Omicron is a Mild Flu

Trust the science. Trust the doctors. The “horrific” Omicron variant is about the best possible outcome, except for the globalists, the vaccine manufacturers, and the political scaremongers:

What we are seeing clinically in South Africa — and remember I’m at the epicenter of this where I’m practicing — is extremely mild, for us [these are] mild cases. We haven’t admitted anyone, I’ve spoken to other colleagues of mine and they give the same picture.

Dr. Angelique Coetzee

In other words, Omicron is the end toward which all viruses naturally mutate. Highly contagious, not dangerous, with mild to zero symptoms. And since the natural immunity it conveys is lasting, contracting the omicron variant may be the best possible Covid outcome for any individual, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Why the Vaccine Nazis are Winning

Karl Denninger points out that, as usual, a reactionary and tactical approach is defeated by an offensive and logistical approach:

The pure bloods need a plan, milestones, and victory conditions. They need logistics and tactics to support them. But they need a few other things:


Line in the sand


An outline of the enemy’s battle plan

These guidelines can be applied to life’s daily battles. Clown world won’t quit, perhaps this mindset will come in handy in other ways. There’s not a pure blood leader at the moment to implement and direct logistics. What follows gives individuals ideas for what to do until a leader or leaders arise.

Concrete victory conditions are essential. The concept of “return to NORMAL” can be expressed by things like:

No masks.

Laws against vaccine mandates.

No social distancing.

Laws against vaxports.

Pure blood victory conditions are diametrically opposed to Karens. There can be only one winner for each. Milestones track progress towards victory. Once a victory condition is decisively met, that particular battle is over. When all are decisively accomplished, the war is finished.

Stakes is number one on the list because everyone needs a reason to fight. Concrete stakes are better than vague doom and gloom. Stating stakes crystalize what happens if one side fails.

“If they can make my kids wear a mask, they can make them get the shot.”

If you want to win, you need a line in the sand that you stick to. No cucking. Cucking means it was never a line in the first place. The line has to be compatible with victory conditions. If you are a go along to get along type of person, be honest with yourself. For example, if you are planning to get the shot rather than lose your job, set your victory conditions and line appropriately.

Boundaries means what someone is willing to do and not do. The list of “will dos” forms a list of possible tactics. Now is the time to plan when to employ them.

Finally we come to the most important part of winning a war: Knowing your enemy’s battle plan.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” –Sun Tzu, Art of War

Karen’s battle plan was outlined above. Based on it, pure bloods can predict what happens after General Karen directs a logistical maneuver and when pure bloods take the offensive.

The gaslighting campaign of the past two years is a successful tactic. We’ve all experienced it many times now, but look at it in the context of Karen’s battle plan.

Someone mentions reality or a scientific fact around a General Karen (like Fraudci or Pants ter) and the next thing out of their mouth is gaslighting. Pure bloods scramble to explain why what the General stated is bull. More gaslighting, fear porn, and shaming follows.

“But I don’t want to kill Grandma,” the pure blood stammers. It’s a poor tactic and plays right into Karen’s logistics. Gaslighting allows their battle plan to proceed because the pure bloods are distracted and defending instead of going on the offensive.

Now you know what to look for and what to expect. Don’t be shocked when it happens…again.

As soon as pure bloods have victory conditions and logistics and tactics to support them, they join the battle. Until then it’s a one sided battle into cattle cars.

The fundamental problem is that most people, and virtually all conservatives, are unwilling to lift a finger until they are personally affected, even in the event that they can see the trouble coming down the road. And by then, it’s too late for anything but reactionary tactical action.

Astute readers will also note how the purebloods have been losing the tactical battle due to their insistence on dialectic.


Less Human Than Human

VAXX TRAX has released its first vaccine-themed cover, Less Human Than Human, based on the original song by White Zombie.

Yeah, I am the judgement day
I rape the mind and body with the DNA, hey
I am the filthy blood
I mutilate genetics and I call it good, yeah
Vaccine suicide
Canine-killing freaks, read their fucking lies, yeah
Scratch off the graphene skin
Jab into your arm then they do it again, yeah

Less human than human, less human than human
Less human than human, less human than human
Less human than human, less human than human

Yeah, I am the science man
I turn the world around with a skeleton hand, say
I am the narrative
A cannibal core, a television head, yeah
I live to victimize
Telling all the suckers sociopathic lies, yeah
I am the predator
I tear the world apart and I eat it some more, yeah

Less human than human, less human than human
Less human than human, less human than human
Less human than human, less human than human

Yeah, you are the walking dead
A vaccinated stroke blowing up your head, yeah
You are the heart poison
You wanted more life, sucker, now you’re done, yeah

Less human than human, less human than human
Less human than human, less human than human
Less human than human, less human than human


The Facts on the Ground

Karl Denninger reminds us of what we now know from experience, rather than theory, as the media begins its latest round of fearmongering over the so-called “omicron” variant which supposedly emerged in Botswana. Or South Africa. Or, possibly, Australia.

