This Very Night

Today marks the release of THIS VERY NIGHT by Cradle to Calvary, which is a new Christmas carol written in the traditional sense. Which is to say that it is a religious carol about the Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ rather than a cheerful song about Santa Claus, the local weather patterns, or urban shopping experiences. The version you can listen to here is an alternative and previously unreleased one, an acoustic take on the more traditional carol that was released today on iTunes and Spotify. Unauthorized subscribers can also listen to it and download it from UATV.

You can hear a preview of the released single, the Holy Call mix, by clicking on the image below. You can also listen to it on YouTube.


The Word Descended

This is a very different sort of Christmas carol. It’s probably not at all to your taste, and certainly isn’t one you’ll hear any carolers ever sing, but it’s reflective of a Christmas sermon I heard many years ago by Greg Boyd, one which I’ve never forgotten, about the more somber aspects of Christmas. You can listen to it on UATV.

The Word Descended
God made real
A child is born
For his ordeal
A cleansing flame
The sacrifice
To free Mankind
He paid the price


Good King Metal

Last night I introduced two new Christmas carols on the Darkstream, one original and one a very different take on a very traditional classic. Both are very much in line with what Owen and I discussed three years ago about the decades-long secular subversion of Christmas music and our desire to do something about that. They’ll be released to the public later this month, but UATV subscribers can download high-quality MP3s now.

Now roads are clear of snow
The world has changed completely
Yet there is one thing we know
A son was born uniquely
It’s Jesus Christ we celebrate
His coming is the reason
Everyone around the world
Welcomes Christmas season!


The End of the Enlightenment

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, declares the end of the form of Western civilization that has persisted since the Enlightenment:

After the collapse of communism, after the collapse of the USSR, the idea of the Western elite was that the world should be Westernized, should be created in their image and likeness. This is the idea of American exceptionalism, European arrogance and conceit, real or imaginary civilizational superiority, which has existed since the European Enlightenment.

All this contributed to the fact that after 1990 the task became not the restoration of Eurasia, not a global agenda, not a world agenda, but the Westernization of the world along the lines on which the previously successful Western world had been built.

We are here today because that era is over. The idea that the whole world should be organized along Western lines and that the people who would be chosen to do that would be willing to do it in exchange for economic, financial advantages has collapsed.

Asian states have become stronger and have proven their ability to rise, exist, and survive as independent economic and political powers. As a result, the center of the world economy has shifted to the East.

Moreover, the Eastern economies are growing four times faster than the Western ones. Western industry creates 40% of the world’s added value, and Eastern industry – 50%. This is the new reality.

The Western world has not only failed in its idea and strategy of reorganizing the world, but is also suffocating in its own environment within the Western world. The issues that liberal, progressive, dominant thinking could not answer have been put on the agenda. This is migration, this is gender ideology, ethical contradictions regarding traditional values, or even the ongoing war. Thus, the West is becoming increasingly incapable of governing itself.

The five-hundred-year era of dominance of Western civilization is over.

At this point, it’s entirely obvious that the Enlightenment was a satanic turn that led Christendom upon a false path that has not only destroyed Western civilization, but the organizations and nations who created it in the first place.


Narrative Status: Exploded

“A big, big thank you to President Donald Trump for being here tonight. I’m proud to be a great American champion. I’m proud to be a Christian American champion.”
– Jon Jones, UFC heavyweight champion

Don’t tell us how racist President Donald Trump is. Tell Mr. Jones. And notice how Christian nationalism is rising everywhere. Both Christianity and nationalism are, quite literally, for everyone. The satanic globalists are vehemently and viciously opposed to both.


The Charade of Canterbury

No one ever believed Justin Welby was infallible. But the extent to which he was fallible, and an abject failure as a supposedly “Christian” leader, was astonishing even by historical standards, as one of the worst bishops in the history of the Anglican Church resigns as Archbishop of Canterbury:

The Archbishop of Canterbury resigned today after Sir Keir Starmer said the victims of the Church’s most prolific child abuser were let down ‘very, very badly’.

Justin Welby said he was standing down after a damning report found his failure to act meant that ‘abhorrent’ serial abuser John Smyth was never brought to justice.

In a statement, Dr Welby said: “Having sought the gracious permission of His Majesty The King, I have decided to resign as Archbishop of Canterbury. The Makin Review has exposed the long-maintained conspiracy of silence about the heinous abuses of John Smyth. When I was informed in 2013 and told that police had been notified, I believed wrongly that an appropriate resolution would follow. It is very clear that I must take personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatising period between 2013 and 2024.”

Allowing women to become bishops and openly supporting their ordination was just the most obvious of his many errors of leadership. And the idea that, as the head of the organization, he could simply leave Church discipline to the state police was not only downright risible but caused every clerical grave in England to begin rotating rapidly. It’s not an accident that the same sort of Churchian leaders who support female leaderships are so reliably tied to a) supporting aberrant sexuality, b) endorsing unrepentant sin, c) refusing to hold the guilty accountable for their crimes, and d) sex crimes.

Whatever creatures like this Welby truly worship, it is observably not Jesus Christ.


God is Not Blessing America

Archbishop Vigano condemns the subversion and destruction of the American nation by the wicked Deep State that rules the United States:

Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dense with indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards.

In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients.

Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.

They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters.

And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.

But what until yesterday was dismissed as the result of conspiracy theories is now admitted by the government itself.

They take away your sunlight; they poison you by seeding the clouds; they overwhelm your villages and your fields with deadly hurricanes; they kill your livestock and dry up your crops with induced droughts and devastating fires. They aim to control the entire food sector, to force you to eat only what they make available to you. This is what the Agenda 2030 calls for, which has been imposed without any vote by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum…

Power is managed by the criminal deep state – whose names and faces we now know – that is responsible for the destruction of your great Nation.

