AI WARS Episode 6: Humanity Strikes Back
CHICAGO TYPEWRITER Episode 6: Walk the Brimstone Path
#Arkhaven INFOGALACTIC #Castalia House
A Boomer writes to explain why it’s better not to hope, and why the right thing to do is to sit around waiting for others to get the job done before you get involved:
Except politics isn’t a soccer game where organized players supported by infrastructure and committed to achieving a goal can be expected to take the initiative in those fleeting moments that could make a difference. Real politics is low intensity warfare where people lose family, careers, freedom, health and life.
The blightwing and its dissident fringe is comprised of impoverished/cheap, unorganized, indolent cowards “led” by grifters. They look for someone else to do the heavy lifting as they observe from afar, doing handsprings in skirts, chanting silly cheers. It has been that way for 57+ years.
When I see the blightwing organized locally, regionally, and nationally, destroying the enemy, taking casualties and caring for their own, taking the initiative, always working and raising the ante – then and only then will I resume active participation on the ground, where it counts.
Of course by then, no one who has been active locally, regionally, and nationally will have any use for his useless, oversized Boomer butt.
I’m not saying anyone should vote harder, or place any trust in Con Inc. or in the Republican Party. I’m also not saying that anyone should blithely proceed in the blind confidence that Donald Trump is flawlessly executing Q’s 12-D underwater chess strategy.
But only the weak of mind and character fear to hope, and prefer indolence and despair to inspiration and determination.
Forget despair. I’m not talking about that. Everyone understands that despair is worse than useless. What I’m talking about is a refusal to hope, which is entirely different. And the problem with a refusal to hope is this: you will not be in a position to act or take advantage of the situation in the event that things happen to break your way.
Don’t you see? Don’t you get it? Matt and Benny totally OWNED THE LIBS!
The number of people reacting here who think they were giving money to the enemy to help the enemy’s grandmother is ridiculous.No one who saw the stunt unfold would think that. It was a slight against AOC and the fact that she hadn’t helped her own grandmother. It also highlighted how regular Americans could solve a problem without government intervention.In addition to this, no money was given to AOC’s family.Anyone who followed the stunt realized AOC was never going to accept the funds. It was a stunt to make AOC look bad, and it was more effective by far than anything most of us have done.
At this point, I no longer feel any sympathy for all the idiots who read and support The Daily Wire. They’re simply too stupid to be able to distinguish between predator and prey.
The point, morons, is that no one on the planet, beginning with AOC, gives a quantum of a damn whether AOC helps her grandmother or not. Boomers don’t even help their own children or grandchildren, Generation X is gleefully awaiting The Day of the Pillow, the Millennials are bitter that neither their parents nor their grandparents will help them with their young children, and the Zoomers are either a) trying to figure out if they are a boy or a girl or one of the other 55 genders or b) gearing up to out-genocide Bill Gates.
What I saw, what everyone saw, is that Conservative Inc.’s talking heads are far more interested in trying to score points against liberals than help those who are supposedly on their own side. Not only was it not effective in the least, it was just another example of how offensively useless these would-be opinion leaders are.
UPDATE: This limerick from SocialGalactic is apt.
The GE campaigned with euphoria
Yet losing turned hope to dysphoria
The swamp thralls the sheep
But dug down too deep
And awoke the Gen Z under Moria
SWAN KNIGHT SAGA Episode 6: Advice from the Animals
While media conservatives are giddy about the chance to financially support their political “opponents”.
Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog
As you’ve heard, @AOC’s abuela is living in a dilapidated home that was ravaged by Hurricane Maria. AOC is unable to help her own grandma for whatever reason, so I have set up this Go Fund Me campaign to save her home. Please give if you can. #HelpAbuela
Cuckservatives love nothing better than to “surprise” people by materially supporting their enemies. Their primary objective is to be publicly seen as the nice people. As Stalin learned, the Left doesn’t even need to buy the rope with which to hang them, conservatives will literally give it to their would-be executioners for free.
Are you even a little bit surprised to learn that Ben Shapiro is pushing this idiocy too?
