SJWs Discover Unintended Consequences

Academic SJWs at Stanford are alarmed to discover that when individuals are deplatformed from mainstream platforms, they build their own platforms and become even stronger. Naturally, their response to this is not to conclude that individuals should not be deplatformed, but rather that the platforms should be themselves deplatformed.

Previous research has found that deplatforming toxic users tends to decrease overall reach and income for content producers. However, while deplatforming users, apps, and companies on mainstream platforms may have resulted in a less toxic ecosystem and prevented the spread of hateful messaging on those platforms, it also helped materially preserve Gab as a platform and financially enriched its owners.

Our findings document several unintended real-world side effects of the deplatforming of both users and platforms, raising the possibility that other interventions on mainstream platforms such as downranking and limiting visibility might curb toxic content more effectively than shifting the problem elsewhere. If deplatforming is deemed the most desirable solution for a given scenario, it may be that this deplatforming would need to be more thorough and widespread to be effective. Hence, more study is needed in several areas:

• What dynamics and characteristics determine whether deplatforming is effective in reducing toxic message spread across the social media ecosystem as a whole?

• What is the real-world net effect of attempting to deplatform platforms or apps themselves, versus merely disabling or moderating user accounts on mainstream platforms?

• What determines whether a deplatforming will result in continued or increased revenue for its targets and associated communities?

• Beyond deplatforming toxic individuals and services, are further actions possible (or desirable) to ensure that revenue does not flow to toxic venues?

For example, payment processors have already cut ties with Gab—is there more that could be done to disrupt other financial flows? Answering these questions may prove crucial to developing more holistically effective Trust and Safety practices at the platform, infrastructure, and regulatory levels.

Gabufacturing Dissent: An in-depth analysis of Gab, David Thiel and Miles McCain, Stanford Internet Observatory, June 1, 2022

The eventual recommendation of the academics is obviously going to be putting pressure on hosting services, payment systems, the media, and even governments to deplatform and otherwise attempt to silence those who have been designated Toxic Content Producers, because the reduced interest in the mainstream-approved content, the inability of the mainstream platforms to produce profits, and the exposure of massive amounts of platform fraud, are making the alternative platforms increasingly competitive with their mainstream counterparts.

Of course, pursuing this course of action is eventually going to lead these academic SJWs to discover the same bitter reality that has recently dismayed the politicians of Clown World: while Toxic Content Producers are being deplatformed by Clown World, Clown World is itself being deplatformed by Toxic Content World, which happens to make up the vast majority of the planet and controls the vast majority of its resources.

The biggest winners of the Content Wars are going to be those who are able to successfully bridge The Great Bifurcation of the two semi-global economies, and the battle-hardening of those who have been repeatedly deplatformed, dehosted, and demonetized is going to give a massive advantage to the Toxic Content Producers.

The Ride Never Ends.


Some Thoughts on Hitler

In the aftermath of having been publicly accused of harboring “sympathies for Hitler” by certain individuals in the Swiss media on the basis of a single accurate reference to National Socialism, I’ve been cataloguing the public record of my statements in my books, columns and blog posts concerning the late leader of Germany over the last 21 years on the advice of the lawyers. As it happens, I went into some detail on the subject in the first part of Chapter XII of THE IRRATIONAL ATHEIST, published by BenBella Books in 2008.


“Now, you will stay in the Comfy Chair until lunch time, with only a cup of coffee at eleven.”

– Cardinal Ximinez

It would be impossible to write a book of this sort without addressing the three subjects that inevitably come up when atheists are contending with Christians. Just as atheists anticipate the need to answer for Stalin and Mao, Christians are expected to answer for the Inquisition and the Crusades. And both sides recognize the need to deal with the Hitler Question. Like Einstein,(1) the Führer made enough ambiguous statements to leave the matter up for discussion, unlike Einstein,(2) no one is eager to claim Hitler and his National Socialists as members of their intellectual camp.

The Unholy Trinity have no choice but to concern themselves with the matter, of course, and they do so largely in the manner that one has come to expect from them.(3) Harris wastes eight pages attempting to tar the Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII with guilt by insufficient opposition,(4) then on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, declares that Auschwitz was a logical and inevitable consequence of the Christian faith.(5) Hitchens also complains about the Catholic Church and relates a few irrelevant anecdotes about Italian Fascists and Irish Blue Shirts, but then shows genuine insight when he notes that the Hitler regime shows us “with terrible clarity what can happen when men usurp the role of gods.”

