Two weeks, two shots

Just two weeks to “flatten the curve”. Just two shots to “return to normal”. What else are the governments lying about with regards to “Covid-19”?

Everyone aged over 50 in Britain will be offered a third COVID-19 vaccination jab in the autumn in an attempt to eradicate the threat from the infection entirely by Christmas.

Trials of two options are under way, supervised by Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England. The first involves vaccines specifically modified to tackle new variants, while the second is for a third shot of one of the three versions already in use – Pfizer-BioNTech , Oxford-AstraZeneca or Moderna, The Times reported. 

Early findings from trials have raised hopes in the Government that the two approaches can nullify the threat from existing and new variants, it is understood. 

It is also believed that only higher risk Britons such as those over 50 and those with underlying health conditions will need a third jab. One possible way of administering the jab would be alongside the annual flu jab, with separate injections given in each arm. 

Remember, the one thing we know that isn’t true is what they are reporting…. At this point, allowing yourself to be injected with this nonsense isn’t just failing the stupid test, it’s rapidly approaching Darwin Award levels.

If you don’t eat GMO foods, why would you become a GMO person?

Patreon tries to clean itself up

Patreon is suddenly, and belatedly, attempting to clean up its Factory of Filth, which would require Hercules to muck out the massive quantities of bestiality, rape, incest, and other perversions that are widely available on the platform:

Indie game creator Redamz, best known as the creator and sole developer of the upcoming adult-oriented adventure game Monster Girl Island, has announced that he will be leaving Patreon after the platform requested that he “make changes to the game” in order to continuing using their services.

In development since roughly 2015, Monster Girl Island finds players washing ashore on the sands of a mysterious island filled with monsters such as “dragons, slimes, giant bugs, centaurs and more,” who “are all… Oddly attractive!?”

Unsurprisingly, given the game’s subject matter and “oddly attractive” cast, Monster Girl Island has been marked as “Adult Only”, as a Mature Content Description on the aforementioned Steam page notes that the title features “full body nudity and detailed depictions of various sexual acts, ranging from vanilla to light sadomasochism, including watersports.”

Though the game has been featured on Patreon since it began development, with Redamz all the while openly and proudly wearing the game’s Adult label, it now appears that a recent attempt by the platform to elicit changes within Monster Girl Island has led the indie game developer to end this nearly six-year business relationship.

On April 28th, Redamz took to the game’s Patreon to post one final update, simply titled “Leaving Patreon”, to his supporters, notifying them of his decision and explaining that he had chosen to leave the platform.

He stated, “While I had avoided all of their previous witch hunts, it seems they finally don’t like MGI anymore. They’ve requested me to make changes to the game (stupid things like making ara and faranne not adoptive sisters if they are to share a scene), which if you all know me, you will know I’ll never do,” wrote Redamz.

About one-quarter of Patreon’s creators have been openly and egregiously violating the fake “zero tolerance” policy that Patreon has been falsely advertising since 2017, when VISA and Mastercard threatened to shut them down. Patreon played the payment processors by making a big deal of deplatforming the porn stars and cam girls, but didn’t touch the much more lucrative porn-game developers, some of whom are pulling in nearly $100k/month.

Anyhow, this belated attempt to get the porn devs to remove the incest and other “zero tolerance” elements that have been tolerated for years – that’s what Redamz is referring to – isn’t going to do Patreon any good once the facts are put on the public record. Because while Patreon may define pornography as only applying to real humans, that’s not how the Federal government or the payment processors define it anymore.

Four Tuesday titles

Bounding Into Comics reliably reports that Arktoons is already a success:

According to Vox Day, the digital platform has been a success already.

In an email correspondence with Bounding Into Comics, Day touted that the Arktoons platform “is already averaging over 20k daily pageviews and expects to easily exceed 1 million pageviews in its first month of operation.”

As for the four new titles released today they include The Awakener, Chuck Dixon’s Avalon, Ben Garrison, and Ember War.

In seven days, Arkhaven and its allies have released 31 episodes of 30 different series. This is roughly the equivalent of more than six individual comics issues, or an omnibus of over 150 pages. All of these series will be continuing on a weekly basis, and we already have several new series being prepared for release this month.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be adding features and gradually improving the site. For example, just this morning, the devs added the ability to like a comic at the bottom of the page, once you’ve finished reading it. There are literally dozens of large and small features planned, as well as various improvements to the infrastructure. If you want to support Arktoons, you can do so by subscribing.

