A young athlete is vaxxed out

While I understand that most people only pay attention to the mainstream news, and not much attention at that, there is no reason to have any sympathy for those who experience the adverse effects of the experimental RNA modifications being pushed upon them:

Greyson Follmer, an Ohio State University (OSU) student, was an elite athlete and member of the university’s chapter of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). But, according to his mother, the 19-year-old from Ohio is looking at a very different future now, after he developed severe heart complications following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Marie Follmer said nobody warned her about the potential for increased risks of COVID vaccine-related adverse events for people like her son, who already had COVID and had acquired natural immunity.

Greyson has played sports since he was 4 years old. He was an athlete who played in the state soccer championship in high school and then went on to OSU and started college during the COVID pandemic. He also joined ROTC his freshman year and was very active — running several miles every day with heavy packs on his back.

Greyson was perfectly healthy and had no underlying conditions except for asthma — which didn’t affect his athletic abilities — and food allergies.

Like most students early on in the year, Greyson and his friends got COVID. Though most had no symptoms, Greyson experienced mild flu symptoms — though they were nothing like his post-vaccine symptoms, Follmer explained.

The university required students who had COVID to quarantine. It also required them to get a heart MRI before they could return to school. Follmer thought that was strange, but she made sure her son got one.

When the cardiac MRI came back it showed Greyson’s heart was enlarged with slight inflammation. The cardiologist thought it could be related to being an elite athlete, and signed a release for Greyson to return to school.

“He wasn’t 100{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}, but he was recovering. He was able to go skiing, return to ROTC and went on spring break,” Follmer said.

Follmer and her husband got vaccinated first with Moderna. When a friend of Follmer secured appointments for the kids to be vaccinated, she drove to OSU, picked up Greyson and told him he was going to get vaccinated.

Greyson received his first dose of Pfizer on April 16, and a second dose on May 7. After the first dose Greyson experienced minor symptoms, but his mother didn’t connect them to the COVID vaccine.

It was after his second dose that things really changed, Follmer said. Greyson experienced significant symptoms shortly after his second dose. Three times he was taken to Nationwide Children’s Emergency Hospital.

“My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” Follmer said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.”

Follmer said Greyson feels like he’s dying and has to sleep all the time. He likely won’t be able to go back to ROTC and doesn’t know if he will be able to return to school in August.

The mother claims no one told her about the potential of risks related to her son already having had COVID, but that is almost certainly misleading. Every single person I’ve tried to warn about the not-vaxxes and who subsequently ignored those warnings was, at the very least heart, already aware that there were potential adverse effects, but they felt those risks were worth taking.

The reality is that the average person want to feel protected and they are ignoring the ancient medical principle: “First Do No Harm”. Which is why so many readers here are finally beginning to understand that the MP in MPAI genuinely means “most people”. From SG:

Its amazing how fast I lose the argument on the not-vax, I’m giving up again and will now just enjoy the time I have left with the sheep until whatever is going to happen happens.

One thing I have observed is that pretty much all the contrarians I know who read alternative news of one sort or another have refused to take the vaxx and cannot be pressured into do so, while everyone else is hell-bent on taking it as soon as possible. So, I don’t worry about it. I’ve made my opinion known whenever asked – that it is reprehensibly stupid and indicative of both a Darwinian lack of fitness and a complete inability to calculate risk/reward ratios – but otherwise I don’t talk about it anymore with anyone.

Remember, Man is not a rational creature, he is a rationalizing one.

Employers can mandate vaccinations

That’s the ruling from a US District Court judge:

A Texas judge has dismissed a case filed by employees of the Houston Methodist hospital system over its policy on Covid-19 vaccinations, issuing the first federal ruling on whether employers can mandate inoculations.
US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes dismissed the lawsuit on Saturday, ruling that Houston Methodist had the legal right to force employees to be vaccinated – even though the jabs have only received emergency-use authorization, not full approval, from the FDA. He said the claim by the 117 employees who sued the hospital system that the inoculations were experimental and dangerous was both “false” and “irrelevant,” as Texas law protects workers from wrongful termination only if they are fired for refusing to commit an act that carries criminal penalties.
“We can now put this behind us and continue our focus on unparalleled safety, quality, service, and innovation,” Houston Methodist chief executive Marc Boom said in a statement.
Houston Methodist put 178 employees on unpaid leave last Monday because they had refused to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The workers are scheduled to be fired on June 21 if they still haven’t complied with the mandate. In a message to staff last week, Boom chided the recalcitrant staffers, saying, “Unfortunately, a small number of individuals have decided not to put their patients first.”
The plaintiffs had argued that, by forcing them to take a vaccine that hadn’t gone through the extensive clinical trials needed for full FDA approval, Houston Methodist was essentially requiring them to be “human guinea pigs” in a de facto drug trial. Hughes ruled that, as a private employer, the hospital system didn’t have to give employees the option of refusing vaccination, and he found that they weren’t being forced into a human experiment because Houston Methodist hadn’t applied or been certified to conduct clinical trials.

