The Pandemic of the Vaccinated

They have been repeatedly caught lying to you before. They will absolutely lie to you again. Don’t trust a single “fact” that is presented to you by a) the government, b) the media, or c) the medical community. Ever.

I’ve just had this news in from a Maidstone hospital consultant surgeon.

There are currently 45 people in Maidstone hospital with COVID. They are listed as half unvaccinated and half vaccinated. A 50/50 split.

But here is the realty of what I’ve been informed.

50% have had two jabs and the booster. The other 50% have had two jabs and no booster but have been marked down as unvaccinated!

Do not believe a word the government and their supporting corporations say. Not one person completely unvaccinated is in Maidstone hospital.

It was obvious that they were going to try to pull this sort of thing from the moment they introduced the “fully-vaccinated” language, because deceivers rely heavily upon the manipulation of definitions. Both “fully-vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” are moving targets, so don’t take any news report using either term at face value.

Omicron is the pandemic of the vaccinated.


How to Manipulate the NPCs

AC points out that the Prometheans are literally providing a primer on their simple, but effective rhetoric.

Tony Blair says “if you’re not vaccinated… you’re an idiot.”

I always love these, because they give you a window into the psychology of the enemy who tries to manipulate us with them. This is a model which the enemy came up with based on the fact it would affect them. Whoever came up with that argument must feel dumb, and they must be self-conscious about it – to the point that to avoid being seen as dumb they will inject anything into themselves, so long as it will cause the argument that they are dumb to go away. So they conclude they only have to tell us we are dumb if we don’t get the jab, and we will all run to get it, because we care what those idiots think. It is funny to see they can be so easily controlled.

Not caring what other people think, particularly people you have never met and don’t know, is a virtual superpower in the Age of Media. And the use of political and entertainment celebrities for rhetorical purposes explains why their creation is considered necessary in the first place. The Prometheans never even bother with dialectic, because they know it’s unnecessary and completely beyond the vast majority of the population.

UPDATE: Karl Denninger obviously grasps the relevant rhetoric:

For Those Of You Who Were STUPID


You said the mandates were fine “because you took the jab” allegedly “voluntarily” so you didn’t care.

Well, guess what? Now the booster mandates are starting.


Any Age, No Reason

So many people are stroking out from the vaccines that the corrupt medico-media complex is having to resort to increasingly absurd explanations:

What triggers a stroke? The answer has been elusive, but a new study offers clues about what many survivors experienced soon before their stroke happened.

Anger or emotional upset was common in the hour before the onset of symptoms and was associated with all types of stroke, researchers wrote this month in the European Heart Journal.

Heavy physical exertion in the same time period was linked with increased odds of one type of stroke — intracerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding into the brain tissue.

“We believe that these triggering events may increase the heart rate, increase blood pressure and lead to hormonal changes that alter blood flows in vascular beds, such as the brain, which may increase the risk of stroke,” Andrew Smyth, lead author and professor of clinical epidemiology at the National University of Ireland, Galway, told TODAY.

“That being said, not every episode of anger or emotional upset or heavy physical exertion leads to a stroke.

Interestingly enough, they still haven’t added “Covid vaccination” to the list of risk factors, even though that is now the leading one.

Note that Interview with the Vampire author Anne Rice just died of “complications from an earlier stroke” suffered in the aftermath of her March 2021 vaccination.


Parties for Me, Not for Thee

The Conservative Party elite knew the whole coronavirus thing is total BS all along, as they repeatedly threw large parties in the Prime Minister’s residence at the very same time that family Christmas gatherings were banned in the United Kingdom.

Were there SIX parties in Downing Street and Whitehall? Claims of a festive quiz, Friday wine sessions and a bash to celebrate Dominic Cummings’ exit put even more pressure on under-fire Boris Johnson

As many as 40 people attended the ‘unofficial’ Christmas bash with some wearing festive jumpers, it is claimed. Sources said most of those present were civil servants drawn from the press office and events teams, but special advisers – the PM’s political appointees – were also invited. According to one of those asked to go, staff were told to bring in Secret Santa presents.

As the night went on, officials from other parts of the building came down to join. But the Prime Minister’s press secretary yesterday insisted Mr Johnson was not one of them.

‘He was working all evening,’ she told reporters.

The event took place two days after London was placed into what was the highest tier of coronavirus restrictions at the time, meaning people were not allowed to mix indoors with anyone outside their household or support bubble.

At that time, the Government website stated: ‘Although there are exemptions for work purposes, you must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier.’