Now I, for one, would like to denounce and deplore the anti-democratic violence exhibited in the new Arktoons series called THE AWAKENER. I feel very strongly that if the gentleman in question disagreed with the policies and voting records of Deputy Gama and Senators Borges and Azalin, then he should have vooted harder and written a stern letter to his duly-elected representative instead of resorting to the use of what was almost certainly an illegal and unregistered firearm.

Thank you. Please clap.

Redbook Evil

I am not a fan of modern theology, which I view as little more than Christian spergs engaged in pointless arguments over whose axiomatic assumptions are, or are not, justified by something that somebody else wrote at some point in the past, the further back the better. I also find most theology to be entirely beside the point, particularly when it comes to addressing the most material and observable aspect of Christian life on this particular planet, which is to say the fact that evil permeates every aspect of human experience.

While there have been a few lackluster attempts at constructing “a theology of evil”, most of them do nothing more than circle around back to yet another rhetorical apologetic. Instead of analyzing evil in any meaningful way, the subject is dropped as soon as possible in favor of anything from the existence to the sovereignty of God.

Theology of evil shows how darkness runs rampant in our world like a tornado by swooping up anything in its midst and attempting to destroy it. Though evil is something that is very much a reality of our lives as humans, it doesn’t mean that it can prevent us from accomplishing God’s purpose….

God’s sovereignty used to be something that brought me discomfort because I did not fully understand his character in full. As a child, I wanted a perfect life where all my desires were fulfilled, and that pain didn’t occur.

In short, I was selfish just like all of humanity. The turning point for me was when I began having a deep intimate relationship with Christ and came to the realization that this life is not my own.

We can get so caught up in the fact that evil happens to a point where we lose sight of His character. He is a God who loves, is powerful, all know, omnipresent, and sovereign. This is why it is important to briefly understand why evil occurs because when we do it brings us closer to our heavenly Father.

For some reason, many attempts to construct a theology of evil somehow results in the Christian talking about himself and his sins. This is not even remotely helpful. And after thinking about the matter, I realized that the problem is with the concept itself. After all, “a theology of evil” is about explaining how evil fits within the grand master plan of God; it is a study of God, not evil. And “a philosophy of evil” isn’t much more helpful, as we not only know that evil exists, we know why it exists.

I considered the idea of a taxonomy, which after all is how I constructed the socio-sexual hierarchy, but that didn’t quite fit with what I had in mind either. 

Then it occurred to me that there already was a perfectly functional word to describe a list of features and functions. In the game industry, we used to utilize Redbook audio, and it turns out there is an entire line of Redbook content developed and published by IBM Garage, which is intended to “develop and deliver skills, technical know-how, and materials to IBM technical professionals, Business Partners, clients, and the marketplace in general.”

It’s real. It was always real.

And this is why you should look very, very askance at every single individual who ever mocked or otherwise belittled the concept of Pizzagate. Because it’s real, it’s pervasive, and it infests the entire globalist elite:

German prosecutors say they have busted one of the world’s biggest international darknet platforms for child pornography, used by more than 400,000 registered members, including from the US, Australia and Canada.

Frankfurt prosecutors said in a statement together with the Federal Criminal Police Office that in mid-April three German suspects, said to be the administrators of the ‘Boystown’ platform, were arrested along with a German user.

The authorities said the platform was ‘one of the world’s biggest child pornography darknet platforms’ and had been active at least since 2019. Pedophiles used it to exchange and watch pornography of children and toddlers, most of them boys, from all over the world.

Prosecutors wrote that they found ‘images of most severe sexual abuse of toddlers among the photos and video material.

A German police task force investigated the platform, its administrators and users for months in cooperation with Europol and law enforcement authorities from the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, the United States and Canada, the statement said.

Until you accept the fact that there is a persistent and material evil that operates in systematic and ritualistic patterns that you can not only discern, but even recognize throughout history, you will never have any idea what is going on around you, why things happened, or what is going to happen next. This is why smart, honest, non-Christian observers so reliably fail in their analyses.

It’s not an accident that Weimar Germany was unbelievably degenerate. It’s not an accident that tens of millions of people were slaughtered in Communist Russia, National Socialist Germany, and Communist China. And it’s not an accident that the USA has been the epicenter for the same satanic degeneracy since 1965.

The challenge is to force yourself to look very hard at the places where your programming is most intense, and to question even your deepest, most firmly-fixed intellectual axioms. And while doing so, don’t forget that antichrists always attempt to cloak themselves as servants of the Truth they are inverting.

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

– Matthew 24:24

There are a lot of things going on around the world right now, and don’t be surprised if some of them are connected to the investigations that led to the exposure of this evil platform.

UPDATE: Yes, it’s real. The former Speaker of the Oregon House was just arrested for sex trafficking.

