OANN stands strong, DNI report delayed

Fox News is already dead. It may not have stopped moving yet, but it’s dead. They owned 60 percent of the news market, but they cucked so severely that no one will ever trust them again.

One America News will not recognize Biden as the President-elect as all of our investigations indicate there was fraud in voting. There will be no decision until Jan. 6, 2021.

– Robert Herring, CEO, OANN

UPDATE: The much-awaited DNI report is delayed, but foreign interference has reportedly been confirmed in it.

Amanda Schoch, ODNI Director of Strategic Communications: “This afternoon the DNI was notified by career intelligence officials that the Intelligence Community will not meet the December 18 deadline, set by Executive Order and Congress to submit the IC’s classified assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 U.S. elections. The IC has received relevant reporting since the election and a number of agencies have not finished coordinating on the product.”

It’s not like the CIA has ever obeyed the President or Congress before. One wonders what they’re so desperately trying to explain away. Regardless, this won’t have any effect on the eventual outcome. 

Magic Dirt: a correction

Unlike Nature, The New York Times, and many other publications, The Other McCain doesn’t hesitate to correct his neologistic history in his article on Planners and Their Plans:

CORRECTION: “Magic Dirt Theory” is a phrase coined by Vox Day, specifically referring to the belief of open-borders enthusiasts “that all immigrants will magically become Real Americans, real life nephews of their Uncle Sam, reborn on the Fourth of July by virtue of geographical relocation, thereby instantly negating of all of their racial, ethnic, religious, political, and cultural traditions.”

While I’ve never been concerned with conceptual credit, I do understand that the assiduous avoidance of properly crediting me and other dangerous badthinkers by the mainstream media is part and parcel of their attempt to render us invisible to the mainstream. While they can’t stop the stronger ideas from eventually percolating through into the culture, they can at least prevent us from being anointed Important Public Intellectuals in favor of lesser thinkers like the laughable Richard Dawkins, the lunatic occultist Jordan Peterson, and the utterly unoriginal propagandist Ben Shapiro, to say nothing of the diverse nonentities who can barely construct a coherent sentence in the process of regurgitating the latest social justice pieties.

That’s why corrections like Robert McCain’s are important, and why it is a good idea to call out mistaken and omitted attributions. Because these mis- and non-attributions are simply another form of media gatekeeping.

When one contemplates how my historical argument contra the atheist meme “religion causes war” destroyed it to the extent that virtually no one even tries to appeal to that once-popular argument pushed by Messrs. Harris and Dawkins anymore, one can perhaps begin to understand why the intellectual gatekeeping is so assiduous. But the truth has a way of routing around its would-be imprisoners; with zero advertising, zero social media presence, and the full weight of Big Tech thrown against it, this blog nevertheless had 5.7 million pageviews last month and is currently on track for 7 million more in December.

UPDATE: “The Republican Party is now the Magic Dirt party.” – Neon Revolt

Project Veritas busts CNN

 James O’Keefe has done it again:

CNN has reported Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe to police over his latest undercover investigation in which he secretly recorded network president Jeff Zucker’s morning conference calls ‘for months.’  

O’Keefe, 36, on Tuesday announced he was releasing audio recordings of several network meetings which he claims will ‘expose’ Zucker and other CNN executives expressing their ‘political biases’. 

The calls O’Keefe had been listening to over two months are the network’s daily 9am editorial meeting with senior staff from CNN’s main bureaus, which is run by Zucker. 

The move by Project Veritas is the latest sting operation orchestrated against the news station by the conservative operative who has long-targeted CNN over claims of liberal and anti-Trump bias.

I don’t think the police will be particularly interested, given the laws that govern phone call recordings. Project Veritas is based in New York and CNN is based in Georgia. And it’s not an illegal wiretap to dial in to a conference call with the correct access code.

  • New York’s wiretapping law is a “one-party consent” law. New York makes it a crime to record to record or eavesdrop on an in-person or telephone conversation unless one party to the conversation consents. 
  • Georgia’s wiretapping law is a “one-party consent” law for purposes of making audio recordings of conversations. 
Unless O’Keefe kidnapped a CNN employee and drove him across state lines before torturing him to get the access code to the daily call out of him, it’s unlikely that any crimes were committed.

Wikipedia is not science

Forget science. The Covid lockdowns aren’t even based on reliable news sources:

No10’s scientific advisers relied on dubious data from Wikipedia to help steer Britain through the spring’s coronavirus crisis and wrongly predicted the peak of the first wave by two months, an explosive new documentary has claimed.   

Members of the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) admitted early virus modelling was based on unverified figures from the online encyclopedia, which can be edited and managed by members of the public. 

Tory MP Steve Baker, who has refused to support the Prime Minister’s second lockdown, told MailOnline: ‘Some of those claiming to be “following the science” seem not to understand the meaning of the word.

