In Which Scott Adams is Ripped a New One

Karl Denninger doesn’t exactly hold back in pointing out that neither he, nor anyone else who was correct about the lack of safety and effectiveness that is now being admitted by a number of former vaccine enthusiasts were simply “guessing” about it.

Let’s talk facts eh? None of these are in dispute, by the way.

Coronaviruses circulate in humans all the time. Four of them, to be specific. Two are in the same family as Covid-19; they are beta coronaviruses, as is Covid. One of them, OC43, is believed to have caused a pandemic — in the 1890s. Why doesn’t it now? Because it circulates all the time and most kids wind up getting it very young, since the circulation pattern suggests roughly a four year rotation. That’s right — by the time you’re eight you’ve lived through two rotations through the population of this, and the other three, circulating Coronaviruses.

These four almost never produce any serious problems for children. Neither does Covid. On the data thus far, and we knew this before the first shot went into the first arm in December of 2020, if all 60 million kids under 18 got Covid-19 about 500 of them would die. That’s the data. Likewise, the other 4 common coronaviruses almost never produce serious outcomes. They do produce colds and flus — as does Covid-19 in kids.

All four of these, when someone is infected, produce durable protection against serious and fatal outcomes in the future. The exception is the odd person who is old and has damaged immunity, and their former protection becomes worthless. Yes, occasionally an old person gets killed by OC43 as their prior immunity becomes worthless. Are you noting a pattern here yet or do you already suck at logic?

There is no evidence that once infected by Covid-19 and you survive the infection you are at material risk of a second bad infection. There is a small, but non-zero risk, you can get it again, and my presumption is that if it follows the pattern of other coronaviruses, which tend to run in 3-4 year cycles, you will get it again in a few years. But despite this the odds are well under 1 in 1,000 that said second infection will be serious or worse and with each re-challenge your immunity will become broader and deeper, just as occurs with the other four. There are at this point multiple sets of data with confirmed infection counts well over 1,000 in each data set with no critical or fatal outcomes in any of them and several have had zero reinfections of any sort. In other words there is no evidence that the pattern for the other four coronaviruses that circulate among humans is not what we will see here. Gee, are we detecting a pattern yet or do you really suck at logic?

There has never been a successful and safe vaccine against coronaviruses in man or beast. None. Ever. All have either (1) proved to be short-lived protection, (2) backfired spectacularly and enhanced infection on re-challenge including every animal under test dying on re-challenge, (3) produced a really nasty side effect profile that over time is more dangerous than the disease — or some ugly combination of all three. There are no exceptions. A particular example is a chicken coronavirus where vaccination lasts just long enough for a broiler to reach size and be slaughtered — a bit less than two months. Laying hens must be continually re-inoculated to maintain protection. Attempts to vaccinate cats have killed every cat under test. May I note that felines are one of the animal families that can get and transmit Covid-19? Again, perhaps this is the exception but if it is it will be the first success following an extensive set of failures reaching back decades, many of which produced serious and fatal outcomes. Again: Are you detecting a pattern here yet on the waning of immunity from jabs given the history of prior attempts?

There is no evidence that deleting the “N” protein from the in-use US vaccines in fact eliminates the risk of enhanced disease. That’s the hypothesis underlying the decision to do that but there was no evidence for it in actual human testing, which simply was not done in advance and six months — or in fact a year or two — is too short to find out. Indeed most of the mutation in a coronavirus takes place in the “S” protein which is the part we’re using. This would be reasonably expected to produce evasion over time through natural forces. We did it anyway.

We knew prior to release of these vaccines for general use and their “mandates” that the majority of the antibodies produced were not neutralizing; they were binding. A binding antibody can enhance infection. Given that we had decades of history with the non-durability of neutralizing antibodies with attempts to vaccinate against coronaviruses what is the reasonable expectation for what will happen if that occurs this time but binding antibodies are still present? Proof? No; there was no proof. But what evidence existed that this approach was safe? NONE! Indeed, the evidence, such as it was, all ran the other way although it certainly was not conclusive. We did it anyway.

Prior to general release (September of 2020) there was published a paper characterizing pathogenic potential for the spike protein alone, absent the rest of the virus. That paper demonstrated the potential for direct injury, specifically to the endothelium (the layer of cells that is the inner lining of your blood vessels!) This was a theoretical paper and it set off a bevvy of other studies. One of them, appearing to confirm that hypothesis, was published in pre-print in December 2020 before the shots went into arms. It was subsequently peer-reviewed and passed upon during that process, being published on a formal basis early this year. We jabbed people anyway despite, at that point, having in-vitro (lab) evidence that the spike protein we were causing to be produced in the human body was inherently and separately dangerous without the rest of the virus being present. This paper, standing alone, was enough to call into question the safety of these jabs even if there was no virus at all! We proceeded anyway

So no, it is not guessing to take all of these facts, none of which are in dispute, and conclude that:

There is no reason to believe we can successfully, on a long-term basis, vaccinate against a coronavirus since we never have before in either man or beast.

