Free Speech is Blasphemy

Free Speech doesn’t sound quite so appealing once you realize it literally means Blasphemy.

The only reason the concept of “free speech” was created as an ersatz human right during the Enlightenment was to permit secret satanists to blaspheme against Jesus Christ despite the many laws of Christendom that forbade them to do so.

And now that they can blaspheme freely and legally, we have all seen how genuine their philosophical commitment to the concept was. Like free trade, free speech is just another inverted satanic lie that delivers the exact opposite of what it promises.

Whenever Clown World promises “freedom” it delivers chains.

Just exercising his god-given right to free speech…

UPDATE: In which a dictionary from 1919 is consulted.

A friend gave me a copy of Webster’s Elementary School Dictionary from 1919.

Words not included in it: racist, antisemitic.

Words included: antichristian.


A Call to Preserve Civilization

Bishop Williamson issues a call to all Western civilizationists to preserve what we can from the inevitable collapse of Clown World.

The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw, predicting the grave consequences for society and civilisation, which are now evident. Several outstanding writers, and magazines like Rivarol, have long been sounding the alarm, as dark events followed one after another.

After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change,” chemtrails, etc. Yet there was little public reaction. People might be a little shaken for a moment or two, but soon they settled down again. Yet we speak of “a rise in the standard of living” as though there has been a real bettering of life, when in reality it has been little more than technical – better machines making available more material goods. The result has been that the household’s need for two salaries instead of one splits the mother from the home, especially if she may not like mothering.

For a whole age France radiated worldwide, in general for good, but now it is itself sinking in a moral and economic decline, in such a social and intellectual crisis that it can no longer exercise any such influence. Worst of all, it rejects, scorns and is ignorant of all that it once achieved. Yet surprisingly, that “West,” which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.

And ever since Covid, that monstrous lie designed to test just how far the manipulation of modern man can go, the peoples of the Europe of Charlemagne have fast been enslaving themselves to the banksters of London and New York. The depopulation plan behind Covid goes back at least to the 1970’s when Jacques Attali, still today a key adviser to the French government, said in a public interview, “Useless eaters are good for the slaughter-house.” Hence the dangerous and deadly “vaccinations.”

As for France, it is cut up and sold for profit to the USA and private interests. As for Europe, it is torn apart by the USA-NATO attack on Russia, with the vile mass-media and their commentators spewing lies against Russia, while above all the entire political class keep silent. By their proxy war in the Ukraine, killing half a million whites, the USA have achieved at least one thing – Europe’s economic power and Germany’s competition are broken – German companies are moving to America. Little do the Americans suspect how history shows that such “conquests” are signs of an empire’s imminent fall. Moreover, the West has tied its fate to that of the State of Israel which it worships, but the rest of the world is rejecting such arrogance and degeneracy, and it is not accepting what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

The complete lack of reaction in all of France’s highest institutions to such infamy of the France of Charlemagne signals the end of a world. They stand and watch, silent and docile, while France rolls into the trash-cans of history. Some hope it will last their time, others continue to sleepwalk, drunk on their own propaganda. Those in power strive to silence all opposition, while World War hangs over their heads.

Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation.

You know what we’re doing. Hundreds of you are doing it with us. We are the warrior monks of the 21st Century and beyond, even as our children lay the foundations of the future Christian civilization that will inherit the shattered remnants of the satanic empire.


Jedi Mind Tricks

It’s astonishing how well they continue to work on the Churchians. The global satanists are literally killing millions of people around the world by a variety of means, and the deluded Churchians just keep nodding their heads and blithely repeating whatever they are told to say. “We have to fight them over there.” “Two weeks to stop the spread.” “Safe and effective.” “No evidence of voter fraud.” “Putin is the New Hitler.” “Defending Ukraine is in the American national interest.” “Abortion is a human right.” “Invasion + ethnic cleansing = self-defense.”

The most recent Narrative now being pushed in light of the world’s very negative reaction to the Gazacaust.

Christians beware: Hatred of the Jews and Israel serves Satan

Translation: These aren’t the satanists you’re looking for.

John 14: 5-7 should serve as a reminder for the Biblically illiterate.

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

The reason for the ongoing global campaign against hate is because the righteous are commanded by God to hate the wicked. So, it shouldn’t be too difficult to determine the nature of those behind it or who it is ultimately aimed at destroying.

