JDA defeats Worldcon

Jon Del Arroz, Rislandia publisher, Arktoons contributor, and the Leading Hispanic Voice in Science Fiction, recently reached a settlement in his long-running legal dispute with Worldcon. For those of you who have no idea what that is, Worldcon is the organization of SJW science fiction fans that runs the annual convention that gives out the Hugo Awards.

Jon sent me an email to post here explaining what happened:

In early 2017, Vox Day gave me a platform on this blog to speak the truth about how the science fiction publishing and fandom communities had become nothing more than toxic, gossip-filled political arms of the extreme Satanist, globalist elites. It was the first time I’d been unpersonned by SJWs trying to target me and my family over politics and he gave me the advice: “Learn to go public. One reason they get away with it is because everyone they do it to tries to keep it quiet. You shouldn’t.”

I named names, I exposed what was going on, and made a name for myself many of you know in science fiction and comics, of which I thank the readers of VP so much for your support over the years. It hasn’t been without its trials, however, the unpersoning continued with Worldcon 76 in San Jose, who banned me because I told them I had safety concerns about being physically attacked based on death threats made to me online, and they refused to even respond about assurances of security at their convention.

They took it a step further, going to their website and social media citing they were removing “racist bullying” from their convention, libeling me, a Hispanic man who is very proud of my heritage in the process.

I followed Vox’s lead and decided to fight it with everything I had. We filed suit for defamation and have been engaged in a long court battle for nearly 4 years. Finally, WorldCon opted to settle and wrote me a formal, public apology and gave us financial compensation:

SFSFC acknowledges the importance of reputation, especially for a relatively new author, and regrets that its public statement about barring his attendance might have led people unfamiliar with Mr. Del Arroz and his work to infer that he is or was a racist. For that, SFSFC apologizes. This attendance ban was specific to the Worldcon 76 events produced by SFSFC, and Mr. Del Arroz has the same opportunity as other members of the public to register for future SFSFC events. Worldcon 76 does not tolerate discrimination in any form — including through cosplay — based on but not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical/mental health conditions. SFSFC firmly believes that healthy political discourse requires active, mutual, good faith participation by members of the community with differing opinions.

Kevin Roche

Chair, Worldcon 76 in San Jose

President, San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc.

We are in dark times, but there is light and there is good. Even though it can seem overwhelming, you can fight the good fight, you can win. It isn’t easy, you can’t be low energy, and you must never concede, but know that truth will prevail. We follow the one true light of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, and through him we will be his beacon and bring about his kingdom. It’s preordained. We have already won, and the lesson is to never be afraid of evil. Deus vult. 

The SJWs at File 770 are doing their thing, attempting to transmogrify victory into defeat for Jon. Of course, being SJWs, they would deny that Jon won anything even if the entire Worldcon leadership was personally beheaded by the presiding judge and the entire contents of their meager bank accounts were presented to him on a golden platter.

Not every victory will be fast, flawless, or result in a large financial payout. Much more often, the best that one can reasonably expect to do is a public apology, a retreat from arbitration, the return of the filing fees, or the imposition of expenses that are essentially a rounding error to a massive corporation that one wouldn’t expect to even notice. But a victory is a victory, and more importantly, these victories stack over time to send a very strong message to everyone that converged individuals and organizations cannot continue to behave in the way they have been behaving.

Consider Amazon. Even mighty Amazon had to drop its mandated arbitration policy, and it now faces three class action lawsuits because 75,000 customers brought consumer arbitrations against it. Each individual arbitration was a tiny drop in the bucket to the corporate giant, but collectively, they were enough to force Amazon to retreat and change its anti-consumer policies.

The Punisher meets Little Women

Bounding Into Comics previews SILENZIOSA, the first new Arktoons series to be introduced since the site launched in April.

Publisher Vox Day and Arktoons revealed a brand new series that will join the digital comics platform in Silenziosa. The series is written by both Day and Chuck Dixon and features artwork by Renato Rei and colors by Arklight Studios. 

