The Readers Speak

The subscribers and other interested parties have spoken. Here is how they answered:

  • 86 percent of the Substack readers said they were seriously interested in a new Christian-themed subscription.
  • 75 percent of the Library/History/Libraria subscribers said they would subscribe to a new two-book subscription as detailed.
  • The most popular books requested were written by: St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, CS Lewis, and GK Chesterton.

There were a small number of Catholic objections to Protestant classics such as Pilgrim’s Progress and The Canterbury Tales. However, since this will be a Christian subscription, and not a Roman Catholic subscription, and since several of the most requested authors were Protestants, classics from the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant traditions will all be considered. But let’s face it. Everyone who reads me knows that, sooner or later, you’re getting Aquinas.

Given the overwhelmingly positive response, we anticipate announcing the new Castalia subscription in the new year. In the meantime, both volumes of WAR AND PEACE are on their way to the warehouse and STUDIES IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS should follow next week.

Also, if you’re a History subscriber, be sure to check your email.


Miles Mathis Responds

Nothing, in the entire history of the concepts of fate and destiny, has ever been more inevitable than the absolute certainty that Miles Mathis would respond to Ron Unz’s article about him. I have literally never, ever, had more faith in an future event taking place in my entire life. And the inevitable does not disappoint.

I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other conspiracy-website on the Internet.

Yeah, Ron, I suspect you are right, and I suspect that is why you are so bent out of shape by my very existence. It’s why all you guys are so jealous. Also because I can pump out a reply like this in just a couple of hours, fully polished and proofed, giving you a further drubbing. Do you know why I can do that, Ron? Obviously you don’t, so I will just tell you. It isn’t because I am some Mossad committee, set up to make you look like a bumbler. It is because I proof while I write. Meaning, I make very few mistakes, so I need very few corrections and almost no rewrites. I am an excellent speller on top of everything else…

Yes, I am laughing out loud. This is so much fun. We have seen before that these people can’t decide how to libel me. Am I too small to notice or too big to be true? One moment I am a big nothing, the next moment I am a $20-million government project of geniuses, sent out to smoke-bomb the entire world. They really need to make up their mind.

Nothing about the huge piles of evidence I provide in all papers on both sites, just the lie that it doesn’t exist or is wrong, based on zero counter-evidence or argument. The “argument” against me hasn’t progressed one iota in two decades, it is still at this baby stage of yelling and throwing food, as Unz and his minions are proving. As we have seen again, they utterly ignore 99.99% of my data, cherry-picking a ten-list of shallow talking points provided from a central tape, then sound-biting that down to a few sentences and peppering it with invective. And then selling that as a scholarly debunking.

Unfortunately, that is going to reverse on Unz, as he is about to find out. Many of his best readers are going to be so turned off by this whole charade they are going to drop him like an old Covid wipe. It won’t much matter, I guess, since his site was propped up by the usual suspects to start with, but it is going to sting his ego, at least.

The matter of whether Miles fronts a committee or not may be unsettled – and as I have said, I tend to incline toward the committee side interpretation myself – but the one thing that has definitely been confirmed is my conclusion that the gentleman concerned is a Gamma male. Of course, this makes sense, as Loremaster is one of the roles for which Gammas are best suited.

The thing is, whether Miles is the lead writer of a committee or just a singularly-obsessed, maniacally-prolific lone penman is irrelevant. Reading him tends to lead toward asking the right questions and developing a correctly skeptical perspective toward the mainstream and historical Narratives. Did every dead Hollywood actor or actress fake their death and move to a hidden Jewish colony in Argentina with Hitler and the Nazis? I have no idea.

But I am certain it’s a lot more possible than the IDF being surprised by the October 7th attacks or the Twin Towers being brought down by airplanes hijacked by Saudis. Frankly, I think the world is a lot weirder than either Ron Unz or Miles Mathis believe, and that their disbelief in the spiritual world prevents them from making the connections that would help tie their observations, however conspiratorial, much more accurately and credibly.

Anyhow, I, for one, am neither jealous nor angry. In fact, I’m quite willing to publish Miles’s papers in a book or ten, should he ever be so inclined.


5-6x Fatality

Just in case all the vaccinated young people dying of heart attacks and turbocancers didn’t clue you in, the Science is finally beginning to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the vaxx might not be good for children.

