluations. The reported trend comes amid a rise in artificial intelligence (AI) which, by some estimates, may surpass human IQ in a matter of years.

The recorded spike in the share of high school students who reported difficulties in PISA tests coincides with a broad change in people’s relationship with information, such as the transition away from reading and towards visual content, the publication explained.

I suspect they’d find that accounting for demographic changes will suffice to explain the entire decline in human intellectual abilities. I pointed that the average US IQ is on track to fall considerably back in 2015, a decline entirely due to the changes in US population demographics.

If you import millions of third-worlders, you’re not going to see the average IQ rise. The dirt is not magic. All you’re doing is gradually transitioning into a third-world country.


No More Pressing 2

Arkansas is the first state to get serious about immigration and employment

English Checks Have Begun! Truck driver in Arkansas at a weigh station

  • They’re stopping ALL trucks
  • Everyone is handed a piece of paper
  • They must read it out loud
  • They must also write what they’re told to write

“I was actually witnessing people in handcuffs that had been pulled in. I was like, what’s going on? He goes, we’ve come across now that if you cannot read or write in English, that it’s a $5,000 fine.

And if you have a company in Arkansas that employs people that can’t read or write in English, it’s a $10,000 fine paid on the spot.

If you cannot pay it, you’re automatically arrested and lose your license.

We need this in EVERY state!!

It’s about time. This should have been implemented as standard across the USA before Reagan accepted the first immigration amnesty.


Farage’s Day is Done

Niles Farage is a British hero. What he accomplished with Brexit surpassed anything that Winston Churchill ever achieved. But he has revealed his fundamental limitations and ruled himself out as an effective future leader of Britain due to his inability to understand the absolute necessity of multigenerational repatriations for national restoration:

Nigel Farage today ruled out allowing exiled MP Rupert Lowe back into Reform UK after he made yet another attack on the party leadership. The party leader said there was ‘no way back’ for Mr Lowe after he accused senior figures of trying to ‘silence him’ when he spoke out about grooming gangs. The Great Yarmouth MP was suspended last Friday over allegations of bullying and of verbally threatening party chairman Zia Yusuf – the latter is the subject of a police probe.

Mr Lowe denies any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a ‘witch hunt’ after he dared to criticise Mr Farage’s leadership of the party. This morning he revealed he refused to delete a demand that the families of Asian grooming gang members be deported with them if they were ‘complicit’ in their crimes against teenage girls, from a speech he made in Essex in February. And he doubled down on his position, suggesting it was acceptable to deport ‘entire communities’ to Pakistan, saying anyone who failed to act ‘is as guilty as the rapists themselves’.

Mr Farage today accused Mr Lowe of pandering to Elon Musk, the Trump ally who suggested he lead Reform instead of Mr Farage in January. The party leader admitted he asked the then Reform MP not to talk about ‘repatriation’ and ‘mass deportations’, branding it ‘a very grave, dark and dangerous use of language.’

Like so many other political and public figures, Farage doesn’t understand that the post-WWII era is over. Holocaustianity is dead. So is multiculturalism and the moronic idea of “the melting pot”. The extreme concepts of Clown World of the last sixty years are the historical aberration, and the pendulum has barely even begun to swing back.

This isn’t to say he won’t ever become Prime Minister. It’s possible, and he would certainly be preferable to anyone in the Tory or Labour Parties. But he can’t be what Britain needs, and it appears he’s actively opposing the men who are.


We are the Ghost Dancers

The realization that Americans are the Indians now is gradually dawning on more and more people now that the influence of the Boomers and their memories of the 1950s and 1960s are fading away:

At best, at best, we might hope to plant seeds, that our children, and more likely our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, may once again live in a thriving and functional society that does not hate them. We ourselves, we who are live now, are the lost children of history, abandoned and betrayed by our feckless elders, stripped of our patrimony, cursed to have lived to see the last dying embers of the golden age that has now passed, fated from now to know only a darkness that will just become deeper and colder as we live out the rest of our lives. We are Spengler’s Roman soldier, guarding his outpost in Pompeii’s threatening shadow.

I do not say that is what the future holds, only that this is the prevailing sense: things suck, and the suck will only suck harder from here on out. We train and read and pray, not because we think we can roll back the suck, but only to have the strength to endure it, and maybe to carry some small fragments through that will be worth passing on to whoever comes next. We gather to the old symbols because they remind us of who we are, provide some anchor to our identities as the whirling maelstrom seeks to dissolve us into posthuman madness. We practice clean living – insofar as we do practice it, which I think is not very far, let’s be honest – because we know we are under attack, and the drugs and the poisoned food are one of the enemy’s primary weapons.

