A request for substantiation

This morning I sent summaries of the ongoing cyberstalking and online harassment committed by Yamamanama aka inimbe karu ava, Alauda, alauda, Luscinia Hâfez, Luscinia, Clamps, Ciconia, Arachnothera, daphnis, Count Bullets-ula, Beardsley McTurbanhead, Freddy Foreshadowing, Comrade Questions, comrade questions, Dan Picaro, Andthestarshine, Kasa the Wicked, Nikola, Chokley Carmichael, Clamps, Daphis, Daphnis, Starshine, Sunlight, Will, Will leFey, Yama, Yama the Space Fish, Lilacanddatura, Phoenixwing667, Darkprophet667 to the Marshfield police department and the New England Wildlife Center.

A selection from the summary of my experience being harassed and cyberstalked:

Aside from the realization that the cyberstalker did not appear to be entirely mentally stable, this incident also caused me to learn that the cyberstalker “Will leFey” was “Yama the Spacefish” on DeviantArt and “Yamamanama” on Live Journal as well as “@pure, impure” on Twitter. I also learned that the cyberstalker lived in Marshfield, Massachusetts and is a longtime volunteer at the New England Wildlife Center. And I learned that I am far from the first person he has subjected to this persistent online harassment.

• https://twitter.com/pure_impure
• http://yamathespacefish.deviantart.com/
• http://yamamanama.livejournal.com/

Since that time, Will/Yama/etc has intensified his cyberstalking and willfully and maliciously engaged in conduct that seriously alarms or annoys me, left hundreds of comments that would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and has made threats with the intent to place me in fear of bodily injury for me, my wife, and my children. A few of the more recent threats include:

  • “Vox Day and his idiot followers need to know how much of an untalented waste of carbon he is.”
  • “The only award Vox Day should be nominated for is “the worst fucking person in existence award.””
  • “Vox is a mentally unstable stalker.”
  • “Vox should be castrated.”
  • “You pompous stuck-up snot-nosed expatriate giant twerp scumbag fuckface dickhead asshole.”
  • “I want his heart rate to increase to the point where it can’t pump blood anymore.”
  • “May a thousand kraits bite you. May a crane rip out your tongue. May skylarks remove your eyes.”
  • “May Lord Yama visit you soon, Vox.”

These are only a few of the many threats he has made to me and others in the course of his long campaign of online harassment. Note that Lord Yama, the cyberstalker’s primary identity, is the Hindu god of death.

It is my understanding that the erratic behavior of this observably disturbed individual falls well under the scope of Massachusetts law, specifically M.G.L. c. 265, s. 43, and it is my opinion that he presents a clear and present threat to the individuals he is harassing online as well as to the local community of Marshfield.

If you have witnessed any of this online harassment by the cyberstalker who utilizes these identities, I would appreciate it if you would write a brief summary of what you have witnessed, and the period over which you have witnessed it, here in the comments. If you would prefer to do so privately, please email me with “CYBERSTALKER” in the subject. You don’t need to use your real name, but do mention your state, or if you’re outside the USA, your country.

If you have been cyberstalked or harassed by Yama et al on your own site, please send me a list of the comments he has left there and the dates he has been active on your blog. If he has left too many comments to easily copy and paste them into a text document, you can export your blog to XML and we can utilize our data-mining tool to extract all of his comments in one fell swoop.

Please note that all summaries may be sent to the appropriate authorities in order to substantiate the assertions made in the summary.

Comment champions

One of Blogger’s flaws is that its comment management tools are crude to the point of being nonexistent. So, as part of Operation Yama, our elite team of trollhunters has created a tool that permits the datamining of Blogger comments in order to accurately document the full extent of the cyberstalking that has taken place here. In addition to providing us with a complete list of his trespasses, the tool also helped us identify two of Yama’s identities that had previously gone undocumented.

Interestingly enough, it’s also allowed us to see who left the most comments here in 2014. The winner, with over 3,000, was Nate. The top seven are as follows:

  1. Nate
  2. Josh
  3. Markku
  4. Bob K. Mando
  5. Tom Kratman
  6. James Dixon
  7. Jack Amok

The updated cyberstalker list:

Yamamanama, Dan Picaro, Andthestarshine, Kasa the Wicked, Nikola,
Alauda, Arachnothera, Beardsley McTurbanhead, Chokley Carmichael,
Clamps, Comrade Questions, Daphis, Daphnis, Freddy Foreshadowing,
Luscinia, Luscinia Hafez, Starshine, Sunlight, Will, Will leFey, Yama,
Yama the Space Fish, Count Bullets-ula, Lilacanddatura, Phoenixwing667, Darkprophet667, Ciconia, inimbe karu ava, and @Pure, Impure.

