Armed and fearful

This is precisely why women should not be permitted to serve as armed police officers.  They are terrified of larger, stronger men overpowering them, and so they are much more likely to unjustifiably fire on members of the public than male officers:

Cellphone video recorded by an eyewitness captured a police officer in Santa Ana, Calif., fatally shooting a 22-year-old homeless man at a shopping center earlier this week.The unidentified witness reportedly saw a confrontation unfold between a police officer and victim Hans Kevin Arellano. The incident occurred in the parking lot of the Harbor Place Shopping Center at about 3 p.m. on Tuesday.

Here’s how the eyewitness described the events to CBS Los Angeles:

 “She exited her patrol car, gun drawn, and asked the gentlemen to get on the ground. The gentlemen didn’t get on the ground, he was still inside the restaurant. She asked again. The man then exited the restaurant, and as he was exiting the restaurant, he said, ‘What are you gonna do, b—-?’ About a second later, she shot him in the chest.”

While this news report will no doubt excite many feminists, as it sounds exactly like a feminist revenge fantasy, it’s actually an extremely dangerous development for both the public and female police officers alike.  If anything but instant compliance with a female officer is a death sentence, it will only be a matter of time before criminals begin acting in preemptive self-defense.

It is also worth noting that a society in which individuals cannot verbally disrespect the police without being shot dead is not a free society. 

The blue rot

It’s not “a few bad apples”. The American police are systematically corrupt and the few good men in the force are fired whenever they speak out against the blue rot:

After the arrival of a new police
chief in 2010, the department entered an era of ticket quotas and
worse. “When I first heard about the quotas I was appalled,” says
former Auburn police officer Justin Hanners, who claims he and
other cops were given directives to hassle, ticket, or arrest
specific numbers of residents per shift. “I got into law
enforcement to serve and protect, not be a bully.”

Hanners blew the whistle on the department’s tactics and was
eventually fired for refusing to comply and keep quiet. He says
that each officer was required to make 100 contacts each month,
which included tickets, arrests, field interviews, and warnings.
This equates to 72,000 contacts a year in a 50,000 person town. His
claims are backed up by audio recordings of his superiors he made.

Do you want to know where the good men on the police force are?  They are “fired for refusing to comply and keep quiet”.  As Radley Balko says: “You have a policy that encourages police to create petty crimes
and ignore serious crimes.”

Change or face real change

Radley Balko has an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal on the need to demilitarize American police culture:

[I]t is crucial to change the culture of militarization in American law enforcement. Consider today’s police recruitment
videos (widely available on YouTube), which often feature cops
rappelling from helicopters, shooting big guns, kicking down doors and
tackling suspects. Such campaigns embody an American policing culture
that has become too isolated, confrontational and militaristic, and they
tend to attract recruits for the wrong reasons.

If you browse online police discussion
boards, or chat with younger cops today, you will often encounter some
version of the phrase, “Whatever I need to do to get home safe.” It is a
sentiment that suggests that every interaction with a citizen may be
the officer’s last.

Now, we know that the police actively discriminate against the intelligent in building their department rosters, so perhaps we shouldn’t be too hard on those who have the inability to think through the logical consequences of their militaristic, short-sighted attitudes.

And demilitarization is without question in the material interests of the police as well.  They have started a war of escalation and attrition that they cannot possibly win.  Perhaps you recall how completely freaked out the LAPD was when the ex-cop went rogue and started targeting police families?  And maybe you remember how much fear was expressed throughout law enforcement communities when it appeared prosecutors were being targeted at home?

It does not take a master logician to observe that all the “whatever I need to do to get home safe” mentality guarantees is that abusive police homes will soon be unsafe.  And the growing Hispanic population means that there will likely be more Latin American-style infiltration, assassination, and terror directed at the lower levels of law enforcement.  Indeed, there are some analysts who believe this is already taking place in parts of the American Southwest.