Irrational hope is a dangerous thing, but to abandon all hope is more dangerous still. The zombie junkies dying in our streets are where the abandonment of all hope leads. Things are unlikely to improve for we Westmen in the near future, or even perhaps in our own lifetimes. Too much is arrayed against us, most especially including our worst enemy: ourselves. Yet the examples of the Ghost Dancers, the Boxers, and the Zealots need not lead to despair. The Amerindian has not regained his lands, but he is far from extinct, and in Canada at least is growing rapidly in numbers, wealth, and political influence. The Han most certainly did regain their country, and while they endured a century and a half of massacre and madness, they have once again taken their place as one of the world’s great peoples. And as for the Jews, say what you will of them, but the destruction of the Temple was certainly not the end of their story, either.

So be it. If we dance, then at least we’ve got some killer beats and grooves to fuel us. But there is no reason to give up hope, however irrational it might seem. The Chinese persisted and got their country back after centuries of foreign rule. The Spanish endured five centuries of foreign rule before expelling all the Muslims and Jews from their country.

We have nothing to complain about except the foolishness of our recent forebears and the innocent stupidity of our youth. Others have faced far more difficult challenges. So start laying the foundation for the next round of Reconquistas. Greatness awaits!


Import the Third World, Become the Third World

Birmingham, England has become a rat-infested hellhole just like all the places from which the majority of its current population hails:

A swelling army of enormous rats fattening themselves on a growing pile of leftover refuse sounds like the story of horror movie nightmares – but it’s all too real for the people of Birmingham who say their cash-strapped Labour-run council is to blame. 

Residents of the Midlands city have said ongoing bin strikes, an increase in fly-tipping and HS2 building work has sparked an invasion of pesky rats and mice, as they continue to find rodents tucked behind wheelie bins and nestling under car bonnets.

As part of more painful budget plans, the cash-strapped council which was declared effectively bankrupt in 2023, want to increase the ‘rat tax’, charging for pest control in the rodent-ridden city – a service which was previously free.

The £24 per call out charge has already outraged locals, as the council plan to up prices once again to £26.40. 

Rebel councillor Sam Forsyth has since slammed the Labour-run council, telling BirminghamLive she had ‘no choice’ but to vote against their budget proposals as increased ‘rat tax’ would hit the city’s poorest the hardest.

And as if the situation wasn’t dire enough, more bin strikes are on the horizon with bin workers in a bitter clash with the bankrupt council over pay and working conditions from March 11. 

It comes shortly after weeks of bin chaos in the city, as mountains of rubbish began to overflow on the streets and outside of homes as binmen took to the picket lines for several days in January and February. 

And as the dirty vermin continue to make Birmingham their playground, locals have given insight to the skin-crawling scenes in their daily lives as they continue to frequently come face-to-face with the pests. 

Birmingham is no longer “English” in any meaningful sense beyond geography. A city that was 99.6 percent British in 1951 is now less than 40 percent British. And its current situation reflects that; as the British population continues to drop, the third world aspects of the city will continue to increase.

This is why ethnic cleansings, racism, and ethnic violence are absolutely inevitable everywhere around the planet, but especially in the large British and European cities. Because, at the end of the day, some people are simply unwilling to live in hellholes and others actively prefer it.

And sooner or later, people are going to become less concerned about being called derogatory names than they are about being able to live in attractive, peaceful, prosperous, and crime-free surroundings. Because the dirt isn’t magic, and the problem isn’t ideas, the problem is people.


Low-Wage Efficiencies

Immigrant truckers are crashing the trucks Americans won’t crash.

Today rolled through Nebraska and counted no fewer than 107 CMV accidents between Omaha and Big Springs. I did not get picture of all of them. In fact I didn’t start keeping track until halfway through the state.

I reached out to Nebraska State Police and they said they responded to 211 CMV accidents in 3 Days, this includes today. I asked them for the crash ratio of foreign to American drivers involved in the accidents and they say that the At Fault percentage for the 3 days are 97% foreign and 3% American… they did not give me nationality of the drivers.

I asked what is the reason for the crash and surprisingly it isn’t speed., it’s the simple fact that many of these drivers are INCAPABLE of driving on snow and ice, don’t leave enough stoping distance, are following too closely and plain panic during minor road scenarios. I am a firm believer that the FMCSA needs to restrict foreigners from being allowed to operate during inclement weather such as snow or ice.

