Freaking midwits

If you don’t understand the difference between VHQ/UHQ and mere Mensa intelligence, perhaps this might help. Pewdiepie and millions of others have been amused by a video in which the arrogant and credentialed erroneously rate themselves as possessing higher intelligence than a military man who never went to college.

But no one should have been even remotely surprised, nor should any of the people in the video rated the man lower than everyone else, because the guy literally told them what his tested approximate IQ percentile was during the discussion period.

He actually tested a little higher on whatever IQ test they took – 97th instead of 94th, which indicates the military test takers are slightly above the norm – but no one should have rated him below third. I would have rated him second, below Asian Harvard guy. And note that even what is generally considered the educational elite peaks at a standard deviation below genuine high IQ levels.

Wednesday AM Arktoons

ALT★HERO Episode 11: Fudgesticks!

DEUS VULT Episode 11: Bow Before the Demon King – or Die

This marks the final episode of Deus Vult for the time being. Next week it will be replaced by Something Big, a brand new series from Chuck Dixon and Frank Fosco. And if you need a reminder of why Arktoons is important and why it is worth subscribing to support it, this news that no comic or cartoon from the past is safe from SJW convergence should suffice.

It’s learned that He-Man is now black in the Kevin Smith Masters of The Universe: Revelation series coming to Netflix where it has also become known they passed on using an original black character.

Before we continue, it should actually be noted all the ideas for the Masters of the Universe: Revelation series are coming from Netflix exec Ted Biaselli, as Smith was simply hired to develop and promote the series (Kevin Smith isn’t even a He-Man fan).

So apparently Ted Biaselli’s big idea for He-Man is to make the character as woke as possible, as it already appears Teela will become the new He-Man based on the trailers and official series descriptions.

But Ted Biaselli didn’t stop there as He-Man’s grandfather has been race-swapped, changed from a white dude to a black dude.

Recall how I have said Hollywood would never allow He-Man – a blond white male – to be made out to look good in the series, and now we see the character is changed to have black ancestors and get replaced by the woke Teela.

The Hellmouth is determined to eradicate every last vestige of the West, right down to The Iliad, Beowulf, and the Bible. So it falls to us to maintain our stories, defend our culture, and make new ones. When you subscribe to Arktoons, you help us do that.

And they’re not going to stop with mere blackwashing and race-swapping:

The rise of gender-diverse representation isn’t a coincidence. Shows created and run by queer women, trans, and nonbinary showrunners are largely responsible for the influx of nonbinary and trans characters in kids’ animation. Among the 10 animated kids series that feature the most LGBTQ characters, trans, nonbinary and queer creators account for 65{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} of that representation alone.

Trust the science, ladies

 Somehow, I doubt the Vaccine Nazis will mindlessly obey this dictate on alcohol from the World Health Organization:

THE World Health Organisation (WHO) has been accused of being “sexist and paternalistic” by suggesting women of childbearing age should not drink alcohol.

Its latest Global Alcohol Action Plan lays out how countries should pay “appropriate attention” to the prevention of drinking among children, expectant mothers and women of childbearing age. The UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) says females between the ages of 15 and 45 fall into this category.

Experts suggested that the harmful effects of alcohol on women could be publicised through a global “world no alcohol day/week”.

It added: “Appropriate attention should be given to the prevention of the initiation of drinking among children and adolescents, prevention of drinking among pregnant women and women of childbearing age, and protection of people from pressures to drink.”

That might be effective anti-vaccine rhetoric. “You know the same scientists telling you to get the Covid vaccine are also telling you that you can’t drink until you’re 45, right?”

The clock is ticking

The imperial US slinks away from the graveyard of empires:

The U.S. left Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left, Afghan military officials said.

Afghanistan’s army showed off the sprawling air base Monday, providing a rare first glimpse of what had been the epicenter of America’s war to unseat the Taliban and hunt down the al-Qaida perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks on America.

The U.S. announced Friday it had completely vacated its biggest airfield in the country in advance of a final withdrawal the Pentagon says will be completed by the end of August.

“We (heard) some rumor that the Americans had left Bagram … and finally by seven o’clock in the morning, we understood that it was confirmed that they had already left Bagram,” Gen. Mir Asadullah Kohistani, Bagram’s new commander said.

