Britain is breaking out

#BREXIT takes the lead in the UK polls.

This may be their last chance to restore British sovereignty without having to fight for it. Here is hoping that the British people have the courage to vote themselves free of the fascist shackles that have been imposed upon them by decades of deceit.

It’s still early, though, and one expects the EU establishment will run a sweets-and-scares campaign sooner or later. There is, however, some reason to hope it will be an indifferent one, because there are no shortage of French and German politicians who would just as soon see the British leave.

Why Boris is Leave

The Mayor of London explains his reasoning in The Telegraph, and for someone who reportedly vacillated on the matter, it is a surprisingly powerful and comprehensive case:

I am a European. I lived many years in Brussels. I rather love the old place. And so I resent the way we continually confuse Europe – the home of the greatest and richest culture in the world, to which Britain is and will be an eternal contributor – with the political project of the European Union. It is, therefore, vital to stress that there is nothing necessarily anti-European or xenophobic in wanting to vote Leave on June 23.

And it is important to remember: it isn’t we in this country who have changed. It is the European Union. In the 28 years since I first started writing for this paper about the Common Market – as it was then still known – the project has morphed and grown in such a way as to be unrecognisable, rather as the vast new Euro palaces of glass and steel now lour over the little cobbled streets in the heart of the Belgian capital.

When I went to Brussels in 1989, I found well-meaning officials (many of them British) trying to break down barriers to trade with a new procedure – agreed by Margaret Thatcher – called Qualified Majority Voting. The efforts at harmonisation were occasionally comical, and I informed readers about euro-condoms and the great war against the British prawn cocktail flavour crisp. And then came German reunification, and the panicked efforts of Delors, Kohl and Mitterrand to “lock” Germany into Europe with the euro; and since then the pace of integration has never really slackened.

As new countries have joined, we have seen a hurried expansion in the areas for Qualified Majority Voting, so that Britain can be overruled more and more often (as has happened in the past five years). We have had not just the Maastricht Treaty, but Amsterdam, Nice, Lisbon, every one of them representing an extension of EU authority and a centralisation in Brussels. According to the House of Commons library, anything between 15 and 50 per cent of UK legislation now comes from the EU; and remember that this type of legislation is very special.

It is unstoppable, and it is irreversible – since it can only be repealed by the EU itself. Ask how much EU legislation the Commission has actually taken back under its various programmes for streamlining bureaucracy. The answer is none. That is why EU law is likened to a ratchet, clicking only forwards. We are seeing a slow and invisible process of legal colonisation, as the EU infiltrates just about every area of public policy. Then – and this is the key point – the EU acquires supremacy in any field that it touches; because it is one of the planks of Britain’s membership, agreed in 1972, that any question involving the EU must go to Luxembourg, to be adjudicated by the European Court of Justice.

It was one thing when that court contented itself with the single market, and ensuring that there was free and fair trade across the EU. We are now way beyond that stage. Under the Lisbon Treaty, the court has taken on the ability to vindicate people’s rights under the 55-clause “Charter of Fundamental Human Rights”, including such peculiar entitlements as the right to found a school, or the right to “pursue a freely chosen occupation” anywhere in the EU, or the right to start a business.

These are not fundamental rights as we normally understand them, and the mind boggles as to how they will be enforced. Tony Blair told us he had an opt-out from this charter.

Alas, that opt-out has not proved legally durable, and there are real fears among British jurists about the activism of the court. The more the EU does, the less room there is for national decision-making….

We have given so much to the world, in ideas and culture, but the
most valuable British export and the one for which we are most famous is
the one that is now increasingly in question: parliamentary democracy –
the way the people express their power.

This is a
once-in-a-lifetime chance to vote for real change in Britain’s relations
with Europe. This is the only opportunity we will ever have to show
that we care about self-rule. A vote to Remain will be taken in Brussels
as a green light for more federalism, and for the erosion of democracy.

In the next few weeks, the views of people like me will matter
less and less, because the choice belongs to those who are really
sovereign – the people of the UK. And in the matter of their own
sovereignty the people, by definition, will get it right.

The choice facing the British people is a straightforward one: will you be sovereign or will you be slaves?

This is one of the great moments of our lifetime, comparable to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. One of the great nations of history is deciding whether to extinguish itself or not. If there is to always be an England, then England must vote Out.

BoREXIT is go

The Mayor of London declares his support for reclaiming British sovereignty:

Boris Johnson tonight declared he will campaign for Britain to leave the EU because it would save money and regain control for the British Parliament.

