Like. A. Boss.

Trump has Fox and O’Reilly reduced to the state of a teenage girl begging the boyfriend who just dumped her to please, please, please just consider taking her back:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday night lashed out at Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly in his first appearance on the network since he announced he’d boycott the next GOP debate.

He also refused to reconsider his decision to sit out the network’s Thursday night debate – the last before the Iowa caucuses in five days – and said he’d move forward with his own competing event to raise money for wounded veterans.

Speaking on “The O’Reilly Factor,” Trump continued his long-running feud with Kelly, who he has been criticizing ever since she challenged him on his past derogatory remarks about women at the first GOP debate in August.

“I have zero respect for Megyn Kelly,” Trump said. “I don’t think she’s good at what she does and I think she’s highly overrated. And frankly, she’s a moderator; I thought her question last time was ridiculous.”

Kelly is also set to moderate Thursday night’s debate on Fox News.

Trump is instead holding a rally in Des Moines at the same time as the Republican debate that he says will raise money for wounded veterans.

In the contentious interview with O’Reilly, Trump rebuffed the anchor’s attempts to convince him that he’s making a grave error by skipping the debate.

“I believe personally that you want to improve the country,” O’Reilly said. “By doing this, you miss the opportunity to convince others … that is true.

“You have in this debate format the upper hand — you have sixty seconds off the top to tell the moderator, ‘You’re a pinhead, you’re off the mark and here’s what I want to say’. By walking away from it, you lose the opportunity to persuade people you are a strong leader.”

Yeah, that’s the thing, Bill. By walking away, Donald Trump IS persuading people that he is a strong leader, one who isn’t beholden to the media. Walking away is Alpha. Supplication, especially to a woman, is Delta-Gamma.

Just the fact that Trump is willing to publicly dismiss the overrated Kelly as being “highly overrated” should be enough reason to consider voting for the man. Not even Reagan was that bold in dismissing the media or the progressive sex.

Mailvox: leadership is socio-sexual

CD wonders about how socio-sexuality relates to politics:

I read an interesting article recently. It was in Politico, but the basis seems sound)

Putting that together with the various “game” categories you use, it looks to me like there may be a built-in dynamic for people.  When things get really bad, the deltas naturally turn to an alpha who seems to have the right ideas.  It looks like that may have been triggered in the US.

On a slightly different topic, I have been trying to determine the relative percentages of deltas, betas, and alphas.  By gender, since I think the percentages differ.  (I ignore sigmas, since the percentage is so low, and gammas since — who cares?)  I have some rough numbers from personal experience, but I haven’t been able to find any research which sheds light on this.  Are you aware of any?

There is no way that socio-sexuality doesn’t affect politics. It affects every aspect of human endeavor, and it is a much more reliable predictive model than nearly any form of psychology I’ve ever encountered.

But you can’t ignore Gammas, in fact, I have constructed a literary theory of socio-sexuality which Delta Man’s has applied to the Gammas that explains a considerable amount of how science fiction has devolved over the years.

As for research, considering that I expanded the concept and articulated some of the various socio-sexual ranks, I can say with certainty that absolutely zero academic research on the topic has been done. But there will be, because it actually works, not only to explain, but predict.

I’ll be posting it at Alpha Game later this week, but it was remarkable how much Delta Man’s Gamma model correctly anticipated Naomi Novik’s book Uprooted, which is one of the leading contenders for this year’s Hugo Best Novel. Now, Novik is a woman, not a Gamma, but either what applies to Gammas can be applied to women or Novik is following the Gamma lead in her books.

Of course, she’s also married to a writer, so… regardless, it is really remarkable how the model can be used to correctly predict not only the behavior, but even the hair color, of the women encountered by the male protagonist.

Sociosexuality and the candidates

Over at Alpha Game, a reader has analyzed all of the candidates in terms of sociosexual rank:

Donald Trump: Alpha. His mug is featured on the dictionary
definition of the term. And whenever the media (or Jeb) try to make him
out as whiny or petulant, video footage of the events in question
invariably show him remaining calm and cool, every single time.