The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright.


All Crusaders Now

If you kept your blood pure, you passed the first test. But even if you failed the first test, you have the opportunity to repent and refuse to submit again. The demonic account of 7 doses of the vaxx to destroy a Christian’s faith sounded considerably more outlandish than it does now that people with rictus faces and crazy eyes are publicly boasting of their sixth vaxxing and preaching the gospel of earthly salvation through genetic mutation.

Sadly, most people nowadays are lukewarm. As mention by Father Athanasios Mitilinaios, most Christians are lukewarm. We too are lukewarm and need to stop being lukewarm.

To a faithful person of God death does not exist, this is the reality. We have forgotten this and we presently fear death. Not only do we fear death, we also fear being fined, possible imprisonment, and prosecution. In NO case can a person call themselves a Christian if they fear death. When a person fears dying, they become an idolater or an atheist.

Instead a Christian should long to die. The saints wanted to die. The reason why Christians truly want to pass away is so they can be fully united to the Lord they worship and love above all else. They want to go and are joyful when they are passing away. However, they never cause death to themselves, they do not commit suicide. But when the opportunity arises to become a martyr and confessor for Christ, they do this without fear of death.

Unfortunately, these things are not being heard from the Preachers, Bishops and Priests, but as you know are heard from the demons.

A well-respected Priest-monk who perform exorcisms, once told me what a demon said to him. The demon said to him, “How are you Christians fearful of death? I have seduced and deceived you into taking the vaccine with the fear of death!” A demon again confesses that the vaccines are his doing. In fact, he says, “We did a ceremony at a Lodge in America for the vaccines.”

See what the demon confesses! The demon continues: “What did you fear? For you (Christians), death does not exist.” For Christians, death does not exist. Do you understand, fellow brothers and sisters, where we’ve come to?

In the Gospels, Christ said something correlating with our present situation. When He entered Jerusalem and the children were calling out, “Hosana! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” The children were proclaiming Jesus as the awaited Messiah. And others who were indignant were saying to Jesus, “Are you hearing what they are saying to you?” Christ responds, “I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”

So correlating with today’s situation, now that the Priest and Archpriest are not proclaiming that death has been conquered, the demons are proclaiming it instead: “How are you Christians fearful of death? And are all running to take this vaccine?”

Which isn’t really a vaccine, but rather a gene therapy/technology, with the aim of oppressing humans. This is the aim, which is why there will be more dosages. In fact, there are many people who say there will be 7 dosages. The demons also state that there will be 7 dosages.

Those who were deceived into taking the first or second dosage, hopefully, will not take the remaining dosages. May they repent, weep and go to confession, because their salvation is in danger.

We knew, we absolutely knew, that the vaxx was unnecessary. And we strongly suspected that it was evil, because it was pushed on the basis of fear, which is how Satan usually goes about manipulating men and accomplishing his goals. And the fact that there are a) at least six doses and b) claims that there will be seven, points strongly to the vaxx being directly connected to the ritual that was performed prior to its release, and which some of us even felt being performed at the time.

The events in Israel, and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s sudden embrace of the religious fanatics there, also point toward the warnings that were given by an Orthodox monk from Mount Athos back in 1994. While I am intrinsically skeptical of all so-called “prophecies”, especially the evil ones, it’s important to keep in mind that there are still powerful people who believe in them entirely. Such as, apparently, Mr. Netanyahu, which may explain his aberrant behavior in the year before the green flag event of October 7th and the subsequent Gazacaust.

There is a prophecy about all of this from Rabbi Schneerson, who is the Kushner’s religious leader, and everyone in the state of Tel Aviv knows that the Rabbi told Netanyahu that he would be the last prime minister of the state, and would hand the keys of the nation over to the messiah. Netanyahu is the gatekeeper. This was all spoken of 30 years ago when Netanyahu met Schneerson in New York City.

Whether this might be the Great Delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2, a forerunner, or simply the fallen world being fallen, we can already observe how many have already been deceived. So, no fear. No tolerance. No more being lukewarm. It’s time to stop listening to the insane ravings of the world, time to turn to the Bible when temptations come, and time to start paying attention to the still, small voice that tells you the right thing to do.

We have to witness our faith with boldness, because if we continue to be silent we’ll have to answer in the end. You see, if we don’t begin to make war against evil, to expose those who tempt believers, then the evil will grow larger.
– Elder Paisios, Monk of Mount Athos, (1924-1994)

We are all crusaders now.


