The Revolt Against Big Evangelical

A reader points out the fallout from the war between the pews and the converged pastors of Big Evangelical who hated – and still hate – President Trump and the nascent anti-Babelism in their churches.

This is an important article because the blowback from the pews is now reaching places like First Things. The major war was fought and won by the people in the pew, and Big Eva is now in a tactical retreat–their articles are all about unity and not slandering now.

This came to a head because “winsome nuance” Keller won’t come out and say abortion should be illegal because of nuance. It’s a stupid take, but one that likely made his NY church reach people it couldn’t have otherwise. Anyways, the emperor’s clothes are apparent now and his fans are gently trying to tell him to retire in peace or something.

If you were an evangelical in America during the 2000s, Tim Keller was a name you couldn’t avoid. After completing theological studies at Gordon-Conwell in 1975, Keller accepted a senior pastor position in rural Virginia. There he honed his preaching craft, delivering multiple sermons a week for nine years. In the late 1980s he decided to plant a church in New York City, which became Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Starting in 1989 with only fifty members, Redeemer eventually drew upward of 5,000 people on Sundays and launched a church planting network that has led to over 800 new churches in cities throughout the world. The late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus noted in these pages that impressive work was happening in Keller’s church. The city-focused church-planting movement as we know it today simply would not exist without Tim Keller.

More generally, Keller has helped many young people embrace orthodox Christianity in a culture that made the faith seem strange. Keller has served as a C. S. Lewis for a postmodern world, through his public ministry—which began in the 1990s as ministers began circulating his essays on culture and ministry, but which really picked up steam in the mid-2000s when he helped launch The Gospel Coalition and began publishing a steady stream of books. For years, he provided sociological and theological analyses of the late-modern city and the “secular age,” supplying insightful conceptual tools for ministering in these contexts.

In his writings and sermons, Keller modeled competence, compassion, and conviction that helped render the claims of the faith more plausible in the eyes of Christianity’s cultured skeptics. This was manifest most clearly in his blockbuster book: The Reason for God. And he provided a compelling vision of the core message of the gospel, which he argues avoids legalism on the one hand and egoistic relativism on the other. This is encapsulated in his signature phrase: “The gospel says that you are more sinful and flawed than you ever dared believe and more accepted and loved than you ever dared hope.”

Keller’s winsome approach led him to great success as an evangelist. But he also, maybe subconsciously, thinks about politics through the lens of evangelism, in the sense of making sure that political judgments do not prevent people in today’s world from coming to Christ. His approach to evangelism informs his political writings, and his views on how Christians should engage politics….

I decided to pursue a doctorate in political theology after the 2016 election. 

At that point, I began to observe that our politics and culture had changed. I began to feel differently about our surrounding secular culture, and noticed that its attitude toward Christianity was not what it once had been. Aaron Renn’s account represents well my thinking and the thinking of many: There was a “neutral world” roughly between 1994–2014 in which traditional Christianity was neither broadly supported nor opposed by the surrounding culture, but rather was viewed as an eccentric lifestyle option among many. However, that time is over. Now we live in the “negative world,” in which, according to Renn, Christian morality is expressly repudiated and traditional Christian views are perceived as undermining the social good. As I observed the attitude of our surrounding culture change, I was no longer so confident that the evangelistic framework I had gleaned from Keller would provide sufficient guidance for the cultural and political moment. A lot of former fanboys like me are coming to similar conclusions. The evangelistic desire to minimize offense to gain a hearing for the gospel can obscure what our political moment requires.

Keller’s apologetic model for politics was perfectly suited for the “neutral world.” But the “negative world” is a different place. Tough choices are increasingly before us, offense is unavoidable, and sides will need to be taken on very important issues. 

How I Evolved on Tim Keller, James R. Wood, 6 May 2002

There is a time for peace and a time for war. As the writer notes, what works in a neutral world is not applicable in a negative world. But I am not as generous as the writer. Keller sounds suspiciously like Moore of the Southern Baptist Conference, which is to say, at least a potential Babelist snake in the grass.

Evangelism for the sake of a converged churchianism is not genuine Christian evangelism, no matter how many institutions are created.


Quelle Surprise

It’s not exactly shocking to have The New York Times confirm, only 44 years late, that three-time New York City Mayor Ed Koch was a homosexual.

Edward I. Koch looked like the busiest septuagenarian in New York.

Glad-handing well-wishers at his favorite restaurants, gesticulating through television interviews long after his three terms as mayor, Mr. Koch could seem as though he was scrambling to fill every hour with bustle. He dragged friends to the movies, pursuing a side career in film criticism. He urged new acquaintances to call him “judge,” a joking reference to his time presiding over “The People’s Court.”

