A Mystery in Portugal

Portugal has the highest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the world.
September 2021

Portugal registers highest level of excess deaths in Europe
January 2024

We don’t know it’s the vaxx…

UPDATE: The English are similarly confused.

Why ARE strokes rising in young people?

Why indeed? Such a vexing mystery! But not to worry. The strokes are safe and effective.


Made in a Lab

The global pandemic was a fraud and Covid-19 was made in a lab. This is precisely why Clown World wants to be able to thought police Substack. Dr. Robert Malone publishes the smoking gun that conclusively proves Covid 19 was a synthetic virus, which is to say, a bioweapon produced in a laboratory:

Many moons ago I was on a podcast with Alex Washburn regarding his paper

“Endonuclease Fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2”

This was the first data that really cemented the synthetic origins of SARs-CoV-2. The ZooCrew went into high gear with the typical smoke grenades and even published other fraudulent associations with the wet market to distract from this (Pekar, Worobey and Andersen to name just a few). Worobey has a history of covering up state leaks with HIV. Everyone is likely aware of Kristian Andersen’s sudden about-face with Fauci regarding his opinion on the synthetic origin of SARs-CoV-2 with the Proximal Origins paper. He went on to be awarded a healthy multi-million dollar grant for reconsidering his position and manifesting it in the Nature paper. These folks are conflicted and aggressive online. They behave very similar to Peter Hotez with his demands for military intervention against anti-vaxxers.

These antagonists were just delivered a final blow.

The argument that Bruttel et al. put forward was that SARs-CoV-2 was unique in its even distribution of certain enzyme cut sites that are commonly used with Golden Gate genome assembly strategies. I previously put together a substack on the nature of these interesting TypeIIs restriction enzymes that helps explain why they are such handy tools for generating scar-less or ‘no see-um’ synthetic genome assemblies.

The ZooCrew screamed “Coincidence“.

But now, Emily Kopp from The US Right to Know (USRTK) has obtained additional detail about the DEFUSE proposal that is far more than a smoking gun but ,in fact, is more analogous to finding the gun, fingerprint and confession note in one place.

Emily found evidence that this proposal also listed the very restriction enzyme (BsmBI) that Bruttel et al. claimed could build the virus. Not only did Bruttel et al. notice that BsmBI sites were conveniently evenly spaced throughout the viral genome and this spacing was not only NOT observed in other CVs but that this approach made complete sense as a logical path to manually assembling the genome.

Lo and behold the DEFUSE proposal actually contains NEB R0580S part numbers to order these very enzymes to construct the virus in the manner Bruttel et al. predicted.

This is a case closed event!

There is no more debate. C19 was made in a lab. Which lab and when is still a hot topic but it didn’t come from a pangolin courting a bat.

The Smoking Gun, ROBERT MALONE MD, 19 January 2024

I never, ever, even imagined for one single second that “Covid 19” was anything other than a manmade bioweapon. The “eating bats from a Chinese wet market” was always far too absurd to take seriously. The only reason I didn’t come right out and articulate that forcefully at the time, rather than repeatedly imply it, was because I had absolutely no evidence supporting my position other than logic and history, which I have learned over the years is never sufficient to convince anyone of anything.

But I did leave certain clues concerning my true opinion about Coronachan…

The only thing that really surprised me about Covid-19 was the bioweapon’s relative lack of lethality; without the ventilators and deadly treatment protocols that killed so many elderly people, the so-called pandemic would have been too obviously harmless to inspire hundreds of millions of innocent and excessively gullible people to submit to having their genes altered and their lifespans and fertility reduced with the mRNA “vaccine”.

Again, I think it’s important to give full credit to Karl Denninger and everyone else who repeatedly, and indefatigably, warned people against getting vaxxed and thereby saved tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of lives. In a just world, St. Karl would be recognized as one of the great heroes of human history and Hollywood would make movies about him.


How to Recognize VHIQ

/pol/ considers how the average individual can recognize a highly intelligent individual in public situations:

What are some signs that show someone has a high IQ? The kind of things you can notice within moments of meeting or by spending a few hours with someone?

I have a few anecdotal ones:

  • Friendly, but detached. Like they know they have to play the social game but don’t find it important (they have better things to think about).
  • Can hold a conversation on a wide range of topics.
  • Suddenly light up when esoteric topics come up – they are energised whereas before it was just going through the motions (even their going through the motions is higher level than most people’s high effort)
  • Have a habit of cutting through the crap and saying things very clearly and succinctly. This often shocks people around them with its accuracy.

inb4 IQ score. I don’t give a fuck about that – I’m talking IRL signs which don’t involve asking someone’s IQ like an autist. inb4 is successful businessman/tech guy. Hell no. It’s the midwits that thrive there. I am one.

