Countdown to conviction

If this Twitter thread recounting the man’s personal history is even remotely accurate, it appears to only be a matter of time before Stephen Fry, the BBC-appointed Smartest Man in Britain and ticket-taker extraordinaire, is conclusively demonstrated to be a bicycling enthusiast and fully-accredited member of Team Savile.


Let’s hear it for one of Britain’s best-loved national treasures: Stephen Fry! Thanks to @gigameds for originally pointing out some of the reasons why we should celebrate the UK’s foremost intellectual.

Amongst his many talents, Fry is first and foremost an extraordinarily talented writer. His first play was written at the tender age of just 22 in 1979.

Of course, most of you will know him from his hilarious role as presenter of the BBC celebrity panel show QI where you can frequently hear him perform humourous songs about the affairs of the day.

There was a young chaplain from King’s

Who talked about God and such things

But his real desire

Was a boy in the choir

With a bottom like jelly on springs

Fry is even personally involved with charities that “help find missing children”. He carries a sufficiently heavy burden of guilt to have attempted suicide “on a number of occasions.” And, of course, he’s ELOW. With this much thick, black, oily smoke surrounding the fat, pompous narcissist, it would be more shocking to eventually learn that there wasn’t, in fact, any Hellfire.

Fry even looks enough like Cyril Smith to play the late paedophile Member of Parliament in a biopic.

Sterilizing the soldiers

The Antipresident is reportedly going to issue a waiver that will permit the Pentagon to mandate vaccinations for the US military on Friday:

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is expected Friday to announce a mandatory vaccine policy for all active-duty forces in the U.S. military, Fox News has confirmed.

The directive that all 1.3 million service members will be required to get shots in their arms comes just days after President Biden urged all federal employees to get vaccinated

In a speech last week, Biden said he was directing the Defense Department to examine how to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory. 

The Department of Justice was also asked by the president to look into the legality of mandating for the military a vaccine that has yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. 

DOJ officials said a vaccine mandate would require a presidential waiver. 

Officials told Fox News that Austin will make his recommendation to the White House tomorrow, and the formal announcement is expected to come Friday. About 64{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} of active-duty forces are fully vaccinated.

I’ll admit that I fully expect the US to collapse before the year 2034. But I didn’t seriously entertain the possibility that it might happen more than a decade prior.

What, exactly, does Mr. Austin think he is going to do if one-third of the armed forces flat-out refuses the vaccines? They’ve been under pressure to get vaccinated for months already and have stood firmly against it. And now they’re all just going to submit to an order of deeply questionably constitutionality on the basis of a waiver provided by a man suffering from dementia who they all know perfectly well was not elected their Commander-in-Chief?

Perhaps they will. Or perhaps this is really about flushing the patriots and independent thinkers out of the military and they’ll be offered easy and graceful honorable discharges. We’ll find out soon enough.

12-year-old consent

What if… this whole Covid pandemic and mandated vaccination thing is actually about nothing more than lowering the age of consent:

Sixteen and 17-year-olds will not need parental consent to get the Covid vaccine, health chiefs have revealed as they opened the door to jabbing younger teenagers.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) today recommended that the 1.4million people in the age groups should be offered the Pfizer jabs ‘as soon as possible’ with Professor Jonathan Van-Tam saying there was ‘no time to waste’.

Ministers have accepted this advice and the NHS is now preparing to dish out their first doses at centres across the country. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said he expected the inoculations to begin this month.

There are currently no plans to offer the age group second doses, but scientists are reviewing more data to understand the risks of administering the jabs.

Officials close to the programme said a child would be able to give consent for the jab if they were able to understand the risks and benefits of any medical treatment.

The JCVI is also considering vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds, but they said they will need to review more safety data before they can update their recommendation for this group. 

And that would also provide a pretty good idea of who is behind the whole thing. But I tend to doubt that’s actually the objective. This totally unnecessary “protection” against a virus that is almost perfectly harmless to children lends further support to the hypothesis that it is sterilizing the youth across the West that is the goal.