    It’s a small, small SJW world

    Yama the cyberstalker is rightly getting worried about the net that is slowly being drawn in around him. And he’s been running to everyone from David Futrelle to anti-#GamerGate in a desperate attempt to find someone who will protect him from a confrontation with the big bad wolf. But while they may not be fans of mine, it doesn’t appear they’re dumb enough to sign up for his “Operation Infiltrate” either.

    @SuperSpacedadHolly Jolly Spacedad
    @pure_impure I’m not sure what they’re on about over you – what do they think you said? I don’t trust anything GG says BTW.

    I wrote a scathing plot summary of one of Vox Day’s novels and Vox is pissed off.

    Space Bunny ‏@Spacebunnyday
    Yes, dear. It has nothing to do with 56 months of harassment of him and others, not to mention CP

    Liselle ‏@queenereshkigal
    That’s a serious claim. If u @Spacebunnyday can’t provide evidence of CP @twitter @support needs to ban u.

    pure, impure ‏@pure_impure
    There is no evidence. Vox and cronies made up the whole thing.

    Space Bunny ‏@Spacebunnyday
    Wishful thinking on Andrew’s part, or an outright lie… The police know the truth

    Vox Day ‏@voxday
    You’re lying, Yama. We are getting multiple affidavits from those who saw it.

    Solstice Post-it ‏@post_it_51
    The false-flag shit-poster is defending the harasser? Small SJW world

    If the name @SuperSpaceDad sounded familiar, this is why. I have to laugh at the idea of Yama being cross-examined at some point, as he can’t even maintain the smallest degree of consistency. How on EARTH could I possibly have “made up the whole thing” when there are numerous references to his pornographic stalking of the Gaede girls and Micetrap Records more than FIVE YEARS BEFORE he began cyberstalking me?

    If you’re looking for allies, Yama, I would suggest you contact John Scalzi, the Nielsen Haydens, Jim Hines, and Chris Kluwe. Perhaps they would not have a problem with your past predilection for porn-spamming minors.

    Mammoth hunting requires no math

    Which appears to be a good thing, seeing as how David Futrelle can’t grasp the relevant rape statistics:

    I thought I’d seen every variety of rape apologism known to humankind. But this is a new one for me: Fantasy author and garbage human Vox Day has decided that all claims of rape directed at white guys are suspect because … white guys don’t rape.

    No, really. That’s his actual argument:

        White American men simply don’t rape these days. At this point, unless a woman claims it was committed by a black or Hispanic man she didn’t previously know, all claims of rape, especially by a college woman, have to be considered intrinsically suspect.

    His, er, source for these claims? A post from the website Women For Men — founded by familiar names Suzanne Venker, Helen Smith and Christina Hoff Sommers — about a video of unknown provenance of a shouting match that involves a white woman accusing a presumably white man of rape. (There are no details on the alleged incident, and it’s not clear from watching the almost literally unbelievable video what exactly happened or if the video is even real.) Needless to say, even if the video is 100% real it doesn’t actually provide anything even remotely approaching evidence for Vox’s racist claims.

    Which isn’t surprising given that they aren’t, you know, true. When it comes to rape, of course, whites and blacks are overwhelmingly — roughly 8 out of 10 times — victimized by members of their own race And in most cases, as is well-known, rapes are committed by people the victim knows, not the proverbial man hiding in the bushes.

    Well, no, that’s not “my actual argument”. It’s always amusing to see how the anklebiters try to pretend rhetoric is dialectic and vice-versa, depending upon what suits their purpose at the moment. Futrelle’s posturing is nothing but pure rabbit rhetoric; statistical analysis is not apology. If he actually wants the dialectical form of the argument, it is this: all claims of rape directed at white guys are intrinsically suspect because white men in America are disproportionately disinclined to commit rape. If he wishes a dialectical debate on the merits of that argument, then let us entertain his critique, by all means.

    But Futrelle has no genuine intention of contesting the dialectical level, he is merely countering rhetorically-charged dialectic with dialectic-flavored rhetoric. Nevertheless, let us take Mr. Futrelle’s pseudo-dialectic at face value. According to the FBI, there were 13,886 rape arrests in 2012. Of them, 9,027 (65%) arrestees were “white” men, and 4,512 (35%) were black men. Wow, that just completely disproves my point that white men don’t commit much rape, given that 65 percent is reasonably close to the white percentage of the population (72.4), right?

