Since when, I have been living a lie. Or a half truth. Or…oh, fuck it, it sucks.
Because it is nonsense, of course. I deserve to be promoted to full professor.
I have published a second major monograph with a prestigious academic publisher (our standard in the department, barring an outside offer from another university) that has been described in the flagship journal for my field as a “magnum opus” likely to be a “game-changer” in the long-overdue reassessment of Vatican II’s deficient Mariology.
I have held fellowships from the Mellon Foundation (twice), the American Council of Learned Societies (twice), and the Guggenheim (you only get one of those per lifetime).
I have won the oldest award in the country for excellence in undergraduate teaching (the Quantrell Award) as well as a Provost’s award for my teaching.
I have designed and taught now thirty different courses for undergraduates and graduates in the twenty-five years since I was hired at the University of Chicago as a newly-minted Ph.D. (Syllabi here.)
I have written over thirty reviews of books in my academic field and published sixteen substantive peer-reviewed articles, with additional pieces under contract and in press.
My first monograph won the prize from the Medieval Academy of America for a first book published on a medieval subject “judged to be…of outstanding quality,” as well as a prize for the best book in intellectual history published in 2002.
I have done all the appropriate service to my profession and my university as a reviewer, committee member, conference participant, and colleague.
And on Friday, April 13th, of this year, I was told that my scholarship was not good enough for the University of Chicago to promote me to full professor.
Either you learn to play identity politics or identity politics plays you. Of course, the more these institutions are converged away from their original purpose, the less capable they are of even performing their most basic functions.
Yes, Jordan, there is a conspiracy…. The Darkstream on the myth of meritocracy in America.
In this Darkstream, I address the First Rule of the 12-Rule Path, stand up straight with your shoulders back, and explain its true meaning as laid out in Jordan Peterson’s actual text. From the transcript:
There is something to the fact that the way you carry yourself, the way you stand, does communicate your position in the social hierarchy, but that’s not the point of this chapter. Posture has nothing to do with it, bullying has nothing to do with the realm of oppression or the realm of tyranny, and so what the first principle, the first real principle of Jordanetics is, is to be mediocre.
You don’t want to stay at the bottom, but you also don’t want to rise too far. And so the purpose of the book Jordanetics, one of the purposes of my book, is to explain to people who either haven’t read the books – you would be shocked at how many of Jordan Peterson’s fans have never actually read his book, they might own it, but they don’t read it because, frankly, it’s not very well-written – or have read it but haven’t properly understood it, that the first rule, the real first rule of Jordanetics is to be mediocre. And I do not believe that is a good rule for life. I think that that is a very negative rule for life and it is not helpful.
The War in Paris, like everything else these days, ultimately comes down to Globos vs Logos. Okay, we will probably want to tone down the lights a little. At my age, being obscured by shadow is not necessarily a bad thing. Now that we have some idea what we’re doing, we can continue to tweak the details.
This promises to be a pretty mind-blowing one, so you might want to consider watching this Darkstream if you have any interest in economics or eschatology. I’m not merely making the case that free trade is bad for the economy, or that it is bad for America, I’m making the case that it is quite literally evil and integral to Satan’s master plan for the destruction of Man.
The relevant verses on which the case is founded.
Genesis 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. (God wants to bless the nations.)
Psalm 22:28 For the kingdom is the Lord’s: and he is the governor among the nations. (God governs the nations.)
Psalm 86:9 All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. (God made at least some of the nations.)
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (Lucifer’s fall from heaven weakened the nations.)
Matthew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. (The nations will survive to the end, despite all the efforts to destroy them, and God will set them straight again.)
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. (The nations will be distressed and perplexed towards the end.)
Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (The Beast will be given power over the nations.)
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (The nations will be deceived by Babylon.)
Revelation 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more. (God will stop Lucifer from deceiving the nations.)
Major premise: The prince of this world seeks to deceive and destroy the nations as part of his rebellion against God. Minor premise: The nations have been deceived into believing free trade benefits them, when in truth it will inevitably destroy them through the mobility of labor required to deliver the promised economic benefits. Conclusion: Free trade is an integral element of the prince of this world’s master plan to destroy Man.
Watch the Darkstream to understand why the Yellow Vest protest is not about fuel taxes, as the globomedia claims. Russia Today offers a more realistic take:
Even though the French government abandoned the fuel tax hike after sweeping protests, the movement still calls upon its followers to gather on December 8. “The Act IV” will be held under the motto “we stay on our course.” The Facebook event has already counted 6,000 people who wish to participate and 22,000 others who are “interested.”
