Mailvox: it’s not a dead horse to everyone

JS copies me on an email to the FDR apologist:

As a fourth generation Japanese American I cry at the very thought that you would still try to box my family into this defenseless position.

I served in the USMC and am now part of the Republican Party. My grandfather died in Normandy. My uncles served in the 442nd. My family, having been in the US since 1905, was honored in our

community even after the attacks of P.H. and found it impossible to assume we should be imprisoned. My little old great-grandmother was as loyal an American as you could have asked for.

I sit here at my desk and weep at the thoughts of hatred that must run through you to say such things. If you can’t face the fact that it was done for two reasons: A) racism and B) money… you have lost touch with reality.

Look in the mirror. They would have happily have put you in the same camps… if they had a choice. Not because of your heart… but because of your skin. Shame will be in your heart/soul forever! Forever! Shame…..

If you have any honor you will answer Vox Day’s questions!!!!

Malkin has been content to ignore my questions, although they would appear to be simple to answer if I am as uninformed as she claims. It will be interesting to see if she’ll be able to continue ignoring them when they are posed to her by the descendants of those scapegoated and victimized by FDR. By the way, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team to which JS refers, was one of the most decorated American military units of WWII.

On November 17 when the 442nd was finally relieved, the dead and the wounded outnumbered the living. The 442nd ended up at less than half its usual strength. K Company, which started out with 186 men had 17 left. I Company started out with 185. At the end, there were only 8.

During the six days the 442nd fought to rescue the Lost Battalion, 54 men were killed and many, many more were wounded and sent to hospitals. During the entire Vosges Campaign, 34 days of almost non-stop combat – liberating Bruyeres and Biffontaine, rescuing the 211 Texans, and nine more days of driving the Germans through the forest – the 442nd’s total casualties were 216 men dead and more than 856 wounded.