Dawkins, on the other hand, demonstrates that he is perfectly capable of presenting a reasonable case when he chooses to do so and lays out some reasonable evidence for the reader to reach his own conclusion on the matter. He avoids making the common case for Hitler’s religious faith on the basis of his abused childhood,(6) wisely, considering that one could apply precisely the same argument to Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins himself. Instead, after quoting Hitler’s public statements which state outright that he is a Christian, and a very devout one at that, Dawkins quotes private statements which reveal a deep hatred for Christianity surpassing that possessed by even the most militant New Atheist.

“It is possible that Hitler had by 1941 experienced some kind of deconversion or disillusionment with Christianity. Or is the resolution of the contradictions simply that he was an opportunistic liar whose words cannot be trusted, in either direction?”(7)

It is worth noting that most of the statements which indicate Hitler’s Christian faith were made in public, prior to 1934, when he was still a politician running for elected office. Given his subsequent actions once he had secured political power, there is no reason to believe that Hitler meant them any more sincerely than George W. Bush intended to keep his promise to pursue a “more humble foreign policy” three years before he launched an invasion to bring democracy and freedom to the Middle East. But Hitler was no atheist, neither was he agnostic, the evidence tends to suggest that he was a pagan(8) who was skeptical, but open to the possibility of acquiring temporal power through supernatural means.

The Thule Society which founded the German Workers Party that was the predecessor of the Nazi Party was an esoteric society connected with the occultist Madam Blavatsky and the Theosophists. Hitler was the 55th member of the DAP, which was renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party, or NASDAP, only four months after he joined on October 19, 1919. While the Nazis suppressed their early connection with the Thule Society and even arrested its founder, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, when he published a book about the relationship between Hitler and the society, the Nazi interest in esoteric matters, primarily on the part of Heinrich Himmler and the SS, is well known and has played a role in everything from Charles Stross’s excellent novel, The Atrocity Archives, to Wolfenstein 3D and the Indiana Jones movies.

It is not known to what extent Hitler shared Himmler’s enthusiasm for the supernatural, but it is reasonable to assume that if he was as skeptical about its existence as the New Atheists are today, he would not have allowed the Reichsführer-SS and founder of the Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte, Deutsches Ahnenerbe(9) an annual budget of the modern equivalent of $5.6 million to spend on occult research, medical experiments and expeditions to Sweden, Syria, Iraq, Finland and Tibet.

And yet, if Dawkins is not quite able to definitively conclude that Adolf Hitler was not a Christian, Robert Wistrich, the professor of modern Jewish history at Hebrew University, has no such qualms.
In “Hitler and the Holocaust”, Wistrich writes:

“Indeed, the leading Nazis – Hitler, Himmler, Rosenberg, Goebbels, and Bormann – were all fanatically anti-Christian, though this was partly hidden from the German public…. The conviction that Judaism, Christianity and Bolshevism represented one single pathological phenomenon of decadence became a veritable leitmotif for Hitler around the time that the “Final Solution” had been conceived of as an operational plan.”(10)

But the most convincing proof that Hitler was neither an atheist nor a Christian can be seen in two documents that the various New Atheists and Wistrich were probably not aware of at the time they wrote their books. The first of these was prepared by the Office of Strategic Services in preparation for the Nuremburg trials in 1945. Released to the public in 2001, the report from the archives of of Gen. William J. Donovan, special assistant to the U.S. chief of counsel at the Tribunal, is a fascinating description of the Third Reich’s methodical plan to coopt, pervert and ultimately usurp the Catholic and Protestant churches of Germany. As an editor of the the Nuremberg Project for the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion described it: “They wanted to eliminate the Jews altogether, but they were also looking to eliminate Christianity.”(11)

The first installment, entitled “The Nazi Master Plan; The Persecution of Christian Churches”, shows how the Nazis planned to supplant Christianity with a religion based on racial superiority. The report, prepared by the Office of Strategic Services – a forerunner of the CIA – says: “Important leaders of the National Socialist party would have liked… complete extirpation of Christianity and the substitution of a purely racial religion.”(12)

The second document is equally significant. It is the 30-point plan for a National Reich Church, drawn up by Alfred Rosenburg, the Nazi ideologist who was Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories and head of the Centre of National Socialist Ideological and Educational Research. Three of its more significant points are as follows:

  1. The National Reich Church is determined to exterminate irrevocably and by every means the strange and foreign Christian faiths imported into Germany in the ill-omened year 800.
  2. The National Reich Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany as well as the publication of Sunday papers, pamphlets, publications and books of a religious nature.
  3. The National Reich Church does not acknowledge forgiveness of sins. It represents the standpoint which it will always proclaim that a sin once committed will be ruthlessly punished by the honorable and indestructible laws of nature and punishment will follow during the sinner’s lifetime.