According to the National Insurance Institute, 98% of at fault crashes in a CMV during inclement weather are the fault of a person not from the United States…let that sink in….giving people CDL’s, who are from countries where it doesn’t snow, who have little to no traffic laws & enforcement does not translate to them being safe drivers in America.

Mass immigration is not “good for the economy” as advertised, much less “necessary for the economy”. To the contrary, it is an absolute nightmare for the economy as well as for the society, as it reduces wages, reduces productivity, and produces a much lower-quality labor force.

Economic theory has yet to catch up to the real-world tests of those theories that have played out in diametrically opposite ways than was theorized in ignorance and instituted as policy.


Deep State and Deep Church

Archbishop Vignano calls out two subversive Clown World entities serving Satan and seeking to destroy Mankind: the Deep State and the Deep Church:

Two Subversive Entities

Among the entities that support the globalist agenda for the profits they derive from it in terms of power and money is the deep state, made up of those apparatuses that have embedded themselves within the government and that determine its political action and choices, regardless of the color of the various alternating administrations, acting for their own interests against those of the citizens they claim to serve.

However, there is also what I myself have called the deep church, which is similarly composed of exponents of the Catholic Hierarchy, who after decades of progressive infiltration and occupation have come to take full control of the Catholic Church, along with Jorge Mario Bergoglio. These fifth columns of the globalist elite use their authority for the interests of third parties, in opposition to the glory of God, the honor of the Church, and the good of souls.

These two subversive entities – deep state and deep church, as I recalled in my first Open Letter to President Trump in 2020 (here) – are mirror images and complementary: their members are traitors in the service of illegitimate powers, which we have seen acting in a coordinated way during the pandemic farce, with “green fraud” and trafficking in illegal immigrants. American citizens and faithful Catholics have now understood that the serious social, economic, and religious crisis of the nation has been caused and prepared from afar by the coup of these forces subverting legitimate authority, one in the civil sphere and the other in the religious sphere. Americans have also come to understand that there is a huge difference between the refugee fleeing persecution and an organized mass of adult men of military age, transferred in a systematic way within national borders, who effectively constitute in a contingent of enemy soldiers and a potential threat to national security and the safety of citizens.

The Complicity of the Deep State with the Deep Church

The proof of the complicity between the deep state and the deep church is given not only by the fact that both support the programmatic points of Agenda 2030 because they derive an immediate advantage from them, but also by their mutual unwillingness to accept the reality that a legitimately elected President now desires to concretely implement the commitments he made during his electoral campaign. Their resistance is due to the fact that Trump’s initiatives seek to put an end to the network of interests and profits that they have fraudulently constructed in recent years. It is no mystery that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has never – and I repeat: never – raised a penny to fight abortion, but rather has funded with tens of millions of dollars associations that adhere to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and promote abortion, contraception, and homosexuality. Nor does the USCCB have any qualms about receiving subsidies from the Department of the Treasury for its management of illegal immigration, as its budgets, which are public, prove. And it should be remembered that, in addition to government funds, the USCCB receives funding from institutions and private foundations for the same purposes.

If in fact, as some would have us believe, the Bergoglian Hierarchy truly had at heart the salvation of souls – of all souls, both the souls of US citizens and the souls of the migrants who arrive on US territory – it should be doing what the Catholic Church has already very successfully undertaken in the past: providing for the evangelization, conversion, and religious instruction of these souls. I am thinking, for example, of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, the foundress of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the first American citizen to be raised to the honors of the altar. Her work of assistance to immigrants (initially Italians) expanded to include all those in need. She built churches, kindergartens, schools, boarding schools for female students, orphanages, retirement homes for lay and religious women, hospitals, and colleges thanks to the generosity of Catholics. Her example of a true apostolic and missionary spirit has been renounced, and cancel culture, so much in vogue today in the Bergoglian Church, is almost ashamed of the charitable work undertaken by her and other Saints.

The Bergoglian Church is an Accomplice in Ethnic Replacement

In this context, it is dismaying to hear the words of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who recently stated – referring to Italy but speaking about the entire Western world – that, in the face of demographic decline, the only workable solution is to import immigrants, thus concretizing the ethnic replacement theorized by Kalergi, the pan-European. This proposal is also widely reflected in similar requests from multinational corporations, who see the importation of immigrants as a way to drastically reduce the cost of labor to the detriment of native workers, further increasing their profits. As we can see, Authority is now completely subservient to the diktats of the elite, with the complicity of the mainstream media, even if this leads to a worsening of the social and working conditions of the population. Or rather, it is precisely for this reason, since, as I said, the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.