But as his 70s ticked by, Mr. Koch described to a few friends a feeling he could not shake: a deep loneliness. He wanted to meet someone, he said. Did they know anyone who might be “partner material?” Someone “a little younger than me?” Someone to make up for lost time?

“I want a boyfriend,” he said to one friend, Charles Kaiser.

It was an aching admission, shared with only a few, from a politician whose brash ubiquity and relentless New York evangelism helped define the modern mayoralty, even as he strained to conceal an essential fact of his biography: Mr. Koch was gay.

The Secrets Ed Koch Carried, The New York Times, 7 May 2022

So a Jewish politician pretending to be an American was also pretending to be straight? Lawsy, will the totally shocking surprises never cease? Just think, sometime around the year 2052, The New York Times – or rather, the single media amalgamation that has swallowed The New York Times – will report that Barack Obama was a homosexual and “Michelle” Obama’s real name was “Michael”. And we will all pretend to be surprised.

The so-called conspiracy theorists aren’t always right, but they are far more often correct than the media that claims to “debunk” them.

I’m old enough to remember when people would say things like, “Ed Koch can’t possibly be gay, for crying out loud, he dated Miss America!”


Rumors of Roe v Wade

A draft legal opinion written by Alito that indictes the Supreme Court has decided to overturn the 1973 Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion has reportedly been leaked:

The US Supreme Court looks set to overturn a landmark ruling that effectively legalised abortions across America, handing the power to decide whether or not to permit the procedure back to individual states.

A draft legal opinion, which was leaked to Politico, reveals a majority of the court’s nine judges are in agreement on the issue which would be enough to force a change in the law – though their decision is not final until the ruling is officially published.

In the document, Justice Samuel Alito writes that Roe v Wade – the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which found that excessive state regulation of abortion is unconstitutional – was ‘egregiously wrong from the start’ and ‘must be overruled’.

If the ruling is overturned, it would give individual states the power to decide on whether to ban abortion. The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research group, has said that 26 states are ‘certain or likely’ to ban abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Alito, who was nominated to the court in 2006 by George W Bush, also takes aim at another 1992 case – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – which upheld Roe’s findings.

He argues that Roe’s ‘reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. Far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.’

If the leak proves to be genuine – and the Supreme Court has not denied that it is – it would mark the first time that a draft opinion has ever appeared in public before being officially published, a move expected within the next two months.

This may or may not be legitimate, but I tend to suspect it is, because it’s exactly the sort of document some idiotic female clerk would feel justified in leaking in a desperate attempt to somehow prevent the decision from being published.

And the leak it’s real, it’s long past time to get rid of the evil, idiotic, and fictional “emanations and penumbras” that were invented by the Warren Court. It’s certainly going to be difficult for anyone to convincingly make the “my body, my choice” argument any longer after two years of vaccine mandates. The overturning of Roe v Wade would also prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Donald Trump was the best U.S. president since Andrew Jackson.

Next, do “posterity”.

UPDATE: Based on the reactions of former Supreme Court staff, it sounds as if the leak is real.

Just spoke with former Supreme Court clerk. They are horrified. This is a quote:

“This leak has to come from a clerk or Justice themselves. It is intended to blow up the court. Criminal investigation needs to happen now.”

They suggest Sotomayor has most radical leftist staff.

UPDATE: It wasn’t a woman, it was a Fake American.

Amit Jain, a clerk for Justice Sotomayor, is reported to be the individual responsible for leaking Justice Alito’s draft opinion.


Those Who Live By the Party

May well see their political careers ended by the party. The British media is preparing the public for Boris Johnson’s long-overdue resignation:

Sue Gray’s long-awaited Partygate report will be so damning that Boris Johnson will have no choice but to resign as Prime Minister, a source has claimed.

A dossier of more than 300 images and 500 pages of information was handed to Scotland Yard by the senior civil servant, who led a Cabinet Office probe into the matter.

She was forced to delay the publication of her investigation into alleged parties held in Downing Street and Whitehall during England’s coronavirus lockdowns due to the Metropolitan Police commencing their own inquiry.

A total of 12 events are being investigated by the police, which include a ‘bring-your-own-booze’ garden party, a gathering in the Cabinet Office to mark Mr Johnson’s 56th birthday and a series of leaving dos.

In an interim report published in January, the Cabinet Office official said there had been ‘failures of leadership and judgment’ in No 10 over the so-called partygate saga.