One need not be a theologian to recognize that whatever religion happens to lurk behind a church that does not recognize the forgiveness of sins and is determined to suppress the Bible, it is not Christianity.

Although the only logical conclusion is that Hitler was neither a Christian nor an atheist, there are still lessons that Christians and atheists can learn from his pagan totalitarianism. Christians must recognize that it is possible for their institutions to be infiltrated and utilized for evil purposes even as they religiously attend church and participate in the mainstream of society. Had more German Christians demonstrated the courage of the evangelical Confessing Church and openly opposed Hitler, as did the pastors who signed the 1934 Barman Declaration,(13) much tragedy might well have been averted. Despite the deception that was undeniably involved, Christians have no excuse for being blind to such things, not when they have been warned in the Bible to be on their guard against deceitful wolves in sheep’s clothing.

As for atheists, they must recognize that science is a deadly foundation on which to build future utopias, and it should make them more than a little uncomfortable to consider the striking similarities in the following three quotes, one from a Humanist, one from a New Atheist and the other from a leading Nazi.

  • “Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence; it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.“ – Bertrand Russell
  • “The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advance of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble.” – Adolf Hitler
  • “Religion has run out of justifications. Thanks to the telescope and the microscope, it no longer offers an explanation of anything important.” – Christopher Hitchens


  1. I concur with Richard Dawkins on this point, despite a few metaphorical statements about God. It is not reasonable to conclude that Albert Einstein was anything but an agnostic or atheist.
  2. What is unexpected, however, is how much the Nazi Martin Bormann’s description of a metaphorical God sounds almost exactly like Albert Einstein’s as described by Richard Dawkins.
  3. Given the non-polemical nature of his book, Daniel Dennett commendably sees no reason to mention the matter.
  4. Harris, The End of Faith, 104. Harris finds it extraordinary that no German Catholics were excommunicated, but then, other than Hitler, there were no former Catholics in the Nazi hierarchy. The most notable Catholic, former Reichkanzler Franz von Papen, was jailed after speaking out against Hitler after Kristallnacht and was acquitted at Nuremberg.
  5. How strange that it should happen only once in more than 2,000 years, and at the behest of a few fanatical anti-Christians, no less. I further note that the Buddhist Harris neglects to mention the fact that Professor Walter Wüst, who commanded the SS-Ahnenerbe under Himmler after February 1937, publicly declared that Hitler’s ideologies corresponded with those of the Gautama Buddha.
  6. I seem to recall someone informing us that a Catholic upbringing is even worse than sexual abuse for a child.
  7. Dawkins, The God Delusion, 276. Given that Hitler was not only a politician, but a stunningly effective one, the answer has to be yes.
  8. Hitler once made an interesting statement to Bormann about the foolishness of restoring Odin worship, which he refers to as “our old mythology”. As he goes on to talk about getting rid of Christianity, it’s apparent that his goal is to create a new and better Teutonic mythology compatible with science and philosophy.
  9. The Study Society for Primordial Intellectual Science, German Ancestral Heritage, usually known as the Ahnenerbe, was an SS department set up by Himmler to investigate the ancestral German heritage. It is this group which attempted to find the Holy Grail and other mystic treasures, as portrayed in the movies. The Atrocity Archives, by Charles Stross, are probably the most interesting fictional portrayal of this occultic bureaucracy; my own novella which briefly touches on the subject, “The Lesser Evil”, can be found in the short story collection entitled The Altar of Hate.
  10. Robert S. Wistrich, Hitler and the Holocaust (New York, 2001), 131-132
  11. Edward Colimore, “Papers Reveal Nazi Aim: End Christianity” The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 9, 2002.
  12. “Nazi Trial Documents Made Public”. BBC News, January 11, 2002. The entire OSS report can be downloaded in four PDF files from
  13. “We reject the false doctrine that the Church could have permission to hand over the form of its message and of its order to whatever it itself might wish or to the vicissitudes of the prevailing ideological and political convictions of the day.” The Barmen Declaration, The Confessing Synod of the German Evangelical Church, 1934.

PS: If anyone can send me the transcripts of my debates with Andrew Anglin and Greg Johnson on the subject of National Socialism, that would be appreciated.


The Country is the People

And the People are the Country.