An official description from a press release describes the new series.

It begins, “SILENZIOSA is a series about a Princess of the Blood, Alissabetta, the daughter of King Charles Arthur III of Inghiltar,  Yrlandia, and the Skotian Isles, who to her surprise and dismay finds herself sent by her parents to a foreign school for noble assassins.

“She is totally unsuited for the Silent Academy, as she is a sweet and gentle soul whose primary concerns tend to revolve around kittens and clothes. However, her inner steel is revealed in the unforgiving environment, which has been known to prove lethal to students and instructors alike.”

Read the whole preview and check out the artwork there. After which, you can read the first episode at Arktoons. 

Friday PM Arktoons

HYPERGAMOUSE Episode 6: A Strong Independent Woman

RIGHT HO, JEEVES Episode 6: An Aching Heart

SILENZIOSA Episode 1: The Princess and the Needle

Stalin’s War and the Soviet-Nazi break

 An interview with the author of the highly recommended Stalin’s War:

This is what I think one of the key discoveries that I made, although a few other historians have again tried to kind of guess at this they haven’t actually seen most of the files. The final break between Hitler and Stalin prior to what we now call Operation Barbarossa occurred over Balkan questions.  

There was this summit that has long been known about in Berlin, in November 1940. This is when Molotov went to meet with Hitler and Ribbentrop, and he also met Rudolf Hess, and Himmler, and all the other leading Nazis. It turned out that in fact the Germans thought the meetings had gone relatively well. They hadn’t agreed on everything, but they thought the meetings had been friendly.

We now know from Molotov’s own real-time telegraphic communications from Stalin that he and Stalin had in fact decided to break with Hitler even before the Germans broke with them. Stalin laid down what was in effect an ultimatum. Hitler had invited the Soviet Union to join the Tripartite Pact – they had restyled the old anti-Comintern pact with Italy, Germany, and Japan – so it’s now going to be restyled and the Soviets are invited to join.

Stalin insisted as a price of joining the Tripartite Pact that the Germans withdraw all of their troops from Finland and Romania, including military advisers, that Stalin be allowed to invade Bulgaria and to station troops at the Bosporus and the Dardanelles – that is to say the Turkish Straits. He was afraid of the British, he still saw the British as the enemy.

That’s one of the other really fascinating things that you see, if you actually read the real correspondence, is that Stalin before Barbarossa, and even to some extent after it and towards the end of the war, continued to view the Anglo-Saxons, as he called them, as his enemy. As he told Matsuoka, Japan’s foreign minister in April 1941 and also in their first meeting in March, he’d never viewed the Anglo-Saxons as his friends and he did not intend to befriend them now.

Now strangely enough, they had been wary of Stalin too, but then when Hitler does make this decision to invade, in part because of this break over the Balkans, in part because of Hitler’s own ideolog,  racial obsessions about Lebensraum and cleansing room for the German settlers in the east, it’s sort of like this act of almost diplomatic magic. There’s kind of a public relations miracle. To give you an idea of what I mean, even the Roosevelt administration, which had been relatively friendly vis-a-vis the Soviet Union, in the days before Barbarossa they had been about to expel Soviet spies, including aviation spies and experts who would actually burrow deeply into the U.S. aviation sector and were scheduled for deportation, relations were about to go into a deep freeze, suddenly – poof – everything vanishes!

Stalin is a hero, his peoples, they are heroes. Secretly at first, later, a fter November 1941 openly, Roosevelt opens the spigot of Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union and lavishes vast amounts of war materiel, industrial inputs, foodstuffs, boots, uniforms, you name it, it’s all given effectively for free to the Soviet Union.

I very much recommend reading this book. The author apparently isn’t equipped to draw some of the obvious conclusions from his own observations and he doesn’t usually ask the obvious follow-on questions – for example, inquiring as to precisely which individuals in the USA were responsible for making that public relations miracle happen and how they did it – but that doesn’t lessen the importance of those well-documented observations in the slightest. 

