Mailvox: 8 questions for the Alt-Right

Sargon of Akkad, a youtuber, recently made a video asking eight questions of the Alt-Right, and this caused me to wonder what you would consider the correct answers to be.

1: Are Jews Oppressing White people?

No. This is an exaggeration. Some elite Jews are suppressing non-Jews, for example, a very small number of Jews in elite university admissions offices are suppressing Asians and whites in the U.S. university system while aiding blacks, Hispanics, and other foreigners.

2. Should Interracial Couples be forced to separate?

No. People deserve to experience the consequences of their decisions and actions.

3. Should the government prevent citizens from leaving the country to preserve the race?

No. But it should not feel any responsibility to protect them, provide for them, or help them return when their hosts turn on them either.

4. Should the state control education?

No. It has done an abysmal job by every measure.

5. Should the state control the media?


6. Should the State control the economy?

No. But it should control which parties are permitted, and are not permitted, to participate in the national economy. And it should always act to ensure that the nation benefits at the expense of foreign parties when those parties wish to participate.

7. Do the decisions of individual white people matter to the alt right’s goals?

No. Not even a little bit.

8. Should women have a role in public life? (or should they be home makers?)

The question is a false dichotomy. Being a homemaker is the most important role a woman can have in public life. They should be rewarded, encouraged and celebrated for doing so.

Of course, all these questions are loaded and amount to little more than a feeble attempt to discredit and disqualify the Alt Right. More importantly, they are irrelevant. The tactics and the strategies are not the objective; how you get there does not matter if the most important thing is to get there. We presently live in a lotus-eating society of freeloaders, which is why our society is going to collapse. And it should come as no surprise that the lotus-eating freeloaders are indignant at the observation that they are going to have to stop eating lotuses and freeloading if they wish to continue eating at all.

A Super Bowl theory

Whiskey1Zulu has a theory:

Here is my theory about the superbowl: Since at least 2005 the NFL looks for the best storyline to finish the season, and maybe back to 2001, where after 9/11 Patriots = USA = winners. In 2005 the owner of the Steelers was in failing health and the superbowl was thrown to them so they could have the most rings before he passed away.

Patriots will win over the Vikings. Vikings make it because they will be the first home team to ever make it to the superbowl, with the side benefits that they are the best team in the NFC and they are the best franchise to never have won the game.  Patriots will win because if they don’t there will not be a dynasty for the 2010s, the Patriots would be the first double dynasty, and pundits can tout Brady & Belichick as the greatest of all time forever, continuing to gloss over the constant favorable calls, known cheating, and allegations.

This combination provides the best possible storyline going into the final game and would get more people to watch because of those factors, attempting to redeem the season in the eyes of people who are already sneaking back to the TV for better quality football and forgetting about the protests and various other reasons football has been declining.

I have to admit, going into the season, I had a feeling that if the Vikings finally made it back to the Super Bowl with such a questionable team, it would tend to confirm the Original Cyberpunk’s theory that the entire NFL season is scripted.

And his logic is compelling, especially with the media suddenly – out of nowhere – banging the drum for the end of the Patriots era. That being said, I think LAST YEAR was supposed to be the last hurrah for them, which may be setting the stage for them to suddenly lose all of the mysterious bounces that have consistently gone their way over the last decade and more.

Personally, I don’t think there is formal scripting so much as a little gentle manipulation at the edges, particularly in playoff games that start to look like blowouts. For example, I don’t think some of the questionable calls that went the Titans’ way when they were on the verge of being put away were meant to help them win, but merely to keep them in the game.

For example, as a longtime spectator, I knew that the Titans were going to get the important calls once they were down 14-0 and looking hapless on national TV. Sure enough, Mariota’s fumble on the big hit by Johnson was blown dead due to nonexistent “forward progress”, which if is to be regarded as a precedent going forward, will preclude virtually all sack-related fumbles in the future. My theory is that Jeff Triplett isn’t actually the terrible, clueless referee he appears to be, but serves as the NFL’s Tim Donaghy, a hit man in stripes working for the Commissioner.

If nothing else, that would explain why Triplett still not only has a job, but is assigned to work playoff games.

Mailvox: roles are not interchangeable

Szopen shares an important observation from recent Polish history:

One acute political commenter made once a remark, that great guerilla leaders do not necesarily make great generals in regular war, nor great political leaders in time of peace. He noted that in context of Poland: that to oppose the communism and fight it effectively, one had very specific mindset. Sniffing the enemy agents, conspiracies, be suspicious, not willing to make compromise etc. That were the great traits when you were in conspiracy – but later made awful politicians when communism was (somewhat) defeated. Most of the great leaders of so called “democratic opposition” went on to become leaders of infighting, low blows, unable to compromise over even tiny issues in order to defeat the recovering left. He proposed that leaders of the resistance should get state salaries, become cult objects and then put into solitary luxury mansions, with everyone trying very hard to make their lifes comfortable and as far from the current politics as it is possible.