Cops aren’t rocket scientists

I find this report of the 2nd Circuit Court decision to be interesting for two  reasons:

A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test.

“This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.”

He said he does not plan to take any further legal action.

Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.

Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.

Jordan alleged his rejection from the police force was discrimination. He sued the city, saying his civil rights were violated because he was denied equal protection under the law.

But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.

1.  Cops only have 104 IQs on average.  Keep this in mind when dealing with them.  It should come as no surprise that so few of them are capable of understanding the abstract Constitutional aspects of their job.  Talk slowly, don’t use any big words, and focus on the practical aspects of the situation that they should be able to follow.

2. If it is legally rational to bar intelligent men from a job to reduce the expense of job turnover, it is legally rational to bar young, fertile women for exactly the same reason.

Isn’t she a little young for WWII?

Marine Watching Zimmerman Trial, Catches Officer Wearing Ribbon Reserved For WWII Vets

According to the article, Jeremiah Workman, a Marine who received the
nations second highest honor, the Navy Cross was watching the Zimmerman
trial when, Doris Singleton, a Sanford Police Officer took the stand. He noticed the ribbon rack she was wearing, and posted it to his facebook page. “Am
I going blind or is this police officer in the Zimmerman -Martin trial
wearing ribbons that she doesn’t rate?” he wrote alongside the photo he
posted to Facebook.”

Two in particular stood out, he said: the World War II Army of Occupation and the Defense Distinguished Service Medal.

There is no two ways about it.  The Badge Gang are, for the most part, murderous, corrupt, and shameless scum who aren’t above stealing the valor of others.  They fancy themselves “sojers” in a manner that is no more convincing than the posturings of rap stars and NFL players. Just listen to them talk about “civilians” as if they are not, by every possible definition, civilians themselves.

I’d like to say it is unbelievable, but it really isn’t.  If you’re willing to gun down dogs, children, and unarmed men, I suppose wearing fake military medals is all in a day’s work for a law enforcement officer.

Armed police vs leashed dog

“A video posted yesterday on YouTube shows the grisly shooting of a dog by a police officer in Hawthorne, California. The 130-pound, 3-year-old Rottweiler named Max was shot to death after he escaped through a window in a parked car and ran over to his master, Leon Rosby, who was being arrested for filming the scene on his phone.

The video shows Rosby, 52, walking his dog Sunday around 7 p.m. near a house with several police squad cars parked outside.  He is seen filming the scene in order ‘to make sure nobody’s civil rights were being violated,’ he told”

I’d like to see a law that requires the execution of police officers who shoot dogs, but I’d settle for their immediate dismissal from the force and being banned from owning dogs for life. The dog was on a leash, for crying out loud, and his owner was right there.  They had a plethora of options available to them, and yet they preferred the one that permit them to live out their violent fantasies. To kill a loyal beast who was only doing his best to protect his master is unconscionable, and yet that has become standard police policy when invading a home.

Throughout history, the state police have always been among the primary instruments of evil, and in the present USA, the corrupt Badge Gang have thoroughly embraced evil in their own right.  Their observable enthusiasm for slaughtering innocent animals and children in the pursuit of their “duty” only underlines how sick and depraved they are.

And spare me the “few bad apples” nonsense.  If you’re wearing a badge these days, you are part of the problem.  Ask yourself this: when you and your “brothers” distinguish yourself from “civilians”, with whom do you believe you are at war?

No, you’re not “exempt”, cop

These lawless police are going to be learning some very hard lessons if they don’t get themselves under control. They appear to think they can act with impunity simply because they wear badges. They are wrong. They are very, very wrong.

Grisham says he supports the police. He shouldn’t. In the USA, the police are the enemy of the people. They are the bad guys and the servants of evil. They are not your grandfather’s keeper of the peace, they are lawless enforcers.