Former Oregon House Speaker and current Clackamas Community College board member Dave Hunt was cited by Portland police in an undercover sex traffic sting operation in April…. The Portland Police Bureau issued a press release May 1, saying its Human Trafficking Unit had cited eight men in an operation conducted in April. Officers posted online decoy ads on known human trafficking websites, and the subjects who “contacted undercover police officers to arrange payment for sexual acts” were criminally cited on the charge of commercial sexual solicitation.

Genetically modified inferiors

The Salk Institute determines that the spike proteins used in the Pfizer/Moderna not-vaccines damage the lungs and arteries without any help from the virus itself:

An explosive new study by researchers at the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene-based vaccines that may pose a grave risk to public health. The article, which is titled “The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness”, shows that SARS-CoV-2’s “distinctive ‘spike’ protein”..”damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.” While the paper focuses strictly on Covid-related issues, it unavoidably raises questions about the new vaccines that contain billions of spike proteins that could greatly increase the chances of severe illness or death. Here’s an excerpt from the article dated April 30, 2021:

“In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. (Note– “Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.”)

The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.

Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.” (“The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness”,

The new research paper is the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb. It changes everything by confirming what vaccine critics have been theorizing for months but were unable to prove.

Now there is solid evidence that:

  1. Covid-19 is primarily a disease of the vascular system (The vascular system, also called the circulatory system, is made up of the vessels that carry blood and lymph through the body.) and not the respiratory system.
  2. The main culprit is the spike protein. (Spike protein–“a glycoprotein that protrudes from the envelope of some viruses” Merriam-Webster “Like a key in a lock, these spike proteins fuse to receptors on the surface of cells, allowing the virus’s genetic code to invade the host cell, take over its machinery and replicate.” Bruce Lieberman)

Incidentally, this also tends to support the hypothesis that Covid-19 is a manufactured form of the flu. Read the whole thing there, as there is also an explanation of what the study suggests about the potential consequences of the vascular poisoning being mass-distributed in the form of pseudo-vaccines around the globe.

It is becoming ever more clear that getting a Covid not-vaccine is failing the Darwin test. And just in case you don’t understand why we describe it as a not-vaccine:

Critics believe compensation requests should go through a decades-old program within the same agency called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, known informally as the “vaccine court.” However, the CDC insists that COVID-19 vaccinations aren’t eligible to be heard by the court.

The CDC is correct. A genetic modification is not a vaccination and therefore isn’t eligible to be heard by a court empowered to hold vaccination-related hearings. 

I’m liking this President Greenscreen

“Anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes. And we will not increase the deficit either, unlike the last gigantic tax cut, which increased the deficit by $2 trillion,’ he said, referencing President Trump’s 2017 tax cuts.”

– Fake President Biden

I have to say, I’m impressed with this guy’s ideas. Also, in other news, apparently Bill Gates finally realized that gay marriage was cramping his lifestyle. They have some tough choices to make, though, regarding who gets to keep the altar to Moloch, who keeps the high priesthood of Belial, and who retains the keys to the underground dungeon where the sex slaves and blood donors are kept.

ARKTOONS: four more Monday titles

Bounding Into Comics has the story:

YouTube personality RazörFist endorsed the newly launched digital comics platform Arktoons as the site added four new series on Monday, May 3rd.

Arktoons is a free-to-view digital comics platform that allows readers to view comics in a top down format similar to Webtoons. It can be found at

The site, while free-to-view, does have a subscription offering with plans ranging from $5 to $50. It does not feature ads and according to the site’s Lead Editor Vox Day it has no plans to ever feature ads.

As for RazörFist’s endorsement, the YouTuber tweeted, “I just clicked on one of the Arkstoons comics, and it opened with a Rand quote about socialism, followed by a complete worldwide death toll of every Communist dictator.”

He added, “I do believe I found the right publisher.”

The comic in question is from Brazilian publisher Super Prumo’s The Hammer of Freedom.

While The Hammer of Freedom might be Arktoons’ most read series, the platform rolled out four new challengers today including Cosmic Warrior, Big Bear’s Big Comic, Gun Ghoul, and Chuck Dixon Presents: War.

It’s very encouraging to see people beginning to sit up and take notice of the fact that Arktoons not only exists, but features content that is manifestly different that what the rest of the comics industry has on offer. And there is now the equivalent of an entire omnibus – about six issues – worth of content on the site already, with new episodes coming literally every day.

On a technical note, the dev team has fixed the “missing panel” problem that affected four of the 26 series.