The Times, citing an official it described as being familiar with the contents of the complete report, said Ms Gray’s full findings were even more personally critical of the Prime Minister and could end his premiership.

After leading the remnants of the British empire out of the European Union, Johnson could have been the Churchillian figure he dreamed of becoming. But unfortunately, he swallowed the Covid Kool-Aid, lurched from one media-driven crisis to the next, and arrogantly refused to follow the very rules he was imposing on the British people. His failure is entirely self-inflicted, and if Dominick Cummings is to be believed, was almost certainly inevitable due to his narcissistic character.

After being caught lying to Parliament; by centuries-old tradition, he should have resigned already.

France Votes for Self-Extinction

It’s hard to feel much sympathy for the people of France, as after five years of disastrous rule by Emmanuel Macron, the French re-elected him.

Mr Macron, the 44-year-old centrist, won with a 58.5% share of the vote – beating the far-Right Ms Le Pen, 53, on 41.5%, according to exit polls.

In an ambitious victory speech, Mr Macron said: ‘From now on I am no longer the candidate for a party. I’m everyone’s President!’

He conceded that France was ‘full of anger and division’, but pledged: ‘Nobody will be left by the wayside.’

Mr Macron arrived at a rally on the Champ de Mars, underneath the Eiffel Tower, an hour-and-a-half after the result was called.

To rapturous cheers and applause, he held hands with his wife, Brigitte Macron, as Beethoven’s Ode to Joy – the European Union anthem – blasted out of speakers.

Making his way up to stage with giant screen behind it, he said: ‘Thankyou!

‘Thank you, dear friends, fellow citizens, here tonight in Paris, and everywhere in France and our overseas territories and abroad, before anything else let me say thank you.

‘After five years of difficult but happy transformation and exception challenged this date – 24 april 2024 – a majority amongst us chose me to pilot the Republic for the next five years.’

Wearing his trademark blue suit and tie, he continued: ‘Together we can make France more independent and Europe stronger. By freeing our creativity, we can make France a great, green nation.

‘I know a lot of people voted for me tonight, not because of my ideals, but to block the far-Right. I have been entrusted with their sense of duty for the next five years.’

Nobody will be left by the wayside. Except, of course, the native people of France, who are expected to suffer their ongoing invasion in humble silence.


French Colonies Reject Macron

Arrivano i risultati delle Presidenziali Francia 2022 nei territori oltre oceano.
Probabilmente qui ha pesato l’opposizione locale al Green Pass.

Guyane : Le Pen 60,7 % – Macron 39,3 %
Guadeloupe : Le Pen 69,6 % – Macron 30,4 %
Martinique : Le Pen 60,87 % – Macron 39,13%

If France proper rejects Macron this overwhelmingly, we can be certain that the long-anticipated rise of the European nations has begun. The Italian interpretation is that this is due to the public’s hatred of the Covid passes imposed by Macron’s administration.

The Republicans Cave, As Always

I very much doubt that anyone is surprised that the usual suspects switched sides in order to ensure that a pro-pedophile Negro is installed on the highest court in the land to rule over occupied America.

The Senate passed a procedural motion Monday night to proceed with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation – voting 53-47 to discharge her Supreme Court nomination from the Judiciary committee and bring up her name for a vote before the full chamber.

Moderate Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah all joined Democrats after an 11-11 vote earlier on Monday left her Supreme Court nomination in a dead-lock.

Democrats want to vote on her confirmation by April 8, when Congress breaks for a two week spring recess. With a 50-50 split Senate, and the backing of at least three Republicans, Brown will all but assuredly be confirmed in the coming days.

Brown will be the first black woman ever to serve on the Supreme Court bench.

This does raise the obvious question: how do we know Brown is “the first black woman” given the impossibility of determining what a “black” or a “woman” is? For that matter, do we even still recognize the abstract and artificial concept of the number “one” representing some sort of theoretical precedent?


East Europe Rejects Globohomo

Elections in Serbia and Hungary support pro-Russian, anti-globalist governments by large margins:

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on Saturday depicted the Hungarian leader as out of touch with the rest of Europe, which has united to condemn Putin, support sanctions against Russia and send aid including weapons to Ukraine.

‘He is virtually the only one in Europe to openly support Mr. Putin,’ Zelenskyy said.

Preliminary election results with about 98% of national party list votes counted showed Orban’s Fidesz party leading with 53.1% of votes versus 35% for Marki-Zay’s opposition alliance. Fidesz was also winning 88 of 106 single-member constituencies.

