Locking down the chat

I’m interested in getting the opinion of those here who are Darkstream viewers now that we are going to have the option of streaming directly from Unauthorized as well as from YouTube with the new update scheduled for today.

The Unauthorized stream does not have a chat function available yet, much less a Superchat function, but the broadcast software I’m using will allow me to stream simultaneously to both and display either YouTube superchats or the entire YouTube chat. Given what appear to be the inevitable problems with the YouTube stream after the last three days of significant stream interruptions there, as well as the indisciplined way even non-trolls can’t seem to stop filling up the chat there with obvious and redundant comments – how many times do they think I need to be “informed” that the stream was interrupted when I get a message right on my screen that frames are dropping? – I’m leaning towards just turning on the Superchat alerts so I don’t miss any of them while ignoring the regular chatbox.

Once the Darkstream channel reaches 30k subscribers, it’s possible to turn on the YouTube memberships, I might be able to turn on the regular chats, but at present, it just seems counterproductive to pay any attention to it. But that’s just my perspective. The best option is to do everything through Unauthorized, of course, but that’s not an option yet.

What do you think? Locking down the comments here appears to have worked very well, to the extent that even some of the old timers are surfacing to share their thoughts from time to time.

UPDATE: a Darkstream viewer shares his thoughts.

As a viewer only and because you asked, it would be marvelous to listen to you and learn without the distracting chat. You have a lot of knowledge and when you are focused on a subject its very absorbing. 

To put the situation into context for non-viewers, this is the sort of thing that consistently pops up in the Darkstream chat due to the sheer number of people attempting to discredit Owen Benjamin.

Instead of acting like children and calling those you disagree with rude names, why not address some of their important questions?  One thing I would like to know is why Vox would want to be a business associate with a someone who falsely accused an innocent person of attempting to poison his child?  Not only that, right after Owen admitted his cult members “might do some shit” in retaliation Owen actually read the man’s real name on stream. This is okay with you, Vox? 

Doxxing critics and attackers is absolutely fine with me. I deal with the likes of the New York Times and Wikipedia going out of their way to doxx me – “real name, Theodore Beale” – almost every single time they write about me, so I have zero regard for the anonymity of people who attack public figures in any way. As the Dread Ilk know, I am a firm believer in making vigorous use of every single tactic that is ever used against me and mine.

DBC: Mere Christianity I

This is the quiz for the Darkstream Book Club: Mere Christianity I. If you want to join the discussion tonight, you can do so here.

1. The contents of Mere Christianity were first presented where?

  • a) on television
  • b) in the newspaper
  • c) on the radio
  • d) in a book
2. Which is not a name for one of the original three published parts of Mere Christianity?
  • a) The Three Faces of God
  • b) The Case for Christianity
  • c) Christian Behavior
  • d) Beyond Personality
3. What four Christian denominations does CS Lewis specifically say you will not learn to become from reading the book?
  • a) Anglican, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic
  • b) Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic
  • c) Episcopalian, Evangelical, Lutheran, Roman Catholic
  • d) Calvinist, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Christian Science
4. In what sense does CS Lewis use the word “Christian”?
  • a) One whose soul is saved by grace.
  • b) One who believes with his heart that Jesus Christ is Lord.
  • c) One who accepts the common doctrines of Christianity.
  • d) One who has been baptized as an adult.
5. To what does CS Lewis liken his book?
  • a) To a home
  • b) To a room
  • c) To a church
  • d) To a hall

Leave Jordy alone!

The YouTube community is rising to the defense of the beleaguered Jordan Peterson:

 Hi Darkstream,

Your video Voxday Darkstream 04.25.2018 The Problem with Jordan Peterson was flagged to us by the YouTube community. Upon review, we have placed restrictions on how the video will be shown. Please note that your video will continue to be available on YouTube.

Video content restrictions

We believe in the principles of free speech, even when that speech is unpopular or potentially offensive to some viewers. However, YouTube doesn’t allow hate speech or content that promotes or incites violence. In some cases, flagged videos that do not clearly breach the Community Guidelines but whose content is potentially controversial or offensive may remain up, but with some features disabled.

Your video will be shown after a warning message. In addition, certain features such as comments, sharing, thumbs up, and suggested videos have been disabled. Your video is also ineligible for monetization. 