The COVID coverup

It’s now becoming clear that COVID-19 is a man-made bioweapon that was constructed in China and funded by what appear to be rogue globalist elements inside the US government connected with the NGO billionaires like Gates and Soros:

The new report examining the behind-the-scenes battle over COVID’s origins follows new evidence to support the theory that the coronavirus pandemic may have leaked from WIV — raising questions about why the possibility wasn’t investigated more thoroughly from the outset. 
‘The story of why parts of the U.S. government were not as curious as many of us think they should have been is a hugely important one,’ David Feith, former deputy assistant secretary of state in the East Asia bureau, told Vanity Fair.
In an interview with the outlet, DiNanno describes how his probe into the lab leak theory was thwarted at every turn, with hostile and antagonistic technical staff warning him not to open ‘Pandora’s box.’
Things came to a head at a meeting on December 9, when State Department staff met to discuss what the department could or should say publicly about the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
According to people at the meeting, Christopher Park, the director of the State Department’s Biological Policy Staff in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, not to say anything that would point to the U.S. government’s own role in gain-of-function research. Park, a Trump appointee like DiNanno, had been involved in lifting a U.S. government moratorium on funding for gain-of-function research in 2017. Park was reportedly not the only one who raised concerns about the investigation ultimately raising questions about U.S. funding. 
As the group probed the lab-leak scenario and other possibilities, its members were repeatedly advised not to open a ‘Pandora’s box,’ four former State Department officials told the magazine.
The admonitions ‘smelled like a cover-up,’ said DiNanno, ‘and I wasn’t going to be part of it.’
It’s unclear exactly much U.S. government funding was going to the WIV, but at least some of it was being routed through a nonprofit called EcoHealth Alliance.
By 2018, EcoHealth Alliance was pulling in up to $15 million a year in grant money from an array of federal agencies, including the Defense Department, Homeland Security, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, according to tax filings.
EcoHealth Alliance and its founder Peter Daszak have been working with Shi Zhengli, the WIV virologist known as the ‘bat lady’, for more than 15 years. 
British-born Daszak, 55, is the president of EcoHealth Alliance — and in the early days of the pandemic, he was key in establishing the veneer of a ‘scientific consensus’ that the lab-leak origin was impossible.
Daszak not only signed but spearheaded a letter signed by 27 scientists rejecting the lab leak hypothesis, which was published on February 19, 2020 in the medical journal The Lancet.
Leaked emails later revealed that he encouraged colleagues who do gain-of-function research on coronaviruses not to sign the letter, in order to obscure the connection.
The letter declared that the scientists had ‘no competing interests’ — but it seems clear that Daszak did, as a lab leak origin would likely derail his entire field, but an animal origin would justify his life’s work.  

The next question that needs to be determined is if the plans for the creation of the not-vaccines were completed prior to the release of COVID-19. Regardless, this is already one of the worst US government crimes in history. While China is obviously involved, one should keep in mind that it is possible that the Chinese government was not the primary party responsible, given the amount of US government money that was secretly funneled to Wuhan through the US nonprofit.

It is a product of the bioweapons program of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government, the network of which includes not only the CCP scientists but also certain overseas scientists and organizations.

– Dr. Li-Meng Ya

And apparently, this wouldn’t be the first time a leak from a Chinese bioweapons lab killed people around the world:

In 1977 a flu broke out in northeast China which eventually spread to Russia and then around the world. It eventually took the lives of approximately 700,000 people around the world most of whom were young. It came to be known as the “Russian flu” because Russia was the first country to report it to the WHO. Scientists who examined its DNA concluded it was nearly identical to a previous strain of the flu virus which had caused an outbreak between 1949 and 1950.

In nature, the flu doesn’t remain unchanged for 27 years as it circulates. So the fact that the “Russian flu” was nearly identical to the earlier strain eventually led to the conclusion that the Russian flu was likely the result of a lab leak….