There is no reason to believe attempting to vaccinate against coronaviruses is safe because in many other instances it was proved to be not, and in some it resulted in fatality of many or all the animals under test upon rechallenge. One specific instance of wildly-enhanced disease occurred in cats, which is a species that we know can become infected by this virus.

There is no reason to believe that deliberately inducing the presence of binding antibodies in a person to this virus, which we knew the vaccines did before the EUAs were issued, would be safe on a durable basis. In fact we had every reason to believe that would be unsafe simply based on what that sort of antibody does on a biological basis. You would in fact be crazily homicidal to deliberately infuse only binding antibodies to this or any other virus into a person.

There was plenty of reason to believe the spike protein, alone, was dangerous even without the rest of the virus and this was known prior to mass-distribution of the jabs. While getting infected certainly could lead to trouble in this regard infection is not certain where vaccination, once you do it, is. Further, the dosing for the vaccines is set to produce much higher levels of spike protein (and thus antibodies) in the body than does natural infection, so any such risk from the spike would be logically expected to be higher from vaccination than natural infection.

As regards children there is not now and never has been an argument for giving them a Covid-19 vaccine. They do not require or benefit from any protection that it might afford on a statistical basis and since we know there are dangers, many of which we have no way to quantify and will not be able to do so for ten or more years it is a rank violation of logic and the Hippocratic Oath, never mind gross negligence and malpractice, to administer or permit to be administered same to kids.

So no, if this turns out to be an utterly insane and disastrous choice to so-state doing this was stupid in advance, as I and some others have done, was not a “wild guess.”

One would have thought the self-styled “Great Predictor” could have seen that one coming. And it is worth pointing out that while his predictions have been completely worthless, The Market Ticker has been the best source of facts, observations, and critical thinking about Covid-19 and the vaccines throughout the entire “pandemic”.


The Marks of the Beast

A useful essay on the three most common responses by Christian pastors concerning the relationship between eschatological prophecy and the current vaccines and vaccine mandates:

In my observation, there appears to me to be roughly three types of pastors when it comes to whether we are seeing the beginning of the Mark of the Beast in our current day. The first kind is the pastor who is absolutely convinced that this is the Mark, and that this is the beginning of the tribulation. I know good guys who are convinced that this is the case and have been saying so publicly for some time now. Sometimes they are willing to give a little bit and say it may just be a precursor, but they are generally very adamant this is the Mark. The continued Beastly behaviour of our governments is not quickly proving these guys wrong.

The second kind of pastor is the one who wants no talk of the Mark of the Beast around him in relation to our current context. He rejects outright any thought that we may be entering the tribulation. He recognizes that many people have thought many things were the Mark of the Beast in history, and they were all wrong. He is the guy who is quick to point out that this is a healing device, the government may not be handling this situation ideally, but they are seeking to get to people a medical treatment that can end this pandemic. For this pastor, to apply the teaching of the Mark of the Beast here is unnecessary fear mongering. Yes, there is coercion, some of these pastors think the coercion is wrong, others think it a necessary evil to get the vaccine numbers up. These pastors are the most likely to see any talk of the tribulation and Anti-Christ in this time as irresponsible.

The third kind of pastor, and this is the category I would put myself in, is the pastor who is very concerned with the Beast-like behaviour of the government, but also recognizes along with the pastors in the second category that there are countless examples of predictions about the end times being wrong, and so is also hesitant to call this the Mark of the Beast. However, there is another key difference between pastors in this group and the second group. We see many of the hallmarks of the Beast-like behaviour of governments in this time, and from this we observe an old pattern at work. A pattern about how evil works, and a pattern about how we are to find richness and application from Revelation in every era from the time of Nero until now.

I’m not a pastor, but if I were, I would be in the third category myself. Anyhow, I highly recommend the essay as a useful exercise in educated critical thinking about the interaction between theology and quotidian existence.