A cleansing fire is long overdue. And if it is not a righteous one that burns in the hearts of Americans, it will be the deadly fires of post-imperial struggles for power over the remains of the state.


The Strangest Tools

Although I believe President Trump to have been the greatest US president since Andrew Jackson, his many failures and his various retarderies on an irritatingly broad range of topics have certainly diminished my enthusiasm for the prospects of his eventual return to the White House. Nevertheless, and despite the obvious electoral frauds past and future, there is some reason to retain at least an amount of hope in the man. Because, for some reason that is hard to explain, the truly wicked fear him.

Want proof that God is with Trump?

Literal Witches are complaining on Reddit that they are trying to launch demonic attacks against Trump, but “he seems to have some kind of protection around him.”

Trump is even winning against witches!

“A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.” – Psalm 91:7-8

God is using Trump to help set the world straight. Only Christians with a sanctimonious attitude refuse to understand this. God doesn’t choose the qualified. He qualifies the chosen.

I’m sure more than a few Christians were highly skeptical of the Apostle Paul. And there are people who were so shocked by the fact that a certain author wrote a certain book that they regarded it as genuine evidence of the existence of God.

Hope is a virtue, not a weakness. Never forget that. The actual weakness is fearing to hope due to past disappointments.


Banning Christian History

It’s only a “trigger warning” at this point, but we all know that an academic ban on teaching Christian history, and eventually, Christian literature, is coming eventually.

They are the acclaimed works of medieval literature that tell the story of a religious pilgrimage to one of the most important cathedrals in all of Christendom. But to the astonishment of critics, a leading university has slapped a trigger warning on Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales – because they contain ‘expressions of Christian faith’.

Nottingham University has now been accused of ‘demeaning education’ for warning students about the religious elements of Chaucer’s stories – saying that anyone studying one of the most famous works in English literature would hardly have to have the Christian references pointed out.

The Mail on Sunday has obtained details of the notice issued to students studying a module called Chaucer and His Contemporaries under Freedom of Information laws. It alerts them to incidences of violence, mental illness and expressions of Christian faith in the works of Chaucer and fellow medieval writers William Langland, John Gower, and Thomas Hoccleve.

It was obviously a mistake for the universities, which were historically Christian institutions, to permit secular membership in the first place. First the enemies of Christ infiltrate, then they subvert, and eventually, they ban. It’s rather astonishing that so many Christians can’t recognize this historical process at work despite observing it happen again and again in their schools, in their companies, and even in their churches.

This is why the Catholic Church had so many inquisitions in the first place, to root out the false believers who they knew were intent on subverting the various institutions. As I pointed out 18 years ago, tolerance is “the Sin of Jeroboam”.

Anyhow, it may be time for Castalia Library to contemplate the need for a third series, something akin to Library and History, only specifically devoted to Christian History and Classics. That, or at least putting THE CANTERBURY TALES and PILGRIM’S PROGRESS in the production queue. If you’re a subscriber, or someone who would be interested in subscribing to that, let us know in the discussion on SG.

In other Castalia Library news, we’ve got most of the Library titles now prepared as ebooks, all of which will be made available for free to subscribers as soon as we can figure the best way to do so in an economical manner given the size of the files. We may consider putting them up for sale on Amazon for non-subscribers as well, but that’s not a priority at the moment.


Synonym, Not Subset

One of the benefits of the serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History is the way in which basic principles are illustrated clearly without the confusion of emotional ties and identity allegiances. Here we see the way in which the Arian controversy was made significantly and unnecessarily worse over a period of decades due to the reliable unwillingness of conservatives to do what definitely needed to be done.

The Eastern reaction was therefore mainly conservative. The Arians were the tail of the party; they were not outcasts only because conservative hesitation at the Nicene Creed kept open the back door of the Church for them. For thirty years they had to shelter themselves behind the conservatives. It was not till 357 that they ventured to have a policy of their own; and then they broke up the anti-Nicene coalition at once. The strength of Arianism was that while it claimed to be Christian, it brought together and to their logical results all the elements of heathenism in the current Christian thought.

So the reaction rested not only on conservative timidity, but on the heathen influences around. And heathenism was still a living power in the world, strong in numbers, and still stronger in the imposing memories of history. Christianity was still an upstart on Caesar’s throne, and no man could yet be sure that victory would not sway back to the side of the immortal gods. So the Nicene age was pre-eminently an age of waverers; and every waverer leaned to Arianism as a via media between Christianity and heathenism. The Court also leaned to Arianism. The genuine Arians indeed were not more pliant than the Nicenes; but conservatives are always open to the influence of a Court, and the intriguers of the Court (and under Constantius they were legion) found it their interest to unsettle the Nicene decisions — in the name of conservatism forsooth.

Conservatism isn’t an actual philosophy or ideology, in any time or place. It is simply the cowardly preference for the status quo, for a temporary peace, and above all, for the approval of the authorities. Here is one modern example of conservative openness to the influence of a Court: the false and stupid distinction between legal and illegal immigration. We’ve all heard it many times; some of us may have even said it ourselves: “I’m all for LEGAL immigration, the problem is ILLEGAL immigration”.

No, the problem is people from different nations, religions, languages, and cultures invading the land and gradually replacing the natives, their religion, their language, and their culture. Whether that invasion takes place with the blessing of the Court or not is totally irrelevant with regard to the inevitable consequences. But the conservative is always more concerned about the present opinion of the Court than he is about the future consequences of his lack of action.

So, it’s informative to see that conservatives have always been part of the problem, even dating back to the year 327 AD, because it allows us to conclude that they cannot, and will not, ever be a significant part of the solution. Cuckservative is not a subset of conservative, it is a synonym.