A tale of two techs

SJW-converged Twitter doubles down on its speech-policing:

Twitter has launched a new way to punish users for bad behavior, temporarily “limiting” their account.

Some users are receiving notices their accounts are limited for 12 hours, meaning only people who follow them can see their tweets or receive notifications. When they are retweeted, people outside their network can’t see those retweets.

Some speculate these limitations are automatic based on keywords, but there is no hard evidence.

This would be fine if this was used uniformly to clamp down on harassment, but it appears to be used on people simply for using politically incorrect language.

He claims he got his account limited directly after saying retarded twice. The first time he called a Nintendo policy adding paid extra content to their new Zelda game retarded. The next time he called someone a retard who called him a retard first.

That should help continue to drive down their user base and stock price. Meanwhile, I posted on Gab for the first time using their new Android app. It’s pretty slick for a beta, in fact, the only immediate suggestion I have is that they either expand all the Mentions to show the entire post by default, or, alternatively, provide an option to do so.

It’s fine to just have a list of all the Follows, Likes, and Reposts, but Mentions usually contains more information that requires viewing.

The Gab Android app beta is currently only available to donors.

What to do, what not to do

The Men of the West have suggestions for the Alt-Right, the Alt-Lite, and other defenders of Western civilization:

So, you have looked around and realized that the world is not how it should be. Things that were good in the past  have decayed. Our culture is crumbling around us. We see things that are good and proper being ignored or even intentionally dismantled, replaced with obscenities and evil. Whether we are talking about governmental policies or business practices, or even educational opportunities, we can no longer rely on things as they are. They do not produce an end result that indicates a healthy, godly culture. So what do we do? As I see it, we have three choices.

First, the thing we cannot do, though it is an option, is to just stick our heads back in the sand and ignore it. Look, it is time to make a stand, not just let things progress down this path to destruction.

Secondly, we can point out problems. We can gripe about them. We can write articles, blog posts, and generally complain. Now, I do think we need to do this. It is important. Without calling out the problems, nothing will be done. However, we cannot stop there.

igThird, we have to address these problems, whatever they may be, and begin to do something about them. We point them out, and then enact change. The time for “go along to get along” is past. In fact, it was never a good choice, but so many of us just figured things will work themselves out. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We have to take real action.

  • Use resources that are consistent with our world view. We recently ran a post with such resources. Make it your habit to support them, whether with finances or just by using them. The more we spread these healthy alternatives, the more people will be exposed to them and the more impact they will have.
  • Use your own skills and talents to produce more alternatives. Already, good folks have created alternatives to Wikipedia, Twitter, and more. Other alternatives are in the works. We need folks to step up and create even more of these. If your skill set allows you to help produce those, then go for it. Many, maybe most, of these won’t catch on, but so what? Some will. The more that do, the more that can follow. We just need traction to get these things to succeed.
  • Stop complaining about those who are stepping up. Rather than trying to be a “moderate,” be an extremist. This is no time for moderation. As Barry Goldwater stated: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” We have no patience for moderates. We want wholesale change and will work to make it happen.
  • Network with likeminded folks. Recently, a commenter on this site pointed out that too many people spend time complaining and writing articles, but not enough time actually doing anything. While the majority of his post was incorrect, on this one point, he was spot on. 

These are key points. Unless you are a beta tester or a proofreader, don’t kid yourself into thinking that complaints and criticism are “helping” anyone or doing anything. They’re not. In almost all cases, the criticism is superficial and redundant, while the complaints are both irritating and demoralizing. And perhaps more importantly, if you had ever done anything yourself, you would know that.

So get involved. Do something. Act. Build. Cheer. Support. Subscribe. Sustain. That’s how you can make a difference. That’s how we will stave off collapse.

If you wonder why I left Twitter

Twitter observably does not want anyone to the right of MSNBC to use it. I thought it was interesting that despite having 28k followers, I’m not on the list. Perhaps they realize that I’ve already walked away from it for good.

No amount of followers is going to protect anyone on this list. They’ve already made a few test runs at Mike Cernovich and several of the others on this list. It’s time to leave Twitter and get on Gab. Twitter is simply not a viable option for anyone who wishes to be able to hold an opinion that diverges from the SJW Narrative.