Ted Cruz: Beta, with a bit of Sigma.
Seems to be instinctively serving as a lieutenant to Trump in some
aspects, by cornering certain voters who won’t warm up to Trump, such as
the evangelicals. Has a Sigma streak with his willingness to offend the
Democrats and cuckservatives running the Senate, and which seems to
have inoculated him against being an Establishment sellout, or at least
less than Rubio or Rand Paul. Indeed, he seems to be rising above the
less-“offensive” Rubio and Paul, despite Rubio’s backers having spent
far more money than Cruz’s.

It will be interesting to see if there is much in the way of predictive value here. Read the rest there.

Let women save themselves, noble sir

This one is for all the Deltas and Gammas out there, who really need to grasp this simple fact: you don’t save women. You just don’t do it. The fact that a woman is in need of saving is, in fact, a serious disqualification, and you should understand that your desire to save her is intrinsically predatory in nature. It is preying upon the weak at a level to which not even the pick-up artists you hate and envy will descend.

And in any event, to paraphrase Cavour, the ingratitude of woman will astonish the world.

Even though I’d worked with Carla for over a year I really didn’t know her that well and that was the reason for my apprehension and not that I had just come out of a marriage that started much the same way.

But Carla knew exactly how to kill that apprehension and trigger that oh-so-useful male provider instinct by upping the ante:

One Monday morning, Carla was absent from work. She hadn’t called or texted since Saturday night so I was on edge wondering if another man had her attention now.

Finally, around lunch time I get a frantic call from her. She tearfully tells me her boyfriend kicked her out on Sunday, threw all of her and her son’s stuff out on the lawn and that she was at her sister’s place.

I told her I was relieved that she at least had a place to stay. But Carla turned up the heat just a few more degrees by telling me that her sister’s boyfriend told her she could only stay for a week and after that he’d take her to a shelter…

…and that was all I needed to hear. I got her sister’s address, told my boss I was taking the rest of the day off, jumped in my car, and raced over to rescue my fair maiden with my cape flapping in the wind.

I was so excited about how lucky I was to get a second chance to rescue a woman it was pathetic. I was actually thinking to myself “I’m gonna do it right this time” on my way over to get her.

After all was said and done, I had rented her a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with a fenced in back yard for her dog near downtown. I paid the deposit and first month’s rent, turned on her electric and cable, all in my name. I even rented a U-Haul and moved her shit into her new place (with the help of her sister’s boyfriend).

Guess how that story ended? Dr. Dre was right.

Social justice

Male SJWs are usually men who have never understood the difference between women approving of something and women being attracted to something. Women may well approve of men who share their insane ideals or take their ideological babbling at face value. And those same women are attracted to men who ignore it or treat it with the intellectual contempt it deserves.

So, it all comes down to whether you prefer female approval or female attraction. But the latter does not follow from the former. Of course, if SJWs were capable of logical analysis, they wouldn’t be SJWs.

The bitter harvest of feminism

Cadders explains it in the comments at Alpha Game:

Feminism is already a dead woman walking. All feminism has is shaming language and the State (ironically, ultimately other men) to keep men to the feminist line.

But now, increasingly, the shaming doesn’t work. And men are disengaging from society in general to avoid entanglements with the state; if you don’t get married, you can’t be divorced, if you don’t co-habit you can’t have half your stuff appropriated, if you don’t have children, you can’t be on the hook for child support, if you don’t enter the corporate world you can’t be be accused of ‘harassment’ and if you don’t date you drastically reduce your chance of a false rape accusation.

These are genuine threat points for men in the modern world that didn’t exist before feminism. It speaks to the feeble minds of feminists that they would think that men will simply carry on as they did when these threats did not exist. For the last 50 years men (mostly) still did. But that’s over now.