When the CYA Fails

Anonymous Conservative sees through Scott Adams’s attempt to preemptively cover his backside and preserve his nonexistent reputation as the Great Predictor:

It kind of looks like Scott is trying to persuade people he wasn’t wrong or shouldn’t be blamed, by framing this as you had to know the vaccine was good or bad, rather than recognize the real question was, do you take the vax immediately without knowing anything about it, or avoid the virus and wait, while you see how the vax works out in the ignorant who took it blindly. This was a bit like being handed one of one hundred revolvers, one of which had a single bullet in it, and being told, you have to wear a mask and glasses, and wash your hands for the next year, or you can put one of these revolvers’ to your head and pull the trigger, and then you can ditch the mask and glasses. Then after you pulled the trigger, they said you had to do it again every few months. And then they told you, you still had to wear the mask and glasses and wash your hands as well. Now it is like Scott is saying, “Well, nobody could have known whether the revolver you picked was loaded or not.” No, you couldn’t but if you were schooled in the art, you could have seen that putting the revolver to your head had enormous potential downside, for very little upside. I’d be surprised if Scott was not plugged in to the network somehow. If he is, I take this to mean he believes that for some reason the reality of the vax is going to come out and predominate soon, and he is trying to get ahead of it now before it affects his reputation as a seer.

That’s why I view this as good news. I could not care less about Adams – he’s a great cartoonist and commenter on the corpocracy, but he’s otherwise irrelevant – but the mere fact that he sees the need to CYA over the vaccines suggests that the truth about them is going to penetrate the mainstream narrative in the reasonably near future.

Boosters are Forever

Once you get on the vaccine rollercoaster, they’re not going to let you off easily:

Vaccines Minister Maggie Throup has told Brits they ‘probably will’ have to get a coronavirus booster jab every year.

Ms Throup pointed to the Government’s latest vaccine purchase of 114million new doses which are due to be delivered in 2022 and 2023 as she said ‘it would be wrong of us not to be prepared’.

The comments on the BBC’s Question Time programme came after the boss of Pfizer, Dr Albert Bourla, said annual vaccinations ‘are likely to be needed’.

Congratulations, you failed the stupid test. Did you really believe it was ever about your health rather than the financial health of the pharmaceutical companies and their puppet scientists?


Vaccine Mandates are War Crimes

The governments and corporations imposing vaccine mandates and compulsory vaccinations are literally committing crimes against humanity. Nazis were put on trial and hung for less egregious violations in the 20th century. The first point of the Nuremberg Code:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

The Nuremberg Code

Notice in particular the term “any element of force… or coercion”. This includes losing your job; if it is coercion to demand sexual services from someone in exchange for keeping their job, it is obviously coercion to demand that they inject foreign substances into their body to remain employed.

This means that any amount of force, including lethal, is justified in self-defence of oneself or one’s children against these literal war criminals.

The attempted excuse will be that the vaccines are not experiments, that they are a necessary response to a medical emergency. First, there is no medical emergency; fewer people died in 2020 than in 2019 despite the pandemic. Second, the vaccines are literally experimental, with none of them having completed the usual trials before being approved for use on an “emergency” basis.

“It was legal at the time” was not accepted as an excuse at Nuremberg, and it will not be accepted at Nuremberg II: Vaccine Edition.


The Tide is Turning

Scott Adams, a reliable bellwether for the Narrative, is beginning to publicly backtrack on Twitter. The Great Predictor senses that he was completely wrong and is attempting to preemptively cover his exposed backside:

Scott Adams: Note to people who are bad at critical thinking: If we someday learn that getting the vax was a huge mistake, please don’t tell me you knew all along. You are guessing just like the rest of us. Someone will guess right.

Edgar Friendly: That’s it… “guessing”. You might ask why some people have better educated guesses than others. What did they see that you missed.

Scott Adams: I’m the best predictor in the country and I don’t see any way to be certain about the vaccinations.

Yeah, that was a really tough prediction there, Scott. I mean, what are the odds that a global vaccination campaign led by vocal global depopulationists in support of new vaccine technology that has never been successfully tested by massive pharmaceutical companies that insist on complete legal immunity before delivering the vaccines for massive profits might, possibly, perhaps, result in adverse effects for its victims?

If a posturing charlatan like Adams is starting to worry that he got it wrong, that’s a guarantee that plenty of politicians and corporate executives are beginning to realize that they have collectively made the worst mistake of their lives.


What VEI Looks Like

This is what Vaccine-Enhanced Infection looks like from a statistical perspective. The chart below is Daily New Cases of Covid-19 in Arizona. Notice the failure to conform with the usual shape of a bell curve in the third wave starting on July 5, 2021. The most plausible explanation is that the Covid vaccines are not only interfering with the natural immunity acquired by people who have previously been infected, but are enhancing the potential for infection among the previously vaccinated, thereby preventing the number of daily new case from declining in the customary manner.

Meanwhile, Germany demonstrates that it has learned nothing from the disaster that happened the last time it followed an Austrian’s lead:

Germany will lock down its unvaccinated citizens while parliament debates making jabs mandatory, Angela Merkel said as she threw her weight behind the move today.

The outgoing Chancellor said that un-jabbed people will soon be barred from non-essential shops and all cultural and leisure facilities, with only those who have got their shots or been infected with Covid allowed to enter.