On Thursday Eric Drouet one of the movement’s most famous leaders announced the Yellow Vests plans to approach the residence of Emmanuel Macron. “Saturday will be the final outcome, Saturday is the Elysee, we all would like to go to the Elysee,” he said.
The intelligence services have reported to the Elysee Palace, the official residence of the president, that there have been “calls to kill” and “carry arms to attack” parliamentarians, government officials and police officers, Le Figaro newspaper said on Thursday.
At least three left-wing parties at the French parliament have agreed to discuss a vote of no confidence against the government amid sweeping protests, against Macron’s policies, which have gripped the country.
The French government and the media is trying to scare the public, entirely failing to understand that most of the French public, Left and Right, would be quite happy to see the Macron and his government go the way of Marie Antoinette.
Now disgruntled groups from Left and Right, including students and emergency workers, have joined their campaign. This has ensured that Mr Macron’s approval rating – his lowest since he took office in 2017 – is now just 18 per cent, according to a new YouGov poll. It was conducted the day before Saturday’s riots, with 1006 people making up a representative sample of the French population quizzed. That’s well below the lowest approval rating ever previously recorded for a French head of state. France is following the Italian model, where nationalists of Left and Right, have joined together against the invaders and their elite enablers.
We covered a lot of ground in tonight’s Darkstream related to the Gamma pattern of behavior, inspired by my recent reading of a series of F. Scott Fitzgerald short stories. It’s a little hard to dismiss the heuristics of the socio-sexual hiearchy when you can observe them being played out, even in fiction, more than five decades before I was even born.
However, perhaps the most amusing moment was not related to the subject – directly, anyhow – but came when a viewer who had been watching Jordan Peterson’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s show mentioned that Jordan and Joe were agreeing how criticism is bad and unhelpful, which I feel was just a very, very hurtful thing to say now that Jordy and I – I call him Jordy now – are the very best of friends.
I mean, did Jordy not assure us that when someone’s behavior has become corrupt—particularly according to his own principles, it is the act of a friend to criticize it?
As for the secret of avoiding self-sabotage, here are four suggestions:
Don’t talk so much.
If you must talk, don’t talk about yourself. Talk about the other person.
Don’t ever think you are fooling anyone when you are talking about yourself. If you want to boast, then boast. Don’t try to sneak in some humblebragging or pretend that you have any other purpose in mind.
Remember that nobody cares. If they care, they’ll ask you. And even if they care enough to ask you, remember that they don’t care enough to want the details.
If you look at at other mistakes that people make I would say probably the biggest one, and the one that is the biggest single problem, is the tendency to apply the genetic fallacy. You see that applied all the time to people like me who are on the Right, but you also see people on the Right applying it to people on the Left. What you need to understand is that it is a logical fallacy to dismiss someone because of the nature of the source. Let me rephrase that: it is a logical fallacy to dismiss something based on the nature of the source.
So the fact that Sam Harris is saying something does not mean that it’s going to be false. Now, if he is playing around with words and that sort of thing then you can have a heuristic that says: Sam Harris is babbling about definitions again and so he’s probably wrong, he’s probably not telling the truth. So it it’s a useful heuristic, but again you cannot place any heavy reliance upon it. You always need to check and you always need to pay attention. What’s what’s important is you apply the heuristic when you don’t have time, but at no point do you ever claim that it has proved anything.
Something that I said the other night I think is more important than I had initially thought it was, it was an answer to a question that Alex Jones had when he asked, “what should we do, what’s the one thing we should do on the Right? What I realized that we need to do is we need to fundamentally question our assumptions and ideals, because part of what has gotten us here, part of what has gotten us into these very difficult situations and challenging circumstances is our ideals and assumptions.
I’m talking about our ideals and assumptions on the Right. We cannot blame everything on the Left. You know if you look at the people who do nothing but bitch about the Left that’s that’s what the Ben Shapiros do, that’s what the Dennis Pragers do, that’s what the William F. Buckley types did. You know, they’re constantly pointing their fingers at the Democrats, at the leftists, and they’re never looking at their own assumptions. Now, we’ve begun to do that. You know, those of us who are on the Nationalist Right have begun to do that, we’ve begun to question things like free trade, we’ve begun to question things like legal immigration. Think about how all the Republicans and the conservatives who have said for decade, “the problem isn’t the immigration the problem is the illegal immigration.” As we are learning, the problem is actually the legal immigration, you know, legal immigration is just another word for slow invasion, especially in a democracy.