Shenzhen TV: US Secretary of State Blinken said in his China policy speech that “We have profound differences with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Government. But those differences are between governments and systems – not between our people”. Do you have any comment? 

Zhao Lijian: Secretary Blinken’s remarks are part of an attempt to sever the strong bond between the CPC and the Chinese people. China firmly rejects that. The Chinese people are fully aware of the ill intention of the US to suppress and contain China’s development and hinder the Chinese nation’s rejuvenation. Moves like this that are designed to sow discord will not succeed. 

Any US politician who knows the basic facts about China knows that our Party is founded for the people and nurtured by the people. The leadership of the CPC is the choice of history and of the people, and is endorsed in China’s Constitution. China’s development would not be possible without the leadership of the CPC. Under its leadership, the Chinese people have, through arduous struggle and hard work, established the People’s Republic of China and freed themselves from bullying, oppression and subjugation. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. It has also lifted over 800 million people out of poverty and led 1.4 billion people to modernization. Over the course of just several decades, China has completed a journey that took Western developed countries several hundred years.

The CPC has grown into the largest governing party in the world. Its membership has expanded to over 95 million from just over 50 when it was founded. What is the secret code of the CPC’s long governance success? It puts people first and believes that “The country is the people and the people are the country”. 

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on June 2, 2022

It’s fascinating to see that I’m being denounced as a neo-Nazi White supremacist when my nationalist position is literally identical to that of the Communist Party of China. This may explain why I am treated with respect by the Chinese state media while being publicly denounced and defamed by the converged Swiss media.

Vox Day defines the alt-right as nationalist, opposed to globalization, gender equality, and committed to the “right to exist” of ethnically homogenous states. This places it on the extreme right of the European political spectrum.

Only in Clown World are Chinese Communists “on the extreme right of the European political spectrum”.


They Really Do Always Double Down

Wow, 20 Minutes wasn’t even as cautious as 24 Heures. They just dove right in there, judicial precedent be damned.

Der amerikanische White-Supremacy-Aktivist und Rassist Theodore Beale (53), der sich Vox Day nennt, lebt schon länger in der Schweiz. Nun hat er ein Schloss im Kanton Freiburg gekauft – und will dieses zu einem Zentrum für Gleichgesinnte machen.

It’s truly going to be amusing to watch the rapid backtracking when they finally discover that I’m an American Indian, not a “White Supremacy Activist and Racist”. Although “Activist” is probably the most puzzling accusation. I don’t even do band tours or book-signings, let alone take direct action to achieve political goals.

But at least they got the “Christian Nationalist” label correct. So, give them that.


Defamation Can Be Expensive

Perhaps someone should let Sylvain Besson, Roland Gamp, and Catherine Boss know about this recent decision by a US court. After all, Amber Heard didn’t even call Johnny Depp a Hitler-sympathizer, a misogynist, or a right-wing populist.

Johnny Depp has won his libel case against Amber Heard, saying he now has ‘his life back’ after the jury ruled he was defamed and awarded him $15million. In a statement after Wednesday’s verdict, Depp said, ‘Six years ago, my life, the life of my children, the lives of those closest to me, and also, the lives of the people who for many, many years have supported and believed in me were forever changed. ‘And six years later, the jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled.’ After less than three days of deliberation, Heard was awarded $2million in compensatory damages out of the $100million she was seeking in her countersuit against her ex-husband. She was awarded zero dollars in punitive damages. Despite the jury awarding Depp $15million, the judge reduced the $5m punitive damages part to the Virginia maximum of $350,000, reducing Depp’s total to $10,350,000 – minus the $2million he was ordered to pay Heard. In total Depp walks away with $8.35M in damages.

I wonder how long it will be before an English-language newspaper, preferably one in the UK, translates their error-filled little hit piece and runs it?


A Portrait in Criminal Defamation

Earlier today, I received an email from someone named Roland Gamp, which quoted an email from someone else named Catherine Boss, supposedly sent on Monday, which I did not see or receive. He wrote:

My colleague Catherine Boss sent you an enquiry on Monday (see email below). Unfortunately, we have not yet received a reply from you to our questions. In the meantime, we have found further statements from you which make your radical right-wing stance clear and which are racist, sexist and discriminatory. We would like once again to give you the opportunity to comment. We are extending the deadline and you could respond until 4 pm today in the afternoon. If we do not hear anything by then, we will note in the article that you have not responded to requests.

Thank you very much and kind regards,

Roland Gamp
Reporter Recherchedesk Tamedia
+41 79 [redacted] (Mobile)

Tamedia AG, Werdstrasse 21, CH-8021 Zürich

I responded to him as follows.