If there wasn’t going to be a civil war before, it increasingly appears there will be now. And there may not be a scientist or doctor left by the time it’s finally over.

Bindery Campaign update 1

36 hours into the Build the Bindery campaign. 27 days left.

Status: 26.5 percent of goal.

The Iliad: 91/500

The Odyssey: 86/500

We will be adding another book at the end of the week, albeit one that we don’t expect most English-speakers to buy. We are also considering how to add an inexpensive level of support for those who can’t afford or don’t collect leather books.

Some backers have asked about the possibility of a stretch goal if the objective is reached. We hadn’t really contemplated one in this virtual context, but if we were to add one, the logical choice would be The Aeneid. But we’re open to suggestions.

Why vaccinations should be “sterilizing”

Karl Denninger explains why the non-sterilizing aspect of the Covid-19 vaccines – they don’t protect against infection – is a known and serious problem:

To be sterilizing a vaccine must prevent infection.  Since you never get infected you never replicate the virus and thus do not shed it.  If you do not shed it the potential path of the viral life-cycle for that particular infection ends with you and thus you cannot pass on or cause a mutation. You are sterile against that disease; from the point of view of the virus you are a lifeless rock.  Among commonly-used sterilizing vaccines are MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), Varicella (chicken pox), OPV (oral polio) and others.  The only time that such a vaccine fails is when you do not build immunity (such as due to immune compromise.)  This is extremely rare and the protection from such vaccines tends to be either decades-long or lifetime.
A vaccine that is not sterilizing permits the virus to infect you and replicate and as a result you can infect others.  Technically it is not a vaccine at all (which by definition prevents infection); it is a prophylactic therapy.  Such a “vaccine” instead acts to reduce or eliminate symptomatic disease.  You don’t know you’re sick and you don’t get sick.  You don’t go to the hospital and you don’t die.  Unfortunately since you don’t know you’re sick but are infected and the virus is both replicating in you and shedding you are more-likely to spread the infection to others.  All of the current Covid jabs are in this category and so is, for that matter IPV (injected polio vaccine — the original Salk discovery.)
During the original vaccine trials in the summer and fall of 2020 they deliberately did not test any of the recipients for asymptomatic infections.  Only a person who developed a significant illness was tested.  This has continued post roll-out with the CDC specifying that a close contact of a known case who was vaccinated did not need to quarantine or be tested until and unless they became symptomatic.  They knew damn well, in other words, that the jabs were not sterilizing but did not want that data up for public debate because then those who have read history would be likely to make the connection to the present day and thus they did their level best to hide it.  That has now blown up in their face with it being conclusively known that jabbed people in fact not only get infected but spread the virus to others.
The problem with non-sterilizing vaccines is simply this: There is no safe means of mass-use of non-sterilizing vaccines so long as transmission within the community does or is likely to exist.
There are no exceptions.
This was known to public health officials and virologists seventy years ago and is why the United States used both IPV (injected polio vaccine) and OPV (oral polio vaccine) in sequence for polio until the 1990s.  OPV produced sterilizing immunity but IPV did not.  OPV had a very small (but non-zero, about 1 in a million) risk of causing polio because it was a codon-deoptimized live virus which, on rare occasion, would mutate back to its virulent form in the human body.  So to mitigate that risk you got IPV first in the US (to prevent systemic infection; this was non-sterilizing), then OPV which is sterilizing — that is, it prevents not only getting sick from polio but also replicating and shedding the virus, thus giving it to others along with preventing the promotion of mutations that WILL eventually escape the vaccine.
Had we done with polio what we’re doing now with Covid — IPV (non-sterilizing) use only with virus circulating in the United States — it is very likely the virus would have mutated, escaped the vaccine and killed millions in America.  Every single so-called expert knows damn well why we didn’t do that with polio and how dangerous it is to attempt it.  Indeed where polio still circulates but money is scarce they use OPV only (which is sterilizing) and accept the risk of the rare but possible active case it can cause for this exact reason.
Again: This is not a “new idea”; it was in fact the only rational path of action and known decades ago, forming the very basis of our polio vaccination strategy.  This combination strategy was necessary for polio but not for measles, for example, as the measles vaccine is sterilizing.