It’s rather refreshing – and slightly suspicious – to see a midwit who is sufficiently self-aware and modest enough to distinguish between his own superior intelligence and VHIQ. Especially when he is clearly observant enough to recognize some of the genuine signs of high intelligence.

For me, the first sign is always the eyes. Highly intelligent people tend to have a penetrating quality to their eyes, particularly when they aren’t interacting with anyone and aren’t aware they are being observed. It’s often described as “intense” or “lively” by others, and can provoke instinctive reactions such as widening eyes or a physical retreat. It’s also how the highly intelligent can quickly recognize one another. Consider the way that a fictional version of Vladimir Putin is described.

At the time, the tsar was not yet the tsar. His gestures did not then convey the inflexible authority they would later come to acquire, and though his gaze had some trace of the mineral quality we recognize in it today, it was as if veiled by a conscious effort to keep it under control.

Most VHIQ and UHIQ adults know that they will get along better with people if they don’t force them to confront their intelligence. If someone who is not observably shy or lacking in self-confidence, whose posture conveys a high level of self-assurance, tends to habitually avert their eyes or avoid making eye contact, that is a possible indicator.

There are, of course, other indicators. But the eyes are a fairly reliable one, particularly if you see them change from one state of awareness to another in the literal blink of an eye.

One thing to keep in mind is that highly intelligent people always know it. Some will rub your face in it. Others will desperately attempt to conceal it. But the midwit myth of “the smart person who doesn’t know how smart they are” is nothing more than a Gamma coping mechanism. The reality of the VHIQ is the inability to credit how totally fucking retarded the average individual is.

It’s arguably even worse for the UHIQ, since the VHIQ usually has a basic grasp of how the average mind’s logic functions. The UHIQ can’t even understand that.


Evolution and AI Fraud

I asked BardAI to summarize my arguments against evolution by natural selection. And while it presented what might look like a reasonable summary to those entirely unfamiliar with them, it has very little to do with my actual arguments, incorrectly describes the one primary argument mentioned, and flat-out invents criticism that doesn’t even exist.

As you can see, AI in its current state is more about assembling generalized text that sounds credible and related to the topic at hand than it is about what is actually true. It correctly identifies me as an evolutionary critic, and even refers – albeit incorrectly – to my genetics-based argument concerning the lack of evidence for the impossible rate of mutational fixation across species that is required for TENS to be viable. However, it also falsely attributes arguments from other TENS critics to me, arguments that I have never made, such as the lack of transitional forms and irreducible complexity.

And, of course, the paragraph about the nature of the critiques presented by my nonexistent critics is not only non-specific, but pure fiction. Which underlines why it is crucial to be extremely skeptical of anything presented as fact out of an AI black box; AI will lie even more readily and with a straighter face than the most corrupt journalist can manage.

Vox Day’s Critique of Evolution by Natural Selection by BardAI

Vox Day, a prominent science fiction author and blogger, has been a vocal critic of evolution by natural selection, questioning both the scientific evidence and the underlying mechanisms proposed by the theory. His arguments against evolution can be summarized as follows:

Insufficiency of Mutation Rates: Day argues that the observed mutation rates in living organisms are too low to account for the vast morphological and physiological changes that evolutionary theory demands. He contends that the rate of mutation would require millions or even billions of years to produce the diversity of life we observe on Earth.

Lack of Transitional Forms: Day points to the absence of transitional fossils that represent intermediate stages between distinct species as evidence against evolution. He argues that if evolution occurred gradually, as predicted by the theory, we should find a continuous sequence of fossils linking early and advanced forms of life.

Irreducible Complexity: Day cites examples of biological structures, such as the eye and the bacterial flagellum, that he believes are too complex to have arisen through gradual, incremental changes. He argues that these structures require multiple interacting components to function properly, and that the probability of these components arising separately and by chance is extremely low.

Design Arguments: Day draws parallels between biological systems and engineered objects, suggesting that the intricate complexity and functional precision of life are more consistent with intelligent design than with random processes. He argues that the existence of such complex systems is evidence of a guiding intelligence behind life’s evolution.

Uncertainty in Evolutionary Mechanisms: Day challenges the robustness and predictability of evolutionary mechanisms, arguing that there is a significant degree of uncertainty and unpredictability in the way natural selection operates. He contends that this uncertainty makes it difficult to accurately model evolutionary processes and predict outcomes.