Dear Mr. Gamp and Ms Boss,

I am pleased to respond to your request for comment. Please note in your article that I have responded in a timely manner to your urgent request and be very sure to accurately quote my following response to you in full.

“I look forward to the opportunity to file a criminal defamation complaint against Mr. Roland Gamp and Ms Catherine Boss, as well as their employer, the TX Group media house, under Articles 173 and 177 of the Swiss Criminal Code.”

Vox Day

Amusingly enough, these intrepid reporters appeared to take my clear warning that they were about to step over the line of criminal defamation in Switzerland as mere rhetoric. Which is to say that they did not quote my response, as I specifically required, and instead ran an error-filled hit piece attempting to discredit me as a “misogynist” and a Hitler sympathist, among other things, as well as demanding my prosecution by the authorities for offenses “against the anti-racist norm.”

Needless to say, the Legal Legion is already on the case and we will definitely be filing criminal complaints of defamation (Article 173) and insult (Article 177) against Messrs. Sylvain Besson and Roland Gamp, and Ms Catherine Boss.

A figure of the American radical right takes over a Swiss castle
The castle of Cressier, in Fribourg, has been bought by the misogynist and nationalist blogger Vox Day. He wants to turn it into a hotel to accommodate his supporters. The Commune says “to monitor the situation”.

It is a place full of history and, according to the Confederation, a “cultural property of national importance”. The castle of Cressier, in the canton of Fribourg, is a delightful residence of blonde stone, with rooms decorated with frescoes and surrounded by a vast garden. It has just been bought by a foreigner, and not just any foreigner: its new owner is a prominent blogger of the American radical right, who intends to save “white people”.

He is 53 years old and lives with his family in the Broye region of Vaud. He presents himself as a philosopher, editor and author, notably of comic books and video games. He speaks only under his pen name, Vox Day.

In the United States, Vox Day is considered an important representative of the alt-right, which has gained visibility in the wake of Donald Trump. According to American researcher Damon Berry, Vox Day defines the alt-right as nationalist, opposed to globalization, gender equality, and committed to the “right to exist” of ethnically homogenous states. This places it on the extreme right of the European political spectrum.

On the internet, Vox Day summarizes the alt-right – to which he avoids being directly attached – as the defense of “the existence of the white man and the future of white children”. The blogger also confesses a certain admiration for Adolf Hitler. “National Socialism is not only human logic, it is also much more logical and true than communism, feminism or secular Zionism,” the Minnesota-born American writes on his blog.

That Vox Day has set its sights on the Château de Cressier is perhaps no accident. The old house belonged for a long time to Gonzague de Reynold, a conservative writer from Fribourg, an admirer of the authoritarian regimes of the 1930s, who became a leading figure of the Swiss “spiritual defense” during the Second World War.

On social networks, the list of extremist and misogynistic statements of Vox Day is long. In 2015, he stated in an interview that African-Americans are genetically 500 times more likely than white Americans to be prone to violence. After an Islamist attack in Manchester in 2017, he posts a photo of Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik, the right-wing extremist who killed 69 young people on the Norwegian island of Utøya, with the caption, “Saint Breivik, pray for us.”

Vox Day has no problem displaying a retrograde view of women. “If a society cannot persuade women to marry, bear and raise children, it has no choice but to force them to do so or die,” he wrote in a tweet that has since been made inaccessible, as Vox Day has been banned from Twitter.

On the war in Ukraine, his opinion is just as clear-cut: the aggression is the work of “imperial America”, which has put Russia in a situation of compulsion. He calls the West “Clown World”, while Russia would represent “Sovereign World”. At the end of February, he titled his blog, “Grandiose stupidity in Switzerland.” And criticized the fact that the President of the Confederation Ignazio Cassis has sided with the European Union sanctions.

Finally, Vox Day posts the same opinions about the coronavirus pandemic. The vaccine has killed more people than Covid itself, he wrote in March.

Where does Vox Day publish his tirades from? On the internet, he gives the impression of living in Italy. But our research shows that the right-wing populist and his family of five have been living in the countryside of the Broye vaudoise for over ten years.

His messages are aimed at an American audience, but he is clearly broadcasting them from Switzerland. This raises the question of whether some of his statements fall under the anti-racist norm. This type of offence must be prosecuted by the authorities. To date, we are not aware of any proceedings against him.

