Even SJWs are revolted

NIGHT WATCH is Terry Pratchett’s best book. It’s very, very good, conveying genuine emotion and adding considerable depth to characters that in previous and subsequent books are little more than vehicles for passing humor. I consider it to be one of the best 25 fantasy novels ever written. Which, no doubt, is why everyone, even his SJW fans, are horrified by what the BBC has done to the book in “boldly reimagining” it for film. The Dark Herald knew it was going to be bad, but even he couldn’t anticipate just how bad it looks to be:

I’ve been dreading the BBC’s The Watch for a while. It had the words “A bold reimagining by the BBC” in front of it, so I knew it would be bad but…

Oh, my fucking fuckity fuck!!! This is much more horrible than I could have ever imagined it to be. This isn’t a just a try at an adaption that misses the mark. There was nothing well meaning about this at all. This is the deliberate and hideous destruction of a man’s life’s work.

I would sit through The Last Jedi for a week straight without bathroom breaks rather than watch this trailer again.

Even Disney couldn’t have screwed this one up any worse. No, I’m serious!

It’s not hard to know where to start. Ankh-Morpork is a low fantasy city inspired by Lankhmar, the core city in the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories by Fritz Leiber, it is not a steampunk city. Sam Vines is a world-weary beat cop who unexpectedly marries into the nobility, not a Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean wannabe. And Lord Havelock Vetinari, the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, is the living embodiment of Machiavelli’s The Prince, not a woman.

And dwarves have beards….

It’s not the “Left” that hates Tolkien

It’s the anti-Christian Prometheans at Amazon who are attempting to degrade Middle Earth and turn it into Westeros with elves. Sexy, naked, gay elves:

It is obvious the left has it in for Tolkien and his work. This could not stop a major company like Amazon from wanting to profit off Tolkien’s hugely popular Legendarium.  

While Amazon is looking for a cash cow series, it appears pop culture is trying to defile Tolkien’s work from within, and what better way to undermine Tolkien’s message than to reimagine his stories in secular terms? From their point of view, it makes perfect sense to recreate the Second Age into a sexual paganist series to succeed “Game of Thrones.” 

The left is already cheering on the beginnings of the presumed assassination of Tolkien’s legacy. The leftist “NY Magazine” ran a story this week headlined, “Give Us the Horny Lord of the Rings Show We Deserve.” “Are we sure that an overwhelmingly erotic Middle Earth experience is such a bad thing,” read the article. “Make the elves get a little freaky. Allow the hobbits their fun. Give a new meaning to the inscription on the West-door of the Mines of Moria: Speak, friend, and enter.”

Ideology politics are dead. Idea wars are reserved for homogeneous societies, not multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious, war zones.  The culture wars are intrinsically interidentity, and anyone who is still babbling about Left and Right, or Liberal and Conservative, is simply demonstrating the extent to which they fail to understand their own reality.

Social Justice is Satan’s Justice.

A little TOO close to the truth

 Slate is concerned that Amazon’s Utopia is letting the cat out of the bag in full view of the public:

A group of comic book fans discover an unpublished manuscript for a graphic novel that they believe holds clues about the future, shadowy forces are also looking for the same manuscript, and eventually the comic book fans uncover a global conspiracy. So far, so run-of-the-mill.

But the nature of that conspiracy plays very differently in 2020 than it did in 2013, and the results are catastrophic.As the characters discover, the reason the comic book contains clues to things that haven’t yet happened is that it was drawn by one of the architects of a plan designed to stave off planetary collapse as the population rises and fossil fuels run out. Here’s the plan:

  1. Convince the general public that there is an outbreak of a deadly new virus. To sell the story, poison or otherwise kill people, then attribute their deaths to the phony virus.
  2. Once the fake pandemic is up and running and the public is terrified, announce that there is a vaccine that can defeat the virus.
  3. With the help of global elites, NGOs, and world governments, inject everyone on the planet with this “vaccine” as quickly as possible.
  4. Surprise! The vaccine is designed to permanently sterilize all or all but a certain percentage of the people who take it. Sit back and relax as the global population drops from 7.8 billion to about 500 million in a single generation, ushering in a new era of plenty.

You can probably see the problem here, and it’s an insurmountable one. We are in the middle of an actual pandemic, a staggering number of Americans sincerely believe that that pandemic is a politically motivated hoax, and an equally staggering number believed vaccines were harmful years before COVID-19 emerged. It’s not the filmmakers’ fault we’re in this mess, it’s not their fault so much of the public is superstitious and gullible, and it won’t be their fault if Utopia gives some dumbass the confidence they need to quit wearing a mask and infect and kill you or the people you care about. Make whatever art you like—the audience isn’t your problem! But if you’ve made something about a scrappy group of kids uncovering a giant conspiracy, and it turns out that in the time since you finished shooting, that exact conspiracy theory has suddenly revealed itself to be a) believed by a significant portion of the population and b) deadly, it might not be a bad idea to push the release date.