Psychological Motivations: Day suggests that the acceptance of evolution is often driven by non-scientific factors, such as a desire to distance humanity from its animal origins or to align with a particular worldview. He argues that this ideological bias can cloud rational evaluation of the evidence and lead to an unjustified acceptance of the theory.

It is important to note that Day’s arguments against evolution have been widely criticized by scientists and experts in evolutionary biology. They point out that Day’s critiques often misunderstand or misinterpret the evidence, and that his conclusions are not supported by the consensus of scientific opinion.


College Grads Are Not Smarter

In which the popular notion that college graduates are smarter than non-college graduates is conclusively proven to be outdated by Canadian researchers:

According to a widespread belief, the average IQ of university students is 115 to 130 IQ points, that is, substantially higher than the average IQ of the general population (M = 100, SD =15).

We traced the origin of this belief to obsolete intelligence data collected in 1940s and 1950s when university education was the privilege of a few. Examination of more recent IQ data indicate that IQ of university students and university graduates dropped to the average of the general population. The decline is a necessary consequence of increasing educational attainment.

Universities and professors need to realize that students are no longer extraordinary but merely average. Employers can no longer rely on applicants with university degrees to be more capable or smarter than those without degrees. Students need to realize that acceptance into university is no longer an invitation to join an elite group.

The myth of brilliant undergraduate students in scientific and popular literature needs to be dispelled. Estimating premorbid IQ based on educational attainment is vastly inaccurate, obsolete, not evidence based, and mere speculations.

This isn’t the only outdated intelligence claim. In fact, pretty much every claim of a group that is supposed to have unusually high intelligence is not only suspect, but outright and obvious nonsense based on small, unrepresentational, and cherry-picked sample sets.

It’s not surprising that corporations are beginning to eliminate college degrees as job requirements. Diversity and inclusion, combined with equality and expansion, have destroyed the value of a college degree.


Post-Vaxx Cancer Relapse

An oncologist calls for the immediate banning of all mRNA vaccines due to the way in which it appears to be triggering post-booster cancer relapse in those who have been vaxxed and boosted:

At the end of last year I reported that I was seeing melanoma patients who had been stable for years relapse after their first booster (their third injection). I was told it was merely a coincidence and to keep quiet about it, but it became impossible to do so. The number of my patients affected has been rising ever since. I saw two more cases of cancer relapse post booster vaccination in my patients just this last week.

Other oncologists have contacted me from all over the world including from Australia and the US. The consensus is that it is no longer confined to melanoma but that increased incidence of lymphomas, leukaemias and kidney cancers is being seen after booster injections. Additionally my colorectal cancer colleagues report an epidemic of explosive cancers (those presenting with multiple metastatic spread in the liver and elsewhere). All these cancers are occurring (with very few exceptions) in patients who have been forced to have a Covid booster whether they were keen or not, for many so they could travel.

So why are these cancers occurring? T cell suppression was my first likely explanation given that immunotherapy is so effective in these cancers. However we must also now consider DNA plasmid and SV40 integration in promoting cancer development, a feature made even more concerning by reports that mRNA spike protein binds p53 and other cancer suppressor genes. It is very clear and very frightening that these vaccines have several elements to cause a perfect storm in cancer development in those patients lucky enough to have avoided heart attacks, clots, strokes, autoimmune diseases and other common adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines.

To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence; to continue to do so with the above information is medical negligence which can carry a custodial sentence. No ifs or buts any longer. All mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now.

Angus Dalgleish

Professor of Oncology

St George’s Hospital Medical School, London

The science says that the vaxx is causing cancer survivors to relapse. So why aren’t the government and the media trusting the science now?

If you’ve been vaxxed as a cancer survivor, it is VERY important to get checked out at your earliest possible opportunity. Don’t wait, don’t put anything off, and don’t miss any scheduled checkups.


Adverse Effects in Switzerland

An insurance company reveals the consequences of Switzerland’s vaxx campaign:

According to Helsana, a major Swiss health insurance company, since 2016 the number of patients receiving cancer treatments has decreased. However, something changed in 2021 and 2022.

In 2021, Helsana’s data shows there was a dramatic increase of 73% compared to 2020 in the number of patients receiving cancer treatments. And the high number of cancer patients continued in 2022 with an increase of 74% compared to 2020. Switzerland began its mass covid vaccination campaign on 23 December 2020.