Vox Day has been expelled from the American Science Fiction Writers Club. He is also blocked from Twitter. Instead, he developed the site “Infogalactic”, described as a “Wikipedia for the alt-right” by the “Washington Post”. He also created a social network, “Social Galactic”, which is owned by a company in Zug.

For the time being, the historic monument is already available for rent, for about 400 francs per night. In Cressier, the Commune only recently learned that the castle was available for rent, after having conducted research. They thought that the family of T. B. would eventually move from the canton of Vaud to Cressier.

For the commune’s mayor, David Humair, the case presents a “challenge,” as he puts it. But so far, we have had absolutely no problems with the new owners,” he says. And as long as it stays that way, I don’t see any need to act.” He’s not responsible for the political stance of his residents; that’s their private business, the mayor says again. “But we are carefully monitoring the situation since the arrival of this person in Cressier and we are ready to take action if necessary,” he says. Without specifying what exactly he means by that.

As for Vox Day, he refused to answer our questions, contenting himself with threatening us with a criminal complaint for defamation.

In Switzerland, Vox Day’s ideology is disseminated in books that can be purchased from the Zurich publisher Orell Füssli. On its website, the American author offers “Cuckservative”, a book that shows “how 50 years of immigration has lowered the average IQ in the United States”. Orell Füssli explains that it does not ban books from its catalog because of the authors’ personal opinions. A wide range of books contributes to the diversity of opinions, according to the publisher. Which says only two Vox Day books have been sold on its site since 2016.

Swiss SJWs are at least a decade behind their US counterparts, who have learned to be considerably more careful before swinging for the fences like this. How many errors did you notice? I count 12 factual errors and 3 egregious misrepresentations, but I may have missed one or two. They also haven’t gotten the message from the US media that a) the once-terrifying Alt-Right is now a well-coiffed CNN mouthpiece, and b) the threat to Clown World doesn’t just come from sovereign nations such as China and Russia, but also Christian Nationalists like yours truly.

Unsurprisingly, this inept hit piece relies upon both misinformation and disinformation, omitting the aspects of my words that provide the obvious context necessary to understand their meaning. For example, it’s not hard to see how this sentence could be portrayed as “a certain admiration for Hitler”, right?

“National Socialism is not only human logic, it is also much more logical and true than communism, feminism or secular Zionism.”

But you’d have to be profoundly dishonest to do so, since it cannot reasonably be portrayed that way once the very next sentence is quoted. See the post dated 17 March 2015.

Salomon’s statement [that Mein Kampf is outside human logic] is more outrageous than anything Hitler wrote in the book. National Socialism is not only human logic, it is considerably more logical, and truthful, than Communism, feminism, or secular Zionism. That was part of the tragedy of Germany’s descent into it. Unlike the first two ideologies, it actually functioned effectively.

National Socialism is also cruel, pitiless, and militaristic, but those are undeniably human failings.

Indeed, one of the most striking things about Mein Kampf is that it is not, as one would tend to imagine, a wild-eyed, frothing-at-the-mouth sort of text. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about it is how reasonable Hitler often sounds throughout. And that is possibly the best reason of all that it should be published; it is a vivid reminder that far from being “outside of human logic”, every rational man is capable of choosing between good and evil, and choosing between setting himself to achieving great good and committing great harm.

And, of course, their attempt to defame me as being sympathetic to National Socialism, and therefore, Hitler, required omitting pretty much every single reference I’ve ever made to both National Socialism and Hitler over the last 21 years, to say nothing of my publication of Martin van Creveld’s Hitler in Hell. It’s not as if my opinion on either subject is hard to find, and the proven fact is that I have absolutely zero sympathy for Adolf Hitler, the only German leader who somehow managed to be both more evil and less competent than Angela Merkel.

  • The list of things that Hitler did wrong is considerably longer than the list of things he did right. I mean, successfully bluffing the French and British governments, and stabbing the Soviets in the back first, hardly makes up for a) launching a two-front war by b) invading Russia, then c) unnecessarily declaring war on the most powerful industrial nation on Earth. Hitler wasn’t merely a complete failure, he was a guaranteed failure before the end of 1941.
  • I always find it amusing when people call me a Nazi. I have considerably more contempt for Nazis than the most sincere Nazi-hater. Those who hate the Nazis fear them and consider them to be evil and scary villains. I don’t fear them and I consider them to be inept, ignorant losers. I’m not counter-signaling here; I don’t counter-signal Communists or people with Down’s Syndrome either.
  •  I oppose 20 of the 25 points of the National Socialist political program, which is considerably more than the average Democrat or Republican does.

