This is what Boomers consider “an EPIC response”

The Boomer begins, of course, by talking about himself

Full disclosure:  I’m a ‘Baby Boomer.’  Born in 1955. Some basic facts on me: [REDACTED because who cares?]

Then he poses three rhetorical questions, which suffice to prove that he doesn’t understand what a “rhetorical question” is.

Now, all you boomer bashers, I have a few rhetorical questions for you (and if you choose to comment, reasoned, rational dialogue welcome, however, you go vitriolic or ad hominem, your comment won’t see the light of day AND you’ll be banned):  

  1. What exactly do you have against what I’ve described that MILLIONS of Americans of my generation did?  
  2. What exactly have YOU done that’s so much better?  
  3. What problems have YOU solved?

1. MILLIONS of US Boomers bought into the civic nationalist lies. This was understandable, as they were convincing and pervasive. What is not so easy to understand, and what is impossible to forgive, is that they STILL buy into those lies and they actively oppose everyone who a) knows what “posterity” means, b) understands the distinction between “nation” and “state”, and c) makes any attempt to salvage as much of the USA and historical American culture for the actual American posterity as possible. Boomers like this simply don’t understand that they are still cheering on, and “getting goose flesh” over an insidious lie that is the primary vehicle for the destruction of the American nation as well as the US state. This is just one example of the continued devotion of the Boomers to the ugly, the wicked, and the lie, but it specifically addresses what he described. It’s very far from the only, or the primary, charge being brought by the historical prosecution.

2. Seen through the lies. Told the truth. Stayed married. Didn’t murder children. Paid attention to our kids. Most importantly, did not call good evil, and did not call evil good.

3. The intellectual sacrifice of thousands of children to the public schools. Alternative tech options. Disabled the primary atheist rhetorical weapon. Comprehensively disproved both the theories of free trade and evolution by natural selection.

PS:  When you finally have the balls to act out your ‘Day of the Pillow’ fantasy, you MIGHT just find that I have a .45ACP under mine….and you’ll feel it…for a second, as the barrel presses against your forehead.  Just sayin’….

First of all, the Boomer will be too drugged and demented to remember his own name, let alone the fact that he once owned a pistol. Second, there is no way he would ever shoot Nnamdi or Ogunna or Amparo even if one of them were holding a pillow over his face. Because that would be racist, and if there is one thing we know about the Boomers, it is that they would much rather die than do anything that would run even the smallest risk of being called THAT. 

0/5 Pillows.

Ask not for whom the pillow fluffs,

Boomer, it fluffs for thee.

Vaccine fascism in the UK

While it’s good that the governments have generally shied away from mandating human genetic modification, the corporations are stepping in:

Publisher Bloomsbury has told staff vaccines will be compulsory when its offices reopen next month.

The Harry Potter publisher informed employees of the policy in an email sent before the second May Day bank holiday weekend. Offices are due to reopen from July 19.

It said it had based its decision on ‘medical and scientific advice’.

Pimlico Plumbers previously announced Covid-19 jabs would be compulsory for staff and new employees would not be taken on if they had not been inoculated.

Care home workers have also been told by the government that they should be vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

Perhaps publisher Castalia should make an announcement that new employees will not be taken on if they have been subjected to the experimental modification of their mRNA. Anyhow, anyone who works for an employer that mandates any aspect of health care should quit their job immediately. Because, one way or another, it’s not going to end well there.

Forget the material adverse affects of playing with spike proteins for the moment, and instead, think about how many workplace shootings are likely to take place when furious people who have lost loved ones know exactly who is to blame for their deaths. Do you really want to be working in those offices?

UPDATE: ESPN has also gone full vaccine fascist. Can Disney be far behind?

ESPN has sent an email to staffers warning they must be fully vaccinated in order to work remote game assignments this season, according to various emails obtained by OutKick.

Rage, rage, against the dying of the light

To everyone’s complete surprise, a Boomer is upset about my open contempt for his g-g-generation. And he’s particularly upset about The Day of the Pillow:

For the second time in a week, a very popular Blogger who’s name I won’t mention and to who’s site I won’t link to, has come out with posts trashing the Boomer Generation.

Reading through the comments, there seems to be a slathering wish for what they are calling “The Day Of The Pillow”, where they feel perfectly justified by their perception of Boomer self centeredness and greed, to suffocate us in our beds when we get old and feeble enough to be unable to defend ourselves.

Both posts are full of vitriol pointed towards the Boomer Generation but upon closer inspection, I see a lot of anger issues from Gen X’ers who’s main self righteous anger seems to be stemming from their common claim that they were “Latch Key Kids”.

Just so you know, I had that exact same experience growing up but for some reason I haven’t figured out how to blame the entire generation of my parents.

