It’s about the quality of the engagement and the strength of the commitment.
One blogger who is on SocialGalactic recently commented that his 85 followers on SocialGalactic have made a much bigger impact on his blog traffic than his 500 followers on Gab. We’ve seen similar results vis-a-vis social media platforms ranging from Instagram and Twitter to Facebook and Amazon.
But then, Man has known this since the days of Gideon and Leonidas. Better 200 who will stand and fight than 20,000 who will run.
I’m pleased to be able to announce that SocialGalactic surpassed 1,000 daily posts for the first time in its very brief history yesterday, 9 January 2020. There were 1,133 new posts, to be precise. The crushing will continue. Once we get the necessary badges created, we will start inviting the creator-specific subscribers, including Feed the Bear, The Legend, and Grow or Die subscribers.
In other news, I am contemplating a change to the Castalia Deluxe / Castalia Library lines as we finalize the covers. At present, the favored approach for the latter favors the Latin, as opposed to the Italian I’d originally suggested.
Castalia Deluxe —> Castalia Library
Castalia Library —> Libraria Castalia
I think both will look very good on the spines. If you are a subscriber of either leatherbound line, please share your opinion in the comments.
Speaking of SocialGalactic, an artist there has created what may be one of the strangest “advertisements” for a “televised” show ever produced. I have to admit, I like it.
On Sunday he announced he will be quitting YouTube in 2020.
And a day later, PewDiePie wiped his Twitter account of all its tweets, keeping the profile there only to ‘prevent fake accounts’.
The online sensation, 30, had been using Twitter regularly but unfollowed all of the accounts he once followed.
Good for him. Twitter is a cesspool. And on a not-entirely-unrelated note, the first SG2 invites to Unauthorized Annual members have gone out. The SG1 subscribers will be invited next. Once all the Unauthorized members have been invited, we’ll look at opening it up to everyone who is interested. This is a process that will take several weeks at a minimum, and we want to go step-by-step in order to manage the initial influx, so please be patient.
And yes, Castalia Deluxe members will also be receiving Bronze SG2 subscriptions in due course. Complete with a special book icon for the readers….
As a final act on SocialGalactic 1.0, I took a poll of its users to see what they thought of our new #cleanspeech policy. The results demonstrate very clearly why free speech is not a viable foundation for a new social media platform.
What do you think of SocialGalactic’s #cleanspeech policy? (400 votes)
80.8{13f7cd41d75ad26df9f677947736378fee6e9e6bdea39ae580d95ac2edeca384}: YES! I prefer limited and clean speech.
04.8{13f7cd41d75ad26df9f677947736378fee6e9e6bdea39ae580d95ac2edeca384}: NO! I prefer completely free speech.
14.5{13f7cd41d75ad26df9f677947736378fee6e9e6bdea39ae580d95ac2edeca384}: I really don’t care either way.
In other words, more than 95 percent of potential early adopters either prefer the #cleanspeech model or don’t mind it. What most people care about is not free speech per se, but rather, being able to speak their opinion, and speak the truth, without being subjected to abuse, harassment, and an unending flow of vulgarity, obscenity, and degeneracy. I think we can build on that concept for SocialGalactic 2.0.
Please note that SocialGalactic is no longer accessible from IP addresses in the European Union. We request that you do not discuss various means of attempting to circumnavigate our compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 here or on SocialGalactic.
We regret the necessity of blocking access to the site and we will be investigating less onerous way of complying with this regulation in the near future. Thank you for your patience.
UPDATE: Day 3. 1,000 Followers. The site now has 2,126 users, has seen over 500 concurrent, (there are 270 right now at 6:15 AM EST) and has already acquired a nickname. #TheCore.