Free Trade is literally evil

Matt’s Musings explores the Biblical perspective on free trade:

Communism is one of the dumbest forms of society conceivable. Nazism is just as bad, and feminism has a higher death toll than both of those two systems combined. But communism is so obviously dumb. It impoverishes a nation, it empowers the particularly wicked to get into positions where they can do maximum damage, it centralizes mediocrity into the halls of power, and it is inevitably self-defeating. The fact that communism is so popular still in the modern world after all the damage it has done, is all the proof we need that influential elements in film, media and academia, which are all responsible for shaping minds, are in the hands of its perpetrators and their descendants. That is the only way that its teachings can continually be whitewashed in the minds of young westerners.

I say this, so there is no confusion, nothing I say in criticism today of our modern economic system comes from a place of sympathy to communism. I despise communism as much as anyone despises Nazism. I think it is horrible and disgusting we didn’t outlaw communism decades ago when we had the chance. To me Nazism and Communism are different sides of the same evil coin.

But, what is interesting is that right now many former communist countries are on the rise, and virtually every western nation is on the decline. We have nicer things, that is for sure, but there is one thing in history that is more effective at destroying a people than any political ideology: that is unrestrained wealth and greed. That is what our system has become.

In real terms the government views us all as economic beings, and we spend most of our time acting as such, and this is not good. Prosperity can be both a blessing and a curse, and the Bible warns us, desperately, about this, and one of the most famous passages about the Devil in scripture is in this very context. Because being enamoured with your prosperity is exactly the mistake the devil made.

So, today I want to speak to the evils of our free trade system, and how the Devil uses it to corrupt us. I think this is so important for us all here, especially because of our wealth, because the Bible puts a lot of focus on warning those of us at ease, how dangerous that ease can be for our souls.

There is a LOT more to the article, including copious citations from the Bible, so read the whole thing there. It’s fascinating to see that, once more, the Bible is well ahead of both the history and the science. I’ve mathematically proven that free trade is absolutely impossible for any nation that wishes to survive, and history has demonstrated that free trade is actually worse for a nation than communism, so it’s fascinating to see that the truth of the matter was right there in front of our eyes all along in the Word of God. 

Past as prelude

Americans and Brits living in their respective surveillance societies would do well to learn from the East Germans, whose Stasi were a precursor to today’s social media thought police:

1) They Were Gaslighting before It Was a Thing

The Stasi were prolific gaslighters. In the 1950s, repression was brutal, physical torture. Early in the 1970s, eager to be accepted on the international stage, the East German Secret Police had to get more subtle. The aim of Zersetzung (a repurposed military term meaning disintegration or corrosion) was to “switch off” any activist individuals and groups who might threaten the Party. Police collected medical, school, and police records, interviews with neighbors and relatives, and any other evidence they could get and would then customize a direct hit on an individual’s mental health.

If someone looked like he might challenge the Communist Party’s legitimacy or control, the Stasi systematically destroyed his life. They used blackmail, social shame, threats, and torture. Careers, reputations, relationships, and lives were exploded to destabilize and delegitimize a critic. Some forms of harassment were almost comical: agents spread rumors about their targets, flooded their mailboxes with pornography, moved things around in their apartments, or deflated their bicycle tires day after day. Others were life-altering: Individuals labeled as subversives were banned from higher education, forced into unemployment, and forcibly committed to asylums. Many suffered long-term psychological trauma, loss of earnings, and intense social shame as a result of Stasi lies.

2) They Were (Almost) Everywhere

The Stasi had 91,000 employees at its peak—roughly one in every 30 residents was a Stasi agent. More than one in three East Germans (5.6 million) was under suspicion or surveillance, with an open Stasi file. Another half million were feeding the Stasi information. This level of surveillance and infiltration caused East Germans to live in terror—you really never knew if you could trust anyone—though most had no idea of the scope of these activities until after the Berlin Wall fell.

3) They Kept a Crazy Amount of (Meticulous) Records

Stasi files laid out together would cover about 69 sq. miles. Recording detailed personal information on a third of the populace required a tremendous amount of paper. More pages of printed text were generated by the Stasi than by all German authors from the Middle Ages to WWII. Thousands of citizens were targeted as anti-government “trouble makers,” their homes were searched, phones and cars—if they were lucky enough to have either—were bugged, their letters opened and copied, and their movements secretly filmed or photographed. Every document went into a personal Stasi file. So far, hundreds of millions of files, 39 million index cards, 1.75 million photographs, 2,800 reels of film and 28,400 audio recordings have been recovered from Stasi archives. Millions more were shredded before they could be made public.

The deplatformings and ritual denouncings of today are the modern equivalent of the Zersetzung. Remember, everything you do is now recorded and will be used against you, so don’t fool yourself into thinking otherwise.