Funny that.

This claim exposes the true reasons for their anger without them apparently being able to see it when I can, from space.

They feel abandoned.

Poor widdle snowflakes gots the Daddy Issues but can’t seem to put 2 and 2 together so hey, lets attack that whole generation because our parents were too busy partying and being self centered to love us, right?

You try and tell them hey, you little fuckers are all growed up now and are beginning to hold office and take over the joint. If you don’t like what The Boomers In Charge are currently doing, then walk away from the Pity Party and fucking do something about it .


It’s more than a little ironic that this Boomer doesn’t understand that suffocating Boomers in their beds would be doing something about it. Of course, he’s too Boomer to grasp that the Day of the Pillow reference is to Boomers being suffocated by the very immigrants whose entry they celebrated working in the nursing homes that will keep them alive just long enough to make sure they don’t leave anything but debt to the succeeding generations. 

GenX doesn’t “feel” abandoned. It was decimated en masse by the Boomers, after which the survivors were abandoned. They literally had to invent one term to describe how the Boomers were leaving their school-age kids to fend for themselves. Then they had to invent another one, “Gray Divorce”, to explain how even old Boomers were too self-centered to stay married to each other.

Contrary to popular belief, the divorce rate in America has been steadily declining in the last 20 years. Unless of course, you’re a Baby Boomer. So, why are we still getting divorced at a record rate? The divorce rate since 1981 has doubled for people older than 50 and tripled for people over 65.

At every stage of their lives, Boomers have required the coining of new terms just to describe how collectively awful their behavior is. We don’t like what the Boomers did. That’s why we homeschooled our children even though every fucking Boomer in our social circles tried to tell us we should sacrifice them to the public schools instead. That’s why the women taught themselves to cook, and clean, and keep a house despite their mothers never bothering to teach them what their parents did. That’s why the men worked hard to find a way to let their wives stay home and take care of the kids even though the employment odds were stacked against them.

That’s why we fight for our marriages and don’t get divorced and do our best to stay out of debt and live within our means and don’t waste our lives in pursuit of ephemeral happiness despite what the Boomers have been telling us to do for decades. Both GenX and the Millennials have demonstrated our determination to raise our children ourselves, rather than let the combination of public school and television do it.

All we really ask of the Boomers is to get out of the way, and for the first time in their lives, Shut The Fuck Up. And yet, they can’t even do that.

Anyhow, I don’t think the wicked generation will have to worry overmuch about immigrants and pillows now that they’ve all self-euthanized themselves with spike proteins. As for what the Boomer considers to be an “EPIC” response, I’ll address it in a future post; for now let’s just say that Boomers neither meme nor rhetoric well. 

As for this one, I rate it 1/5 Pillows.

Unsafe to fly

There is an indication that the combination of vaccine-related blood clots and high-altitude air flight may be a dangerous one.

Four young and healthy British Airways pilots recently passed away and the airline is claiming there is no link to the Covid-19 vaccine. The photo of the four books of condolence sitting next to framed pictures of the pilots was posted to Twitter and authenticated by Reuters.
“Reuters presented the claims to British Airways, which said they were unfounded and that no such talks were underway with the government. The spokesperson, however, confirmed the authenticity of the four condolence books, as four company pilots had recently passed away. “Our thoughts are with their family and friends,” they said, adding that none of the deaths was linked to vaccines.”
A recording (unconfirmed) of a male discussing the deaths is circulating social media.
“They’ve had the third BA pilot die in the last seven days, yeah? Third pilot dead in the last week,” says the man heard in the recording. “The first two guys were in their forties and fifties; this guy, mid-thirties, perfectly fit, no underlying conditions. He gets his second jab and he’s dead within days, exactly the same with the first two.
“Because of this, BA are now in crisis talks with the government about whether to allow vaccinated pilots to fly. The issue with that of course is that about 80{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}, according to my friend in BA, 80-85{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} have been injected.”

There are 4,500 pilots working for British Airways. Multiplying 4500 x .825 equals  3,712. Four deaths out of 3,712 pilots would indicate at least a 0.1 percent fatality rate for vaxxed fliers.

There are about annual 1,011.5 million passenger flights in the USA. Now, obviously the air travel numbers are down, and some people fly a lot whereas others never fly at all. But if the fatality rates of the British Airways pilots are applicable to passengers, that would indicate 1,089,978 vaccine-related deaths among airline passengers in the coming year.

It’s probably possible for British Airways to deny that the four pilot deaths are vaccine-related. It will be considerably harder to explain away one million passenger deaths as being coincidental, particularly if all of them are vaxxed.

