The Daily Kabuki

I think we all know what Miles Mathis is going to conclude about the “Alex Jones trial”:

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones immediately took to the airwaves after the verdict in his defamation trial on Friday – which will see him be forced to pay nearly $50million in damages to the family of slain six-year-old Jesse Lewis.

Lewis was among the 20 children who were shot dead by crazed gunman Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012. Another six people were killed in the massacre.

For years Jones claimed on his InfoWars platform that the shooting in Newton was a ‘false flag’ operation perpetrated by the US government to further gun control.

In his Friday broadcast, Jones claimed the trial against him was ‘coordinated and run’ by billionaire philanthropist George Soros and ‘operatives.’ He did not identify the other ‘operatives’ by name.

The host also accused Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of being a ‘blue-haired SJW’ and insinuated that she was corrupt by saying that she ‘altered the record of the trial.’ ‘SJW’ stands for Social Justice Warrior.

The fact that the UN and the governments of the post-West are now going to such extreme lengths in order to try to prevent people from even whispering their doubts about the official narrative only serves to further convince the intelligent observer that literally nothing they say even remotely corresponds with reality.

Inversion theatre is the order of the day.

The only thing they’ll accomplish with these highly publicized efforts is to ensure that the reality patrol – aka “conspiracy theorists” – becomes even more focused on obtaining rock-solid evidence disproving the narrative before publicly expressing any doubts about it. This is why I no longer pay any attention to “current events” reported by the media. If they weren’t fake in one way or another, they wouldn’t require legal muscle to enforce their “truth”.


A Dire Situation

The head of the Swiss gas industry, André Dosé, warns about the dangerous energy and electricity situation facing Europe in the aftermath of the self-destructive decision on the part of the European governments to go to war with Russia and China on the orders of the US-based neocons. Of course, if the Swiss had maintained their historical neutrality, they could simply ask the Russians for help, but instead they’re being retaught the painful lesson of a) taking sides and b) aligning with the losers.

How dire is the situation?

We have a huge problem. There are currently increasing signs that no more gas will flow from Russia to Europe via Nord Stream 1 after the maintenance in July. The gas shortage in Germany could be declared in the next few days. Coal-fired power plants are now being used in Germany to produce electricity. At the same time, 40 to 45 percent of the nuclear power plants in France are out of operation. And the world’s largest gas supplier, Uniper, has asked the state for stabilization measures because of liquidity problems. Under these conditions, it takes very little for energy to run out in winter.

Does that also apply to Switzerland?

Yes. We depend on year-round gas imports and electricity imports in winter. This crisis in Switzerland is largely self-inflicted. The Energy Strategy 2050 is built on sand. It was assumed that there was no population growth, the population reduced electricity consumption. Likewise, electromobility was not included in the scenarios when voting. It was a dream that would never have worked one way or the other. The Ukraine war is now forcing us to rethink dramatically.

What must Switzerland do now?

There is no short-term solution. The expansion of photovoltaics is all right and good – but it won’t get us through the winter. Switzerland lags behind other countries in Europe. In addition, we do not have an electricity agreement with the EU, which does not improve our situation.

The “Perfect Storm”.

Yes, unfortunately. And I don’t have the impression that people in this country are aware of how dangerous the situation is. If the population is now called upon to take a shower instead of a bath, then the scope of our problems is fundamentally misunderstood.

André Dosé zur Energiekrise: «Man ist sich in der Schweiz nicht bewusst, wie gefährlich die Situation ist», NZZ, 6 July 2022

The situation is economically catalysmic, and may even prove to be societally cataclysmic. Three years ago, a megawatt hour of gas cost EUR 7. The price is now EUR 175, and is expected to rise to at least 250.

Spot electricity and gas markets are blowing up. But, less noticed, so are 2023 and 2024 gas prices.

Germany’s gas situation is dire. They are issuing official warnings about rationing. Lots of manufacturing will get turned off. People who hedged forward will face massive margin calls. Industry experts are predicting governments will have to do bailouts.

I do not think Europe will sustain its current position on UKR/Russia through this winter. And Putin can squeeze much harder. European voters will not support large hits to their living standards to fund turnign UKR into rubble and fighting between people screaming in Russian at each other.