A new paper published in the peer-reviewed medical literature (Yang) looking at over 300,000 kids aged 5-18 (mostly in the US) shows a highly statistically significant 5.7X higher mortality rate for those who opted to get vaccinated. The authors didn’t mention that at all. Furthermore, when they were asked about it, they refused to comment on it. So I will.

Secondly, a new FOIA response in New Zealand shows nearly a stunning 5X increase in cardiac-related ER visits in those under age 40 after the COVID shots rolled out from 4406 in 2020 to 21416 in the first full year after the shots rolled out. That’s a Z-score of 256 which means something very serious is causing this; it is in no way a statistical fluke.

Of course, it took them about 60 years to admit that putting fluoride in the water is bad for people, so this turnaround is happening in record time. As always, view anything the government recommends as being good, or worse, absolutely necessary, for your health with extreme skepticism. Remember, when they tell you that they want to reduce the population, they’re talking about you.


The Question of a Christian Library

Over on the Castalia Library substack, we’re taking a poll about the possibility of launching a new Christian-themed subscription in 2025. We’re well aware of the various pros and cons; the details concerning what we’re contemplating are spelled out over there. So, if you’d be kind enough to let us know if it’s potentially of interest to you, and if so, what books you’d like to see us produce, please share your metaphorical two cents with us.


Not QUITE Nothing

Despite clear evidence, many still deny the reality of the situation, sometimes using us as scapegoats. That’s why we are no longer staying silent. We will continue to counter falsehoods with simple facts and evidence. Yes, gangs did take control of our apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, and the government did nothing. That is the real story.
–Cbz Management, 11 October 2024

In fairness, the government didn’t do nothing. It did call them liars and falsely declared that there were no Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, that if there were any gangs there, they hadn’t taken over any apartment complexes, and if they had taken over any apartment complexes, they had paid for them and were running them as legitimate landlords.

None of which is true, of course, but it’s not nothing. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they also warned the management company not to take matters into their own hands.


Exposing the MMC

I’m not surprised that Ron Unz reached much the same conclusion that I did about the Miles Mathis Committee:

The first of my surprises was the sheer volume of his material. I try to be methodical and comprehensive, so I’d originally planned to read his entire corpus of work, but I immediately saw that this was totally impossible unless I was willing to invest many, many months in the project.

His main eponymous website includes an “Update Page” containing links to well over 1,500 of his articles and their updates, of which nearly 1,000 were his new pieces on conspiratorial topics, stretching back to around 2011 or so, with only a small fraction of these being by guest contributors. Spot-checking the word-count on a few of them suggested that they are rarely shorter than 5,000 words and perhaps might average closer to 8,000 words or more. So the total of his conspiratorial writings certainly runs many, many millions of words, with most of those pieces also containing numerous images. He had probably published enough content to fill at least 60 or 70 non-fiction books, certainly an astonishing level of productivity for a single writer.

Indeed, the volume of conspiratorial material on this Mathis website was so enormous that I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other conspiracy-website on the Internet. Given that huge quantity of writing he even provided a separate archive page listing the 160 conspiratorial articles that he considers his best.

Writing a 5,000 or 10,000 word essay of entirely original text often including copious images and doing that every couple of days or so seems a rather formidable undertaking for a single individual, especially since nearly all of these were apparently based upon extensive Internet research. These essays seem reasonably well written, though usually in his trademark meandering, obfuscating style, and I spotted very few typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes, indicating that they had also been carefully proofed, certainly far more so than the output of a typical website writer.

Furthermore, I soon discovered that he also maintained an entirely separate website called, devoted to his mathematical and scientific writing, which includes nearly another 500 articles, supposedly totaling some 7,800 pages of text and perhaps 1.5 million words or more. A little spot-checking suggested that there was only slight overlap with those listed on his main website.

One very odd aspect of his work was that apparently all of the 1,500 or so individual articles on his main website were in the form of PDF files rather than as ordinary HTML pages, and I could think of no other writer nor blogger who followed that approach.

For me, it wasn’t the volume, but rather, the observably different writing styles appearing in the same papers. I personally know and edit two extremely prolific writers, John C. Wright and Chuck Dixon. And there is a fundamental sameness to their writing styles, even across a much wider range of thematic topics, than one sees in the Miles Mathis, JK Rowling, or James Patterson committees. Even books written by a pair of co-writers instead of a single author is usually quite identifiable; for example, if you compare Good Omens to a typical book by either Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman, it’s very easy to not only see that two authors were involved, but to a certain extent, which parts were written by whom.

