Corona-chan shuts down China travel:
The Trump administration on Friday declared the coronavirus a public health emergency, effectively banning foreign nationals who have been to China in the past two weeks from entering the United States
American Airlines cancelled all of its US flights to China, and said it was not to resume scheduled service until March 27. Delta Airlines said it will stop all US flights to China by next Wednesday, and keep the ban going till at least April 30. United will cancel all flights to China, except one from San Francisco to Hong Kong, starting Thursday, and will keep the ban until March 28.
It’s mordantly amusing to see foreigners in China complaining that they can’t return to potentially infect their homelands. What part of “quarantine” is hard for them to understand? Anyhow, they wanted to experience China and now they’re experiencing it.
It would be wiser, of course, to shut down all passenger air travel, in the unlikely event that the virus’s curve hasn’t already been broken. Fortunately, it appears that non-Asians are considerably less susceptible to Corona-chan’s effects.