‘SAGE has been put on a pedestal as if they are able to produce a single version of the truth. It’s not possible.

‘We were given terrifying 500,000 death figures predicted by modelling that was completely flawed and scientists will no longer defend them. It was the same with NHS overcrowding figures – and yet that hasn’t happened.

‘We cannot go on like this any longer. The public deserve better than this. We cannot go on with public policy based on models that clearly didn’t reflect reality’.

One prominent Oxford University scientist told MailOnline using Wikipedia to guide Britain through the crisis was ‘absolutely unacceptable’, describing it as a ‘damning reflection of our lack of preparedness’.   

It is beginning to become apparent that not even the Covid-19 conspiracy theorists theorized imaginatively enough. I never thought the science behind the Western lockdowns was sound, but I would have thought they could have found a better excuse than freaking Wikipedia.

Not unlike the fake results of the U.S. presidential election, Covid lockdowns are little more than the result of a social media-created mirage.

Amended claims are not withdrawn

The Washington Post’s mischaracterization of the PA litigation is so wildly off-base as to be almost guaranteed to be wilfully and knowingly dishonest:

On Sunday night, the Washington Post ran a complete mischaracterization of the Trump campaign’s litigation in Pennsylvania, erroneously claiming the campaign had dropped the claim of nearly 700,000 ballots processed illegally and in secret. The campaign did no such thing. In fact, because of a Friday ruling by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in an unrelated case, the campaign strategically decided to restructure its lawsuit to rely on claims of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The claim that 682,479 ballots were improperly processed and counted is still very much part of the suit.

Paragraph 4 of the amended filing reads: “Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties alone received and processed 682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots without review by the political parties and candidates. These are unprecedented numbers in Pennsylvania’s elections history. Rather than engaging in an open and transparent process to give credibility to Pennsylvania’s brand-new voting system, the processes were hidden during the receipt, review, opening, and tabulation of those 682,479 votes.” See also paragraphs 132-150.

References to the improperly counted ballots are repeated throughout the filing, with paragraph 150 specifically stating that all factual allegations in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated within the Equal Protection claim.

“We are still arguing that 682,479 ballots were counted illegally, in secret,” said Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director. “Our poll watchers were denied meaningful access to watch the vote counting and we still incorporate that claim in our complaint. Unfortunately, fake news activists rushed to print their clickbait headlines, apparently without even reading the lawsuit. That’s lazy journalism at best, but more likely intentionally misleading.”

Rudy Giuliani, personal attorney to President Trump and coordinator of the campaign’s legal strategy, said, “It’s routine for attorneys to file amended complaints to tighten the claims. We simplified the suit so it is more focused and narrowed. This is part of the process. Clearly the reporters at Washington Post have a reading deficit.”

To claim that an amended claim is withdrawn is not merely dishonest, it’s borderline retarded. As a general rule, claimants amend their claims to strengthen them. If the claims were being withdrawn, that would usually be the result of the entire case being withdrawn. 

Fox News is the enemy

 All Deep State assets have been activated:

Fox News has given a directive to their daytime hosts to not have anyone from the Trump campaign or the White House legal team on. They have been told to not entertain or discuss any allegations of voter fraud and to keep reassuring the public that Joe Biden is the President Elect.

There has been a complete insurrection at Fox News and there are talks among the Murdoch run management of terminating the Pro-Trump hosts.

Judge Jeanine’s show was suspended a few days ago because she wanted to talk about voter fraud.

This is absolutely no surprise to me. I’ve known fox was on the other side since 2004, when my book contract for Media Whores, a book I was literally paid not to write, was cancelled after the publishing house executives took it to Fox News to get their approval of the content, which approval was not forthcoming. And that was 16 years ago, which is why I turned down interview requests by Hannity & Colmes back in 2005 and why you have never seen me make any references to watching anything on Fox News.

I didn’t expect anyone to believe me, so I didn’t spend any time trying to convince anyone. But now, the truth is obvious to everyone. This is good news. Especially when you think about how desperate they must at this point be to try to keep a lid on news that cannot possibly be hidden from the public for long.

But it’s going to be hard for many long-time Fox News fans to accept their betrayal, as this article at the American Thinker demonstrates:

Now that millions of Fox News’s loyal viewers have awakened to the network’s betrayal, what are we to think about those hosts we have let into our homes all these years?  We’ve long thought these anchors we relied upon for actual news were on the same political page as their viewers — reverence for the Constitution, law enforcement, our military, freedom, belief in American greatness, etc.

While it was clear some were not all-in Trump fans, Fox viewers assumed they shared their values.  So have they been faking all these years?  Have they gone home and made fun of Fox-watchers and voted Democrat?  Or have they now been ordered by Rupert Murdoch’s son to move left, to mimic CNN and MSNBC? 

Chris Wallace revealed himself to be a partisan leftist, an anti-Trump guy, years ago, so Fox News Sunday was no longer a must-watch program.  He really exposed his bias in that first presidential debate; that was the final blow for conservatives re: Wallace.