Okay, any time you catch yourself thinking in that the problem is not the pure ideal, the problem is the application of the ideal, that’s been used to try to rescue everything from communism to feminism to civil rights. I want to quote this guy here because it’s important. Patriot 95 says “crony capitalism is what’s wrong with capitalism, capitalism untouched and not corrupted it works well, it’s what grew America early on,” Well, no, that’s not true. Here’s the the problem with these false dichotomies, these false dichotomies lend themselves to that sort of misleading formula. Crony capitalism is a problem but the fact that crony capitalism is bad does not mean that capitalism is necessarily intrinsically and always good.
I was thinking about Murray Rothbard’s economic history he’s got a very large two-volume history of of economics, it’s from the Austrian perspective, it’s very interesting it’s very, very well-founded in economic history, but what I realized about it is that from the Rothbardian perspective, modern economics is simply the acceptance of debt. Everything that he writes about – it’s kind of shocking when you think about it – he devotes an incredible amount of time in this very long book to address the question of usury and it’s really remarkable how much space he devotes to Christian theology because he’s focused on how getting rid of the prohibitions on usury was necessary for economic development and the modern economic system.
I started thinking more and more about the conceptual problems of capitalism because obviously the issue of debt is a massive problem, and I’ve demonstrated this, I’ve dealt with this before. You know, the biggest single problem with debt is that it completely warps the supply-demand curves, and this is without even getting into Steve Keen’s mathematical demonstration that there is no such thing as a collective supply-demand curve, that you cannot create a supply-demand curve by adding multiple supply-demand curves together so we’re still working within the concept of conventional economics, we’re still in the world of Adam Smith here. But once you add debt into the equation, then what you start seeing is people whose demand is lower than someone else’s suddenly have the ability to outbid those who have a higher level of demand and a greater ability to pay, and so this turns into a absolute warp of the demand process that completely eliminates the efficiencies of capitalism.
We’re not talking about crony capitalism here. We’re not talking about the fact that there are favored parties and disfavored parties and that sort thing. We’re simply talking about the fact that you have the ability to spend resources you don’t have to outbid people who have more resources than you today is intrinsically introducing a level of inefficiency and a level of market misinformation that did not exist before.
Let me back up for a second. One of the problems with communism was the fact that it destroyed the information that is provided to everyone by the market, it destroyed the pricing mechanism, but if you think about it, debt does exactly the same thing! It destroys the pricing information, and if you look at the situation that we’re in now where you have the elimination of contract law and you have the elimination of accountability and contracts and the basic ability to reliably buy and sell – you know you can be working with Pay Pal one day and the very next day, even though you’ve met your obligations and you’ve paid what you’re supposed to pay and then suddenly it’s gone – well how can you build a business based on that kind of unreliable information foundation? You can’t….
What is our economy fundamentally built on? It’s not debt, if you think about it. What is our economy fundamentally built on? We know it’s not built on labor. What do we spend all kinds of money on trying to convince people to do? What our entire economy is built on is sales and contracts. It is entirely built upon talking somebody into agreeing to something, the whole concept of exchange. Rational capitalism is based on the idea that all exchanges are to the benefit of the person exchanging, but we know that’s not true, we know that’s false.
This Darkstream is already demonstrating the accuracy of the “2VS” appellation on the meta level. It seems Ethan van Sciver can’t even maintain a consistent position for 48 hours.
Unranked Chevron: Apparently he’s taken the hashtag back up.
Vox Day: And they wonder why we call him Two-Face….
crazy chameleon: Does he multiple personality disorder? This is too absurd to believe.
Another comment by Unranked Chevron tends to indicate that despite my repeated explanations, some ComicsGaters still don’t entirely grasp what was going on with the entire affair or why it happened. So, I will again attempt to clarify the matter.
Unranked Chevron: It’s not too much of an assumption to say that someone who makes a logo called ‘comicsgate comics’ wants to take over comicsgate. Everybody in the industry was going to know that ‘comicsgate comics’ was owned by Vox Day, and that was likely going to limit their future prospects. Just calling it Dark Legion or something from the start and being very sly what it was actually used for would have avoided that whole fiasco.
Vox Day: I don’t think you understood the sequence of events. Our imprint for other creators was called Dark Legion from the start. Our imprint is Arkhaven. We had already published 5 comics under the Dark Legion imprint: Chicago Typewriter and the Rebel Dead Revenge series.We continue to publish comics under that imprint.
The whole point of creating a ComicsGate imprint, complete with logo, was to permit ComicsGate creators to use our publishing infrastructure without forcing them to publicly accept our brand. It was about THEM publishing comics with the ComicsGate brand, not us doing so. Now, if you want to use our infrastructure, you will either accept our brand or you won’t get access to it.
All anyone ever had to do to know my intentions was ask me. “Vox, do you want to take over ComicsGate?” To which my answer has always been: “No, I neither want it nor need it.”
