ALT★HERO Episode 34: All Teams Go
THE HAMMER OF FREEDOM Episode 35: Drink That Poison Yourself
SAVAGE MEMES Episode 56: Modern Man
STONETOSS Episode 43: Money Grubbing
SOMETHING BIG Episode 23: It’s War
CHATEAU GRIEF Episode 20: Halo, Can You Hear Me?
DAME COMMANDER Episode 1: Adobe Kroger, Dame Commander
CLASSIC BIBLE TALES Episode 15: The Prodigal Son
This is the final episode of THE HAMMER OF FREEDOM, which has been one of the most popular series on Arktoons since its launch. Until more episodes are available, it will be replaced by THE STRANDED. Also, a new independent creator, Mythoverse Comics, has introduced a new action series, DAME COMMANDER, today. Note that it appears to be a PG-13 comic.