The Mayor of London electrified the EU referendum campaign by ending months of speculation and dismissing David Cameron’s EU deal as insignificant, saying he could not turn down this ‘once in a lifetime’ chance to quit the EU.

And he told the Prime Minister he was making the announcement by text just nine minutes before he appeared on live TV outside his north London home.

Mr Cameron was said to be ‘absolutely furious’ with the Mayor of London’s decision and earlier today he made a last ditch attempt to persuade him to join the In campaign by warning against ‘linking arms with Nigel Farage and George Galloway’.

Good on him. Johnson not only just ensured that he will become the next Prime Minister of Great Britain, he just significantly increased the probability that the title will actually mean something.

If you are British, vote BREXIT. Vote leave. Vote out. Escape the Fourth Reich while you can.

A possible harbinger

It will be interesting to see if this incident marks the beginning of the British Reconquista or if it was simply a pedophile going after the wrong child.

The imam of a mosque in Rochdale has died after being found with head injuries in a children’s playground.

The man, named locally as Jalal Uddin, was believed to be walking home on Thursday night when he was injured.

Passers-by found him with a serious head injury in the playground in South Street shortly before 9pm.

Mr Uddin had attended evening prayers before visiting a friend for dinner and was taking a short cut while walking home, ITV News reported.

Police and paramedics were called to the scene but he died of his injuries in hospital.

In a children’s playground….

UK debates Trump ban

And even Piers Morgan, who is far from the brightest bulb in Albion, is appalled at the stupidity on display in the UK:

Why I’m so embarrassed today for Britain. The same parliament that hasn’t banned a single UK citizen from returning after fighting for ISIS is seriously debating banning Trump from its shores

As I write this column, members of the UK Parliament are debating whether or not to ban Donald Trump from entering Britain. They’ve allocated three hours of time to do this.

Time that could have been spent debating terrorism, famine, nuclear weapons, the Middle East refugee crisis or the Syrian War.

But no, instead British law-makers have concluded their own time is best served seriously considering a proposal to ban a man who may end up being the next President of the United States.

The reason they’re doing it is, of course, is because Trump recently called for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. in the wake of an horrific mass shooting by two Islamic terrorists. Like many, I didn’t agree with what Trump said and indeed, I wrote him an open letter at the time saying it was ‘dangerously wrong and bigoted’.

But to ban a foreign politician for expressing an opinion is utterly absurd. Particularly a foreign politician who stands an increasingly good chance of becoming leader of the world’s biggest superpower and Britain’s supposedly closest, most powerful ally.

Can you imagine a situation where President Trump, if he is elected, is actually banned? It would make Britain the laughing stock of the world, and confirm to Americans that we’re just as pathetically petty and small pond in our thinking as you’ve always suspected.

What they should do is put it to a referendum. Let the people of Britain – the actual British people, not the millions of invaders – decide if they would rather ban a) Donald Trump or b) Muslims from the UK. I suspect the Donald might not do so poorly.

But regardless, it would be hilarious if Parliament banned Trump prior to his winning the Republican nomination, and then the election. Nothing would make it more obvious that the rest of the world no longer gives a damn about what is now nothing more than a powerless, petty province of the EU.

If the UK wants to matter again, it has to get out of the EU. #Brexit.

Europe prepares for mass deportations

I’ve known the Europeans were not going to tolerate American levels of immigration for a long time. Can you even imagine an American politican, let alone a Cabinet member, saying anything like this?

Millions of African migrants pose a threat to the standard of living and
social structure of the UK and the rest of Europe, the Foreign
Secretary has warned…. Speaking during a visit to Singapore, Mr Hammond said the gap in living standards between Europe and Africa meant there would always be an “economic motivation” for Africans to try to make it to the EU.

He told BBC News: “We have got to be able to resolve this problem ultimately by being able to return those who are not entitled to claim asylum back to their countries of origin. That’s our number one priority.

“As long as the Europe Union’s laws are the way they are, many of them will only have to set foot in Europe to be pretty confident that they will never be returned to their country of origin.

“Now, that is not a sustainable situation because Europe can’t protect itself and preserve its standard of living and social structure, if it has to absorb millions of migrants from Africa.”

He’s absolutely right. As we’ve seen, even the USA has been unable to preserve its standard of living and social structure due to its failure to absorb millions of migrants from Central and South America.

