Darkstream: 2018 midterms live

Last night’s extended Darkstream on the 2018 midterms, complete with my failed call about the Republicans successfully holding the House. Everyone enjoyed the livestream at the time, although there is apparently an amount of subsequent irritation about my having been proved incorrect. All I can say is that I legitimately did think at that time that Republicans had done what they needed to do in the early key races, and that their success in the East would carry over to the Midwest and the West. Obviously that did not happen. 

Lucius Cincinnatus asks why won’t Republicans go after the white vote? Because there are way too many civic nationalists in the Republican Party. They pride themselves on considering themselves color-blind, it’s integral to how they see themselves, and so it’s very, very difficult for them to separate the macro from the micro. It’s very difficult for them to think about the long-term implications of their position. Essentially you’re trying to force people to think about the future of their children rather than how they feel about themselves.

It’s very, very difficult for a civic nationalist to accept the reality of identity politics, especially when they have been taught for generations that such things are bad, and so you have to be very patient with civic nationalists and understand that it’s usually not coming from a place of hypocrisy, it’s not
usually coming from a place of malice or anything, it’s coming from their good intentions and their
preference for thinking highly of themselves for assuming the best of others.

People have a problem differentiating between individuals and groups? Well, some people do. The Chinese do not have that problem. The Jews do not have that problem. Most people don’t have that problem. Europeans have that problem because they tend to be the most individualistic people on the planet, and that was a big benefit 200 or 300 years ago, but now that travel is so much easier it is no longer a benefit of any kind. That’s where you see the the problem that Europeans have in competing with other peoples. You see this on the Right as well. Look at all the people on the Right who simply refuse to cooperate.

Look who came on the Darkstream the day that IndieGoGo cancelled Alt-Hero. You know who suddenly showed up, and was suddenly, “hey, we all have to stick together.” It was 2VS, old Two-Face Van Sciver, but look at what happened the moment that he called IndieGoGo and talked to them, and they reassured him that they weren’t going to treat him the way that they treated us. Now,  I personally wouldn’t put any faith in people who behaved like that, but he’s dumb enough to do so. So people only join forces, you know individualistic people only join forces so long as they feel an  active and imminent sense of threat.

Until most people of European descent feel that way, they will not change their behavior.

Darkstream: Blue Wave or Pollster Fiction?

From the transcript of the Darkstream, which I’m glad to report is no longer being linked to strange, creepy kid videos on YouTube.

A lot of people who support Trump, a lot of people who are going to vote Republican, are not going to tell people that. You know, people are beginning to become more comfortable and confident about supporting the God-Emperor because he’s been so successful – he has been perfect,  he hasn’t built the wall, yet he hasn’t drained the swamp yet – but the economy is doing extremely well, he is at least saying a lot of the right things in public. When when people are talking about how, “oh well he hasn’t done the necessary, hasn’t done this or that,” can you imagine George Bush or George W. Bush actually threatening to open fire on immigrants? I mean, he has pushed the Overton Window so far to the right in with just his rhetoric that a lot of us don’t even realize this.

If you look at how much he has pushed back against the Obama and liberal Republican alliance it’s really incredible. In that interview that I did with Bleeding Cool that was retroactively vanished, one of the things the interviewer noted in an aside that he thought was interesting was that I was no longer saying that Donald Trump is the greatest US president since Calvin Coolidge, that I was saying that he is the greatest president since Andrew Jackson. And he is already though there’s a lot that still needs to be done. There’s no question there is a lot that needs to be done, but this is a president who has declared himself to be a nationalist, this is a president who has openly declared and correctly declared that the media is the enemy of the people, this is a president who has stated his intention of ending birthright citizenship, these are all major major accomplishments in the Presidential sense. He is using what Teddy Roosevelt called the bully pulpit with a great degree of effectiveness.

You need to keep in mind he doesn’t have a cooperative House or Senate. Despite the fact that they are Republican that does not mean that they are on board with the Trump nationalist agenda and so you know, it’s really remarkable.