Since news of the gathering broke last week, Mr Johnson and his ministers had steadfastly insisted that no party had taken place and no rules had been broken. But by yesterday the denials had become impossible to reconcile with the mounting evidence, after footage emerged of Allegra Stratton joking about what had happened.

This is why you should never, ever, believe ONE SINGLE THING that the government tells you. The official story is always the one and only thing that you can be certain is not true. These charlatans were the same people who spent literally months going on camera, gravely issuing pronouncements about how a moderately contagious flu virus was the modern equivalent of the Black Plague, shutting down the economy and interfering with the entire country’s personal lives, then behind the scenes were living it up in the knowledge that there was never anything to worry about.

Those in power are literally laughing at us all for being stupid enough to follow the rules they don’t actually think are necessary.

Dan Wootton, The Daily Mail

The whole “pandemic” is a fraud. It’s a one giant play that was designed to frighten everyone and convince them to submit to an endless series of injections. And the behavior of the people who knew it from the start proves that beyond any reasonable shadow of a doubt.


The Push for Forced Vaccinations

The informative thing here isn’t that the British public is massively against forced vaccinations, although that’s certainly useful to know. What’s more significant about this is the way that the British media pulled the poll from its primary morning TV show as soon as it saw how vehemently the public opinion is against the thought balloon that was clearly being floated. And note the implicit assumption that there can ever be an appropriate time “to make vaccines mandatory”.

Remember, the vaccines don’t actually have anything to do with Covid, so the harmless nature of Omicron is irrelevant as far as the media is concerned. The media is pushing vaccines at the behest of its owners because vaccines are a primary weapon in the depopulationist arsenal.

It’s not an accident or a coincidence that children’s deaths are up 62 percent in the UK in the aftermath of the vaccine rollout for them there.

Following the government’s vaccine rollout, the UK’s Office of National Statistics shows that the number of deaths between week 38 and week 41 of 2021 among children aged 10-14 were 62% higher than the five-year average for the number of deaths in this age group during the same period. Furthermore, the increase in deaths began when children started receiving the experimental “vaccine.”

This indicates that the push for forced vaccinations is coming worldwide, even though there is absolutely no reasonable justification for them. It is imperative for antivaxxers to start pressing their representatives to pass laws, even constitutional amendments, specifically outlawing all forced vaccinations with absolutely no exceptions under any circumstances, including national emergencies.


A Shocking Failure to Roll Over and Die

The media is alarmed by the construction of “an entire conservative ecosystem”.

Conservatives are aggressively building their own apps, phones, cryptocurrencies and publishing houses in an attempt to circumvent what they see as an increasingly liberal internet and media ecosystem.

Why it matters: Many of these efforts couldn’t exist without the backing of major corporate figures and billionaires who are eager to push back against things like “censorship” and “cancel culture.”

The bottom line: Conservative media has been a powerhouse for a long time, but this phase of its expansion isn’t just about more or louder conservative voices — it’s about building an entire conservative ecosystem.

If they’re alarmed by the efforts of the gatekeepers to keep conservatives on an alternative plantation, imagine how freaked out they’re going to be when they realize the institutions that actually matter aren’t being built by conservatives and aren’t being controlled by either the Prometheans or their conservative pets.

On a not-unrelated note, you can now add additional subscriptions to your own account, including gift subscriptions for other people that will provide them with their own account, on UATV. And speaking of apps, they are coming in January for Android, iOS, and Roku.

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When the CYA Fails

Anonymous Conservative sees through Scott Adams’s attempt to preemptively cover his backside and preserve his nonexistent reputation as the Great Predictor:

It kind of looks like Scott is trying to persuade people he wasn’t wrong or shouldn’t be blamed, by framing this as you had to know the vaccine was good or bad, rather than recognize the real question was, do you take the vax immediately without knowing anything about it, or avoid the virus and wait, while you see how the vax works out in the ignorant who took it blindly. This was a bit like being handed one of one hundred revolvers, one of which had a single bullet in it, and being told, you have to wear a mask and glasses, and wash your hands for the next year, or you can put one of these revolvers’ to your head and pull the trigger, and then you can ditch the mask and glasses. Then after you pulled the trigger, they said you had to do it again every few months. And then they told you, you still had to wear the mask and glasses and wash your hands as well. Now it is like Scott is saying, “Well, nobody could have known whether the revolver you picked was loaded or not.” No, you couldn’t but if you were schooled in the art, you could have seen that putting the revolver to your head had enormous potential downside, for very little upside. I’d be surprised if Scott was not plugged in to the network somehow. If he is, I take this to mean he believes that for some reason the reality of the vax is going to come out and predominate soon, and he is trying to get ahead of it now before it affects his reputation as a seer.