Mailvox: Nationalism and Non-Leadership

A recent exchange with a longtime VP reader.

DC: I consider Christian Nationalism a dead issue we are still just mucking around with in the US.

VD: I wouldn’t say it’s a dead issue, I’d say it’s an intellectual issue with very little relevance today.

DC: For the US it became a relevant issue which it still might be? But it was effectively still born as the proponents did such a poor job out the gate.

VD: It had nothing to do with that. Ideology is irrelevant anyhow. The time just isn’t right yet. Most Christians still think it’s 1980, if not 1950. They can’t even conceive of any need for Christian Nationalism so long as the government isn’t performing pagan sacrifices in public every national holiday. Christian Nationalism will be a reaction to pagan imperialism.

DC: Much more believable path forward than anything I’ve read.

VD: Of course. Because most of the writings on it are people attempting to redefine and pervert the concept. Most public intellectuals, such as they are, are simply professional activists for an ethnicity or an ideology. All of their analyses are rooted in politics, not in history, and always just happen to point in the same direction no matter the topic at hand. Which makes them worthless for more objective purposes.

DC: I find the same sort of problem with analysis of the role of men and women in the church. The theologians try to make an ahistorical, timeless, systematic theology of men and women ignoring all of history as a guide and not even putting the answer in today’s context. That’s how we got the ridiculous, new “servant leadership” theology for men which at its root is a compromise with the feminists. “Don’t be mad women and we will carry your bags for you in Target, not have friends, and watch the kids while you go drink with your friends!” SERVANT LEADING! I have probably read in-depth six books in the last 18 months on men and women in the church. Most of them simply degrade into rank Biblicism and try to write a timeless theology out of a scant few verses to exclude women from being Elders, and in the case of Piper, policemen. They are proof-texting themselves into theological stalemates which end in nihilism. Servant Leadership theology made neither servants nor leaders, instead it turned men into butlers who ask their wives for permission.


They Dug Too Deep

It appears the US military occupation in Iraq didn’t heed JRR Tolkien’s warning. What were they looking for, and what did they find?

The United States lyingly claimed they illegally invaded Iraq to find and destroy its non-existent weapons of mass destruction, but once the “shock and awe” bombing campaign stopped, American military forces set up a 150-hectare (370-acre) base around the ancient Biblical city of Babylon and destroyed its remaining archaeological artifacts while desperately searching for something.

Whatever the American military forces were desperately searching for in the ancient city of Babylon, they ignored the warning issued in Book of Revelation, Chapter 18, Verse 2: “And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, ‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird.”—and the exact Greek translation for the phrase “hateful bird” actually describes the undecided element of a vast and terrible swarm of birds, and what we would describe today as flying demon monsters.

We don’t know for sure what kind of ancient flying demon monsters the United States released from their prison in Babylon, but we do know that American soldiers in Iraq were terrified of them—and we know this because American filmmaker-journalist Jeremy Corbell just released a top secret Pentagon beyond chilling video of the officially named “The Jellyfish” unknown aerial phenomenon (UAP) flying alien demon, about which is known: “The footage was taken with thermographic/forward-looking infrared radar because the UAP was not observable with night vision, appeared to jam the targeting capability of the optical platform and displayed positive lift without the usual means for lift and thrust, with no signatures for propulsion maneuvers present”.

On the one hand, this sounds like a mediocre ripoff of Aliens. On the other, it’s impossible to deny that things have been getting increasingly weird for the last twenty years, the ruling elites of the neoliberal world order are fractious and observably afraid, and as Christians, we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that spiritual evil exists and interacts with the material world in ways that we don’t fully understand.

So keep an open mind with regard to even the most seemingly absurd impossibilities, keep one hand on your gun and the other on your Bible.

Clown World 2024


The RCC Funds Mass Migration

And mass migration is war. This isn’t just a Catholic problem or a Protestant problem. It’s a problem with Clown World corrupting every nominally Christian institution:

A significant scandal has recently emerged within the Italian Catholic Church, implicating high-ranking church officials, including cardinals and archbishops, in a scheme of organizing and financing illegal migration from Africa to Europe. Investigations led by the prosecutor’s office in Ragusa, Sicily, have uncovered troubling connections between several Italian dioceses and the George Soros-tied NGO “SOS Mediterranea,” accused of aiding and abetting human trafficking under the guise of refugee aid.