Conspiracy Theory is just a name for the reality that the Promethean establishment doesn’t want you to know about. If the story didn’t reflect what was actually happening, they wouldn’t care if you saw it or not.

Tinkerbell is black too

To precisely no one’s surprise, blackwashing Ariel the Little Mermaid proved to be insufficient, because the SJW appetite can never be sated. At least this way, when the Devil Mouse movie inevitably flops, they will have the excuse of blaming racist audiences:

Yara Shahidi is getting her wings.

The actor is set to play Tinkerbell in Disney’s “Peter Pan and Wendy,” the studio’s latest live-action adaptation. Shahidi joins a cast that features Jude Law as Captain Hook, with Alexander Molony as Peter Pan and newcomer Ever Anderson as Wendy.

“Pete’s Dragon” director David Lowery is on board to direct and co-wrote the script with Toby Halbrooks. Jim Whitaker is producing.

Though there have been many adaptations of the Peter Pan story, Shahidi will be the first Black woman to take on the role on screen. The decision follows recent moves by Disney to diversify their casting. 

I’ll call it now. Disney is going to go bankrupt. Not today, not tomorrow, and not next year, but it is now apparent that their convergence has reached a point that the corporate cancer simply cannot be excised. It’s really rather remarkable that in the face of all the various complicated challenges that the Devil Mouse is presently facing, they have concluded the answer is moar negroes.

And they are certainly creating opportunities in the wake of their death spiral.

Spielberg’s religious fraud

The predatory evil of Steven Spielberg is beginning to become more obvious every year. But while his pedophistry has been largely hidden, his incessant Holocaustian propaganda doesn’t survive even the most cursory of examinations, let alone a reading of the fine print:

We note with considerable dismay the dissimulation employed to assert (as Steven Spielberg’s movie Schindler’s List does) that, “The Talmud teaches that to save one life is to save the entire world.”

This preposterous humanitarian gloss applied to the rabidly ethnocentric Talmud, was given credibility, both as dialogue in Spielberg’s movie and as the film’s motto, reproduced on countless posters that probably adorn school rooms to this day. The motto, dramatized in the film, is a purported to be a quote from BT Sanhedrin 37a, but the Talmud contains no such humanistic, universalist statement.

The uncensored Babylonian Talmud in Sanhedrin 37a is concerned only with the welfare of fully human beings, i.e. those described in its text as “Jews.” The actual Talmud tractate reads: “Whoever saves a single life in Israel, Scripture regards him as if he had saved the entire world”

This reflects the ruling of Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah, Sefer Nezikin, Rotzeach u’Shmirat Nefesh, 1:1: “Whenever a person kills the soul of another person from Israel, he transgresses a negative commandment, as it says, “thou shalt not murder.” With his narrow definition of who should not be killed, Maimonides nullified the Word of God in Genesis 9:6, Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17.

Mr. Spielberg’s fraud was peddled throughout American culture and educational institutions. What is instructive about this faking is the extent to which the corporate media have been sublimely complicit in circulating it, while their “fact-checking” departments failed to detect the cheat, if indeed they bothered to undertake the obligation to do so.

To be fair, it is textually possible that a literal English reading of this tractate also means that saving a single Palestinian life is saving the entire world. But I tend to doubt that is the accepted interpretation or that there will be any change of opinion concerning the morality of the BDS movement.

As for Spielberg, it appears he will soon be learning how little it profits a man to gain the Hellmouth by selling his soul.

How DID they miss that?

If you’re seeing people try to defend the movie by claiming that the poster was not representative of the film itself, understand that they are lying. The “dancing” that the little girls are doing is straight from the strip clubs. There is absolutely no defense of the film and anyone attempting to do so should be seriously scrutinized going forward. The fact that Netherflix continues to stand by it is deeply damning.

Social Justice comes for the Hellmouth

 And even the wokest of the woke actors and actresses are not at all happy about the new requirements for the Academy Awards:

To be eligible for Best Picture, films must meet any TWO of the following FOUR criteria. 


This standard can be met by fulfilling any ONE of these:

  • Lead actor or significant supporting actor from an ethnic minority group
  • At least 30 per cent of smaller roles are played by women, LGBT people, disabled people or ethnic minorities 
  • The main storyline is centered on an under-represented group


This standard can be met by fulfilling any ONE of these: 

  •  At least two senior creative posts, such as casting director, make-up artist or producer, are from an under-represented group including women
  • At least six smaller roles in the crew are filled by ethnic minorities
  • At least 30 per cent of the film’s total crew is from an under-represented group 


This standard can be met by fulfilling BOTH of these: 

  • Studios and distributors must have paid interns or apprentices who are women or come from minority groups
  • Training opportunities must be offered to under-represented groups in production, distribution and financing


This standard can be met by fulfilling this ONE requirement:

  •  Multiple senior executives in publicity, marketing and distribution are women or minority groups 

I doubt they’re particularly concerned about the Best Picture requirements as such, but rather the way the diversity rules are inevitably going to filter down until even the likes of Sharknado vs Predator II are subject to them. Needless to say, Viral Films Media will be not hesitate to violate all of them with unabashed impunity. 