Owen Benjamin, Vox Day, David the Good, and Infogalactic are pleased to announce UNAUTHORIZED.TV.

The Intellectual Outlaws of the Internet

Daily streams and premium content from the most intelligent, the most outrageous, and the most innovative minds on the planet.

Hours of free content every single day!

We launched this a little sooner than we’d planned, due to the fact that YouTube demonetized the Big Bear yesterday afternoon. But we already have over one hundred hours of content, including the Darkstreams, Voxiversities, and Owen’s shorts and live shows.

The premium content is coming soon, but there is no real difference between the $10 Basic subscription and the $25 Premium monthly subscriptions, it’s just about how much support you’re willing and able to offer the channel. Most of the content is, and will remain, free. The $5 Feed the Bear subscription is a replacement for Owen’s YouTube memberships and primarily supports the Big Bear.

There is beta streaming functionality already built into UNAUTHORIZED, so I will do a subscribers-only stream test today to see how it works. If possible, I’ll also test it with Restream to see if simultaneous streaming is an option.

This may amuse you

It’s a little bizarre to see the difference in the way I am perceived by the Reprehensibles, which is to say the Darkstream viewers, as opposed to the way the Dread Ilk see me. This comment by EA may amuse some of the more longtime readers:

I wonder why Vox is so interested in ranks and titles among men and organizing in general. He calls himself sigma which I take means a reluctant leader. Yet it seems to me that he has a desire to lead or organize people in some fashion. Otherwise why be so interested in military strategy and even go as far as inventing labels to apply to people that he percieve to behave a certain way?

I’m not going to pretend to understand how men think. But is not a reluctant leader more likely to mind his own business and prefer solitude over the constant grind that is modern drama and politics on the internet. I imagine a sigma to be a hermit or a quiet man that’s able to face any situation calmy. That if given the opportunity would be the greatest alpha on the planet, but he don’t want it.

I think Vox might actually be a bit of that which he hates the most, a gamma. A self aware or rehabilitated gamma maybe, because unlike a real sigma he is rattled by people that challenge him on the internet. In role playing terms I think this if Vox:

Name: Vox
Title: Dark Lord
Class: Multi-class – 25{e5873ef35c49232e29b64cdfe957a2c94da2fd9855660473ec610b770b20216b} Alpha | 25{e5873ef35c49232e29b64cdfe957a2c94da2fd9855660473ec610b770b20216b} Gamma | 50{e5873ef35c49232e29b64cdfe957a2c94da2fd9855660473ec610b770b20216b} Delta
Proficiency: Charisma, Intellect.
Weakness: Illusion and mind altering spells (Psychologically fragile, emotional)

But what do I know, I’m happy not being a part of the hiearchy at all. I’m just a mischievous woman.

I’m so interested in the subject that I stopped posting at Alpha Game and I’m so desperate for attention that I turned down multiple requests for interviews from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation earlier this week. I don’t talk to the media, I don’t accept speaking invitations, and I don’t do book signings or book tours.

Where do people get these ideas about motivations and objectives of others? Is it all just solipsism and projection?

A secret king in action

I’ve been asked on occasion what I mean by “Secret King wins again!” This example should help demonstrate what I’m talking about. It’s in reference to a question about my recent Darkstream addressing Jordan Peterson’s appearance at the Trilateral Commission:

Badbadnotgood Goodgodnotbad
Why didn’t you use the video where someone questioned him about holodomor, a far better example to show his intentional blind spots.

Because the point is not to show his unwillingness to address a specific issue, but rather, his inability to intelligently answer a straightforward question even when he is willing to do so.

Badbadnotgood Goodgodnotbad
Darkstream ugh caught you out mr Vox…. Your main point of the video was how he intentionally avoids answering questions and reverts to rehearsed dialogue to divert away from the questions topic. Not that he is a useful idiot and doesn’t have the ability to, as you specifically point out his subversive flip flopping of meanings and focusing on the notion of the state rather then the nation. The holodomor video Would have been a perfect example of addressing his true intentions of which you were trying to show with the first.

This is a perfect example of why everyone hates gammas, even other gammas. They can’t ever accept an answer to a question, because they never ask an honest question. Every question is simply a trap designed to allow them to show everyone what a Smart Boy they are. If you ever want to know why I simply ignore many questions that are posed to me, well, now you know.