The media and much of academia has cheered for the war so it’s very hard for them to cover this story…

The war against Russia was always and obviously going to be a complete disaster, without even taking China and the other BRICSIA nations into account. The European countries absolutely need to surrender now, before the weather turns cold and their need for heat and electricity rises. But as with the defeated Ukrainian military forces, it is unlikely that their globalist masters will permit them to do so. After all, the globalist elite doesn’t care about freezing Poles, Germans, or Swiss any more than they do about their starving Ukrainian cannon fodder.

What a pity the Swiss media didn’t seek to interview me about relevant topics like this instead of seeking to dig up material for the 473rd failed hit piece about me.

UPDATE: Today’s NZZ is discussing the possibility that Switzerland will lose 30 to 40 percent of its power this winter. It seems to me that the wisest approach to the incipient crisis would be a) declaring permanent neutrality, b) unfreezing and restoring all Russian assets, and c) sending a delegation to Moscow to apologize to the Russian people and request assistance.

UPDATE: French authorities are preparing for a complete suspension of gas supplies from Russia, according to the country’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, who sees such a full shutdown as the “most likely scenario.”


Everything is Racist

I tried Owen Benjamin’s test to see if everything is officially racist. He suggested choosing a word at random, then seeing if Google can connect it to racism. I chose SPACE. It’s a vaccuum, a material near-nothingness. It can’t possibly be connected to racism, right?


Do Black Lives Matter in Outer Space? – Sapiens.org › space-colonization-racism
30 Sept 2020 — Space colonization racism – Elon Musk is ramping up efforts to inhabit Mars, raising questions about who gets left out of fantasies of …

NASA to stop using racist nicknames for cosmic objects | Space › nasa-stops-racist-nicknames-c…
12 Aug 2020 — NASA will discontinue the use of certain nicknames for astronomical objects that are considered to be racist, the space agency said Aug. 5.

“Racism, Sexism, and Space Ventures”: Civil Rights at Nasa in … › sp4801-chapter22PDF
exclusions of women and racial minorities from key portions of america’s civilian space effort have had major effects on the political credibility of …

NASA Says It Will Stop Using Racist Names for Space Objects › the-byte › nasa-stop-racist-names…
NASA is finally taking stock and getting rid of the various racist nicknames the space agency has granted objects in space over the years.

Space Is Not Black | The Nation › Article
Days before the Apollo 11 launch in 1969, The Nation lamented a government that spent freely on white astronauts, engineers, and contractors, but could not …

The racist language of space exploration | The Outline › post › the-racist-language-of-sp…
14 Aug 2018 — The language of colonialism is infecting outer space, thanks to dominance by rich white businessmen and politicians.

Racism has really come a long way since a US general coined the term to justify the destruction of the American Indian, his languages, and his cultures.


Joe Rogan is a Narrative Puppet

If his Spotify contract wasn’t enough to prove it to you, his recent comments on President Trump should suffice to do so:

Podcaster Joe Rogan has said he will never host ‘threat-to-democracy’ Donald Trump on his podcast despite having been asked multiple times.

During a Monday airing of The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan vehemently shut down the possibility of interviewing the 45th President of the United States.

‘I am not a Trump supporter, in any way, shape or form,’ Rogan, 54, said. ‘I have had the opportunity to have him on my show, more than once, and I have said no every time.’

The controversial podcaster weighed in on the devastatingly polarized political spectrum in America and said he was not interested in giving Trump a platform because the former president is an ‘existential threat to democracy itself.’

Donald Trump was, and is, very far from perfect. While I now understand why he didn’t cross the Rubicon after the 2020 election fraud – not much point in doing so when you don’t have the legions with you – I will never understand why he didn’t pardon the January 6th demonstrators. But regardless, he was the greatest US president since Andrew Jackson, and for a pint-sized nobody like Rogan to disrespect him so publicly only underlines what a useless talking hand puppet Rogan is.


That’s Not a Course Correction

CNN continues on its road to oblivion:

Licht has attempted to course correct what he sees as problems for the network’s credibility after his predecessor Jeff Zucker was ousted. He has ordered staff to stop using the phrase ‘the big lie’ to describe Donald Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims, as it’s a Democrat slogan.

The wording is a popular one for the network. According to Mediaite, the phrase has been said 168 times in the first half of June alone. Hosts like Reliable Sources’ Brian Stelter are often fond of the phrase to the point where they use it prominently in graphic packages and chyrons.