So men are doing what they have always done: survey their environment, understand it, and behave rationally according to it. Which means, increasingly, living their lives without regard to what women want. This does not mean living without sex, relationships or female company. Just that the investment men make in all these areas is being dramatically reduced.

As feminism reduces the value of women (in men’s eyes), so men are reducing the amount of time, effort, attention and money they are willing to spend for the declining benefits modern women now bring to their lives.

But the real news is that the true cost of feminism, first born by men, and then children, is now being passed on to women. Record numbers of women are living alone, record numbers of women are childless, record numbers are on psychiatric medication, record numbers are facing a life-time of wage slavery in grinding jobs that they can never leave. And still feminism spins these outcomes as the conscious choices of these women and as ’empowering’.

And yet, women’s self-reported happiness, across all classes, all races, all demographics is lower than ever since records began 50 years ago. Tellingly, for the first time ever, their happiness is also now lower than men’s.

But you do not need to read ‘The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness’ to know this. Just talk to the increasing number of 30 and 40 year old childless spinsters one on one – not in a group – to get the REAL story. The REAL effect of feminism in the REAL world. These women don’t give two hoots about feminism, they are just wondering where all the good husbands, hell, ANY decent man, went.

Mostly, disgusted with what feminism has done to women, he walked away.

For the truth is that men don’t want to fight women, it goes against the core of what it means to be a man. But feminism thrust men into a fight that they neither started nor wanted. To the point that feminists are reduced to crowing about ‘winning’ battles that men never turned up for.

And even now, as feminism pushes and pushes and pushes to ever more absurd levels, as ever more restrictions are placed on normal masculine behavior, ever more insane definitions of ‘rape’, ‘assault’, and ‘aggression’ are drafted into law in increasingly desperate attempts to somehow, anyhow, cast women as perpetual victims – even now – men are still refusing to be drawn into a real battle.

That’s how deeply men do not want to fight women.

The sound of the final battle between the sexes will not be heard in the streets or legislatures. It will not be televised or reported. There will be no flags hoisted or victory parades. Because it is already in progress. It is happening all around us in plain sight, for those with the eyes to see it.

And men are deploying the most devastating weapon of all – indifference. In this final battle who cares least wins.

The time has come to reap the harvest of feminism, and for women the fruit will be bitterest of all.

It’s pretty simple, women. Either abandon feminism or abandon all hope of being wives and mothers. Because men will not abide feminism and you cannot force us to accept it. 70 years of a totalitarian government could not make communism work. And no amount of resorting to State force is going to make a feminist society viable.

The decline and fall of Richard Carrier

From New Atheist-in-waiting to cautionary tale in a few short years. I remember when people used to tell me that perhaps Dawkins and Harris and Hitchens were pushovers, but this Carrier guy… or not so much.

Nothing says “Alpha Male” like begging for polyamorous-friendly dates over the Internet:

So, this is experimental. I’d like to go on a date in May. And for the first time, I’m going to try a bat signal: putting a call out on my blog. I don’t know anyone else who has tried doing that, so I have no precedent to work from as to etiquette or even arguments for or against doing it. So I’m just going to do it and see what happens and document and assess. If you know anyone who might have an interest in dating me, let them know. If you might have an interest, read on.

I’ll start by making sure anyone considering this is up to speed. I am polyamorous. I currently have many girlfriends. All I consider my friends. Some are just occasional lovers. Some I am more involved with. They are also polyamorous, or near enough (not all of them identify that way, but all of them enjoy open relationships). And I will always have relationships with them, as long as they’ll have me in their life.

Read the rest of Richard Carrier’s exciting experiment in post-marital dating at Alpha Game.