    Not so fast. The FBI counts both white and Hispanic offenders as “white” for statistical purposes. But there are other ways to fill in the missing information, which is to say estimate how those 9,027 arrests are distributed between white men and Hispanic men.

    While no comprehensive reports have been done, every smaller report I have read indicates that Hispanics commit rape and other sex offenses at a disproportionate rate; some even show that they do so in excess of the black rate. (It is a basic police heuristic that if it’s a financial crime, it’s a white; a violent crime, a black; a sex crime, a Hispanic.) But, in order to be conservative, we shall assume that the Hispanic proclivity to commit sex offenses is no greater than the known black rate. Since the rate of black arrests is 2.77 times the black percentage of the population, applying the same multiplier to the Hispanic percentage indicates that 45.6 percent or 4,113 of the “white” men arrested for rape were actually Hispanic.

    This means that actual white men only represent 29.6 percent of rape arrests, which indicates that white men are 59 percent less likely to commit rape than the average individual and 85 percent less likely to commit rape than a black or Hispanic man. For those who think in ratios rather than percentages, this means that the risk of rape posed by the average black or Hispanic man is at least 6.76 times greater than that posed by the average white man.

    Since a number of Mr. Futtrelle’s readers have foolishly assumed that I am defending white men out of self interest, I should point out that for good or for ill, none of these statistics apply to me. While there are no relevant crime statistics for multiracial individuals, it turns out there are for men who are “American Indian and Alaska Native in combination with one or more other races”. With a 0.59 arrest/population ratio, we are 1.43 times more likely to commit rape than white men.

    So, while it is certainly correct to say that white men engage in an amount of rape these days, they commit such a relatively small percentage of them in comparison with their percentage of the population that if college women are reporting more rapes by white men than by black or Hispanic men, their reports must be regarded as statistically improbable, ideologically motivated, and intrinsically suspicious. But of course we all know that there are statistical outliers, given that John Scalzi is white and he has reliably informed us that he, for one, is a rapist.

    As rhetoric or dialectic, the conclusion stands. Certain claims of rape are intrinsically suspect on the basis of their divergence from documented statistical norms.

    Also, note in the comments this implied threat from the cyberstalker Yama. I am sure you will understand how it couldn’t help but cause me substantial emotional distress and placed me in fear of death and bodily injury.

    Nequam | December 19, 2014 at 8:49 pm
    Ugh. I’m starting to think of creepy indulgent revenge porn involving sharp blades and a garbage disposal (so there won’t be anything worth trying to sew back on)

    yamamanama | December 19, 2014 at 8:53 pm
    Is it wrong that I thought of Vox Day going through that ordeal and smiled?

    Yes, Yama, it is wrong. And your public expression of that thought is also, in light of your 56 documented months of cyberstalking me, most likely unlawful.

    Art and the troll’s acquaintance

    @Pure, Impure thought this piece of art was worth noting. I’m not sure why, but then, I am not a visual artist. But I always find it worthwhile to discover what the would-be critic finds  praiseworthy before either dismissing his criticism or taking it seriously. And while I am not a visual artist, I thought the self-portrait looked familiar. I was, in fact, correct.

    The amusing thing was that when I contacted the artist to confirm Pure, Impure’s identity, she initially pretended not to know of him. She even commented that he sounded like “a real dick”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to simply take her at her word given that one arrives at the same artist’s Tumblr account by following a) Yama’s LiveJournal, b) @pure, impure’s Twitter account, or c) her own LinkedIn account.

    It appears, however, that she is a mere acquaintance of the individual in question, and not an actual friend. And she did appear to have been previously unfamiliar with his online activities.

    In any event, several other individuals have already agreed to provide affadavits concerning their cyberstalking by the individual known variously as: Yamamanama, Dan Picaro, Andthestarshine, Kasa the Wicked, Nikola, Alauda, Arachnothera, Beardsley McTurbanhead, Chokley Carmichael, Clamps, Comrade Questions, Daphis, Daphnis, Freddy Foreshadowing, Luscinia, Luscinia Hafez, Starshine, Sunlight, Will, Will Le Fey, Yama, Yama the Space Fish, Gobbler, Count Bullets-ula, N.T.A., Hazel-Jeu, Lilacanddatura, Phoenixwing667, Darkprophet667, and @Pure, Impure.