The SJWs and cuckservatives celebrate diversity, but what they are also celebrating is poverty. America’s living standards have fallen considerably since 1973, but no one realizes it yet because the combination of technological advancement and debt-spending conceals that fact. But it gradually becomes obvious, as Americans become increasingly unable to afford houses or even college educations.

But at least they have iPhones, so they can look at the pretty pictures. Dirt doesn’t trump genetics and culture is not a consequence of geographic location. The Europeans understand, as most Americans still do not, that millions of migrants will destroy, not enhance, their standard of living and social structure.

Hey, you asked for it

Having kept the Scots in Great Britain thanks to the votes of non-Scottish people resident in Scotland – the majority of actual Scots voted for independence – the English are now upset that the Scottish National Party is daring to interfere in English affairs.

 The barefaced perfidy of the SNP’s decision to rat on their pledge not to vote against legislative measures that did not affect their constituents has been breathtaking. But, then, for all who know this lot, were any of us really surprised? This is, after all, a cult-like movement that knows no principle that it won’t abandon and no promise it won’t ditch in pursuit of its one and only goal – the break-up of the United Kingdom.

You will remember that Nicola Sturgeon pledged – no doubt hand on heart – on the metaphorical stack of Bibles that her Fearless Fifty Six MPs would interfere in laws that affected only England if that legislation materially affected the lives of their constituents and, specifically, if it caused a reduction in the Barnett formula cash that flows north from the Treasury.

However, at the first time of asking and with Labour stupidly – is there any end to this party’s suicidal tendency – offering them an open goal, the Nats put partisan advantage ahead of any semblance of sticking to their promises. In ordering her pathetically obedient troops to vote against a measure that would bring fox hunting legislation in England and Wales into line with that in Scotland Ms Sturgeon has shown that you can trust her word as much as you could her predecessor’s.

Who could have seen that coming? The SNP’s strategy is obvious. Make the life of the English Parliamentarians a living hell until they openly support Scottish independence. The English forced them to stick around when they wanted to leave, so making sure that the Union is as unpopular with the English as it is with the Scottish is the logical thing to do.

That was fast

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a faster government U-turn:

Breaking: David Cameron climbs down on ‘back me or resign’ Downing Street has forced into a climb-down over whether Government ministers will have to resign if they want to campaign for Britain to leave the European Union, reports our Political Editor Peter Dominiczak.

Number 10 insisted that David Cameron “has not set out” whether “collective responsibility” will apply at the in-out referendum, which could be held next year.

Mr Cameron’s spokeswoman insisted that the Prime Minister had only said that members of the Government would have to resign during the renegotiation phase leading up to the announcement of a referendum if they wish to campaign for Britain to leave the EU.

Mr Cameron has not made a decision about whether ministers would have to quit if they campaign for a British exit, Downing Street claimed. It appears to leave open the possibility of ministers being able to campaign for Britain to leave the EU.

It sounds rather like the Prime Minister learned that he was about to lose most of his ministers and find himself facing a vote of no confidence only weeks after his big electoral victory.

I don’t think the usual kabuki is fooling anyone this time around. The EU isn’t going to cut Britain any slack, and even if they did, it wouldn’t matter because they could take it back anytime in the future. Sovereign or slave-state, that is the only relevant question.

You wanted Union

You’ve got Union:

Politicians who begged Scotland to stay in the Union should not complain if the SNP calls the shots at Westminster after the election, Nicola Sturgeon said last night. Polling last night showed that the nationalists are extending their lead – threatening to all but wipe out Labour north of the border.

But Ed Miliband yesterday refused four times to rule out going into a power-sharing agreement with the SNP if its MPs hold the balance of power for the first time. Yesterday she said: ‘During the referendum campaign last year, we were told repeatedly by politicians who were trying to persuade Scotland to vote no – and they succeeded – that Scotland was an integral part of the UK, that our view mattered,’ Miss Sturgeon said.

‘It’s completely unacceptable now for those politicians to say, when Scotland is perhaps going to make its view heard by voting SNP, to say your voice can’t be heard in the UK.’

She said her MPs – who could number as many as 50 after May 7 – would vote to roll back reform of the NHS in England. Traditionally, Scottish nationalists have not voted on health and matters that do not affect their constituents, since they are controlled in Scotland by the Holyrood parliament.

That’s some quality black knighting right there. The English shot down Scottish independence, so there is no reason that the Scottish MPs shouldn’t wreak havoc in Westminster.