Wallace is as committed a leftist as little George Stephanopoulos of ABC and the moonbats on CNN and MSNBC.

But that Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, Arthel Neville, Sandra Smith, Chris Stirewalt, et al. are suddenly all anti-Trumpers to the point of supporting a rigged election is a shock.  Were they pretending then, or are they pretending now?  

They never had any right-wing or conservative principles. At best, they were purely mercenary media whores. At worst, they were full-fledged pretenders all along. 

Over the target

The last tweet of Carlos Osweda prior to Twitter banning him.

The national election fraud of 2020 has never happened before.

It being rare has no relevance.

When Trump is done with you bastards, you’ll never do it again.

Trust me on that.


Prophetic indeed…. 


Account suspended

Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules

On a not-unrelated note, please RTFC before you excitedly post your very important breaking news that other readers HAVE ALREADY POSTED in the comments. Meanwhile, Project Veritas has uncovered evidence of the Michigan vote fraud:

A US Postal Service employee from Michigan has reportedly turned whistleblower, telling Project Veritas that his supervisor instructed mail carriers to collect and segregate new ballot envelopes received after the election cutoff so that they could be fraudulently back-dated with a Nov. 3 postmark.

A crack in the Ink Wall

The mainstream media – UK version, but still – is finally reporting on Creepy Joe’s “senior moments”. Sure, they’re trying to cover for his dementia by claiming his confused babblings are “gaffes” and engaging in false equivalencies, but they are finally reporting on them.

Biden leaves his Michigan rally confused with his latest senior moment as he claims he and Obama believe ‘it’s a right to have badakathcare’

Biden was on a roll as he told voters how Trump would take away their protections from pre-existing conditions and destroy the Affordable Care Act when he suddenly muttered something completely unintelligible…. Biden has suffered from a stutter throughout his life and recently misread ‘true international pressure’ from his teleprompter during a rally last Saturday as ‘truaninonashufodopressure.’

The former vice president was a longtime senator from Delaware.  

Biden appeared to make another gaffe on the tarmac, appearing to forget Utah Senator Mitt Romney’s name. ‘I got in trouble when we were running against that senator who was a Mormon, the governor,’ he said. Romney was the Republican presidential nominee in 2012. 

Trump seized up on it, tweeting: ‘Biden losing big in Florida. Only Fake Polls show otherwise! Bad for Healthcare. Thinks he’s running for the Senate. Forgot Mitt Romney’s name, and where he was! 

‘Sleepy Joe Biden, not a nice guy, by the way. He had a very bad day today,’ Trump said. ‘If I ever had a day like he had today, they’d say: ‘It’s over. It’s over. He forgot Mitt Romney’s name. He didn’t know what state he was in. And he said today he’s a proud Democrat running for the US Senate.’

Trump joked: ‘Could you imagine if I did that? ‘Great to be with you. It’s great to be a wonderful developer from New York.’ They’d say: ‘he’s out of here. Get him out.”

Biden ‘has got a lot of bad days coming,’ Trump said. ‘The one thing I know for sure, President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, Kim Jong Un – they are 100 per cent sharp. We have someone running who is not 100 per cent, he’s not 80 per cent, he’s not 60 per cent.’

One slight correction. I believe Creepy Joe did not say “truaninonashufodopressure” but rather “trunalimunufidipressur”. And whatever it is, he clearly feels very strongly about it.

One media, one voice, one opinion

Glen Greenwald resigns from the media organization he founded because it was captured and converged by infiltrators:

Today I sent my intention to resign from The Intercept, the news outlet I co-founded in 2013 with Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras, as well as from its parent company First Look Media.

The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.

The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.

I had no objection to their disagreement with my views of what this Biden evidence shows: as a last-ditch attempt to avoid being censored, I encouraged them to air their disagreements with me by writing their own articles that critique my perspectives and letting readers decide who is right, the way any confident and healthy media outlet would. But modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it. So censorship of my article, rather than engagement with it, was the path these Biden-supporting editors chose….

Making all of this worse, The Intercept — while gradually excluding the co-founders from any role in its editorial mission or direction, and making one choice after the next to which I vocally objected as a betrayal of our core mission — continued publicly to trade on my name in order to raise funds for journalism it knew I did not support. It purposely allowed the perception to fester that I was the person responsible for its journalistic mistakes in order to ensure that blame for those mistakes was heaped on me rather than the editors who were consolidating control and were responsible for them…. It is astonishing to me, but also a reflection of our current discourse and illiberal media environment, that I have been silenced about Joe Biden by my own media outlet.

I have no doubt it was astonishing to him, but it shouldn’t have been. Convergence destroys everything it touches, no matter the industry, no matter the perspective. Not even being an honest man of the Left can save one from the corporate cancer.

All assets activated.