Onward and upward

An ex-Gamma writes the fourth, and probably the most important, section in his Graduating Gamma series at Alpha Game:

There is no man on the planet more intellectually dishonest than a
Gamma, as even an Omega has enough self-awareness to avoid being a
buffoon at social event and will instead stay at home and play computer
games. Everything from a Gamma is a con or a presented image, because
behind that shell is a scared, miserable boy who uses whatever tools are
at his disposal to build the Gamma Delusion Bubble. The Gamma Delusion
Bubble shields the Gamma from somehow and some way ever being wrong
about anything, as there is no being wrong about “something”, there is
only being a wrong “person”. His identity is so tied up in his opinions
about everything, including himself, that any slip-up is a catastrophe
which must be avoided at all costs.

I’ve learned a tremendous amount from this series, some of which I’ve even been able to apply here. The most important thing for me has been the explanation of a) why Gammas like Scalzi, Brayton, and Myers flee from public debate when they are so otherwise argumentative and contentious, and, b) why it is almost impossible to get a Gamma to admit that he is wrong without him going through every definition in the dictionary, every pedantic nitpick, and every contortion in the Kama Sutra in order to avoid it no matter how obvious it is to you and everyone else.

Some of you have noticed that I’ve gotten increasingly intolerant of rhetorical arguments, particularly pseudo-dialectical ones, of late. This is because I now understand that there is no real prospect of normal dialectical closure if the other party shows repeated signs of being a Gamma and is engaging in customary Gamma argumentation. Chief among these signs are false summaries, digressions into motivation and psychological diagnosis, appeals to emotion, the production of ad hoc definitions, and the targeting of strawmen rather than the actual statements made. If you happen to be aware that you are prone to utilizing any of those rhetorical tactics, I would strongly recommend that you read the linked article, because you’re not going to find much toleration for them here.

To be, or not to be, Gamma

Eventually we were bound to start recognizing their patterns, given that they do the same stupid bloody thing every stupid bloody time. Stickwick, who happens to hold a PhD in Astrophysics, points out why there is absolutely no point in responding in a substantive manner to a Gamma male’s questions:

What’s rather remarkable about you is how the fact that you’re so reliably shown to be wrong and/or obtuse doesn’t deter you in the slightest. You’re like one of those inflatable punching clowns that just keeps popping back up no matter how many times you’re knocked down.

This is why I simply go straight to the dismissive rhetoric with these sad sacks now that I sufficiently understand the Gamma mentality. They are all, by their socio-sexual nature, limited to rhetoric. Their defining characteristic is their refusal to accept the truth of a social order that they can not only see, but frequently reaches out and touches them; the Gamma is the True King in his own mind and he redefines defeat as victory every single day.

That is why they “keep popping back up” pretending that they weren’t wrong no matter how many times everyone has seen them intellectually depantsed. They have to cling to the delusion that they are ever-triumphant because they can’t face the depressing ugliness of their own daily reality.

I was quite pleased the other night when I was picking up Ender after practice. The previous practice, he had gotten into a bit of a scuffle with one of his defenders, who got into his face after he’d failed to bail out the defense’s catastrophic mistake, prompting Ender to punch him in the face when he wouldn’t back off. Fortunately, they finally have a good coach, who chewed out the entire defense for being lazy, then told off the defender while he had Ender run a few laps as punishment.

I was curious when I saw the defender standing in the path where Ender would be exiting the clubhouse. Having gotten into it two days before, I wondered how they would they react. Would they pretend not to see each other, be distantly polite, or behave normally? But instead, when Ender came out I saw them exchange the thumbs-back hand-clasp thing and nod, which of course is male teamspeak for mutual acceptance. That was good, because it told me that whatever he may turn out to be, it isn’t going to be a passive-aggressive, self-delusional Gamma male.

Meanwhile, this exchange with another Gamma was as amusing as it was illustrative.

VD: (cites article in which scientists admit problems with rectifying data with evolutionary theory)

Gamma: So what’s the alternative to evolution? To instead believe in the Hebrew book of fairy tales called The Bible and honestly believe the world is only 6000 years old and humans and dinosaurs co-existed on Earth like in The Flintstones? You’ll have to do better than that. That just sounds like believing in a fairy tale someone made up. And if science is so phony next time you need to fix a broken bone or get an operation, just try praying real hard instead, see how far that gets you.