Diversity in Sweden: Sixth Night

Apparently the real Swedes are getting tired of the violent antics of the paper ones:

Rioting spread to several Swedish towns on Friday night as police
stepped up arrests during a sixth night of unrest and far-right
vigilantes chased non-whites in southern Stockholm. In Linköping,
central southern Sweden, police responded to 120 incidents as cars,
caravans and two schools were set alight. At one point a blazing truck
was rolled into a building, which caught fire.

In Orebro, 120km west of Stockholm, police were stoned after cars and a
school were torched. In Uppsalla, north of Stockholm, there was minor

At this point, it should be obvious that my prediction of Anders Breivik being a harbinger of things to come was, at the very least, considerably less outlandish than many believed it to be at the time.  Nor are we seeing any sort of backlash in the form of more political support for the multicultural parties across Europe.

And if the police are stupid enough to play quisling and take the side of the immigrants, as they apparently are doing in Stockholm, then they’ll have to go too:

The number of police officers on the streets is simply staggering. The police appear to have focused all their resources on stopping the Swedes, Fredrik Becklin, spokesman for the nationalist youth organization Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), said Friday night. “It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire,” said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.

It would save time

Palm Beach County sets up a police informant system:

Bradshaw is readying a hotline and is planning public service announcements to encourage local citizens to report their neighbors, friends or family members if they fear they could harm themselves or others.

The goal won’t be to arrest troubled people but to get them help before there’s violence, Bradshaw said. As a side benefit, law enforcement will have needed information to keep a close eye on things.

“We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him,” Bradshaw said. “What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’ ”

I totally support this, so long as the somebody is the mayor.  But they better have some serious staffing if they seriously want to get a call about everyone who hates the government.  By my reckoning, that’s about 100 million Americans these days.

Shut down the CPS

The euphemistically named “Child Protective Services” doesn’t protect children, it is one of the most dangerous lines of attack in the government’s ongoing war on American liberties:

In the Land of the Free recently, a California couple had their child kidnapped by the state. At gunpoint.

It all started in mid-April when Anna and Alex Nikolayev took their 5-month old son Sammy to the hospital in Sacramento to be treated for flu symptoms. The parents didn’t particularly care for the treatment that their son was receiving. Doctors were pumping him full of antibiotics and soon began talking about performing surgery.

Anna and Alex argued with the doctors and said that they were going to get a second opinion; they took the baby and went to another hospital where another physician deemed it perfectly safe for the child to return home with his parents without the need for surgery.

The next day, with the family resting comfortably at home, the police showed up with Child Protective Services.

Alex, the father, went outside to talk to them where he was thrown to the ground by police. Officers then relieved him of his house keys and proceeded to let themselves into the house with hands on their pistols.

Then, still with their hands on their pistols, they told the mother “I’m going to grab your baby, and don’t resist and don’t fight me…” The child was then ripped from his mother’s arms and placed into state custody, where he remained for a week.

This sort of abuse shouldn’t even be possible, and yet I know of equally egregious offenses that have occurred on the basis of homeschooling and even spanking. Like The War on Drugs, CPS is one of those evils where the cure is much worse than the disease. It is far better for the occasional unfortunate child to be abused by his parents than for every single child, parent, and guardian in the country to be privy to this sort of abuse by bureaucrats.

CPS not only doesn’t reduce the amount of child abuse that takes place, it actually increases it because children in the foster care system are much more likely to be abused than are children who are not in it.  It can’t even be justified by its own purported rationale for existence.  And as for those police, this just underlines the fact that they are the bad guys, every bit as evil and far less accountable than the everyday criminals.

The police in America are not the “thin blue line” defending civilization from savagery, as they would have you believe, they are now little more than the enforcement arm of the authoritarian state. The short-term occupation of Boston is, from their perspective, the ideal state of affairs towards which we should all aspire.  Yes, there are the occasional righteous throwbacks, but this doesn’t change the observable fact that they have become the American Ofstapo, the not-even-remotely secret state police.

Because, of course, all ur kidz are belong to us!