Mailvox: consider yourselves brainwashed

LL is back with a vengeance:

Like I care what your ass kissing, brainwashed cheerleaders think. You are the joke. I see you pick and choose which emails you post on your website. You don’t post the ones that reveal things about you that you don’t want people to know, but yo post emails of people that don’t know and don’t intend for them to be posted.

There is no joke on me. Knowing latin or greek or quoting from obscure books does not make you right. You are just a wise fool. You have knowledge (and you love to pat yourself on the back about in every sentence), but you have no wisdom

No matter how many misspellings or typos I have, that does not make me wrong and you right. You are wrong-about most things, and the more I see of your actions, writings and ideas, the more I am convinced that you are certainly no Christan. You are the one claiming to be a Christian. I never said I was, and I never said I wasn’

You would have done yourself a favor by not trying to make an example out of me You will be laughing out the other side of your ass now.

This latest missive certainly is amusing. I can’t help but wonder, though, if one finds it embarrassing to be quoted in public, is pouring more gasoline on the fire really the most reasonable response?

UPDATE: LL decides to get threatening in two subsequent emails.

You are the one pouring fuel of the fire. I couldn’t care less if I am quoted in public. You seem to be under the delusion your fan club is the world and you are God. You are the one that posts my emails. You don’t post emails with information about your past.

I am not a talker-I am a doer. Antone who knows me would tell you that it woud be better for you to not taunt me or laugh at me. I have my ways of making a point, and I have my ways of getting even.

Hey, you’re saying it, not me. Simply shutting your mouth is always an option, you know.