But Licht has ordered Stelter and other journalists to stop, and has suggested ‘Trump’s election lie’ or ‘election lie’ as possible replacements.

It’s really remarkable how these clowns go about trying to turn things around. No one watches this low-IQ liberal, so let’s offer them two DIFFERENT low-IQ liberals! No one likes the way you are attacking President Trump, so let’s try attacking President Trump from a different angle.

How about instead of changing the way you describe the lie, you consider the possibility that your assumption about the statement being false is incorrect and that no lie of any type has been told?

Nah, that’s just crazy talk that only the vast majority of the American people happen to believe…


Truth in an Empire of Lies

A young German journalist is denounced, deplatformed, demonetized, robbed, and sentenced to prison in absentia, all for the crime of violating the Satanic Narrative on Ukraine.

The controversy around Lipp began in March when one of her videos explaining the history and the context of the war went viral.

In Lipp’s viral video, she said, “you need to understand that Russia has been asking for eight years that the Minsk agreement be upheld. Ukraine did not adhere to it, nor did they approach the Donbas region in an attempt to come to agreement. Instead, they have been bombing the outskirts of the Donbas region for eight years. They are shooting at civilians, who now also have to live in completely shot-up houses. Very many people have died here,” Lipp continued.

In the video, Lipp alleged that the Donbas citizens who overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine in 2014 had been, “thankful that Russia finally did something”.

Lip added, “Finally, the people here have been liberated from the terror that they’ve been experiencing for the last eight years,” under continuous shelling by the Ukrainian military.

Soon after the video went viral, Lipp’s YouTube channel was closed, her PayPal account was blocked, and the Ukrainian government labeled her a “terrorist”.

Last month, the journalist received a letter from Germany’s prosecutor’s office which states that she now faces three years in prison for supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

This comes after German authorities closed down her bank account and her father’s bank account without warning.

In a recent interview, Lipp explained, “The letter says that, for example, I say in my Telegram channel that the population of Donbas supports the fact that Russia has launched a special operation.”

“I also said that for several years Ukrainians have been killing civilians in the Donbas, and that this is genocide and it turns out to be a crime for Germany, so they took 1,600 euro from my bank account and didn’t even tell me about it.” Lipp said.

According to Lipp, the German government has declared her guilty and she will not be able to defend herself in court.

It’s now time for Americans, Germans, and all the other denizens of the post-West to ask themselves the obvious question: “Are we the baddies?”

When people don’t go to jail for burning down entire city blocks, but are sentenced in absentia for merely reporting what they observe on the scene, something is deeply and disturbingly wrong. And how fragile, how obviously false, is a Narrative that dares not permit the simple reporting of observable facts?


They Have No Idea

The globalist media has called me an extremist on the basis of things I don’t believe and opinions I don’t have. This has made it clear they have absolutely no idea what a perspective outside the Empire of Lies actually looks like, or how extremely different it is from their neoliberal programming.

Their whole demonic order is on the verge of collapsing and burning, then being replaced by a variety of far more traditional orders, and the only thing they can think to do is hurl outdated word spells at those whose victory and replacement of them is inevitable.


How to Read the News

A brief lesson in mendaspicy, a form of divination based upon the inspection of lies exposed through the dissection of a media article. As the media’s relentless anti-Putin and anti-Russian propaganda increases in intensity, it’s useful to examine it closely in order to see if it can help us better understand what is really happening beneath the media cover of its inverted Narrative.

ITEM: Vladimir Putin is panicking. “Panicking Putin ‘calls up OBESE 20st retired general, 67, to lead forces in Ukraine'”

ITEM: Vladimir Putin is desperate. “Desperate Putin plans to send nuclear-capable arsenal to Belarus”

ITEM: Vladimir Putin is running out of financial resources. “Financial noose around Vladimir Putin”.

ITEM: Vladimir Putin is running out of military resources. “Putin ‘running out of puff'”

ITEM: Vladimir Putin cannot divide the G7 nations. “Vladimir Putin will not divide G7 leaders”

ITEM: Any steps toward peace will lead to global instability.

Boris Johnson reveals downside of settling Ukraine conflict. Any effort to resolve the conflict between Moscow and Kiev peacefully will cause more harm than good, the UK PM has said.