The Bundestag will also begin debating a vaccine mandate as soon as possible with a view to making it law by February next year, Merkel added.

Speaking alongside incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz who has also signalled his support for the move, she said: ‘If I were in the Bundestag, I would vote for it.

Other lockdown measures include limiting both public and private gatherings attended by the unvaccinated to a maximum of four people from two households.

Nightclubs will also be close in high-infection areas, schoolchildren will be forced to wear masks, and outdoor sporting events will be limited to a maximum of 50 per cent capacity.

The sale of fireworks for New Year’s Eve will be banned with the intention of discouraging crowds to gather, Merkel added.

It was not immediately clear when the measures will take place, though Merkel referred to an ‘Advent Lockdown’ during her press conference – suggesting they will initially run up to Christmas.


Vaccine-Enhanced Infection

A Lancet study indicates the vaccines are now increasing vulnerability to Covid rather than protecting from it.

In Israel a nosocomial outbreak was reported involving 16 healthcare workers, 23 exposed patients and two family members. The source was a fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. The vaccination rate was 96.2% among all exposed individuals (151 healthcare workers and 97 patients). Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease.

Not just oops, VEI.

Vaccine Enhanced Infections.

This may be why people in Europe and the USA are now talking about mandatory vaccinations, because no one in their right mind is going to voluntarily submit to them once they realize that the protection they were promised has been inverted by VEI.

UPDATE: Vaccines are not stopping the transmission of the virus and they may not even be slowing it any longer.

Successful vaccine rollouts have failed to stop Covid transmission, with new data showing the prevalence of the virus increasing in fully jabbed individuals, according to a medical study in The Lancet. Examining new infections in Germany, researchers found that the rate of cases among fully vaccinated individuals aged 60 and older has risen from 16.9% in July to 58.9% in October.


EU Lobbies For Forced Vaccinations

An attempt to impose mandatory vaccines in Europe will almost certainly lead to war, a lot of dead politicians, scientists, and doctors, and the collapse of the European Union:

Ursula von der Leyen has said it is time to discuss making Covid vaccines mandatory across the entire EU as the continent is battered by a new wave of Covid infections.

‘I think it is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now,’ the EU Commission President told a media conference, underlining that a third of the bloc’s population of 450 million is still unvaccinated.

‘How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union – this needs discussion. This needs a common approach. But it is a discussion that I think has to be led,’ she said.

She spoke after Austria announced plans to make jabs compulsory last month, and an aide to Germany’s new chancellor Olaf Scholz said yesterday that he wants his country to follow suit.

We knew there would be war in North America as well as in Europe; it is long overdue on both continents. But I always believed that the wars would be triggered by immigration, not evil medical tyranny run amok.

UPDATE: And now the US media is calling for forced vaccinations imposed by executive order:

This charade must end. The government must require vaccinations. Not of this group or that group, not company by company, in a cruise ship by cruise ship, or airline by airline or governor by governor. The buck stops at the White House.

Jim Kramer, CNBC


Hiding the Science

How can anyone “trust the science” when the actual scientody is being hidden by scientistry because it violates The Narrative?

The study concludes that the mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle,” which researchers say is likely to account for the increased number of adverse cardiac or vascular events and side effects such as thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and others in patients post-vaccination.

From the study:

“These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS (acute coronary syndrome) risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

This is not the only study to have found this result, but it is the only one to have been released.

Esteemed British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra went on GB News to blow the whistle about how he had been contacted by another researcher from a prestigious British Institution who told him that research done by his department has found similar results, saying they too had found a link between the inflammation of coronary arteries and the experimental mRNA vaccines during their own imaging studies.

Unbelievably, the whistleblower says the institution has decided not to publish the findings, opting instead to hide the results over fears that the institution would lose its research funding.

Malhotra explained that the whistleblower – who is remaining anonymous for his safety – was furious about the decision to bury the findings, especially considering the fact that the latest health data from the UK shows there has been a substantial increase in the number of cardiology-related deaths in the country since the time the experimental vaccine was made available.

“In good science, we never rely on one study. We need to replicate these findings.

A few days ago after this was published, somebody from a very prestigious British institution – a cardiology department researcher [and] a whistleblower – contacted me to say that researchers in [his] department had found something similar within the coronary arteries linked to the vaccine.

They had a meeting and these researchers at the moment have decided they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.

Knowing this information, which is very concerning, [in addition to] Steven Gundry’s paper, and also anecdotal evidence…being told by colleagues that younger and younger people coming in with heart attacks.

So what does this mean in terms of the data? We know since July there’s been almost 10,000 excess non-Covid deaths and most of those, or a significant portion of those have been driven by circulatury disease – or in other words heart attack and stroke.”

And how can anyone trust the scientistry when scientists are observably more interested in money than they are in the actual results they discover through their research?