You may wish to note that more than a year ago, in April 2020, I concluded that everyone was lying and the evidence “tends to indicate the coronavirus as a coordinated Deep State attack on China, Iran, the Trump administration, and the American people.”

Of all the words….

In your most recent stream you said your high intelligence would have made the Naval Academy difficult for you.  What about higher intelligence makes the military more difficult?  I’m asking as someone who’ll likely be attending either the Naval Academy or West Point next year. 

You have to follow orders you know are stupid given by your intellectual inferiors. And you have to try to communicate with people across the 2SD communications gap. It can be done – my uncle is smarter than I am and he succeeded brilliantly at Annapolis and in the Corps. But he has tremendous charisma.

Two years pass…

You were right. I am currently in the process of leaving the Naval Academy.

Thursday PM Arktoons

A THRONE OF BONES Episode 6: Dying by the Dozens

CHUCK DIXON PRESENTS: ADVENTURE Episode 5: An Errand of Treachery

So, here’s a question. We’d been planning to have the next crowdfunding campaign support MIDNIGHT’S WAR, but given the strength of support for A THRONE OF BONES, I’m wondering if we should perhaps consider doing ATOB next. Any thoughts on this score?

Mailvox: volun-told to vaxx

A US military officer stationed in Europe explains how the vaxx is being imposed on U.S. soldiers serving abroad:

Longtime reader here, first time email to you. Wanted to give you additional background on the military side of the vaccine issue, at least as it’s applying to service members in Europe and some folks stateside. 

For the last couple of months or so, leadership has been giving heavy encouragement, basically pushing the vaccine on everybody. It’s interesting to watch, because the DOD has structures in place for all service members to get vaccinated routinely, via MEDPROS. Meaning, we get yearly flu shots, we’ve gotten anthrax, smallpox, tetanus, etc. All vaccines listen under MEDPROS are mandatory and required, no getting around them. They’re all also thoroughly FDA approved, so the government can require them of employees or service members. Not so with the Covid vaccine, of course. That is voluntary, but for many folks it’s akin to being “volun-told”. 

I hear from many soldiers, and a number of friends and coworkers, all manner of stories about it. Most of us have been pressured about receiving the shots. We know that at some point, FDA approval will be pushed through, and they will be mandated. Many of us are resigned to waiting for that day. The carrot and the stick on this are getting progressively more visible and annoying. Those fully vaxxed can stop wearing masks. They can freely travel, all by showing their shot card. They don’t have to worry about social distancing anymore. Our battalion and our brigade have been far gentler about things than other commands have been.

I have heard horror stories from others; these are second/third hand sources that I trust. Folks in DC were told that if they didn’t get vaccinated they’d be considered traitors, and they needed to be on “the right side of history.” I can attest to witnessing and being in formations where we were given a brief lecture on opting out of the vaccine. The Army has lists of those who have opted in, and opted out. I have been told many senior leaders at high levels haven’t taken it yet. I have heard from others that O5/COL level leaders, and E9/CSM level leaders, have been leveling pressure on enlisted soldiers down to the E1-E4 level although typically this doesn’t happen. It’s an all-in effort to get to herd immunity, but somehow I don’t trust the inflated numbers. Even the folks who don’t want to get the shots see less and less choice; the peer pressure it outstanding and intense.

Knowing all the risks of getting the shots, I’m still weighing on when to get them, seeing as I won’t have a choice as long as I wear the uniform… Most I’ve spoken to on this matter acknowledge the bitter irony that we’re watching to classes of people being legally formed: the vaxxed, and the non-vaxxzd. The vaxxed will have substantial privileges and benefits; the non-vaxxed who’ve done nothing wrong legally, will be punished and penalized.

We’ll see how long this social pressure lasts as it becomes ever more clear that the vaxx is a death-mark akin to painting a genetic target on your chest for a foreign bioweapon. Between this, the tranny initiative, and the feminization of the US military, it increasingly appears that an external force has penetrated the US military and is in the process of rendering unable to fight.

Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing on the macro level is a legitimate question. But it is absolutely and unquestionably very bad for those who are in the service. At this rate, one could almost imagine that the step after requiring the vaxx will be mandating gender transition.

Crowdsourcing investigative journalism

 An international team of amateurs cracked the thin white-coated wall of silence that professional scientists were maintaining, with the full collusion of the mainstream media, to hide the fact that the coronavirus was a man-made bioweapon:

When the pandemic happened to break out on the doorstep of the lab with the largest collection of coronaviruses in the world, fueling speculation that the WIV might be involved, Daszak and 26 other scientists signed a letter that appeared in The Lancet on February 19, 2020. “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin,” it stated.

We now know, thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, that Daszak orchestrated the letter to squelch talk of a lab leak. He drafted it, reached out to fellow scientists to sign it, and worked behind the scenes to make it seem that the letter represented the views of a broad range of scientists. “This statement will not have the EcoHealth Alliance logo on it and will not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person,” he wrote in his pitch to the co-signatories. Scientists whose work had overlapped with the WIV agreed not to sign it so they could “put it out in a way that doesn’t link it back to our collaboration.”

At the time, however, there was no hint of Daszak’s organizing role. The letter helped make Daszak a ubiquitous presence in the media, where he called a lab-leak “preposterous,” “baseless,” and “pure baloney.” He also attacked scientists who published evidence pointing to the lab. Part of the reason the lab theory made no sense, he argued, was because the Wuhan lab wasn’t culturing any viruses remotely similar to SARS-CoV-2. (Daszak has not responded to Newsweek’s request for comment.)

For a long time, Daszak was astonishingly influential. Few in the media questioned him or pointed out that his career and organization would be deeply damaged if it turned out his work had indirectly played a role in the pandemic….

By early 2020, The Seeker was beginning to question that viewpoint. He had begun to interact with people who were poking holes in the conventional wisdom. One important piece was an extensive Medium post by the Canadian longevity entrepreneur Yuri Deigin that discussed RaTG13, a virus Shi Zhengli had revealed to the world in a February 3 paper in the journal Nature. In that paper, Shi presented the first extensive analysis of SARS-CoV-2, which had seemed to come from nowhere—the virus was unlike any that had been seen before, including the first SARS, which had killed 774 people from 2002 to 2004. In her paper, however, Shi also introduced RaTG13, a virus that is similar in genetic makeup to SARS-CoV-2, making it the only known close relative at the time.

The paper was vague about where RaTG13 had come from. It didn’t say exactly where or when RaTG13 had been found, just that it had previously been detected in a bat in Yunnan Province, in southern China.

The paper aroused Deigin’s suspicions. He wondered if SARS-CoV-2 might have emerged through some genetic mixing and matching from a lab working with RaTG13 or related viruses. His post was cogent and comprehensive. The Seeker posted Deigin’s theory on Reddit, which promptly suspended his account permanently.

That early whiff of censorship piqued Seeker’s curiosity, so he read more of the Twitter group’s ideas. “I found a lively group of people eager to debate and explore the topic,” he told Newsweek by email.

It was an eclectic group. There were entrepreneurs, engineers, and a microbiologist from the University of Innsbruck named Rossana Segreto. None of them had known each other in advance; they gravitated to the forum after independently concluding that the conventional wisdom of the origins of COVID-19 didn’t make sense. Conversations were kept on track by a wisecracking coordinator living somewhere in Asia who went by the pseudonym Billy Bostickson, and whose Twitter icon was a cartoon of a beat-up lab monkey.

The Seeker fit right in. “They helped me catch up on the debate, and I started to educate myself,” he says. “Before I knew it, I got hooked into the mystery.” He was driven in part by curiosity, but also by a growing sense of civic duty. “COVID has taken the lives of countless people and devastated so many others. But it has also left so many clues that haven’t been followed up. Humanity deserves answers.”