Someone says “a Native American that believes Andrew Jackson was a great president?” He was a great president. He wasn’t good for the Cherokees, but you know what, the Cherokees weren’t his people. I don’t think that that was the right thing to do. I certainly don’t think that it was a good thing to do, but when you put against that the fact that he eliminated the first Central Bank of the United States, there is no comparison. What he did for his people was phenomenal. You need to look at and judge leaders by the correct criteria, okay? What Winston Churchill did for the people of Germany was very, very bad, no question, but we don’t judge Winston Churchill by what he did for the people of Germany, we judge him by what he did for the people of the United Kingdom of which he was the prime minister at the time. Andrew Jackson should not be judged by what he did to the Cherokee or the other American Indian tribes, he should be judged by what he did for his people,  and I think that I think that Donald Trump is going to be lauded and revered for what he’s accomplished already, much less what we hope he will accomplish in the future.

Darkstream: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity’s Greatest Thinker

From the transcript of the Darkstream:

Q: I’m not sure about this Vox guy. I was reading a Scott Adams blog about systems and watching a Prophet Peterson video about falsehoods, it’s all very complex.
A: Well, that’s true, because remember, falsehoods have consequences and that’s what makes them false. So deep! I’ve been having a good time figuring out which Peterson quotes to use for the chapter heading quotes, you know he has some real humdingers.

Q: Did the book just flow?
A: You know, most nonfiction books come pretty easily to me. This was particularly easy because I had the help of a friend of mine who did a lot of the initial heavy lifting and that worked pretty well.

Q: Any illustrations in the book?
A: Yes, of course. Ethan Van Sciver has graciously provided us with a number of illustrations for the book, so we think that that will be a really big deal.

You can preorder JORDANETICS: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity’s Greatest Thinker, the #1 Political Philosophy bestseller, at Amazon.

Darkstream: she looks beautiful in chains

From the transcript of the Darkstream:

Megyn Kelly made a classic, classic mistake. She went and apologized and there’s a very good chance that she would not have been dumped if she had stood her ground. But what she realized is that a white woman who is identified as being a conservative – I mean megyn kelly is not a conservative we know that but the fact that she was identified as a conservative – meant that the two black men were higher on the SJW totem pole than she is. So she needed to not apologize because it was a classic SJW situation.

Instead of saying what was wrong with that, what are you trying to claim was wrong with that, that’s how she should have responded. Instead she pled guilty. What you need to realize is that apologizing under pressure is exactly the same thing as telling a police officer that you’re guilty, and just as telling a police officer that you’re guilty does not cause the police to go away and tell you, “oh well you’re guilty? Great everything’s fine, let’s go back to the way things were , carry on.” They don’t do that, it doesn’t work that way. With SJWs if you apologize, then they go, “okay, great, you just pled guilty, now it’s time to go to the punishment phase.”

For all that Kelly is supposed to be a savvy, veteran journalist, still at her age she hadn’t figured that out. She obviously never read SJWs Always Lie or she would have known that.

Darkstream: Use that word!

From the transcript of the Darkstream, in which you may notice we have finally upped our audio game.

If you look at other forms of fake nationalism, the worst one in the United States is civic nationalism. And what civic nationalism does is it turns the state into an ersatz nation. But it’s fake. You know, Americans like that idea, Americans romanticize that idea, but that idea is mostly imposed upon them… That was not an American concept. If you read the Declaration of Independence, what do they talk about? Who are they declaring independence from? They’re declaring independence from King George, who is the king of Great Britain, and it even discusses “our British brothers” in the Declaration of Independence. They knew that Americans were intrinsically British and that the American nation is not the same as the United States of America.

They’re two different things and so Jeremy puts it correctly: civic nationalism is to nationalism what social justice is to justice. The adjective modifies and transforms the noun, and turns it into something that it is not.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with having an emotional attachment to civic nationalism, you know, the whole USA, USA thing, the idea of unity, out of many, one, and so forth. It’s not the worst thing, but it is also not true nationalism, and that’s why it’s so much weaker. This is something that Americans are always going to struggle with, they’re always going to lack true national identity, and that’s why it’s so important, it’s more important in the United States that elsewhere, to build up a sense of nationalism, a sense of extended family, a sense of unified purpose.