Tolkien hated the Devil Mouse

Considering the deep contempt in which both Tolkien and Lewis held Disney products even in the Golden Age of Disney, it should come as no surprise, then, that the Devil Mouse and its lesser kin so thoroughly hate them and everything in their Christian tradition right back:

Tolkien mostly hated Disney’s creations, and he made these feelings very clear. Snow White debuted only months after The Hobbit’s publication in 1937. As it happened, Tolkien went to see the film with literary friend and sometime rival C.S. Lewis. Neither liked it very much. In a 1939 letter, Lewis granted that “the terrifying bits were good, and the animals really most moving.” But he also called Disney a “poor boob” and lamented “What might not have come of it if this man had been educated—or even brought up in a decent society?”

Tolkien, notes Atlas Obscura, “found Snow White lovely, but otherwise wasn’t pleased with the dwarves. To both Tolkien and Lewis, it seemed, Disney’s dwarves were a gross oversimplification of a concept they held as precious”—the concept, that is, of fairy stories. Some might brush away their opinions as two Oxford dons gazing down their noses at American mass entertainment. As Tolkien scholar Trish Lambert puts it, “I think it grated on them that he [Disney] was commercializing something that they considered almost sacrosanct.”

“Indeed,” writes Steven D. Greydanus at the National Catholic Register, “it would be impossible to imagine” these two authors “being anything but appalled by Disney’s silly dwarfs, with their slapstick humor, nursery-moniker names, and singsong musical numbers.” One might counter that Tolkien’s dwarves (as he insists on pluralizing the word), also have funny names (derived, however, from Old Norse) and also break into song. But he takes pains to separate his dwarves from the common run of children’s story dwarfs.

Tolkien would later express his reverence for fairy tales in a scholarly 1947 essay titled “On Fairy Stories,” in which he attempts to define the genre, parsing its differences from other types of marvelous fiction, and writing with awe, “the realm of fairy story is wide and deep and high.” These are stories to be taken seriously, not dumbed-down and infantilized as he believed they had been. “The association of children and fairy-stories,” he writes, “is an accident of our domestic history.”

olkien wrote The Hobbit for young people, but he did not write it as a “children’s book.” Nothing in the book panders, not the language, nor the complex characterization, nor the grown-up themes. Disney’s works, on the other hand, represented to Tolkien a cheapening of ancient cultural artifacts, and he seemed to think that Disney’s approach to films for children was especially condescending and cynical.

He described Disney’s work on the whole as “vulgar” and the man himself, in a 1964 letter, as “simply a cheat,” who is “hopelessly corrupted” by profit-seeking (though he admits he is “not innocent of the profit-motive” himself).

…I recognize his talent, but it has always seemed to me hopelessly corrupted. Though in most of the ‘pictures’ proceeding from his studios there are admirable or charming passages, the effect of all of them is to me disgusting. Some have given me nausea…

This explication of Tolkien’s dislike for Disney goes beyond mere gossip to an important practical upshot: Tolkien would not allow any of his works to be given the Walt Disney treatment. While his publisher approached the studios about a Lord of the Rings adaptation (they were turned down at the time), most scholars think this happened without the author’s knowledge, which seems a safe assumption to say the least.

It’s fascinating to observe how the seeds of Disney’s evil blossoming into the Devil Mouse were always apparent to the sufficiently discerning artist. And while there is nothing wrong in seeking profit, which is often necessary if one is to produce anything of value, the problem, as Tolkien correctly noted, is permitting that goal to corrupt your artistic vision.

Or, as in Walt Disney’s case, to overwhelm it entirely.

Rebel’s Run update

The first draft of the script by The Legend Chuck Dixon and me was completed a few months ago. The production company worked out that it would cost about 6x the planned budget, mostly due to The Legend’s ingenious action scenes that would make Michael Bay’s eyes light up and wish he’d thought of it first. It was also going to be 112 minutes long, which was longer than we wanted.

Nevertheless, the production company was able to the financing approved on the basis of that script, which means that casting and pre-production is expected to start this winter. The script has now been revised down to 90 minutes, and the revised action sequences now fit the budget. Sadly, we will not be destroying any bridges or having supervillains riding tornadoes into trailer parks in the first movie.

It’s all going very well, so well, in fact, that one of the funds working with the production company has already requested two more scripts, one a direct sequel and another set in the same Alt-Hero universe.