VD: Duck and change the subject. That’s certainly new. And convincing! Why pray when we can simply fix it by evolving it through natural selection? Because that’s science too, right?

[Notice how when I don’t bite on the pseudo-dialectic by taking it seriously but simply mock it, the Gamma drops the
passive-aggression and shifts right into the full rhetorical attack
mode. There isn’t even any pretense of dialectic anymore, just a desperate throw-spaghetti-at-the-wall attempt to cause feelbad.]

Gamma: Because you can’t just sit and evolve. That would be as futile as praying for a deity to fix your broken bone magically or cure you of your illness that required an operation. Said deity would not answer. Plus evolution takes a very, very long time. The average human being only lives to around 80. You’d need medical attention pretty quick if you had a broken bone or you needed a life saving operation. Just praying to got to correct either would get you nowhere.

Off topic, but I think Vox Day really is jealous of a Gamma like John Scalzi. Which is why he keeps writing about him. He can’t understand why such a nerd can sell so many more books than a so-called real man with a black belt (or whatever) in martial arts like he is.

Vox Day doesn’t really act like a Christian either to be honest. Jesus (if he existed) loved everyone. Even non-believers. Jesus wouldn’t be for racial segregation voluntary or not. Even if Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream has failed. Vox never used to write about all this race themed stuff. Not until Obama was elected and then re-elected. I think Obama’s re-election really knocked the wind out of his sails. And that’s part of why he gave up the WorldNetDaily column. I think the demographic for his blog has changed. It used to be a younger crowd. Now it feels like the average age is 50 plus. A lot of old get of my lawn type retirees. One more thing, being a world class cruelty artist may be entertaining for readers, but my guess is the Christian God and Christ (if either exists) finds that level of cruelty in human beings to be a pretty serious sin. 

This is hilarious. Let’s count the feeble attempts to cause feelbad. 1) jealous, 2) false Christian, 3) upset by Obama’s re-election, 4) readership is old and past it, 5) offending a God in whom the Gamma doesn’t even believe. With all due respect, I’ve had people publicly calling me every name in the book FOR 14 YEARS now. Do you really think you’re going to be the one who has finally come up with the magic word that will crack my Olympian indifference to your opinion?

I was curious about the blog demographics, however. It turns out that the three most distinctive characteristics of the VP readership are that they are a) educated, b) male, and c) wealthy, in that order. As for age, the blog is followed heavily in all age groups from 25-64, with 45-54 being the strongest and under-18s being the most highly underrepresented. This makes sense, as under-18s are the least-educated, least-wealthy group out there. And, of course, I am in the 45-54 educated wealthy male group myself.

It’s not so much “get off my lawn” as “please be advised that you will now be escorted from the premises of our country club”.

Never bother to engage in dialectic with a Gamma male. It serves no purpose, they literally don’t hear what you’re saying. To them, arguing is a competition in causing feelbad. So relentlessly mock them and target their insecurities, and pay no attention whatsoever to their pseudo-dialectical bait. It isn’t honestly offered.

UPDATE: This discussion has helped me see a little deeper into the psychology and I think it’s given me a glimpse into the core source of the Gamma delusion. The Gamma believes that if he admits to the truth of his own feelings about himself, he will lose.

The danger of fantasy

I’ve long wondered why the science fiction ranks were so littered with gamma males, both on the supply and the demand sides. I’d theorized it was because it was an escape for unathletic people; at my first group book-signing, about every third person commented how little like a “science fiction author” I looked. I didn’t understand what they meant until I looked at my fellow authors, most of whom were at least 100 pounds overweight and looked as if the only adventure upon which they’d ever embarked was Cheetoh Quest.

However, the recent discussion at Alpha Game concerning Graduating Gamma and Diagnosis: Gamma has opened my eyes to the real connection between the Gamma male and fantasy fiction. And, in answer to a question that someone asked earlier, I do think science fiction and fantasy, particularly modern Pink SF, is psychosocially dangerous for young men of the Gamma persuasion.