The Seeker and the rest of the group became increasingly convinced that RaTG13 might hold the key to some of those answers. In a crackling thread, half a dozen participants hashed out its mysteries, combing the internet and the WIV’s previous papers for clues.

If there is a moment when the DRASTIC team coalesced into something more than its disparate parts, it would be this thread. In real time, for all the world to see, they worked through the data, tested various hypotheses, corrected each other, and scored some direct hits.

The key facts quickly came together. The genetic sequence for RaTG13 perfectly matched a small piece of genetic code posted as part of a paper written by Shi Zhengli years earlier, but never mentioned again. The code came from a virus the WIV had found in a Yunnan bat. Connecting key details in the two papers with old news stories, the DRASTIC team determined that RaTG13 had come from a mineshaft in Mojiang County, in Yunnan Province, where six men shoveling bat guano in 2012 had developed pneumonia. Three of them died. DRASTIC wondered if that event marked the first cases of human beings being infected with a precursor of SARS-CoV-2—perhaps RaTG13 or something like it.

In a profile in Scientific American, Shi Zhengli acknowledged working in a mineshaft in Mojiang County where miners had died. But she avoided connecting it to RaTG13 (an omission she had made in her scientific papers as well), claiming that a fungus in the cave had killed the miners.

That explanation didn’t sit well with the DRASTIC group. They suspected a SARS-like virus, not a fungus, had killed the miners and that, for whatever reason, the WIV was trying to hide that fact. It was a hunch, and they had no way of proving it.

At this point, The Seeker revealed his research powers to the group. In his online explorations, he’d recently discovered a massive Chinese database of academic journals and theses called CNKI. Now he wondered if somewhere in its vast circuitry might be information on the sickened miners.

Working through the night at his bedside table on phone and laptop, fueled by chai and using Chinese characters with the help of Google Translate, he plugged in “Mojiang”—the county where the mine was located—in combination with every other word he could think of that might be relevant, instantly translating each new flush of results back to English. “Mojiang + pneumonia”; “Mojiang + WIV”; “Mojiang + bats”; “Mojiang + SARS.” Each search brought back thousands of results and half a dozen different databases for journals, books, newspapers, master’s theses, doctoral dissertations. He combed through these results, night after night, but never found anything useful. When he ran out of energy, he broke for arcade games and more chai.

He was on the verge of calling it quits, he says, when he struck gold: a 60-page master’s thesis written by a student at Kunming Medical University in 2013 titled “The Analysis of 6 Patients with Severe Pneumonia Caused by Unknown Viruses.” In exhaustive detail, it described the conditions and step-by-step treatment of the miners. It named the suspected culprit: “Caused by SARS-like [coronavirus] from the Chinese horseshoe bat or other bats.”

This is a failure of scientistry as much as it is a failure of the media. Remember this in the future: neither the mainstream media nor the professional scientific community can be trusted to tell you the truth in any way, about anything. They will not even hesitate to directly lie to you, and will afterwards go to great lengths to mislead, to redirect, and to cover their tracks.

Daszak and every other signatory of that February letter in The Lancet should have their funding pulled immediately. This illustrates why science is not only not the enemy of Christianity, but to the contrary, is dependent upon it. The method doesn’t mean a damn thing when the man utilizing it is corrupt.

Thursday AM Arktoons

ALT★HERO: Q Episode 6: There Are No Coincidences

FLYING SPARKS Episode 6: Making It My Fight
In celebration of MIDNIGHT’S WAR being the second series to reach 20,000 views on Arktoons, and the first original Arkhaven series to do so, here is an early look at the style of new colorist, who happens to also be the illustrator for the series. He enjoys drawing MW so much that he asked if we would let him color it too. You’ll start seeing the updated style in Episode 8.
Prince Cosimo de Medici is even more intimidating outside of the boardroom. And he clearly understands the importance of a proper chair.