The list makes it very clear who they hate. Successful conservatives, Alt-Lite figures, and anyone who is even remotely identifiable as being pro-white.

Darkstream and GabTV replay

I’ll be doing a Darkstream on Periscope tonight at 7:30 PM. Also, the replay for yesterday’s GabTV is now available and can be watched here. It’s a bit laggy, but that’s a consequence of my Internet connection and I’ll have it fixed by Wednesday next week.

UPDATE: The replay is here.

And as I suggested in the GabTV broadcast, Flynn had to go because he lied. The White House has now confirmed that take.

 President Trump asked Michael Flynn to resign as national security adviser because of eroding trust —not because he violated the law, the White House said Tuesday.

In a briefing dominated by questions about Flynn, press secretary Sean Spicer repeatedly said the former national security adviser had done nothing wrong in talking to counterparts around the world, including from Russia.

He said Trump had fired Flynn not because of those conversations, but because Trump felt that his trust in Flynn had “eroded.”

You MUST build your own platforms

No amount of success, not even 53 million subscribers, will protect you from the thought and speech police as long as you are reliant upon their platforms.

Let this be a lesson for anyone out there aspiring to become a huge YouTube star: just because you can amass a huge following, doesn’t mean that anything goes when it comes to content. Disney and YouTube have independently taken action against Felix Kjellberg, better known as “PewDiePie” and the biggest star on YouTube, after he posted various videos that contained anti-Semitic jokes.

Disney fired Kjellberg after an inquiry from The Wall Street Journal concerning some of his videos. Apparently, millions of people watched a video posted on January 11th on Kjellberg’s channel that included two men laughing while holding a banner that read “Death to all Jews.”

The Journal further said that since August, Kjellberg posted no less than nine separate videos that include anti-Semitic jokes and Nazi imagery.

“Although Felix has created a following by being provocative and irreverent, he clearly went too far in this case, and the resulting videos are inappropriate,” a Maker Studios spokesperson told the news site. Maker Division is owned by Disney.

PewDiePie saw a meteoric rise on YouTube by posting videos of himself playing video games and making jokes. He currently has more than 53 million subscribers who keep returning to see his clips. The Journal says that Kjellberg took down the January 11th video and two others, but not before they had racked up around 23 million views between them.

His YouTube popularity helped him score multimillion-dollar deals with Disney and YouTube.

This is why we absolutely need the Alt-Tech. This is why we need to start taking the cultural war seriously. This is why we need our own platforms. This is why Castalia has repeatedly turned down requests for movie options as well as acquisition offers.

We’re testing Infogalactic News tomorrow. Rehash is in the works. You can support our ongoing development efforts by joining the Burn Unit here.

By the way, we would very much like some experienced Reddit mods to take the lead at Rehash, especially if they are from The Donald. If you are a veteran Reddit mod and would like to assume similar responsibilities at Infogalactic, please let us know.

But it’s different when WE do it!

The opposition media is, predictably, unhappy that the God-Emperor is spurning them:

The mainstream media isn’t liking the new set up at the White House: Lesser name news outlets are being called on during press briefings, rather than the old, established bellwethers.

During his press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Donald Trump called on two news outlets: WJLA a local ABC news affiliate, and the Daily Caller. Both failed to ask him about the fate of his national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn, who has been marred in a controversy that he spoke to Russian authorities before Mr. Trump took office.

And the mainstream media immediately pounced – saying Mr. Trump was picking favorites in order to avoid questioning on Mr. Flynn.

“By handpicking reporters, Trump manages to get through a news conference without being asked about Flynn,” New York Times reporter Peter Baker lamented on Twitter – failing to mention that all U.S. presidents handpick reporters.

Bloomberg’s Angela Greiling Keane helped him clarify.“By *handpicking* friendly reporters. To be fair, the previous WH also handpicked reporters. But it was very different than this,” she tweeted.

Speaking of media alternatives, GabTV has announced its initial lineup for this week. The Darkstream will be on Gab tonight and Wednesday at 7 PM EST here.