This “variant” has been found all over the world already. Therefore its already everywhere. Locking down travel after it is already in your nation is stupid and does nothing. The variant is either going to become dominant or it will not. You cannot alter that course once it gets to you — and no matter where you are it already has.

This “variant” has no evidence of being more deadly; it may in fact be less-so. Indeed that is the natural mutational pattern coronaviruses follow over time. There is no evidence in the form, for example, of higher hospital admissions, ICU utilization and death in those in which this variant has been detected. In other words thus far all the scaremongering has been based on….. exactly nothing as there are no facts currently in evidence to support such fear.

The vaccines clearly do not work. International travel has been vaccinated-only everywhere for quite some time. So the person(s) who brought the virus into your nation with this “variant” were vaccinated. The market, of course, responded to this news by spiking the vaccine companies, specifically Moderna. You have to wonder what sort of stupidity would drive someone to consider a firm that has one product which clearly did not work a “buy” in a situation like this. Mass psychosis is the only reasonable explanation.

Lockdowns and constraints clearly do not work either. The virus mutated because that’s what viruses do, and specifically coronaviruses do this all the time. It’s common. Further, vaccinating into an outbreak promotes vaccine-resistant strains because that’s just how natural selection works. You want the opposite but you can’t get there from here by vaccinating people while an outbreak is going on so the better option is to focus on early treatments and even prophylaxis which does not place immune pressure on the virus to evade your jabs.

Meanwhile the evidence continues to mount that prior infection confers better resistance than vaccines. Perfect immunity? No. But much better immunity and, to three nines, perfect protection against critical illness and death.
There were no cases of critical disease at reinfection and 28 cases at primary infection (Table S3), for an odds ratio of 0.00 (95% CI, 0.00 to 0.64). There were no cases of death from Covid-19 at reinfection and 7 cases at primary infection resulting in an odds ratio of 0.00…

So which do you prefer, since while the jabs do appear to provide some protection it wanes and it certainly does not prevent 100% of the severe and fatal outcomes.

Never mind the jab side effect profiles, which are quite dangerous, the evidence is mounting that the intermediate and long-term dangers are very significant and, in addition, there is mounting evidence that if you get jabbed and then are infected, and you will get infected, you are likely to not build “N” protein recognition so you can get infected again and again until you get the bad case that screws you. This is due to a well-recognized phenomena called “OAS” (“Original Antigenic Sin”) and is directly caused by the vaccines as they “train” your body to produce “S” antibodies, which is all they contain coding for and not “N” protein antibodies which are critical as the virus cannot mutate in that part to any material degree and remain a viable virus.

On the other hand the evidence is that beating the disease without a jab once means you have durable protection against critical and fatal outcomes on an extremely reliable basis including potential mutations since the “N” protein does not and cannot undergo substantial change.

The latter, by the way, is the pattern for every serious viral disease outbreak through history.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that this entire two-year global anti-virus campaign has been a charade. Whatever the true objective was, neither saving lives nor health care was actually the purpose. Which reminds us, once again, that the one thing we can be absolutely certain is not true is whatever the official story being pushed by the government-media complex is.


Don’t Believe the Numbers

As with most official government numbers, the number of vaccinated people is an estimate of a supposedly representative sample:

Pennsylvania on Wednesday said 68.8% of adult residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 — far less than the 73.7% cited on Tuesday and numbers highlighted in news releases for weeks.

A news release gave little explanation beyond saying the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday “began to rectify their data to match Pennsylvania COVID-19 vaccine data and we anticipate the CDC to go through a similar process with other states across the country.”

In human terms, it equals 1,076,911 adult Pennsylvanians who were believed to be fully vaccinated on Tuesday and who, as it turns out, are not, according to data from health department spokeswoman Maggi Barton.

The number pertains to people 18 or older.

I’m not saying that the future reductions will compare to the 97 percent reduction in fatal Covid cases that was seen once Italy began to report more honest statistics, but it’s quite safe to assume that most governments are exaggerating the number of vaccinated people out there.

Omicron is ADE

It appears the door just opened to one of the nightmare scenarios, Antibody Dependent Enhancement:

Vaccinated people are now stuck with this mediocre immune response, that’s intended for a variant that no longer exists. This really looks like the scenario where you’re worse off being vaccinated than you are if you’re unvaccinated. And if this is somehow not yet the big one, the one that uses everyone’s highly identical immune response against the Wuhan version of the spike protein to its own advantage, then you can rest assured that when it grows dominant, it will be giving birth to descendants that will do the trick.

Let me grab an old study from Japanese scientists, who tried to answer the question: Under what circumstances do we see antibody dependent enhancement? That is, a situation in which the virus uses your overall vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage, leaving you worse off than if you had never been vaccinated in the first place. They determined it’s pretty easy: You take Delta and you add these four mutations:

K417N, N439K, E484K and N501Y.

If you throw those four mutations into Delta, you have a version that uses your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage.

Does that ring a bell?

So let’s see:

-K417N: Bingo!