The investigations have revealed that these dioceses channeled at least €2 million into operations alleged to support illegal migration. Notably, some funds reportedly ended up in the personal accounts of pro-immigration activists. Key figures implicated include Cardinal Matteo Zuppi of Bologna, Archbishop Corrado Lorefice of Palermo, Archbishop Domenico Battaglia of Naples, Archbishop Erio Castellucci of Modena, and Archbishop Giovanni Ricchiuti of Altamury. Additionally, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg is also on the donor list, having contributed €25,000 to these questionable activities.

Central to this scandal is Luca Casarini, a prominent left-wing activist and a key figure in the NGO “SOS Mediterranea.” Known for his involvement in the 2001 G8 summit protests in Genoa, Casarini has long been under scrutiny for his radical methods and unscrupulous tactics in illegal migrant transportation.

One of the reasons I refuse to tolerate the never-ending internecine Christian civil wars is that I see no point in paying attention to labels and dogma when the spiritual version of WWIII is currently in full effect. If, at this point, you can’t recognize the difference between those who are actively and knowingly serving Clown World and those who are doing their best, however misguided they might be, to serve Jesus Christ, your opinion is irrelevant.


A Tale of Two “Nationalisms”

I posted the following on Gab:

It’s really rather remarkable that self-styled “pagans” are still attempting to attribute to Christianity what are the obvious and inevitable consequences of Western post-Christianity. The mass invasions and moral inversions of the last 70 years are quite literally anti-Christian in every sense, even when they are still cloaked in Churchian-sounding nonsense. Christendom has a long and successful historical record, whereas neither the post-Christian European societies nor the post-Christian USA will last much longer. Russia is on the rise due to its Orthodox Christian revival. Therein lies the only viable solution. Nationalism is good. Christian Nationalism is better.

JungleEaglesNest1488 @voxday white nationalism the best

@JungleEaglesNest1488 No, you retard. There is no such thing as “white nationalism”. Nation is a subset of race. White nationalism is an ignorant concept invented by US mongrels to make up for the fact that they don’t have an actual nation. Swedes are not Scots. Color nationalism has failed everywhere it has been tried, beginning with the red nationalism of the 1800s.

Please do at least a modicum of research into the historical attempts over the last 200 years to create a) red nationalism, b) yellow nationalism, c) black nationalism, and d) Arab nationalism before you waste any more time advocating a retarded ideology that is absolutely doomed to total failure. One cannot build a subset on the basis of a set. This really isn’t that hard to understand.

Der Weisskunig @voxday @JungleEaglesNest1488 You admit to a Nation being a subset of a race, so how can Christian Nationalism be a thing then? Racial Nationalism makes more sense than Religious Nationalism even when if we use your logic.

@DerWeisskunig @JungleEaglesNest1488 Because you don’t understand what “Christian Nationalism” is and is not. Christian Nationalism is not “a nation of Christians” in the civic national sense. It is not a nation that is comprised of Christians of different races and tribes. It is instead an existing nation, such as the English, or the Scots, or the Swedes, who have ordered their society on a Christian basis.

The Bible makes it clear that “nations” are coherent entities which are judged on the collective basis of their nationals’ behavior. Ergo, a nation can either reject or embrace Jesus Christ as an integral aspect of its social order.

Russia is presently the best example of a Christian Nationalist nation, even though its imperialist history renders it both imperfectly Christian and imperfectly nationalist.


Merry Christmas

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And everyone went to their own town to register.

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Merry Christmas!


They Fear the C-word

It’s fascinating to see the NFL attempt to erase the C-word from its broadcasts during the Steelers-Bengals game. Everything is “holiday” and there was even a little “Mike Tomlin has Festivus grievances” vignette that was even lamer than it sounds. There were a handful of references in the ads, but even there, they were few and far between despite the fact that nearly every ad was Christmas-themed.

Only the broadcasters actually said “Christmas”, for which they were presumably disciplined later.

Corporate America sold its soul to the Devil and it observably hates and fears Jesus Christ, as well as Christians and the spirit of Christmas.

This shouldn’t outrage us, rather, it should encourage us beyond all measure. The wicked fear even the merest mention of the child in the manger. How much more must they fear the full majesty of the King of Kings!

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!