It seems there is going to be an opportunity soon for people to start vaxx-free businesses. After all, if an employer can mandate vaccinations, it can also mandate vaccine-free status. And that might be an excellent way to filter out stupid and short-sighted people during the hiring process.

I tend to doubt this ruling will hold up, though. The judge appears to have made her decision more on the basis of her disapproval of the plaintiffs’ comparison to the holocaust than anything else. Still, it underlines the absolute insanity of the libertarian “private corporations are holy and their actions shalt not be questioned or infringed upon by the law” position.

And it is also clear that “the law” is now little more than a synonym for “evil word magic”. But it would still be helpful if the Texas legislature would immediately pass a new law banning vaccine mandates for employees.

Worse than murder


If this claim is true, the not-vaxxes must be banned immediately. Notice that at 25,800 deaths, this would far worse than the 19,141 annual homicides committed in the USA.


Another good reason to read the Junior Classics. It’s hard to have much sympathy for the vaxxed who drop dead, especially when they have openly mocked those who refuse to follow their literally self-destructive example:

A 57-year-old husband, father and grandfather is dead, in what is fast becoming a trend of death after social media virtue signaling.

Mr. Ronald Babb, Sr. and his wife Rose, received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on April 12, according to his Facebook page. They received the shot at a Walmart on Genessee Street in Camilius, New York, about 14 miles west of Syracuse. Mr. Babb posted he and his wife’s “vaccine cards” on Facebook with a caption saying they are now waiting to “turn into robots.”

Mr. Babb died seven days after the shot, Monday April 19.

I’m wondering how long it will take before the media begins claiming radical white supremacist anti-vaccine extremists are sneaking around and murdering people who are known to have been vaccinated in order to make their anti-vaxx conspiracy theories more convincing. 

You wouldn’t think it would be possible, but remember, we’re dealing with a retarded segment of the public here who not only think that experimental genetic therapies are safe and tested vaccines, but genuinely believe the Boogaloo Boys are responsible for making BLM look bad.

Meanwhile, actual medical workers are choosing to risk their careers rather than risk their lives:

Nearly 200 staff members at a Houston-area hospital were suspended for not following a policy that requires employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Their suspensions followed a protest by dozens of workers Monday night against the policy.

The hospital, Houston Methodist, had told employees that they had to be vaccinated by Monday or face suspension. Last month, 117 Houston Methodist employees filed a lawsuit against their employer over the vaccine policy.

No tainted blood, onegaishimasu

The Japanese ban the vaxxed from donating blood:

The Japanese Red Cross now refuses to accept blood donations from people who have received the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

The website of the Japanese Red Cross states that individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 “are not allowed to donate blood for the time being.”

The same page warns potential blood donors that they will not be able to give their blood for a certain time after they have received different vaccinations.

Some deferrals prevent blood donations for 24 hours after vaccination, including after getting vaccinated for influenza, cholera and tetanus. Others prevent blood donations for two weeks after vaccination, such as after getting the hepatitis B vaccine.

But… but… but isn’t it perfectly safe? No, no, it isn’t.

This isn’t that hard. 

Bill Gates did not vaccinate his children

In case you’re not absolutely certain about a) the evil of the global elite or b) the evil of mass vaccination campaigns, you should note that the world’s foremost champion of forced vaccination reportedly DID NOT VACCINATE his own children:

Bill Gates refused to allow his own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”

Some vaccines are effective in some situations. But there is no question that the forced vaccination schedule that the Prometheans are attempting to impose on humanity is dangerous and detrimental to children.

If the media was even remotely honest, or relevant, it would demand proof that Bill Gates had his own children vaccinated according to the current Washington state schedule. Of course, we all know it won’t.

A vital anti-arboralization vaccine

It seems to me this discovery of herbicidal chemicals in vaccines could be a selling point for the pro-vaccine propagandists:

Glyphosate, a chemical ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup and hundreds of other herbicides, has been found in vaccines.  Moms Across America received preliminary screening results from Microbe Inotech Laboratories Inc. of St. Louis, Missouri which shows the DTap Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur) vaccine had 0.123 ppb, Influenza Fluvirin (Novartis)  0.331 ppb and HepB Energix-B (Glaxo Smith Kline) 0.325 and Pneumococcal Vax Polyvalent Pneumovax 23, (Merck) had 0.107 ppb of glyphosate. The MMR II (Merck) vaccine, which CDC whistleblower Dr.William Thompson has linked to autism, had levels up to 25 times higher than the other vaccines, at 2.671ppb.  Subsequently, multiple rounds of additional independent tests have confirmed these findings at or above the same levels.

I mean, all they have to do is concoct a series of alarmist campaigns about the dangers of allowing bark to grow on your skin and every pro-vaccine moron will be attacking Jenny McCarthy and Jessica Biel for wanting to let their children turn into trees.