Empires seldom grasp that they are in decline, even when the signs are obvious to the educated observer. I note that it took two years for the Soviet Union to fall after withdrawing from Afghanistan. 2023 would be ten years earlier than my prediction of 2033, but it’s hard to argue that it’s impossible. 

Kohistani said the U.S. left behind 3.5 million items, all itemized by the departing U.S. military. They include tens of thousands of bottles of water, energy drinks and military ready-made meals, known as MRE’s.

“When you say 3.5 million items, it is every small items, like every phone, every door knob, every window in every barracks, every door in every barracks,” he said.

The big ticket items left behind include thousands of civilian vehicles, many of them without keys to start them, and hundreds of armored vehicles. Kohistani said the U.S. also left behind small weapons and the ammunition for them, but the departing troops took heavy weapons with them. Ammunition for weapons not being left behind for the Afghan military was blown up before they left.

Much brave. So victory! Very pride. 

The numbers leak

 As I mentioned previously, it’s going to be increasingly hard for the governments to hide the evidence of vaccine injuries as the monetary costs of them become evident through everything from flight cancellations to unemployment claims.

What if the injury rate — significant injury — is closer to 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 than the one in a hundred thousand we have been told?

What if that means that for anyone who isn’t old and infirm the math doesn’t pencil out and the very real financial and personal consequences are hammering people?

What if the insurance companies know this, and the Obamacare premium proposals being submitted right now for next year are up 30{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}?  Because, from what I’m hearing, they are.  Of course that’s an opening bid from the insurance companies but that sure isn’t all roses and rainbows, is it?

What if the labor department published a jobs report that shows a wildly rising — and at an accelerating rate — disability rate among all people 16+ in the workforce, totaling close to 3 million newly disabled people since January?  Because just Friday, they did!

There are 2.8 million more disabled workers than there were six months ago. The very reasonable question that Karl Denninger is asking is: what started happening in January that could have rendered that many workers unable to work? 

Thomas Wictor is a goofball

I know a number of people think highly of Thomas Wictor, but there is a reason you seldom see me quoting or linking to what he writes. For all his pretensions and posturings, his level of actual knowledge on subjects that can be independently checked doesn’t reach the level of Wikipedia. Consider what he wrote in his attempt to defend his Holocaustianity from the criticism of Nick Fuentes, :

There were five crematoria at Auschwitz-Birkenau. 
Crematorium I = 372,300 incinerated.
Crematorium II = 876,960 incinerated.
Crematorium IV = 443,904 incinerated.
Crematorium V = 490,752.
We’re already up to 2,529,132.

Now, we’re really not. It appears that Wictor was upset and typed that in a heightened emotional state, because he doesn’t get the math right. The total of the four crematoria he mentions is 2,183,916, not 2,529,132, and if we add the 789,120 he subsequently reports for the omitted Crematorium III, that brings the total to 2,973,036, which also isn’t 2,529,132.

Now, remember that the original “official” number of people executed at Auschwitz-Birkenau was 4 million. Over time, that estimate has been publicly reduced to 1.5 million. That’s literally the number that is on the English plaque at the site.

But the number has been further reduced based on the fact that it appears there weren’t even that many people transported to the site in the first place.

The words on the English plaque are:
But 1.5 million is not the official number of deaths at Auschwitz.  The official estimate, currently given by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, is 1.1 million deaths.
In 1980, Franciszek Piper, the former director of the Auschwitz Museum, began a study of all the available documents at Auschwitz; he calculated that 1,077,180 prisoners, of which 90{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} were Jews, had died at Auschwitz, based on his ESTIMATE of the number of ARRIVALS minus the number of liberated prisoners and the number of transferred, escaped and released prisoners. This number includes the Jews, not registered in the camp, who are assumed to have been gassed immediately upon arrival.
Franciszek Piper wrote the following in an article on the official Auschwitz web site:
After an overall analysis of the original sources and findings on deportation to Auschwitz, I CONCLUDED that a total of at least 1,300,000 people were deported there, and that 1,100,000 of them perished. Approximately 200,000 people were deported from Auschwitz to other camps as part of the redistribution of labor resources and the final liquidation of the camp.
According to the Auschwitz Museum, no records of the number of prisoners who died at Auschwitz-Birkenau have ever been found. In an article on the official Auschwitz website, the former director, Franciszek Piper, wrote the following:
When the Soviet army entered the camp on January 27, 1945, they did not find any German documents there giving the number of victims, or any that could be used as a basis for calculating this number. Such documents (transport lists, notifications of the arrival of transports, reports about the outcome of selection) had been destroyed before liberation. For this reason, the Soviet commission investigating the crimes committed in Auschwitz Concentration Camp had to make estimates.