The West needs to keep arming Ukraine instead of seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson told French President Emmanuel Macron, according to Downing Street. Any attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully will lead to global instability, he said at a meeting on the sidelines of the G7 Summit on Sunday…

The prime minister also cautioned the French leader against seeking alternatives to resolving the conflict. The Prime Minister stressed any attempt to settle the conflict now will only cause enduring instability and give Putin licence to manipulate both sovereign countries and international markets in perpetuity.

Johnson took a similar stance at a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday. “Ukraine is on a knife-edge and we need to tip the balance of the war in their favor. That means providing Ukraine with the defensive capabilities, training and intelligence they need to repel the Russian advance,” a statement from Downing Street read.

On Sunday, Johnson tweeted that Ukraine’s “security is our security, and their freedom is our freedom.”

Now, note that these are all headlines featured in The Daily Mail for 26 June 2022. There are 26 direct references to Vladimir Putin on the home page, compared to 20 for Boris Johnson, 7 for Joe Biden, and 0 for Xi Xinping. Applying the mendaspicic principle of narratival inversion, what can we potentially discern about the present conflict between Russia and the globalist forces from these six headlines?

  1. The globalists are panicking.
  2. The globalists are desperate.
  3. The globalist economies are in a financial crisis.
  4. The globalist militaries are running out of infantry, armor, and ammunition.
  5. There is an incipient split in the G7, most likely between those who want to negotiate a peace settlement (Japan and Italy) and those who don’t (USA, UK, Canada). France is leaning toward the former and Germany is leaning toward the latter.
  6. The neo-liberal rules-based world order will not survive either a) a peace settlement with Russia or b) a war with the Sino-Russian alliance. Therefore, gambling on c) defeating Russia while avoiding war with China is the globalists’ preferred option.

Time will tell whether mendaspicy is any more accurate than haruspicy, but at least it gives us a predictive model against which we can compare future events and actions.


A World That Hates Truth

Dr. Vernon Coleman explains what is in store for everyone who dares to publicly refute the Narrative:

My early books such as ‘The Medicine Men’ and ‘Paper Doctors’, (both published in the 1970s) were widely praised in the national press. The Guardian newspaper bought serial rights for the first and published a huge extract. The BBC made a programme about it.

During the 1970s and early 1980s, while working as a GP, I worked a good deal for both broadsheet and tabloid newspapers and for national TV stations. I wrote numerous columns and made several thousand TV and radio programmes. And I wrote a host of books which were mostly very well received and reviewed – appearing in the best-seller lists around the world. I was sued and served with injunctions and so on but probably no more than most authors.

My medical career came to an end in the 1980s when I was fined by the NHS because I refused to put diagnoses on sick notes. I felt that maintaining patient confidentiality was important. I resigned as a GP, though my protest resulted in a change in the regulations.

But then, at the end of the 1980s, there was a not very subtle change in the way the establishment treated original thinking: anyone who questioned the ‘official’ line was either actively suppressed or attacked. Any questioning of vaccination or vivisection, for example, drew violent attacks from the medical establishment and, in particular, from the pharmaceutical industry…

Privately and professionally, sharing the truth in 2020 was the worst thing I ever did. It has brought me and my beloved, hard-working and constantly loyal wife nothing but personal and professional pain. It has taken up nearly every minute of my life for two years.

The aim of the attacks was not, simply to destroy me – it was to stop people listening to anything I said, or reading anything I wrote. Before March 2020 I had many millions of readers around the world. I wonder how many I have left now. Precious few, I suspect. How do people know that the word ‘discredited’, plucked out of thin air and applied to my name by Google, is just a libel and not a fact? How many know that the ASA which is quoted is a private organisation funded by advertisers?

I was expelled from the Royal Society of Arts because ‘of my views and my recent involvement in the BBC Panorama programme’. That’s what they said. This seemed to me to be a bit like arresting someone because they’d been mugged. (I was never invited to appear on the programme they mentioned. The BBC boasts that it won’t ever give airtime to those questioning vaccination ‘whether they’re right or wrong’.)

The abuse on social media grew and grew. It isn’t normal, unpleasant social media abuse. It is a campaign of suppression and oppression, decorated with malicious lies, and threats (including death threats) invented to help keep the truth suppressed.

If my videos or articles are put on sites such as YouTube by other people they are taken down within minutes.