Consider this comment from JW, whose situation we’ve been analyzing at his request.

I’ve got this over-inflated sense of self, and that external things haven’t burst that. A combination of parents being too soft and a relatively forgiving and facilitating world/state/government/society/community/family has allowed this ego in me to survive. In a more challenging environment it would be broken down.

I’ve maintained this self from adolescence, and whereas for many people their parents “knock” that out of them Ive got this “tantrum-like child” in my head. Whats happening is I’m protecting this child in my head (which is objectively me, not an external body) and running away or avoiding anything that challenges the beliefs or ideas of this child-like persona. One of which would be “I’m special”….

Seeing myself within an objective social hierarchy using the conceptual
framework you have makes it much clearer. I’m wannabee alpha, in my head
I’m special and therefore deserving of alphaness, I’ll lead, I’ll get
the girl, I’ll be the hero, but the reality of what I am bursts that
bubble every time. Once I’m challenged by objectively superior men I
crumble and/or avoid run away. And yet I yearn for that while doing
nothing to either deserve it or try to get it.

This is the danger posed by the Pugs, the Rand al’Thors, the Harry Potters and so forth. In many ways, they are the precise opposites of the Frodos, the Conans, and the Marcus Valeriuses. (In the middle would be the Aragorns, the Tarans, and the Luke Skywalkers.) They are Special, with a capital S, but not due to anything they have ever done. They have Special powers and are innately recognized as superior beings with a right to lead, initially by the astute, but eventually by everyone.

Most importantly, they don’t have to do much more than show up in order to have leadership handed to them on a silver platter, nor do they have to do much beyond be a figurehead and occasionally make Difficult Decisions. If you think about it, they are essentially what the average millennial thinks a CEO is, and they are handed that quasi-CEO status for nothing more than being Special.

This is pure poison for the Gamma soul. It not only justifies his failure to act or to self-improve, but flatters his delusions about himself. Those who fail to recognize his Special status, those men who fail to fall in line to follow him and those women who fail to offer their hearts to him, are either evil or foolish and blind, just like the antagonists in the book. And one day, just like those antagonists, they will get their comeuppance! It is inevitable, it is fated.

No wonder the Farmboy’s Journey is so popular. It’s basically psychological reinforcement for the Gamma mind. And, writers take note, the less the protagonist has to actually do, the more that his accomplishments revolve around his being rather than his deeds, the more popular it is likely to be with the Gamma crowd because it flatters their desire to lead, get the girl, and be the hero.

Contrast this with Frodo. He is the hero, but he leads nothing and he gets no girl. All he does is shatter the power of Mordor and save the People of the West. Conan is the hero, wins a crown, and gets numerous girls, but he does it all through his deeds; he is the opposite of Special, being frequently dismissed as a mere barbarian. Marcus Valerius is an aristocrat, but for him it is as much burden as benefit, and while his Valerian blood provides him with leadership of the House legion, it doesn’t offer him anything more than the opportunity to fail.

I think one can tell a lot about a boy by learning who his favorite characters from various books are. For example, my favorites from The Lord of the Rings were always Eomer and Faramir, which in itself is telling in retrospect. Both were men who were content to be overshadowed, but proved to be competent leaders when the burden was thrust upon them, and both were stubbornly loyal to the point of endangering themselves. My guess is that neither of them likely held much appeal to the Gamma crowd, who would be more drawn to the hidden Specialness of Aragorn, and even more drawn to the likes of the infuriating Rand al’Thor and the insipid Harry Potter.

It’s an interesting field that remains largely unfurrowed, the psychosociality of literature. But one thing that is already clear is that if you’ve got a young Gamma on your hands, you might want to consider pushing more Louis L’amour, Robert E. Howard, and Jack London on him than permit him to indulge himself in repeated reinforcements of his delusional Specialness.