Here is a dark thought. What if “not vaccine-related” and “not linked to vaccines” phraseology being utilized in the media is technically precise and is being used in the sense that the deaths are related to something that is not a vaccine?

Build your own platforms

And exclude the temporizers and inclusionaries if you want to keep it. The Boy Scouts failed, perhaps Trail Life will do better.

A youth scouting group formed in response to the controversial changes within the Boy Scouts of America has reported an increase in the number of chapters during the pandemic.

Trail Life USA, launched in 2014 and headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina, is reporting dozens of new chapters and more than 30,000 members.

Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock told The Christian Post that 65 new troops have been created thus far in 2021, with over 100 in the process of being chartered.

“So far this year, we have seen a 70{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} increase in new members over this time last year and a 30{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} increase over the same period the prior year,” explained Hancock.

“Just this year, we have seen over 65 new troops started as men across the nation have stepped up to lead and make a difference in the lives of boys in their churches, their families, and their communities.”

The launching of Trail Life USA came partly in response to the Boy Scouts voting in 2013 to allow openly gay males to become scouts while maintaining the organization’s ban on openly gay scout leaders.

This change prompted many churches — a significant source of support for the Boy Scouts — to sever their ties with the prominent scouting organization.

Remember, the Boy Scouts once required a vow to be morally straight. Now they are infested by pedos. Forget who you are, permit outsiders to take positions of leadership, and your organizations will first be converged, then destroyed. 

And remember, the first stages of convergence always look innocuous, and are cloaked in the false virtues of equality, outreach, and inclusion.

Beware the Fed posters

Unfortunately, far too many Trump supporters didn’t learn from the Charlottesville debacle, which permitted the FBI to set them up on January 6, 2021.

Court filings suggest that FBI operatives were among the mob who stormed the US Capitol in January, and may have set up the riot. With the riot used as justification for new terrorism policy, the media is downplaying the story.

Fox News broadcast possibly the most consequential report in recent cable news history on Tuesday night. Fox host Tucker Carlson alleged that the Capitol Hill riot on January 6 – dubbed an “insurrection,” an “assault on our democracy,” and “domestic terrorism” – may have been, at least partly, an inside job.

Carlson’s claims were first made a day earlier by Revolver News, an upstart right-wing news site. Revolver pored over charging documents against members of the ‘Oath Keepers’ and ‘Proud Boys’ militias who took part in the riots, and discovered that alongside the rioters were dozens of “unindicted co-conspirators.” These co-conspirators allegedly committed crimes equal to or greater than those of the militia members, but were kept anonymous in the court documents and not charged.

Some of them allegedly booked and paid for hotel rooms for militia members, others provided transport to Washington DC. They set up communications channels on walkie-talkie-style apps, and used these apps to whip their comrades into a riotous frenzy. “I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash today,” one UCC said in a Proud Boys group chat, while another, identified only as “Person 1,” replied, “God let it happen… I will settle with seeing them smash some pigs to dust.”

One alleged member of the Oath Keepers, 65-year-old Thomas Caldwell of Virginia, was charged with conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds – a rap sheet that could see him face 20 years in prison. However, a certain “Person Two” who took part in the exact same actions as Caldwell was not charged. Neither was a “Person Three” who offered Caldwell a hotel room and spoke of bringing explosives to the riot.

The false flags are getting a little more sophisticated. This is why Boomer-style mass demonstrations are such a bad idea. Whether the organization is suborned like the Tea Party or false-flagged like the Capital Hill fake riot, the probabilities lie with the situation being very different than the participants imagine.

Never take an Internet tough guy at face value, especially not when he’s publicly preaching violence against the government. Keep this in mind:

The militia plot last year to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was orchestrated almost entirely by the FBI. The plotters’ driver and ‘explosives expert’ were both agents, while the militia’s head of security was an undercover informant. At every meeting leading up to the supposed kidnap attempt, an FBI source was present, and out of the five men who drove a van to kidnap Whitmer, three were FBI agents and informants.

Thursday PM Arktoons

 A THRONE OF BONES Episode 8: Ride to Death


Meanwhile, whomever bought Tapas is clearly seeking to converge it completely, as they’ve hired a DC/Vertigo editor as their new editor-in-chief. Vertigo, of course, was the complete disaster that featured, among other things, a comic series written by Literally Who.
Celebrated creator and Eisner-winning editor Jamie S. Rich will be joining Tapas Media, Inc., the leading digital publisher of webcomics and novels, as Editor in Chief from Monday, June 21. The former DC Comics editor will lead a diverse and talented team from both traditional comics and webcomics while overseeing content creation as Tapas continues to grow and focus on IP development. 
In 2015, Rich joined DC Comics as part of their Vertigo imprint….