But this is nothing new. Conflict is in the air we breathe. And yes, that is a familiar sound you’re hearing. snicker-snack….

UPDATE: Three portraits, actually. You know, not only did these intrepid exemplars of attack journalism fail to provide any links to this blog or any other source, but they also mysteriously failed to mention is that according to SimilarWeb, this blog (4M) gets nearly 2x the traffic that their news site (2.2M) does.


It’s All Fake

And, of course, gay. Karl Denninger contemplates the possibility that social media is a mirage:

Twitter claims that “less than 5% of the users on their system are bots/spam/fake.” Ok, that’s testable. It’s also very material to the value of the company. Indeed its the entire reason someone buys advertising on these sites and thus forms the basis of the entire firm’s value; if the entire site is full of bots and not people then the value of said “advertising” and thus the company’s value is zero.

So Musk asked (in public, natch) for the evidence that the “less than 5% bot” claim was true.

Twitter’s CEO refused to provide said evidence, claiming that it would require disclosing “non-public” information.

Well, once you have an agreement to acquire something you get to look. It’s no different than a house; if you think there might be something wrong with the foundation you can have it inspected. Your purchase contract allows you to perform diligence to your satisfaction and further, if the seller is aware of a material falsehood that is part of the representations made he’s required to disclose it.

As someone who has sold a company anything you represent as true is certainly fair game for the buyer to ask to see in evidence and that absolutely includes anything you publicly claimed to be true under penalty of perjury in a 10Q or 10K.

The argument that its “non-public” information that is used to prove this is crap; the entire purpose of the NDA that you sign when you enter into such a transaction and perform your diligence is that you get to look under the Kimono to your satisfaction.

So…. what’s really going on here?

Never mind this report — that basically half of Biden’s “follows” are fake. Worse, 70% of Musk’s are too according to that article.

Would you mind explaining to me how “less than 5% of the accounts are bots” when half of the President of the United States’ accounts and 70% of Elon Musk’s are, by audit, fake?

More to the point: What percentage of “people” (“Daily Average Users” and “Monthly Average Users”) allegedly on these social media sites are actually….. people?

Is there any actual value in these “social media” firms at all or are they all ENRON on steroids?

I know it’s all fraudulent, because I’ve been able to see the difference between a) a blog post, b) a Twitter tweet with 33k followers, c) a Facebook post, d) a Gab post with 30k followers, and e) a Darkstream comment for years. The only two that ever moves the needle much were (a) and (e), with a distinct advantage to (a).

Mike Cernovich told me, several years ago, that he had reached similar conclusions, and his Twitter following dwarfed mine.


CNN+ Goes Down in Flames

The mainstream media is discovering that it’s not so easy to succeed when you can’t simply pretend that people are watching you.

CNN+, the streaming service that was hyped as one of the most significant developments in the history of CNN, will shut down on April 30, just one month after it launched.

CNN+ customers “will receive prorated refunds of subscription fees,” the company said. The decision was made by new management after CNN’s former parent company, WarnerMedia, merged with Discovery to form Warner Bros. Discovery earlier this month. The prior management team’s vision for CNN+ runs counter to Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav’s plan to house all of the company’s brands under one streaming service. Some CNN+ programming may eventually live on through that service. Other programming will shift to CNN’s main television network…

The decision to shut down CNN+ just weeks after it launched marked a stunning end to the streaming news service. Executives had touted the application as the most significant launch since Ted Turner founded CNN in 1980.

CNN had poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the new streaming app and lured top talent from other networks for it, including Kasie Hunt from NBC and Chris Wallace from Fox News. The streaming service featured hours of daily live programming and weekly shows.

WarnerMedia also owns DC Comics, and it will not be at all surprising if the comics operation is shut down later this year, with a focus on exploiting the IP replacing the publication of any new comics that will threaten the value of the historical IP.

Fewer than 10,000 people are using CNN+ on a daily basis two weeks into its existence, according to people familiar with the matter.

More people read this blog than were using CNN+. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that UATV has more subscribers than CNN+ ever did.


US Military Expertise

Contemplate the significance of the two subsequent statements:

Former US commanding general of the United States Army Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges said on Monday that Russians are about 10 days away from reaching the “culminating point” . Once they reach there, the US commander said, the Russian troops will be “forced to stop their assault on Ukraine due to a lack of resources”. According to Lt Gen Hodges, “Russians are about 10 days away from what is called the culminating point, when they just no longer have the ammunition nor the manpower to keep up their assault.”