That’s why I view this as good news. I could not care less about Adams – he’s a great cartoonist and commenter on the corpocracy, but he’s otherwise irrelevant – but the mere fact that he sees the need to CYA over the vaccines suggests that the truth about them is going to penetrate the mainstream narrative in the reasonably near future.

They Tried to Cancel Thanksgiving

But even The Wall Street Journal is having none of it.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board announced that the paper will continue with the publishing of its annual Thanksgiving editorials despite efforts by the left to cancel them.

In a Monday op-ed, the board declared that efforts by progressives to stop the publishing of the “racist” 1620 account of the first Thanksgiving, as well as a mid-20th century “contemporary contrast” of American progress, would not succeed and that The Journal wouldn’t “bend to political demands for censorship.”

“No doubt it was only a matter of time. The progressives have come for our annual Thanksgiving editorials. They won’t succeed, but we thought we’d share the tale with readers for an insight into the politicization of everything, even Thanksgiving,” the board wrote.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board announced that the paper will continue with the publishing of its annual Thanksgiving editorials despite efforts by the left to cancel them. It noted that the pair of editorials had been run every year since 1961 without complaint.

Whether you can bring yourself to admit it yet or not, the wicked elite that presently rules the Imperial USA through the fake Biden administration and the finance-media complex is seeking to eliminate every last vestige of Christianity, Heritage America, and American history from the United States, and there is no element of it too small to ignore.

This elite are the heirs of the Bolsheviks who did the same thing to the Russian people – in some cases, they are literally their grandchildren and great-grandchildren – which is why the history of the Soviet Union provides an accurate road map for both their evil intentions as well as their inevitable failure.

So be thankful to God this Thanksgiving that at least you are given to know the truth about the historical situation facing you, your family, your nation, and your faith.


He Was Always Sketchy

You’ll note that you never saw me paying much attention to Lin Woods. It appears he was a left-wing, grifting monkeywrencher all along:

Kyle Rittenhouse tells Tucker Carlson that Lin Wood and John Pierce could have bailed him out of jail in September but kept him in there until November to “raise money so they can take it for their own benefit. Not trying to set me free.” He says once they got the money up to get him out, they told him he would be safer in jail, had him do media interviews which were bad for him, and left him there while they continued to fundraise even more off it all. So any reader of Vox Day would have known not to do media interviews, but Lin Wood didn’t?

Lin Wood has for decades voted for and donated to Democrats, including Barack Obama and David Perdue’s 2014 opponent.

I am always very leery of anyone who rushes to get in front of the cameras, no matter what their beliefs are supposed to be or what reasons they profess. A cam whore is a cam whore, regardless of nominal industry.

Also, what part of “do not talk to the media” is hard to understand? And yes, this includes Tucker Carlson and Fox News.


Flushing the Cucks

An unexpected side benefit of Scooter’s recent documentary, Patriot Purge, is the way it flushed a pair of cuckservatives from Fox News:

The trailer for Tucker Carlson’s special about the Jan. 6 mob at the Capitol landed online on Oct. 27, and that night Jonah Goldberg sent a text to his business partner, Stephen Hayes: “I’m tempted just to quit Fox over this.”

“I’m game,” Mr. Hayes replied. “Totally outrageous. It will lead to violence. Not sure how we can stay.”

The full special, “Patriot Purge,” appeared on Fox’s online subscription streaming service days later. And last week, the two men, both paid Fox News contributors, finalized their resignations from the network.

In some ways, their departures should not be surprising: It’s simply part of the new right’s mopping up operation in the corners of conservative institutions that still house pockets of resistance to Donald J. Trump’s control of the Republican Party. Mr. Goldberg, a former National Review writer, and Mr. Hayes, a former Weekly Standard writer, were stars of the pre-Trump conservative movement. They clearly staked out their positions in 2019 when they founded The Dispatch, an online publication that they described as “a place that thoughtful readers can come for conservative, fact-based news and commentary.” It now has nearly 30,000 paying subscribers.

Their departures also mark the end of a lingering hope among some at Fox News — strange as this is for outsiders to understand — that the channel would at some point return to a pre-Trump reality that was also often hyperpartisan, but that kept some distance from Republican officials.

Notice how small their actual following is, despite the fact that these guys have been getting massive amounts of media exposure for decades and the probability that The Dispatch is being propped up by the same people that keep National Review and the American Enterprise Institute going and going and going.

This doesn’t mean that Fox News can be trusted in the slightest. But it’s demonstrating, once more, that the Right’s erstwhile opinion leaders were always anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Western gatekeepers. You can always tell the self-appointed moderate, they love the word “thoughtful” more than the average gamma loves the word “actually”.