Thought policing goes to 11

Regardless of what you think of Q, things are heating up to the point that one way or another, we’re not going to be in any doubt about its legitimacy any longer.

If you’re not already subscribed to either the Daily Meme Wars or Castalia House Book Club, be sure to do so today. You can find both on the left sidebar. If you’re subscribed, we can contact you and provide you with the new blog location in the event this site goes down. Voxiversity and the Darkstream are already on BitChute, and in the event Amazon gets into it, you know where the Castalia/Arkhaven Direct stores are.

I tend to doubt anything will happen given the fact that there are few things that would be more useful than being given an excuse to obtain every internal communication at Google about me, but then, SJWs are not exactly known for their sense of self-preservation. Also, both Google and Facebook are in enough hot water in Europe that I doubt they are eager to create more points of vulnerability. That being said, it’s always best to be prepared, as Neon Revolt reminds us.

You know what’s at stake; you don’t need me to remind you. You know these technological oligarchs are complicit in so much evil, so they’re desperate to save themselves. If the Dems lose the midterms, these oligarchs lose their protection.

And the censorship is already happening.

Why, just a day or so ago, @ThomasWictor had his account purged from Twitter entirely. @realJamesWoods is still suspended for daring to post a meme. It doesn’t matter what you post; these sites have such vague guidelines, they’ll come up with any old excuse to censor whoever they don’t like.

You can’t expect the likes of @Jack and #Cuckerberg to fight fair. They’re willing to endure any lawsuit, any investigation, so long as it means keeping their scrawny behinds out of hot water. This may be all fun and memes for us, but for them, it’s life and death.

And like Q warns, expect Trump’s own twitter account to go down as well. I imagine they’re saving that play for a key moment; one where it will put his account out of commission for a few hours, and then, like Q says, they’ll reinstate it and blame the outage on a “renegade employee,” just like they did before.