Someone watches everything I do. In May 2022, a publisher working outside the UK and the US finally produced an English language paperback version of my thrice banned book Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History. I mentioned the book’s publication on my website. Within hours the publisher’s PayPal account was closed making it difficult for him to sell books by mail order. He then opened another payment account with a different company and, almost immediately, that account was also closed…

I tell you all this to show just how bad things have become, how the truth is suppressed and how whistle-blowers and truth-tellers are mercilessly and ruthlessly demonised.

Satan and his servants absolutely hate the truth as well as those who tell it. This is because they hate and fear the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and even those who don’t consciously and willingly serve Jesus Christ are doing so every single time they refute one of the myriad of satanic lies that presently engulf our fallen world.

But this demonization of truth-tellers is little more than psychological projection of a false narrative constructed by those who are literally oppressed by demons, whose minds are clouded and whose eyes are blinded by the very forces they serve, knowingly or not. And while there is someone watching everything that everyone does – there are actually two levels of surveillance, the material Panopticon of which Charles Stross and AC write as well as the spiritual witnesses described by Epictetus and Jesus Christ- there is One who is much greater watching the watchers, who will judge them for their crimes against good men like Dr. Coleman.

So don’t cry and curse your fate when evils great and small target you for harassment or attempt to harm you and make your life more difficult. It’s an honor, a distinction, and a testimony that you have been effective in your service of the Creator of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Even if history doesn’t remember that, one can reasonably hope that God will.


“They All Knew”

A reporter explains how the truth is hidden from the public and why it is difficult to call out the well-connected wicked and hold them accountable for their crimes:

Adam Davidson explained why he can’t publish what he knows about these powerful friends and clients of Epstein and why some victims won’t come forward.

He says powerful elites in the media knew of Epstein’s crimes and many of them participated in the sex abuse. In a lengthy thread on Twitter, Davidson lays out what he knows, writing: “I wrote something provocative about how I know stuff about Jeffrey Epstein and can’t publish it.

“I’ll do my best to explain and reveal here. It provides, I think, a good lesson in why it is hard to publish stories about bad things done by the rich and powerful: Just about everything I know has been published somewhere. It’s in books or articles or interviews with victims or revealed in depositions. And, I think, our podcast, Broken, went further than many in revealing scumbaggery. But, yes, there are things I believe, with good evidence, to be true that I feel I cannot publish.

“These fall into a few categories:

“Category 1: Protecting the victims.

“We spoke to dozens of Epstein’s victims and dozens of their lawyers. Many are, simply, terrified and don’t want to talk at all….

“The next circle of sources are the enablers,” he continues.

“Over the decades of abuse, Epstein had hundreds of staffers–pilots, house staff, chefs, assistants–the vast majority will never speak or will offer weak denials or will only speak through lawyers. We covered one of those enablers, Adam Perry Lang, quite well, I thought: he was Epstein’s chef for years and has become a Hollywood celeb chef, best friend of Jimmy Kimmel. “A few of these enablers would confirm details off the record.

“Then there is a huge group of people–those who witnessed Epstein and fancy functions. They saw him with teenagers at scientific conferences or sitting on his knee at dinner parties. There are countless people like this. A few did talk to us–totally off the record.

“Lastly, there are the people who (allegedly!) either had sex with children or were around when others were doing so. They are all rich and powerful and simply deny and refer to their lawyers often with clear insistence that they will sue.

“They knew. Yes, of course, many participated. But ALL knew.”

They did all know. At this point, we all know too. But there is a massive difference between a) what you know, and b) what you can prove to the satisfaction of a neutral prosecutor, and c) what you can prove to the public in the face of a corrupt prosecutor, a corrupt court, and a corrupt media doing a full-court press to hide the truth.

This is why we should neither fault nor shame those who are unable or unwilling to come forward, but rather, praise and reward the rare brave victim, enabler, or witness who does stand up against the corruption and wickedness in high places.

The media isn’t even remotely impartial, since it serves as the first line of defense for the forces of evil. Whereas it will cheerfully defame a minor public figure on the basis of nothing more than an anonymous accusation from a social media site, it will not permit even a hint of a suggestion that a powerful and well-connected individual has been part of a satanic sex-trafficking ring preying on hundreds of children for decades without permission from its masters, and in fact, will heap coals and calumnies on anyone and everyone who even asks the obvious questions about the observable evidence.