    If you have been cyberstalked by the individual using any of the above names and would like to see it stopped, please email me for instructions. And for those who ask why I am bothering to address this matter, the answer is that 56 months is a sufficiently long time to have put up with this criminal harassment and it takes me considerably less time to place a few calls and do a little research than it does to delete the stalker’s comments almost every single day.  Also, it is considerably more entertaining.

    And to Yama himself, this:

    I’m now giving you the opportunity to turn yourself in, admit your
    crimes, and ask for leniency. If you do, I will speak up for you on your behalf and welcome you here in your true identity. If you do not, no mercy will be shown to you
    from those you have harassed for the last 11 years. Do not think I’m the
    only one involved here. I have contacted many of those you have harassed in the
    past, and several of them are quite willing to swear out affadavits
    against you.

    I’m not bluffing, Yama. This is really happening. I
    don’t know what the eventual consequences for you will be, but I
    strongly encourage you to repent and turn from the path you are on
    before you make matters any worse for yourself. You are only thirty years old, there is still plenty of time for you to turn your life around and make something meaningful of yourself. You are not happy. You are miserable. You are lonely and full of hate. That is not the result of what has been done to you by the evil and rejection of men, it is the result of the path you are walking, which leads inevitably to destruction.

    And what has it ever done for you that you should cling to it in such a determined fashion?

    Of trolls and the illusion of power

    A former troll explains himself:

    I am going to find it difficult to tell you precisely why I was so taken by this scene and why I threw myself so enthusiastically into its underworld. The simplest and likely sufficient answer is that I was 14 years old. It all felt vaguely dangerous, vaguely revolutionary, but with ill-defined goals. Its romance was the same one that makes Randians of so many high-school sophomores. It gave the sickly sense of power one gets from finding the next button to push, laughing in a rapidly reddening face. It’s no different from the power trip a bully takes at school, except now I was the powerful one and not the victim. It was something between having power for the first time and the guilt of knowing it was ill-gotten. Power, because there is nothing quite so seductive to a teenage malcontent as a world that offers belonging coupled with authority; that is secret in the way that everybody knows you’re into something slightly criminal. Guilt, because it was all schoolyard. Even when it was less dangerous, it was offensive, vaguely sexist and vaguely racist and vaguely homophobic in the daring-to-transgress kind of way. Even if I wasn’t better than it then, I already had the sense that I might like to be.

    I can’t tell you whether my experience and motives were typical or not. I am, however, certain of a few things. If there was a difference between trolling and schoolyard taunting, it was trolling’s particular take on the best way to be an outsider. The prototypical rebel without a cause is either a nihilist or self-serious, disappointed by a vapid world or giving up on it entirely; in either case, he is not content to gossip while there are motorcycles to be ridden in stoic search of the real. For us, it was neither possibility: the world was the place that cared too much, but the way to be above it all was to take aim at its vanity, to embarrass those who thought themselves too composed and too in charge to ever be caught flustered by something petty. We engaged. We had a cause. Whether it was a worthwhile one was a separate issue entirely.

    I don’t know if that sensibility is still prevalent in theory, but if so, it no longer means what it once did. Now, as then, the victims of a concerted trolling effort are selected not only by the probable combustibility of their reaction but also by the sense that they have it coming. In the previous decade, you had it coming because you were pompous or entitled or privileged or foolish. The spirit was mischievous, and its intent was to humiliate unclothed emperors. Today, to have it coming is to expose the nakedness of masculinity or whiteness or some other sacred cow of the self-serious; the trolls these days are the red-faced ones, the ones who cannot stand to have their worldview made fun of. “Butthurt” used to be a schoolyard taunt for our marks, not us….

    Trolling isn’t really trolling anymore. The motive isn’t sublimated. The rage is bare.

    My apologies for the late start in posting today. We had a Christmas party to attend, and then there was a considerable quantity of information concerning the Great Troll Hunt to digest. I thought the article was interesting, despite its SJW slant, because it demonstrates the fundamental problem with Yama: he doesn’t understand power. He doesn’t understand right and wrong either, but many people don’t. What sets him, and some other trolls, apart from most people who can’t distinguish right from wrong is that they don’t understand that people can and will hit them back much harder than they believe possible.

    He’s rather like Petyr Baelish in A Game of Thrones, rubbing his hands gleefully as he works undetected behind the scenes (or so he thinks), certain that he has everything under control right up to the moment that the Queen orders the guards to put their daggers to his throat. The Queen makes the mistake of not exercising her superior power, and eventually she pays the price for it.