Let’s not forget that just as many children were arboralized in 2018 as died of measles.

Vaccinated sterility

It is becoming abundantly clear that the material costs of vaccines now considerably exceed even their theoretical benefits:

Birth rates in the United States have recently fallen. Birth rates per 1000 females aged 25–29 fell from 118 in 2007 to 105 in 2015. One factor may involve the vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV). Shortly after the vaccine was licensed, several reports of recipients experiencing primary ovarian failure emerged. This study analyzed information gathered in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which represented 8 million 25-to-29-year-old women residing in the United States between 2007 and 2014. Approximately 60{f82a6d9b5e5cff01d97267394322fca158507b75156f51cfa613d94c4c7ae29a} of women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, whereas only 35{f82a6d9b5e5cff01d97267394322fca158507b75156f51cfa613d94c4c7ae29a} of women who were exposed to the vaccine had conceived. For married women, 75{f82a6d9b5e5cff01d97267394322fca158507b75156f51cfa613d94c4c7ae29a} who did not receive the shot were found to conceive, while only 50{f82a6d9b5e5cff01d97267394322fca158507b75156f51cfa613d94c4c7ae29a} who received the vaccine had ever been pregnant. Using logistic regression to analyze the data, the probability of having been pregnant was estimated for females who received an HPV vaccine compared with females who did not receive the shot. Results suggest that females who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot. 

All of this to try to reduce the incidence of a very widespread virus that is so non-lethal that it annually kills one out of every 5,575 women who have it. I wonder how many young women will be willing to be vaccinated against HPV once they have a better understanding of how it will lower their chance of ever having children.

Don’t listen to your patients, Doctor!

California disciplines a doctor for doing what doctors are supposed to do:

In a decision that could signal how California’s fierce vaccine debates will play out in the coming years, the Medical Board of California has ordered 35 months’ probation for Dr. Bob Sears, an Orange County pediatrician well-known for being sympathetic to parents opposed to vaccines.

In 2016, the board threatened to revoke Sears’ medical license for wrongly writing a doctor’s note for a 2-year-old boy that exempted him from all childhood vaccinations. This week, the medical board settled on a lesser punishment.

Sears can keep practicing medicine but will be required to take 40 hours of medical education courses a year, as well as an ethics class, and also be monitored by a fellow doctor. He also must notify all hospital and medical facilities where he practices of the order and is not allowed to supervise physician assistants or nurse practicioners.

Sears found himself in hot water because, according to the medical board, he wrote a vaccine exemption for a young boy without obtaining even basic medical information, such as the child’s history of vaccines. He took the boy’s mother at her word when she said her son lost urinary function and went limp in response to previous immunizations, according to the filing.

They’re going to have to revoke every medical license in California if listening to a patient and taking them at their word is no longer considered proper medical practice. Especially since if a restaurant simply ignored a mother telling a waiter about her child’s nut allergy, they’d probably prosecute the owners.

A new meaning to metalhead

New questions about autism and vaccines are being raised:

Research at Keele University, published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, provides the strongest indication yet that aluminium is a cause of ASD.

The aluminium content of brain tissues from five donors who died with a diagnosis of ASD was found to be extraordinarily high; some of the highest values yet measured in human brain tissue. Why for example, would one of the four major brain lobes of a 15-year-old boy with autism be 8.74 (11.59) micrograms/g dry weight – a value which is at least 10 times higher than might be considered as acceptable for an adult never mind a child?

Yet, while the aluminium content of each of the five brains was shockingly high it was the location of the aluminium in the brain tissue which served as the standout observation. The majority of aluminium was identified in non-neuronal cells, which are involved in maintaining a constant internal environment. Aluminium was also found in inflammatory cells in the brain, alongside clear evidence of inflammatory cells heavily loaded with aluminium entering the brain via the surrounding membranes and those that separate the brain from circulating blood.

The fact that the majority of aluminium found in brain tissues in ASD was within cells and associated with tissues that maintain the body’s internal environment is, at least for now, unique to ASD and may begin to explain why young adolescents had so much aluminium in their brains.

So, the obvious question this raises is: how did so much aluminum get into the brain tissue in the first place? And the obvious answer is: from being injected with vaccines containing aluminum.

I always enjoy the idiocy of the mindless pro-vaccine crowd. From the comments on the article.

“Very irresponsible to put a headline like this here. The study was debunked and discredited years ago.”

Study? What study? Years ago? The research is new. For me, the most convincing thing about the obvious fact that vaccines are not as safe as they are advertised is the fact that every single time I discuss the matter with a vaccine advocate, they lie about something easily shown to be false.

Well, that and the fact that I have personally witnessed a severe adverse vaccine reaction. There is no amount of sophistry and appeal to metastudies and pseudoscience and herd immunity that will ever move me in the slightest.