Russia has shown no signs of halting its assault on Ukraine despite the sanctions being imposed on it by the Western countries. However, experts are of the opinion that Russian forces will soon run out of resources.

15 March 2022

It’s now 34 days later, more than three weeks after the Russians ran out of ammunition and manpower, according to the US military experts.

While there are not official confirmations (that I know of) from the Russian military, it appears that Lavrov is the first, and so far only, Russian official who declared that the 2nd phase of the operation has begun. Truth be told, pretty much everybody else thinks likewise. Considering the intensity of Russian bombings and artillery strikes overnight, which were reported by numerous sources, it certainly appears reasonable to me to conclude that this 2nd phase has indeeed begun. For example, the Russian defense ministry reported on Tuesday morning that its troops had delivered artillery strikes at 1,260 Ukrainian military targets overnight, including 1,214 locations where Ukrainian troops amassed their forces.

How long this phase of the war will last is anybody’s guess. Optimists think a week, pessimists a month, but in reality nobody really knows because the outcome will be determined not by maneuver like during the first phase, but by logistics, specifically fuel and ammunition, in other words by mobility and firepower.

19 April 2022

So, it appears the Russians just might have some ammunition and manpower left, considering that they’re only now beginning the second phase of the Operation Z. So this raises the obvious question: is there any reason to suspect that the NATO forces might be projecting a shortage of ammunition and manpower onto their enemies?

Never, ever, listen to anyone the media anoints as an “expert”. Their expertise, such as it is, usually consists of their ability to repeat the media’s narrative with a straight face, no matter how obviously absurd it is.


Russia is Well On Its Way

Strategic Culture interviews former USMC intelligence officer Scott Ritter about the Russian military operation in Ukraine:

Question: Do you think that Russia has a just cause in launching its “special military operation” in Ukraine on February 24?

Scott Ritter: I believe Russia has articulated a cognizable claim of preemptive collective self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter. The threat posed by NATO expansion, and Ukraine’s eight-year bombardment of the civilians of the Donbass fall under this umbrella.

Question: Do you think Russia has legitimate concerns about the Pentagon sponsoring biological weapons programs in laboratories in Ukraine?

Scott Ritter: The Pentagon denies any biological weapons program, but admits biological research programs on Ukrainian soil. Documents captured by Russia have allegedly uncovered the existence of programs the components of which could be construed as having offensive biological warfare applications. The U.S. should be required to explain the purpose of these programs.

Question: What do you make of allegations in Western media that Russian troops committed war crimes in Bucha and other Ukrainian cities? It is claimed that Russian forces summarily executed civilians.

Scott Ritter: All claims of war crimes must be thoroughly investigated, including Ukrainian allegations that Russia killed Ukrainian civilians in Bucha. However, the data available about the Bucha incident does not sustain the Ukrainian claims, and as such, the media should refrain from echoing these claims as fact until a proper investigation of the evidence is conducted, either by the media, or unbiased authorities.

Question: Do you think the alleged Russian bombing of a hospital and an art theater in Mariupol were false-flag provocations?

Scott Ritter: Both locations are available for detailed forensic examination that would either confirm or refute Ukrainian allegations that these locations were struck by Russian aerial bombs. Other data, such as the existence of any NATO radar data that would put Russian aircraft over these two locations at the time of the alleged attack, should be collected. A detailed forensic examination of each site would go a long way in proving or disproving the Ukrainian claims through the collection of weapons fragments and the evaluation of environmental samples which would show the chemical composition of any explosive used, thereby allowing a better idea of what weapon or explosive was used to destroy the sites.

Question: The Western media are reporting that the Russian military operation in Ukraine is floundering because it has not over-run Ukraine entirely. As a military expert, how do you see the Russian operation proceeding?

Scott Ritter: Russia is fighting a very difficult campaign hampered by its own constraint designed to limit civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure and the fact that Ukraine possesses a very well-trained military that is well led and equipped. Russia deployed some 200,000 troops in support of this operation. They are facing some 600,000 Ukrainian forces. The first phase of the Russian operation was designed to shape the battlefield to Russia’s advantage while diminishing the size and capacity of the Ukrainian ability to wage large-scale conflict. The second phase is focused on destroying the main Ukrainian force concentration in eastern Ukraine. Russia is well on its way to accomplishing this task.

The complete failure of pattern recognition by the media is not a surprise, as the media is entirely corrupt. The failure of those who consume media to recognize the intrinsic unreliability of the media is also not a surprise, but only because we now seen people accept obvious absurdities at face value for the last two years. It is, however, disappointing.