Notice that almost every other comment testifies to what an effective demonstration the video and the related commentary were. But that’s not good enough for the gamma male, because his way is always the better way, especially when it obviously isn’t. After all, the fact that he’s now banned just proves how threatened I am by his obvious intellectual superiority, right? Secret King wins again!

On a more positive note, this comment definitely won the thread:

Q- Dr. Peterson, how will democracy survive?

I’ll admit it. I laughed.

Pattern recognition

From the comments in last night’s Darkstream in which the recent Voxiversity on Alpha was discussed:

Mister Sick O
so what are you?

Mister Sick O
who am i listening to?

Mister Sick O
tell us what you are

Mister Sick O
you’re just back in high school, trying to #*@! anything

Now, do you really still think these behavioral patterns are figments of my imagination? But wait, there’s more, from the comments here:

C1: Taleb blocked me, and I’m one of his biggest supporters, apparently for quibbling with his silly opinion that organized medicine is “science.”

C2: Have you considered the possibility he blocked you for the simple reason your quibbles don’t add anything of value to his life and he already has a bazillion people quibbling with him all the time?

C3: That’s what the mute button is for. Or notification filters. Or just accepting that not everyone is going to $*{65108b33d47dec3ed9356a280856d243f70f2cb9c21b43b9b4712c810a35415b}^ your #*#! over every opinion you put out.  Blocking is the one option that makes it completely obvious that you did it, because then the person can’t see your content anymore. Brilliant plan, cutting off a follower who might have given you money in the future just because you were butthurt. I’m off Twitter for good now—it’s pure poison in more ways than one—but when I used it I was blocked by most of the e-celebs I ever engaged with, and it was almost always over something trivial like asking for clarification on a point or politely disagreeing with them. I’m not saying Taleb is a typical e-celeb (and he never blocked me) but *{65108b33d47dec3ed9356a280856d243f70f2cb9c21b43b9b4712c810a35415b}^! if there aren’t a lot of fragile {65108b33d47dec3ed9356a280856d243f70f2cb9c21b43b9b4712c810a35415b}*^($)#$ on Twitter.

Because they are both myopic and solipsistic, gammas never grasp that others readily recognize their pattern of behavior because they have seen it many times before. Because they are not, for the most part, much in demand themselves, gammas have no conception whatsoever of how annoying it is to have a thousand people all “respectfully offering a correction” or “politely asking you for clarification on a point”, usually in an obvious attempt to show you what Special Smart Boys they are, and how much you have in common, and how you should totally become best friends.

Even though the initial communication is usually innocuous in itself, the experienced e-celeb knows perfectly well that any response is only going to generate additional requests, demands, and eventually, drama. Even the most minor e-celeb has learned to dread answering an email and promptly receiving a gushing wall of text in response. This is why serious celebrities like Taleb preemptively block fans who show even the slightest sign of being a potential problem; they simply don’t have time to put up with the inevitable nonsense.

As for the assumptions of butthurt and fragility, that is nothing but emotional projection. In comparison to the average individual, most e-celebs are actually very psychologically hardened. They have to be or they could not endure the constant negativity they have to endure.

Stream.me shut down

Ethan Ralph explains why the owners took it down:

Ethan Ralph, the owner of news and talk show Killstream, Stream.Me’s biggest channel, has attempted to defuse speculation. He just now stated via a provisional youtube edition of his show that he spoke to the streaming platform’s owners and been given an explanation for the disappearance.

“What is going on is, there’s a board on 8chan — they doxxed the owners of Stream.Me,” said Ralph, referring to the /cow/ board on the infamous imageboard popular with edgelords, neo-nazis, and communists. “They doxxed their family, there were calls made to the owners saying ‘we know where your kids go to school, we know where they live’ — and they decided to pull the plug on the entire site.”

The owners’ wives also received photos of themselves covered in the trolls’ semen….

I certainly understand why they decided that it’s not worth the bother. Although it’s a pity to lose what was a steadily improving streaming alternative. These days, you need to have an action plan in place for when the SJWs come after you. Because it wasn’t ordinary channers doing this, it was Antifa, of that you can be sure.