    Now, I’m hardly the Queen. But I’m also not helpless or without resources and allies. I’m also not invulnerable; Castalia House has been under a persistent cracker attack for over a month now. The difference is that I know my vulnerabilities and do what I can to harden them because I am aware that they will always be under attack by some SJW who disagrees with me.

    Yama is quite clearly surprised that anyone is able to do anything to him despite the fact that he has committed counts of a crime in his state. This shows the extent to which he fails to understand the nature of power. It’s one thing to fail to believe that someone is going to do anything about it, it’s another to believe that no one can. But as anyone who has ever read a fantasy novel should know, the nature of ill-gotten power is that it always turns on its wielder in the end.

    Pity the poor troll 2

    Andrew aka Yamanamama aka @pure, impure on Twitter, is whining about attention being paid to what he and his friends are posting online:

    Mike Cernovich ‏@PlayDangerously
    SJWs have tried having me disbarred, thrown into jail, and killed (Swatted) for my speech. SJWs are terrorists. #TheInterviewMovie

    pure, impure ‏@pure_impure
    But when Vox Day does it to his critics and their friends, it’s fine, right?

    Mike Cernovich ‏@PlayDangerously
    If you people are stupid enough to pick a fight with Vox Day, don’t come crying to me.

    Now, I warned Andrew. Repeatedly. He has spent literally years trolling this blog, Larry’s blog, Eric’s blog, Sarah’s blog, Tom Mays’s blog, and numerous others. Ignoring him didn’t work. Banning him didn’t work. Very well, that simply means the time has come for more proactive measures. He apparently doesn’t understand that for perhaps the first time, he has run into someone who is more ruthless and relentless than him. He is only beginning to experience the consequences of his actions over the last two years.

    But let’s be very clear on this. He is the known troll. He is the confirmed stalker. And, I suspect, he’s the criminal whose every action will be investigated by professionals.

    It should be fascinating to find out what we learn about the little coward. As with the SFWA, everything will be posted here. I’ve already got Verizon, the police, and a private investigator looking into him. And there will be other parties doing so in the new year.

    You are blocked from following @pure_impure and viewing @pure_impure’s Tweets.

    He hasn’t posted on his journal since December 15th. But no matter where he posts, if he so much as mentions me, or Larry, or Dan Simmons, or the Mad Genius Club, we will find him.

    Art by Andrew’s friends

    Great stuff! And perhaps I can help clarify something: “Markku from Vox Popoli is proud because he can figure out my exact age
    based on this statement. I don’t know what he plans to do with it, nor
    why he decided to gather such information in the most roundabout way

    Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that knowing the exact age is useful when looking up arrest records, birth certificates, and social security numbers. “H is for Home town: I was born in Newton.” Especially when someone is openly announcing their intention of stalking someone and vandalizing their property.

    “Colorado is basically a rectangle and I know nothing about it and never plan to go there. Except to egg Dan Simmons’ house.”

    But I suppose we should spare some sympathy for him. After all, we are reliably informed that he is motivated by lovesickness.

    I finally talked to Adara (you’ll have to go back as far as “brains, a
    heart, a ride in a balloon” in October of 2008; there was a whole series
    of entries about it but that never really went anywhere, maybe because I
    was asking all the wrong people, and that’s what the title refers to,
    I’m not going anywhere*). It was a briefer and more pleasant
    conversation than I ever expected. I asked her to comment here, the
    decision is hers to make, and I haven’t gotten a response to that yet…. I
    had this thought lingering for a while, but I didn’t want to say
    anything for fear that it would come back to bite me in the ass: I asked
    Xpander to try contacting Miyomi, and then I was wondering if Miyomi
    was on to me, or perhaps he didn’t ask and was going to shrug his
    shoulders and say “she’s not in contact with her” some time in 2016, and
    I figure if you’re going to lie about something like that, you should
    wait a week tops.

    Pity the poor troll

    Poor Andrew Marston is sad that his trolling has rendered him unable to post things by people he likes, for fear that they’ll be treated the way he treats others.

    I actually thought about linking to a video of Emma singing and playing
    guitar. Don’t get me wrong, this has little to do with the elections, in
    fact, I actually considered posting it the day after the election, but
    then I found out Larry Correia and his poo-flingers are searching for
    and conjecturing upon my posts elsewhere on the internet, and since
    linking to a video of Emma by Emma could put us in a situation where
    Correia or Vox could do a lot of damage, I am not linking to it.