-N439K: No, but we have N440K which is a neighboring mutation and should perform the same trick of interfering with the antibodies.

-E484K: We have E484A, which means you have a mutation at the same spot, but resulting in a different amino acid, Alanine instead of Lysine.

-N501Y: Bingo!

In other words, its mutations look pretty much identical to what the Japanese scientists were warning would allow Delta to use your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that everyone who is vaccinated is doomed. Remember, the virus isn’t much more harmful than regular influenza; only 3 percent of the Italians who died WITH Covid actually died OF Covid. But it does mean that all of the lockdowns and vaccines and mandates are as useless as the vaccination skeptics have been telling everyone from the start. Everyone would have been better off relying upon their natural and cross-immunities, fortified by the appropriate vitamin stacks and treatment protocols.

In contrast to vaccine-induced immunity, no increased risk for reinfection with Beta, Gamma or Delta variants relative to Alpha variant was found in individuals with infection-induced immunity.

And despite what the media is going to tell you, more boosters are not the answer. They’ll only further weaken people’s immune systems as well as possibly exacerbating the antibody dependent enhancement.

UPDATE: Right on schedule, from the UK:

All adults are to be offered a coronavirus booster jab to help stop the Omicron variant.


Deadly From the Start

  • The clinical trials of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine found that the all-cause mortality rate of the vaccinated group was higher than that of the control group, months after the trials were launched, according to a recently released FDA report. According to the report – which was released by the US Food and Drug Administration to provide background information on its questionable decision to grant full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA injection, after initially offering limited emergency use authorisation just six months after the vaccine’s clinical trial began – the total number of deaths reported in the vaccinated group was nearly one-quarter higher than the number of deaths in the placebo group.
  • Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland. During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart.
  • Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October. Booster shots commenced on September 22. That could also be a coincidence. But all of the following doctors died on October 13 or later. We could literally include 100 doctors in this story if time permitted. All of these happened in the last four weeks. The youngest is 32. The oldest is 59.

These doctors, who have so slavishly pushed the deadly killshots on everyone else, should have kept in mind that evil never hesitates to cast its servants aside once they cease to be useful.

It’s best to reject the Covid vaccines. But if you were foolish enough to get vaccinated, at least do yourself the favor of rejecting the boosters, no matter how big the next fear campaign over the “Botswana variant” or the “Uruguayan mutation” happens to be.

And let’s face it, what were the odds of a “dangerous new variant” being discovered at the same time the focus has shifted from the vaccinating the unvaccinated to a third vaccination for the twice-vaccinated? 100 percent, if you understand that the “pandemic” is merely cover for the global war being waged against humanity.

Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.

Psalm 34:21


The Number of the Vial

The fate of the vaccinated may depend upon whether they are a Vial 1, a Vial 2, or a Vial 3.

A crisis has hit the eastern European country of Slovenia, with a whistleblower nurse telling the public that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication. In a video on Facebook, which has been deleted by YouTube, the woman claiming to be the head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving and managing the jab bottles for politicians, resigned and gave a press conference on the scandal.

During the conference she showed codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits, and then explained the meaning of those numbers. Number 1 is the placebo, saline. Number 2 is a the mRNA. The number 3 is an mRNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer….

She says she personally witnessed the jab of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone who received the number 1 bottle, claiming they received the saline solution, a placebo. This explains why the same person administers the jab to politicians when they take pictures for the media.

This whistleblower appears to be at least somewhat credible in light of all the obvious anomalies that have surrounded the public “vaccinations” of various politicians, and especially given how so few major politicians appear to be suffering any ill effects in comparison to the number of heart attacks and strokes affecting the similarly-sized population of much younger, much more fit individuals in the professional soccer community.

And as someone on SG noted, vaccine proponents claim that there can’t be any evil depopulationist conspiracy because someone would come forward and say something. But more than a few people, like this nurse, have already come forward and done precisely that.

UPDATE: Sometimes stupidity is a choice rather than a condition, as can be seen in the irony of people who 100 percent believe the lines read by professional actors with Actor’s Guild memberships, but dispute the legitimacy of actual video of obvious non-actors.

UPDATE: That being said, one should note that the woman in the video does not appear to be Zdenka Mrak, the current head nurse at UKC Ljubljana.


The Mark of the Corporate Beast

The vaccine passports are sending data to various corporations, including Amazon and Microsoft:

As if the liberty erasing connotations of vaccine passports were not enough on their own, it has been revealed that the Scottish government has allowed data from the scheme to be shared with private companies including Amazon.

The Daily Record reports, “We have learned the NHS mobile phone app which presents the personal medical information in the form of a QR Code shares data with companies including Amazon, Microsoft, ServiceNow, Royal Mail and an AI facial recognition firm.”

Users of the vaccine passport app were not informed their data would be shared, according to the report.

The Scottish system is very similar, if not identical, to the British and Welsh systems, so it would be surprising if the Welsh vaccine passport, and the British vaccine passport which is in development but has not been imposed yet, did not transfer the same data to the same corporations.