/anon alerts us to how expanded convergence is destroying the utility of open source:
This project is driven mainly by Facebook staff. Nothing out of the ordinary in Silicon Valley these days though. Business as usual in crazyland.
These same people are involved in other pieces of open source infrastructure that originates from Facebook and is now used very widely across the web. There would be a lot of pain if this pattern persists. Projects possibly in the firing line include: React, Babel, Yarn. At least one of which, any active web frontend or backend programmer would be familiar with. Greater investment by Facebook corporate in these higher profile projects may prevent a slippery slope. But then again, these tender snowflakes rule the roost at all of the big tech companies. Talent is too precious and must be looked after, regardless of how unhinged they may be.
I tend to doubt they are actually concerned about talent. If they actually cared about talent, they wouldn’t seek out and disemploy everyone to the right of Chairman Mao. But regardless, SJW convergence really is a cancer that destroys everything.
Add text to MIT License banning ICE collaborators #1616
In this PR, the following text has been added to the existing MIT license:
The following license shall not be granted to the following entities or any subsidiary thereof due to their collaboration with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”):
– “Microsoft Corporation”
– “Palantir Technologies”
– “Amazon.com, Inc.”
– “Northeastern University”
– “Ernst & Young”
– “Thomson Reuters”
– “Motorola Solutions”
– “Deloitte Consulting LLP”
– “Johns Hopkins University”
– “Dell Inc”
– “Xerox Corporation”
– “Canon Inc”
– “Vermont State Colleges”
– “Charter Communications”
– “LinkedIn Corporation”
– “United Parcel Service Co”