In the case of the MMC, the painter guy, who has a very good eye for photo fakes, is clearly different than the genealogy guy. The difference is downright jarring when they’re both contributing to the same article. And they’re both different than the history guy, who has a much better grasp on basic history than most writers.

Don’t get me wrong, I genuinely like reading the MMC, regardless of who is running it. The fact is that if you read Miles Mathis, you’ll get far closer to the truth of objective reality than you ever will by reading The New York Times and other news organizations responsible for maintaining the current Narrative. When the mainstream media talks about “misinformation” they are just projecting their own behavior onto others. As the meme has it, “conspiracy theory” is just another word for “sneak preview”.

I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly looking forward to reading the now-inevitable expose about how I am a Swiss intelligence operative descended from a long line of aristocratic British crypto-rabbis who is motivated by pure jealousy of Miles’s luxurious golden ringlets. My connections to Owen Benjamin alone should be sufficient to fill at least two pages of the PDF. Beale/Bâle/Baal. Phoenician Navy confirmed!


End Game in Ukraine

It’s all but over for the Kiev regime. It’s taken Berlin 31 months to recognize the obvious, but the Germans, which means the Europeans, have finally given up on the idea of winning Clown World’s proxy war on Russia. The right thing to do would be to instruct Kiev to surrender and spare the lives of the Ukrainian soldiers whose sacrifice would be totally pointless at this point.

Germany has no more military hardware to offer Ukraine beyond what has already been pledged, even as Kiev remains hard-pressed by Russia on the front line, Bild reported on Saturday.

According to the outlet, the German Defense Ministry does not believe that Ukraine will be capable of launching “an offensive to liberate its own territory” in the near future.

The report also said, citing an internal document, that Berlin would no longer send “heavy weapons” to Ukraine, and that deliveries of this type of aid have been “completed.” The term applies to tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled howitzers and similar hardware.

Russia obviously can, and will, grind it out until Kiev is flattened like Berlin was in 1945. But I doubt anyone who doesn’t belong to the Azov Brigade is going to be very interested in facing the increasingly capable Russian war machine, which history has repeatedly shown will continue to improve its abilities until it takes the enemy capital.

In the 19th century, the Russians took Paris. In the 20th century, the Russians took Berlin. In the 21st century, if they are forced to do so by NATO’s recalcitrance, the Russians will take Kiev, Berlin, and Paris. Fortunately, Putin understands the evils of empire and has no interest in following the disastrous lead of the British and US empires. So it would be much better for everyone if the inevitable were simply accepted, however bitterly, now instead of this time next year.


A Different God

Whenever people talk about God, it’s extremely important to determine exactly what god they’re talking about. Because the god this man served was not the Creator whom Christians worship as the Father of Jesus Christ:

A beloved rabbi in an Orthodox community in Chicago, he has just come home from synagogue in a foul temper – something that has been happening more and more regularly lately – and the violence rises slowly and with a terrifying inevitability.

In her searing new memoir, There Was Night and There Was Morning, Sherbill describes her father’s dark double life and how, once he was no longer able to abuse his own family, he descended into a spiral of depraved drug abuse, preying on vulnerable young girls in his congregation.

It’s not just about the observable behaviors either, as in the case of a sinful priest or pastor. What many people don’t understand about the rabbinic religion is that the Torah is not studied in order to better obey it, but rather, to better determine how to “legally” work around it. It’s very much like the Constitution, whereas the Talmud is akin to the growing collection of case law and interpretation that takes precedence over the black letter law itself. In the same way lawyers are able to justify violating Constitutional rights despite the clear language of the Constitution, rabbis are highly skilled in their ability to justify various activities despite the clear language of the Law of the Old Testament.

Which is why there is a specific warning in Isaiah against those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

If you can imagine ten thousand Ben Shapiros deciding what is right, what is wrong, and constantly redefining both over time as desired, that’s pretty much the situation.


Tampon Timmy in Trouble

The historical details, at least, are correct. I can even help confirm the one part that did not make initially sense to the investigative journalist who is digging into the VP candidate’s sordid past.