Based on preliminary results, the National Election Office said Fidesz would have 135 seats, a two-thirds majority, and the opposition alliance would have 56 seats. A far-right party called Our Homeland would also make it into parliament, winning 7 seats.

His comfortable victory could embolden Orban, 58, in his policy agenda which critics say amounts to a subversion of democratic norms, media freedom and the rights of minorities, particularly gay and lesbian people.

I note that none of the slavish puppet regimes have won any elections since falling in line with the globalists’ demands for anti-Russian sanctions. But the pro-Russian parties are outperforming the media’s pre-election predictions as the pro-globalist parties significantly underperform theirs.

Serbia’s incumbent President Aleksandar Vucic is set to win the presidential vote on Sunday with 59.8% of the votes, according to a projection by pollsters Ipsos and CeSID, based on a sample of the partial polling station count.

Zdravko Ponos, a retired army general representing the pro-European and centrist Alliance for Victory coalition, is set to come second with 17.1% of the votes.

In the parliamentary vote Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) is set to come first with 43.6% of votes, Ipsos and CeSID projections showed.


The World’s Evil Factory

An Australian senator points out that the global satanists have infiltrated all of the governments of “the free world”:

Australian Senator Alex Antic has warned that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is penetrating governments around the world in an effort to subvert Western values.

The South Australia Senator told the Senate this week that the globalist organisation headed by Klaus Schwab is introducing authoritarianism and Marxist ideology into governments the world over. Antic cited an admission by Schwab, in which the WEF founder claimed to have “penetrated” the Canadian government, among others.

Speaking at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics in 2017, Schwab said: “I know that half of this cabinet, even more than half, are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. It’s true in Argentina, it’s true in France. Now with the president who is a young global leader.”

Antic warned the Senate that the well-organised and well-funded WEF, which promotes globalist issues, including climate change, so-called systemic racism and sexism, and online digital identities, is really an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organisation that seeks to subvert Western values and political processes.

“Their message is designed to appear harmless, but in fact, the ideology that underpins it is revolutionary and destructive,” Antic said. “They train aspirational leaders in their ideology and they help them make connections in spheres including politics, business, and the arts.”

The Senator said WEF has consistently advocated for the harshest and most extreme COVID measures that “assault many of our basic liberties,” such as, lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, and mask mandates.

And more than anything, the World’s Evil Factory is an anti-Christian, anti-nationalist organization that seeks to heal the world by ruling it in the name of Lucifer. The Orthodox Christians of Russia and the nationalist, corruption-hating pagans of the Communist China are the two chief bulwarks against global satanry, as both nations have freed themselves of the chains that bind what was once known as Christendom.

It’s not about “authoritarianism” or “Marxism”. It’s about global satanism against a) Christianity and b) nationalism.

Those who shriek about “Chi-coms” are as deceived as those who still think “the communist Russkies” are the enemy. Both the 50’s and the 80’s have been inverted due to changes that took place in the 60’s; the USA is not the good guys and neither the Russians nor the Chinese are the bad guys anymore.

To understand who is what, one must look at where the Empire That Never Ended is currently based and who is presently ruling over the West.


Convergence and Crime Statistics

Read about the FBI’s latest statistical shenanigans in the context of Vox Day’s Law of Convergence: To the extent it has been converged, a converged organization will be unable to perform its primary functions.

On March 21, the FBI released their quarterly uniform crime report. Nothing unusual about that, with the UCR as its referred often used by members of the media as well as law enforcement officials to gauge violent crime in their communities. However, a funny thing happened on the way to the release, with the following note posted at the top of the home page:

“The Quarterly Uniform Crime Report was made available on March 21, 2022.

For this quarterly release, due to agency participation being under the 60 percent threshold, data trends by region and aggregate population group will not be available. Data from individual city agencies with populations of 100,000 or greater can be accessed in the Resources section below.” [emphasis added]

Hmmm. Interesting. So apparently, the FBI is claiming that not enough police agencies submitted the data used by the FBI to provide national statistics. Does that make any sense to anyone? Especially since (the last we knew) providing of those statistics is not optional?

So in other words, Democrats…and we know Democrats like the backs of our hands…will now be able to point to FBI crime statistics and claim…without context, mind you…that the crime rate which those evil Republicans have been complaining about are in fact falling.

In other words, in its attempt to hide the effects of Democratic policies on crime, the converged FBI has rendered void the purpose of its Quarterly Uniform Crime Report, as it no longer even attempts to accurately report the amount of crime taking place throughout the United States and is now useless for the purposes of historical analysis.