Make no mistake, every accommodation of the Deep State and the Deep Church is an accommodation with satanry. The civic nationalism of the conservatives is every bit as subversive, and every bit as false, as the globalism of the socialists. Transnationalism is no more legitimate than transgenderism or transracialism.

Never forget the conclusion of the great Israeli historian Martin van Creveld: Immigration is War.


Inside the OODA Loop

  1. Colombia has refused to accept U.S. deportation flights, stating that migrants must be treated with dignity and not as criminals. President Gustavo Petro emphasized that U.S. military aircraft carrying deported Colombians would not be allowed to land until proper protocols for respectful treatment are established.
  2. President Donald Trump said on Sunday he will impose sweeping retaliatory measures on Colombia, including tariffs and sanctions, after the South American country turned away two U.S. military aircraft with migrants being deported as part of the new U.S. administration’s immigration crackdown. Trump’s punitive action appeared aimed at making an example of Colombia, the second case of a Latin American nation refusing U.S. military deportation flights. It was a demonstration of a more muscular U.S. foreign policy and showed a renewed willingness by Trump to use the might of the United States to force other countries to bend to his will. The retaliatory measures include imposing 25% tariffs on all Colombian goods coming into the United States, which will go up to 50% in one week; a travel ban and visa revocations on Colombian government officials; and emergency treasury, banking and financial sanctions. Trump said he would also direct enhanced border inspections of Colombian nationals and cargo.
  3. BREAKING: CNN reports that Colombia is now offering the presidential plane to help repatriate people being deported from the US.
  4. BREAKING: Trump administration has directed ICE officials to ramp up arrests to at least 1,200 to 1,500 per day because the president is disappointed with the results so far, per WaPo.

Remember this the next time people say something risibly stupid about the impossibility of repatriating foreigners. President Eisenhower deported 1,074,277 Mexicans in one year, which is nearly 3,000 per day, and that was with 1954 technology.


And So It Begins

The Deep State and its pet judiciary are striking back at the God-Emperor:

A federal judge in Seattle has issued a two-week suspension of President Donald Trump’s executive order to restrict birthright citizenship. The move was “blatantly unconstitutional,” Judge John Coughenour said.

The order, signed by Trump immediately after taking office on January 20, sought to deny citizenship to children born in the United States if neither parent is an American citizen or lawful permanent resident.

The decree has been met with a widespread backlash from Democrats and human rights campaigners. More than 20 Democratic-led states, along with the District of Columbia and the city of San Francisco, filed lawsuits in Boston and Seattle, arguing that Trump had violated the US Constitution. Immigrant and civil rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), have filed a lawsuit in New Hampshire.

The restraining order sought by Arizona, Illinois, Oregon and Washington was the first such lawsuit to get a hearing before a judge. The ruling applies nationwide, however.

One can learn a lot about one’s enemy from the points which they choose to defend and what their priorities are. It’s interesting to see that protecting so-called “birthright citizenship” is clearly more important to the enemies of America than fighting the deportations. I suspect that one reason is that they feel birthright citizenship is more defensible; another might be that they know dual-citizenship is almost certainly a future target and it will be easier to outlaw once the ban on birthright citizenship is upheld.

Of course, this is going to be a battle. I suspect the ban will be upheld in a limited capacity, so that those designated “enemy combatants” will be barred from conveying citizenship on their children born in the United States. Then, of course, it’s a simple matter to clarify that the term “enemy combatant” includes everyone who has physically invaded the country.

However, it would be much more effective if President Trump simply ordered that none of his executive orders are subject to judicial branch review, which is of course his legal right under the Constitutional principle of the separation of powers. His other recourse would be to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution under the very valid principle of the ongoing foreign invasion of the United States.

But, of course, there are many different fronts to the war with Clown World.

US President Donald Trump is considering reducing his country’s military contingent in Europe by 20% as he reviews Washington’s commitment to the continent, Italian news agency ANSA has reported, citing EU diplomatic sources. If the pullout occurs, the number of US service personnel in Europe will decrease from around 100,000 to 80,000, the agency reported on Wednesday.

He would be wise to pull all the troops out of Europe and Japan. They can’t serve any purpose except as a six-month speed bump on either front, and there is a very good chance he’s going to need them at home. Remember, the Russians spent 27 million lives in defeating both the Germans and the Japanese during WWII. And the Russian federation has 75 percent of the population of the Soviet Union in 1940. Which means the only thing preventing Russia from invading and occupying the entirety of Europe is not the 100,000 US troops stationed there, but Russia’s lack of national interest in expanding its empire.