SJWs doubling down into disaster

It’s rather amusing to read this report on Big Social doubling down on their anti-hate campaigns even as the Daily Mail reports that corporates are beginning to abandon social media as an advertising vehicle:

Twitter announced Tuesday that it is expanding efforts to protect its users from abuse and harassment, the latest milestone in a broader, growing corporate campaign to crack down on online hate.

The social media giant said it has begun identifying people who have been banned for abusive behavior and it will stop them from creating new accounts. The company said its changes, which also include a new “safe search” feature, will be implemented in the coming weeks.

In July, Twitter banned conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor of the right-wing news site Breitbart News, for “participating in or inciting targeted abuse of individuals.” Twitter subsequently suspended the accounts of other prominent figureheads of the “alt-right” fringe movement, an amorphous mix of racism, white nationalism, xenophobia and anti-feminism.

Twitter has been under fire for failing to address hate and abuse on the site since its founding a decade ago. Balancing its reputation as a free speech haven has come into conflict with efforts to protect users.

Other internet companies have taken recent steps to curb abusive behavior and ban users who violate rules against promoting hate.

Reddit banned a forum for white nationalists from its social news website last Wednesday. A message at the link for the “r/altright” subreddit attributed its ban to an impermissible “proliferation of personal and confidential information.”

Also last week, the crowdfunding website GoFundMe removed a campaign for a conservative author and self-described “researcher” on the internet conspiracy theory known as “pizzagate,” which alleged with no evidence that Democrats were running a child sex ring out of a Washington, D.C., pizza shop. Brittany Pettibone had launched her GoFundMe campaign for a video podcast about “traditional values that once made Western Civilization great,” including “love of one’s own culture, race and country.”

GoFundMe spokesman Bobby Whithorne said in an email that Pettibone’s campaign was removed because it violated the company’s terms of service, which include rules against promoting hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, terrorism or “intolerance of any kind.”

I’m convinced there is some sort of developmental relationship between SJWs and Gamma males. They both respond to stress and conflict in a reliably self-destructive manner. “Don’t like my attempts to control you? Turning your back and walking away from me? Well, just you watch me try even harder!”

Alt-Right banned by Reddit

Reddit banned the Alt-Right subreddit today.

This community has been banned

This subreddit was banned due to a violation of our content policy, specifically, the proliferation of personal and confidential information.
Banned 2 hours ago.

My reaction? So what? What else did you expect? Every SJW-converged organization is eventually going to ban every group and individual to the right of CNN. Don’t be surprised, be prepared. You can be certain that r/The_Donald is next.

This blog is on Blogger, it has been on Blogger since 2003, but I back it up every week because I don’t know when SJW convergence will overcome the corporate objectives. At this point, Google and Amazon are SJW-amenable, but they are not yet fully converged because they are more interested in making money than in thought-policing. I still have Facebook and Twitter accounts, but I don’t use either them because they are converged to the point of uselessness to me.

Whatever absurd reason Reddit gives doesn’t matter. If the SJWs there can’t find an excuse, they’ll manufacture one. Andrew Torba managed to get his account banned from Twitter when he hadn’t even logged into it for months; he had, quite literally, done nothing at all.

Don’t whine, cry, or complain. Build your own institutions. Support the Alt-Tech organizations. You simply cannot expect to successfully lobby an authority that not only is not amenable, but is actively hostile to you, your beliefs, your nation, and everything you value.

Milo censored by YouTube

This aggression will not stand, man!

YouTube disabled Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO’s livestreaming ability on Friday, just hours before his speech on immigration at the University of New Mexico.

MILO’s ability to host livestreams was withdrawn from YouTube after his video “MILO At UC – Colorado Springs: Democrats Are The ‘Party Of The Cuckold,’” was flagged and subsequently removed.

“Your video ‘MILO At UC – Colorado Springs: Democrats Are The ‘Party Of The Cuckold’ was flagged for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that it violates our guidelines,” YouTube declared in a notice to MILO. “We’ve removed it from YouTube and assigned a Community Guidelines strike, or temporary penalty, to your account.”

Hence the need for Alt-Tech. Support Infogalactic. Support Gab. We are going to replace the SJW converged tech giants, but we aren’t going to be able to do it alone.

If they applied their standards fairly, they’d have to nuke half the Left’s livestreams. But they are an SJW-amenable authority, so we know they won’t. Disruption and replacement is the only solution.