Of course, one of the primary concerns about these fake vaccines is that they may, in fact, be sterilizing in a very different sense. 

Of all the things that never happened

This never happened the most:

A fit and healthy 42-year-old father has died of Covid-19 after refusing the vaccine because he thought he would be OK if he contracted the virus, his twin sister said.

John Eyers had been climbing the Welsh mountains and wild camping one month before his death last week, which came exactly four weeks after he tested positive.

His twin sister Jenny McCann from London said he was the ‘fittest, healthiest person I know’ and had thought he would only have a ‘mild illness’ if he got coronavirus.

She added that he had a ‘belief in his own immortality’ but before going onto a ventilator in hospital he told his consultant that he wished he had been vaccinated.

Mr Eyers died in intensive care after suffering from an infection and organ failure, and leaves behind both parents, Ms McCann and his 19-year-old daughter. 

Every newspaper appears to be running some version of this regret sob story now. “You’ll be sorry” is the current Vaccine Nazi narrative, combined with the threat of a mandate.

Isn’t it amazing how their last wishes – right before going on the ventilator – are always the same? 

Meanwhile, people who are having their limbs amputated and dropping dead of heart attacks after being vaccinated are still quoted as saying they’d do it again.

Building the bindery

Last night on the Darkstream I announced the Castalia Bindery Book Sale. This is the virtual crowdfund we’re doing to help fund the construction of the book factory that will permit Castalia House to directly produce our own paperback, hardcover, and leatherbound books, although our plan is to initially concentrate 100 percent on the leatherbound books because there is no bindery in Europe or the UK capable of producing them in the quantities we already require for the Castalia Library.

So, as a virtual crowdfunding campaign to build the bindery, we’re now offering special Castalia Bindery editions of both THE ILIAD and THE ODYSSEY by Homer until midnight on August 31. Both books are available in both Library (cowhide) and Libraria (goatskin) editions and will feature original interior artwork as well as the highly-regarded 1898/1900 prose translations by Samuel Butler. Our objective is to sell 500 copies of each book by the end of the campaign. We decided not to do a traditional crowdfund on Indiegogo because we want every penny raised by the sale to go towards purchasing the 20 machines that we require. Some of these machines are extremely expensive; for example, a new automatic gilding machine costs $400,000. Fortunately, we’ve located a number of used machines that will suit our needs, and in some cases we can make do with less expensive semi-automatic machines that are sufficient for the size of our planned print runs.

Running our own bindery will permit Castalia to a) significantly improve the production and delivery times, b) control the shipping to customers, c) increase production capacity, d) improve the quality of the books to match that of the now-defunct Franklin Library, and e) take on a broader range of publishing projects. After a detailed review of the entire operational process and the various options, the publishing team unanimously concluded that building the bindery was the optimal long-term strategy for Castalia and the logical culmination of our decision two years ago to avoid reliance upon Amazon.

This is our most ambitious and complex project yet, and it is one that we believe to be absolutely necessary in light of the various challenges we have faced over the last year. We’ve spent the last three months preparing for it, and checking and rechecking even the smallest details with the assistance of our current publishing partners in order to ensure its success. I’ll be updating the status of the campaign every day here and on SocialGalactic. 

Despite the campaign being all of 10 hours old, we have already reached 5 percent of our goal, with The Iliad at 26/500 and The Odyssey at 24/500.

UPDATE: 12 hours in, we’re at 8 percent of goal. It’s a promising start.

UPDATE: Day 1 report. The first 24 hours concluded at 20 percent of goal. Thanks very much to everyone who backed the campaign!