UPDATE: For the benefit of those who are apparently too slow to understand that everyone here knows perfectly well what these moronic cucks were intending, we are aware the very clever plan is to OWN THE LIBS and MAKE THE DEMS LOOK LIKE HYPOCRITES! Our criticism is based on the fact that this objective is an unnecessary, pointless, and wasteful bit of grandstanding.
“We’re gonna take back the Senate, take back the House, we’re gonna take back the White House – and sooner than you think. It’s going to be really something special.”
– Donald Trump, June 5, 2021
I tend to doubt this purported “Mr. X” actually exists. He reads more like a literary device than an actual person of import. That being said, literally everything that is reported to have come out of his mouth on economics and money appears to be much more accurate than not, from my perspective:
“You have to understand that Obama, Trump or Biden report to the same ‘number one,’ and they have no say on any important issue.
“Number one” was formerly OSS (Office of Strategic Services) with William J. Casey under Wild Bill Donovan (creator of OSS) and later CIA. He married a super-rich lady and ran a prosperous industry. Number one said that they were not going to stop the currency rigging that was destroying our industries as we were number one in the world and could afford it. And Wall Street wanted to make money out of it who were rigging the markets through cash settlement to this day. Number one also controls the Congress and the Supreme Court and I am quite familiar on how these leading wonders were groomed. They essentially are picked because they can be controlled by past corruption and they have the goods on them.
“The CIA doctored the boarding tapes of Islamic people boarding planes in Boston and blamed 9-11 on a failed former CIA asset named Osama bin Laden who had nothing to do with it and then decided to detonate Building Number 7 since the necessary misdirection was supplied by the doctored boarding tapes. Then there was reason to send the army to Afghanistan, bin Laden’s lair, to take over the heroin/poppy trade there. Trump wanted out of Afghanistan and that was why the Deep State had to engineer an election against him. Trump had tapes showing this ruse and could have released them, to win the election. For unexplained reasons, the tapes weren’t disclosed publicly.”
Balance of trade
“I had recommended to Donald how to cure the trade deficit in one step. That step mean we would counter-rig the currencies who had trade surpluses with us as our allies had rigged their currencies against us by depreciating them. We would buy the currencies of all trade surplus countries with the US raising their value so our nation would not buy their products to end the trade deficit and create a surplus to pay off 14 trillion of our net-deficit- position in the world.”
“You do not need tariffs to stop the trade deficit you just realign the currencies. We just counter-rig by buying their currencies. I guarantee you it will work, for if necessary, we would put the Euro to 3 dollars per euro. We would buy nothing. And that would end NATO. Fine.”
“When the Bitcoin people came to me for my support for their coins, I said if you make them redeemable in gold, and you continue with an unchangeable finite amount of gold backing each coin, and that gold is in a secure place, then you will replace the world currencies if US military allows you to do so. Otherwise, I have no interest in your phony currency.”
China vs. USA
“China is a unified country. Everyone is Chinese. The United States is a Balkanized country where everyone is at each-others’ throats. We saw that when hundreds of cities burned last summer but the roots were quite apparent without such a demonstration if we look at the demographic characteristics of the historical rising crime waves that are out of control in the US. The black male rape attacks on white women are so bad that Obama had the series stopped.”
“We need not run the gamut of comparisons with China as the proportions are about the same in all product lines. Our analysis is that the GDP of China is about double that of the US in real terms. China is the greatest industrial power in the world dwarfing the EU and the United States. China has returned to its original status of world leader in 1400 AD. … Today we calculate the Chinese GDP at about 40 trillion dollars a year. Their steel production is above a trillion tons a year against ours which is less than 100 billion. Their motor vehicle production is 27 million cars a year and ours 11 million a year in 2017. And I could go on and on.”
We know the GDP is fake. I proved that beyond any shadow of a possible doubt back in 2009, in the No One Knows Anything chapter of The Return of the Great Depression, when I showed that the margin of publicly reported errors is consistently greater than the difference between economic growth and economic contraction.
Now, consider the possibility that the real economy of China is twice the size of the US economy. This might go a very long way to explaining the strange geopolitical developments of the last two years, as well as why the USA and the rest of the West is obviously backing away from their decades-old promises to Hong Kong and Taiwan.
SEASONS Episode 6: Invisible