  • 2017: 33,339 heart attacks, 27,584 strokes and 116,603 cases of cancer.
  • 2022: 170,000 heart attacks, 124,515 strokes and 460,771 cases of cancer.

So, that’s a 410 percent increase in heart attacks, 351 percent increase in strokes, and 295 percent increase in cancer. All of which are directly attributable to the Covid vaccines.

Never, ever, trust the science or the experts. It will literally kill you.


Those Darn Kebabs

More than a thousand people a week than average are dying in Britain in 2023. The experts blame “unhealthy lifestyles”.

Hundreds more middle-aged Brits are dying every month than expected, with experts blaming unhealthy lifestyles and the NHS crisis for the surge in excess deaths. An extra 28,000 deaths, or more than 1,000 a week, were logged across the UK in the first six months of the year, according to fresh analysis of official figures.

The spike in mortality is especially stark among people aged 50 to 64, with 15 per cent more dying than usual. Most of these deaths were caused by largely preventable illnesses, including heart disease, liver damage and diabetes.

Data from the Office for National Statistics shows 353,047 fatalities were recorded between January and June this year. This is 28,024, or 8.6 per cent, more than the 325,023 expected over that period.

Of course, what the experts don’t tell the media is that they have quietly redefined “unhealthy lifestyle” as “getting vaxxed”.


People are Still Dying and They are Still Lying

You may recall that I wrote, before the vaccines even began to be administered en masse, that the one thing its advocates would not be able to deny would be the body count. But that does not mean they are not going to try.

Heart attacks among young people in England are on the rise, MailOnline analysis shows. Cases in some younger age groups have almost doubled over the last decade, with rates in under-40s as whole rising by a quarter.

Our revelation comes after the death of 29-year-old mother Lauren Page Smith, who was discovered lying on her bathroom floor with her two-year-old daughter clinging to her chest just hours after paramedics had given her the all-clear.

Experts say the rise, which has become increasingly obvious in the wake of Covid, is down to a multitude of factors, including rising obesity rates in the young. Over half of under 35s are now overweight or obese.

Being too fat is a major contributor to heart attacks, as critical arteries get clogged over time.

Fears that Covid vaccines may have fuelled the increase are way off the mark, top cardiologists have said.  Heart attack admissions were broadly increasing across most adult age groups, including the young, before the pandemic took off. 

Why ARE so many young people suffering heart attacks? DAILY MAIL 1 December 2023

Sooner or later, there will be a well-deserved reckoning for the great evil that these men and women have committed in the name of science and public health. They’re not going to be able to hide their crimes against the naive, credulous, and innocent public forever. Not when the mainstream media is already being forced to publicly address the obvious questions, however deceitfully.

UPDATE: Literally no one is buying it.

  • Those with a memory will point out to a document that was published by the CDC in 2020 that listed HEART ATTACK and DEATH as a list of possible side effects of taking the product that we all know has caused this issue.
  • Started with that footballer not long after they were pushing the jabs for travel. The media have a lot to answer for. Athletes seem the badly affected especially.
  • Even when faced with evidence people still try to deny the real reason. Wake up.
  • Omg it is so infuriating reading this when they know damn well what the reason is as does any sane person.
  • They are really insulting our intelligence. “Feed the public lies and let them lap it up”. Do not believe anything anymore because 99% of it is lies.


Migration is Rape

Not only is mass migration war, but rape and sexual assault are integral elements of migration as well, according to a recent study published by The Lancet:

Incidence of sexual violence among recently arrived asylum-seeking women in France: a retrospective cohort study.

The prevention of sexual violence (SV) occurring shortly after arrival in host countries towards female asylum seekers requires knowledge about its incidence. We aimed to determine the incidence of SV and its associated factors during the past year of living in France among asylum-seeking females who had arrived more than one year earlier but less than two years.

We conducted a retrospective cohort study using a life-event survey of asylum-seeking females who had been registered in southern France by the Office for Immigration for more than one year but less than two. The primary outcome was the occurrence of SV during the past year, weighted by the deviation in age and geographical origin of our sample from all females registered. The nature of SV was noted, and associated factors were explored by a logistic regression model.

Between October 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022, 273 females were included. Eighty-four females experienced SV during the past year of living in France (26.3% weighted [95% CI, 24–28.8]), 17 of whom were raped (4.8% weighted [95% CI, 3.7–6.1]).

Note that this doesn’t even include any of the record number of rapes and sexual assaults suffered by all of the native women who are victimized by the immigrant population.