Darkstream: Jordan Peterson stars as Wormtongue

From the transcript of the Darkstream:

It’s really amazing to see how someone like Jordan Peterson simply doesn’t understand that people pay attention to what you say, and that people pay attention to what you said yesterday. People pay attention to what you wrote! He seems to think that as long as you fold, spindle, and mutilate the ideas that are coming out of your mouth, as long as you pretend to be thinking very seriously, really debating with yourself and thinking very hard like you’ve never ever thought about the subject before, then you can say whatever you want. Because, you know, you don’t think you’re right, it’s just a thought experiment, it’s just an idea, just, you know, contemplating various options and throwing ideas out there. It’s total bullshit! It is from the start, it is all the way through, it is at the finish.

Let me make it clear for you: Jordan Peterson is a used car salesman, except the used car he is selling is himself. Okay? He’s not your dad, he’s not your uncle, he is somebody who is making a lot of money off of you and people like you because you’re dumb enough to fall for this guy! Look, I’m a writer, I am an editor, and I knew before I finished the first chapter of 12 Rules of Life that Jordan Peterson was an intellectual charlatan. Now, I will admit that I wasn’t aware that he was a complete lunatic until I read Maps of Meaning. I didn’t realize that there was something genuinely wrong with him until I read Maps of Meaning and I didn’t realize how totally full of bullshit he is until I watched some of his videos.

Look, when you see him pull this move, “no, I’ve never thought about this before, I’m really just working my way through the same thing that I’ve been asked about 50 times before, but I want you to think that I’m really trying to puzzle my way through this and I don’t want you to hold me accountable for anything that I say,” I mean, you should be embarrassed! You should be irritated with yourself for listening to this guy at all!

Darkstream: the dirt is not magic

From the transcript of the Darkstream:

If you move 100 million Chinese settlers into Africa, what is the resulting society is going to be? It’s going to be Chinese. If you move one hundred million Hispanics and Africans and Asians into the United States, what is it going to be? Well, the only thing that we can be certain of is that it’s not going to be what it was before.

The dirt is the same, the physical geography is the same, but English colonists coming to the geography of North America did not become Indians. Their culture did not change, they did not suddenly start living in wigwams and dividing up into small tribes. You know, every single day we see this, and yet we see most of our government policies, we see most of the media narrative affirming something that we know to be false. Now, I’m encouraged by the fact that we’re starting to see the term Magic Dirt appear in many places that you wouldn’t expect to see it.

Darkstream: Why no one believed Blasey

From the transcript of the Darkstream:

One thing that I haven’t seen much discussion of despite all the jibber and jabber and rambling on about the various implications of the Kavanagh confirmation, and whether he was going to be confirmed or not, is the fact that nobody – and I mean nobody – believed Christine Blasey Ford. And so the interesting question is, why not? You know, people talk about these things, and the giveaway during the discussion of the allegations and so forth, the term that that people always used, was, “well she’s credible.” She’s credible. Now, think about it. When someone asks you if somebody else is telling the truth, and you say, “well, they’re credible,” what does that actually mean? All it means is that I don’t believe them but they’re not observably crazy, you know, their accusations are at least modestly plausible.

It was possible for Kavanagh to have misbehaved in the way that Blasey Ford was saying. It was not plausible to believe that he was involved as part of a regular gang rape machine that was taking place. So the thing is that when all these people were saying “she’s credible,” for example,  even Trump initially said that Blasey Ford was credible, yeah, we all knew he didn’t believe a word she was saying. Most of the people who were on her side, most of the people who voted against Kavanagh because she gave them an excuse to do so,  did not believe her either. Whenever you see people saying, “yeah, well, I believe victims” and that sort of thing, that means they don’t believe this particular alleged victim. You didn’t have people there saying “look what’s wrong with you people, she’s obviously telling the truth,” because she obviously wasn’t She was obviously lying,  but why was her lying so obvious? Why was it so readily apparent to so many people right away?