    Of course, there are a lot of things we could do. For one, we could let them know about how Andrew publicly bragged about posting pornography on the site of two underage girls:

    If you had to confess to the most evil thing you have ever done, what would it be?

    Yamamanama–I bet April Gaede knows the answer to that one… heh, heh… Oh yeah, Prussian Blue is on SomethingAwful. Lynx and Lamb’s diary was hacked or something, because it was overloaded with porn. Gay porn. Gay porn involving old people. Gay porn involving old white people. In response, April Gaede only allowed one character (!?) in the guestbook. In response to that, people made 42 posts with one character each.

    Yamamanama–Child porn? Yeah, OK. I actually posted some examples of the stuff I spammed Micetrap Records with in that thread about Who Is White? 

    He also goes by the name of yama the space fish. The guy is a certified nut case who posts porn all over the internet. I saw a few examples of his work on some WP sights before the mods had a chance to pull it off. He is one sick bastard. He posted a picture of children having sex on one sight,and another one of two elderly men having gay sex on another one. Then after they were removed he tried to say they were just pictures of a chineese girl in a bathing suit.

    Andrew quite clearly doesn’t understand how “irritating people who can afford to pay for private detectives” works. Or that “annoying people with high-level connections at various Internet technology companies” is probably not a good idea. Or that all of that is completely irrelevant when he’s already posted so many names on his own site…. Andrew doesn’t really seem to understand how the Internet works. Now here is the punchline:

    Andrew Marston aka Beardsley McTurbanhead
    The fact that Blogspot turns a blind eye to your many harassment campaigns is sickening.

    I’m sure it’s a coincidence that comments on Silence Without have all
    disappeared now that Steve Sailer, Vox Day, and Andrew Bolt have linked
    to it.

    You’re projecting there, Andrew. I’m not harassing anyone. One single link to a blog site in the news that specifically mentions me by name doesn’t qualify as harassment or trolling in anyone’s book. You, on the other hand, were known for harassing many people for years before you ever discovered this blog. Now, perhaps you have forgotten, but I am literally publishing the book on 4GW,  and as you should have learned from the example of McRapey, I may be slow to start, but once I get rolling, I never, ever stop.

    Burning question: Who’s going to have a lot of explaining to do after I get off the phone with the police department? Child porn is not a joke to them.

    A partial list of names: Alauda*, Arachnothera, Beardsley McTurbanhead, Chokley Carmichael,
    Clamps*, Comrade Questions, Daphis, Daphnis*, Freddy Foreshadowing,
    Luscinia*, Luscinia Hafez, Starshine, Sunlight, Will Le Fey*, Yama*,
    Yamamanama*, Yama the Space Fish.

    Trolls beware

    Andrew Marston, among others, would appear to be heading for some serious jail time if he doesn’t change his ways:

    Internet trolls will face up to two years in jail under tough new laws proposed by Justice Secretary Chris Grayling following a number of high profile cases. The sentence for internet abuse is presently six months but under the plans Mr Grayling is proposing to take a hard stance and quadruple it.

    As Spacebunny pointed out, although this law is nominally intended to protect women, the reality is that it’s going to affect a lot more women than anyone suspects. I would encourage every black knight to be sure to log and report all harassment from female trolls. Because they expect men to be unwilling to hold them accountable for their actions, they’ll set themselves up for prosecution more readily than their male counterparts.

    Speaking of trolls, I already have large collections of Andrew’s comments as well as smaller ones belonging to Phoenician and Tad. Trolls never seem to realize that once you have as few as three examples of their posting, all one has to do is to call their ISP, or alternatively, Google, to correctly identify them. Call yourself whatever you want, hide your IP address with Tor, it makes no difference. As long as Point A and Point Z are known, everything else in between is irrelevant.

    I also find it a bit ironic that some people have tried to label me a troll in the past when I have never trolled anyone anywhere. I have no need to do so. If I wish to express my opinion about someone, I will do so here, in the open, where everyone can see it.

    On what one hopes is a completely unrelated note, you can now access my book recos on Recommend without registering or signing in. I’ve also added a link on the left sidebar, under Voxology, if you wish to keep up with it. I’ll be adding one or two books from my 2014 reading list every day, then I’ll probably start in on the 2013 books. If you’re on Recommend, note that you can create a list and then designate it for public view in Edit/Settings. It’s a new feature, so it’s not exactly user-friendly yet, but as you can see, it is functional.