From Wikipedia: “Of the 1.3 million people sent to Auschwitz, 1.1 million died.”

Now, keep in mind that Wictor claims that his considerably inflated numbers are based on nonexistent German records. He writes: “ALL THESE FIGURES CAME FROM THE NAZIS.”

Except they didn’t. They couldn’t have. They don’t even come close to adding up. Even the 1.1 million number assumes that every single person whose survival isn’t documented died, so it’s more of a statistical ceiling than a floor. Wictor’s claim that “Nick Fuentes is both dishonest AND ignorant” appears to be nothing more than the emotional projection on the part of someone who a) isn’t as smart as he wants to think he is, and b) isn’t able to rationally question beliefs that were successfully instilled in him. If anyone is “both dishonest and ignorant” here, it’s clearly Wictor, to which we must, in light of his grandiose and groundless posturing, add “probably not taking his meds again”.

We’ll start from the beginning.

Where does the figure of six million originate?

From the Nazis.

Game over.

The Nazis kept meticulous records of how many people they murdered.

Except they didn’t, as both the Soviets and the Director of the Auschwitz Museum have confirmed. But sure, let’s go ahead and go back to the beginning. As it happens, the iconic six million figure long predates the existence of the German National Socialist Workers Party, and even predates the existence of Germany, Charlemagne, and the Holy Roman Empire, as it goes back to at least 136 AD. Forget Nazis and death camps, we are reliably informed that six million Jews faced starvation in 1931 after another six million Jews died in the Bar-Cochiba Revolt during the Third Jewish-Roman War.

The case against Bill Gates

 Chris Langan makes it on Gab:

Some people question my use of the phrase “definitive proof” in my previous post regarding Bill Gates and reengineering the coronavirus.

They have a point – “proof” is often misused in the context of empirical induction, where it does not mean what it means in, say, mathematics. Nevertheless, it is often used in such contexts. Let me try to explain why many people connect Bill Gates to the Covid 19 pandemic and its sequelae. It involves legal concepts like premeditation and “means, motive, and opportunity”.

1. Premeditation: Mr. Gates and his foundation sponsored Event 201 (October 2019), which simulated an outbreak of a “hypothetical” zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to people by way of pigs.

2. Means: Bill Gates was involved in reengineering the coronavirus for various purposes. In the Covid 19 plandemic, an engineered coronavirus was the means of infection. Clearly, if anyone has at his disposal people with the facilities and know-how to, e.g., graft HIV spike proteins onto a coronavirus, it is Mr. Gates.

3. Motive: Mr. Gates has a longstanding concern with overpopulation. He is also heavily involved in experimental vaccine distribution, being connected with a polio catastrophe in India and the “vaccine”-related sterilization of women in Africa.

4. Opportunity: Through his “philanthropy”, Mr. Gates plays a dominant role in the world health system, from research to vaccine development and delivery and everything in between. If the entire pandemic were a 9/11 style false-flag power-grab, no one would be better situated to pull it off.

5. Foreknowledge: Mr. Gates was even the leading proponent for legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers, which suggests foreknowledge that the “vaccines” would turn out to be more deadly and debilitating than “Covid 19” itself.

We could go on. If you like, you can chalk all this up to accident, coincidence, synchronicity, and righteous concern on the part of an innocent software mogul. But as an exercise in sheer inductive probability, Mr. Gates “looks good enough for it” to make him the lead suspect, and perhaps even to convince a jury.

Gates was just the errand boy, in my opinion. And it appears that he didn’t do a sufficiently good job, since he’s losing some of his privileges and a few of his past indiscretions are suddenly being revealed to the public.