Instead, many ComicsGaters chose to believe 2VS’s lies, sperged out, and torched their chance to have a public brand that many of them are now saying would be desirable.
By the end of the year, Arkhaven will have at least begun addressing every aspect of the modern comics business, from a crowdfunding engine to film and television production to merchandise to a comics-focused blog and forums to retail sales of our own comics and others. And, of course, game development. As I pointed out last night, we already have the ability to deliver comics readers in the USA all of the graphics novels from Marvel, DC, Image, and anyone else they want, and we will provide the same to readers in Europe, the UK, and Australia next year. Just tell us which ones you want to be able to buy at discounts that range from 15-25 percent.
ComicsGate can work with and support Arkhaven, they can ignore us, or they can follow the SJW-lite lead of 2VS and continue to publicly attack us. While I would prefer for ComicsGate and other independents to work with us, to utilize the infrastructure we are building, and to support our efforts, it really makes very little difference to me or to the long-term success of our plans. Because, as it presently stands, we are already well ahead of the rosiest scenario I had ever envisioned at the start. Arkhaven is already selling tens of thousands of comics – unit sales, not dollars – and that is not counting our record-setting crowdfunding campaigns. And we have published more comics, and more pages of comics, than all of ComicsGate and ex-ComicsGate combined.
Now, I will admit that ComicsGate never asked for my assistance in any way. That was my mistake. That was my error. And I have learned my lesson. In the future I will refrain from offering unrequested support for anyone in the comics industry, and even if requested I will not call upon the Arkhaven community or allow the Arkhaven infrastructure to be utilized to support anyone who is not already a part of the Arkhaven team. We have more than enough to do without getting entangled in the affairs of others. As for those who believe that working with me is “likely going to limit their future prospects,” perhaps they should consider the possibility that they have it entirely backwards.
Chuck Dixon and Gary Kwapisz’s Right Ho, Jeeves comic book adaptation of P.G. Wodehouse’s novel will be wrapping up with Right Ho, Jeeves #6…. Following the release of the digital edition of Right Ho, Jeeves #6 there will be a 10×7 omnibus edition that will collect all six issues of the series.
We need to stop thinking that, oh, well, we just need to reason with them! Don’t they understand what this is leading to? Well, if we can only convince them what this is leading to, then maybe they’ll change! No, that’s not going to happen, that’s not going to work. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s a very quick read, but take a look at 4D Warfare by Jack Posobiec. Whether you like Jack or not, whether you think that he is spot-on or not, he does make a very good comparison of what is developing with Antifa in the United States and the Red Guards in China. It’s also very similar to what happened with the Reds, the Republicans in Spain during the Spanish Civil War.
The Spanish Civil War was incredibly, incredibly ugly and so this same framework is what is shaping up in the United States right now. And it’s happening, to a great extent, because conservatives have absolutely failed to accept the fact that these people are the enemy. You’ve got all these good conservatives who are still more concerned about shaking their finger about identity politics and people who would divide the nation when when we should be trying to unite it. It’s absolutely ludicrous, it’s absolutely a non-starter. The conservative movement has failed utterly because the conservative movement was co-opted by cuckservatives and neocons.
Their whole game was to drive the right away from Christianity and away from nationalism, but the only thing that will save the country, that will save the remnants of the country, is Christian nationalism. That’s what we’re seeing rising in Europe and that’s where you’re going to need to turn to find the spiritual, mental, and cultural confidence to stand against Antifa. And that’s something that you need to come around to because I understand a lot of you don’t want to believe that. I understand that you want to cling to your Enlightenment values, you want to cling to your tolerance, you want to cling to your hedonism, if you’re a woman maybe you want to cling to your feminism.
You can’t do it. You can’t do it and stand against the evil because it weakens you. The way that you weaken yourself is you compromise yourself, and when you are compromised then you are unable to stand against the evil of others. You just don’t have the ability. It’s like trying to become a bodybuilder but saying, you know, I’m not going to work my chest muscles. I’ll make my legs real strong and I’ll make my biceps real strong, but I’m just not gonna do any bench because I don’t believe in that. I don’t believe in working my pectorals. You know, you’re not going to become an effective bodybuilder.
If you have a military operation and you just decide that we have to do this operation, we want to take this objective, we’ve got all these forces, but you know, I just fundamentally don’t believe in artillery. I think that artillery is just wrong and I don’t believe it’s effective, and so we’ll send in the infantry, and we’ll send in the armor, and and maybe we’ll fly some planes too, but no artillery, because artillery is is just wrong. Well, how effective is your military going to be? Maybe it’s going to be effective enough, but it’s not going to be as effective as it could and should be.