When I received a tip back in August claiming Tim Walz had an inappropriate relationship with a minor, I was very skeptical. I get dozens of tips/dm’s per day. In fact, I did not act on the tip for a few days because I thought it would be impossible to prove the allegations. I also knew that Harris and Walz would deny the allegations… However, one part of the tipster story did not make sense to me, the date of the Indigo Girls Concert. Tipster claimed it was in 1995, but I could not find anything corresponding to that date, well, the tipster told the truth, there was a concert in 1995, and the tipster claimed that Walz got a DUI months after the concert…

Tim Walz has lied about almost every single detail of his life. Him and his wife have been getting a pass from the MSM. Yesterday, I received numerous threats, in fact, some of the threats were scary as some of the accounts were brand new accounts and had my personal information. In my investigation, I also emailed all the major news outlets WHILE my investigation was in progress. I have every single receipt…

I have also found out that there were other journalists who had parts of this story but did not print it or withheld the information. It is my plan to release the story tomorrow. I have gone out of my way to give Harris and Walz the opportunity to flat out deny the allegations, but they have really done the opposite, in fact, in statements to various articles they have confirmed much of the story. The only allegation about the tipster’s story I cannot prove is if Walz did indeed have a sexual relationship with a minor. That is Walz vs. The Tipster. But every aspect of the tipster’s story turned out to be true, including Walz being fired from his football job in Nebraska and the fact that Walz brought a student to an Indigo Girls concert.

There was, in fact, an Indigo Girls concert in Minneapolis in 1995. I remember it, not because I have ever attended an Indigo Girls concert or listened to their music, but because a few years before that, during a Psykosonik interview with Mad Mike at KJ104, the deejay had told an amusing story about how scary the lesbians who would show up at the station asking for free tickets when the Indigo Girls were coming to town were. His anecdote was the inspiration for various comments in my social circle whenever the pair would subsequently come to town. And, although the concert is missing from Concert Archives, the Indigo Girls did play at Northrop Auditorium in Minneapolis on May 9th, 1995.

This doesn’t prove that Tampon Timmy is a pedophile, but the amount of evidence now being aggregated and confirmed strongly suggests that he will soon be proven to be one. One would assume that would be sufficient to cause the Harris campaign to drop him from the ticket, but these days, who knows? After all, he’s now serving his second term as Governor of Minnesota despite what would appear to be some undersized, and underaged, skeletons in his closet.


Banning Christian History

It’s only a “trigger warning” at this point, but we all know that an academic ban on teaching Christian history, and eventually, Christian literature, is coming eventually.

They are the acclaimed works of medieval literature that tell the story of a religious pilgrimage to one of the most important cathedrals in all of Christendom. But to the astonishment of critics, a leading university has slapped a trigger warning on Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales – because they contain ‘expressions of Christian faith’.

Nottingham University has now been accused of ‘demeaning education’ for warning students about the religious elements of Chaucer’s stories – saying that anyone studying one of the most famous works in English literature would hardly have to have the Christian references pointed out.

The Mail on Sunday has obtained details of the notice issued to students studying a module called Chaucer and His Contemporaries under Freedom of Information laws. It alerts them to incidences of violence, mental illness and expressions of Christian faith in the works of Chaucer and fellow medieval writers William Langland, John Gower, and Thomas Hoccleve.

It was obviously a mistake for the universities, which were historically Christian institutions, to permit secular membership in the first place. First the enemies of Christ infiltrate, then they subvert, and eventually, they ban. It’s rather astonishing that so many Christians can’t recognize this historical process at work despite observing it happen again and again in their schools, in their companies, and even in their churches.

This is why the Catholic Church had so many inquisitions in the first place, to root out the false believers who they knew were intent on subverting the various institutions. As I pointed out 18 years ago, tolerance is “the Sin of Jeroboam”.

Anyhow, it may be time for Castalia Library to contemplate the need for a third series, something akin to Library and History, only specifically devoted to Christian History and Classics. That, or at least putting THE CANTERBURY TALES and PILGRIM’S PROGRESS in the production queue. If you’re a subscriber, or someone who would be interested in subscribing to that, let us know in the discussion on SG.

In other Castalia Library news, we’ve got most of the Library titles now prepared as ebooks, all of which will be made available for free to subscribers as soon as we can figure the best way to do so in an economical manner given the size of the files. We may consider putting them up for sale on Amazon for non-subscribers as well, but that’s not a priority at the moment.