I guess most of current leading figures of the alt-right, with VD, Milo and Molyneaux should get their million dollars when the right take over the institutions and win the culture fight.

Another thing, from my observation is that people fighting against all odds, who are constantly being called the worst names, either become broken and give up – or start to share also similar traits. Cejrowski was on of the few guys who influenced hundreds of thousands young Poles. I loved watching his programs. However, in his later age he became an unbearable, arrogant arsehole. There is something similar about few other “lone fighters”. They raised the generation of rightwingers, but they lost something of their soul in the process, carrying the load in the times when no one was appreciating them. They seem to gain “f* you” attitude about everything they did. That’s understandable; otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do what they did. But still, for me they look like old, battle-hardened veterans with scars all over.

It’s amazing that VD is able to still be able to be, at least sometimes, polite.

One thing that people consistently fail to understand about me versus my fellow “leading figures” for lack of a better word is that I have always been an athlete. Not only that, but I have excelled in both individual and team sports, and discovered that I vastly prefer team sports.

That is why I can work effectively with others, and why I completely refuse to even try to work with those I identify as being self-serving, attention-seeking, or simply incapable of playing well with others. As I often tell people, the best way to get to know a man’s true character is to play with him on the soccer field. Every characteristic, from courage and determination to laziness and a desire to avoid responsibility, becomes readily apparent to his teammates. You just can’t hide anything from them.

It’s disappointing when those who have been assisted and supported by others affect to have become too important for them and attempt to move on, but then, they will learn their lesson soon enough as the support they need will not be there for them when opposition arises, as it always does. That is why it is always vital to never forget either your base or your allies, or to fail to protect their interests as assiduously as you look out for your own. The more the Right learns to do that, the more effective it will become.

Mailvox: feel the rage

GW wonders about the socio-sexuality of skepticism:

Perhaps you haven’t been following the debacle between the YouTube race realists and the skeptic community, but I would love to hear your view on the main instigator of it, Kraut and Tea. His infantile attacks on imagined ghosts of the Alt-Right, blatant hypocrisy in regards to the principles of not deplatforming or doxxing people, and smug overestimation of his level of expertise in biology and statistics seem like classic symptoms of a Gamma’s wounded ego. That he also refuses to silence his tongue when thoroughly outmatched is just more proof of his status.

It makes me think the “online skeptic” nowadays is predisposed towards being Gamma. What else can explain their lack of conviction? Their unwillingness to argue the believer or race realist in good faith?

There is no question that the average “internet atheist” is a Gamma. More than a few are Omegas. Both scientific studies that looked into my original hypothesis about atheism being a consequence of being on the autism spectrum found correlations between an inability to make social connections and an inability to feel spiritual connections.

This sort of aggressive atheist are akin to the blind man who not only insists that everyone else is lying about their ability “to see”, but also that they are inferior to him due to their inability to come to terms with their blindness. And then proceeds to try to poke out their eyes.

I have no intrinsic problem with people who don’t believe what I do about God or anything else. But I utterly despise those who first proclaim that religion is a crutch, then promptly attempt to kick out that crutch from others who are reliant upon it. They are nasty little creatures.

Star Wars is not science fiction

The Original Cyberpunk, who knows a thing or two about science fiction, explains:

Vox, my young friend, I should think that you of all people would appreciate the true genius of J. J. Abrams. If he’d chosen to go into music he would have been one of those guys who said “Screw actually learning to play an instrument” and parked himself in a recording studio with a drum machine, a sampler, two turntables and a microphone, and then spent his days churning out hit single after hit single by sampling, looping, and remixing earlier hit singles.

Instead, he chose to go into film-making, where he is doing exactly the same thing: compositing together commercially successful movies by lifting scenes, bits of business, and entire set pieces from earlier successful movies. He is the first fully realized hip-hop filmmaker.

I should think you of all people would appreciate that.

By the way, here’s my review

Saw this movie, we did. Long, it is. Impossible to write a substantive review without including spoilers, it may be. Nonetheless, try I will.

In the interests of full disclosure, though, I must lead off this review by pointing out that I contributed not one but two essays to David Brin’s Star Wars on Trial, the first arguing in favor of the original Star Wars trilogy as a watershed moment in cinematic history and the second absolutely slagging the prequel trilogy as childish tripe. So I come into this review with a long history as both a consumer and critic of Star Wars entertainment products, and I will put my greatest heresy on the table right now:

Star Wars is not science fiction.

Sure, it looks like science fiction. It sounds like science fiction. And based on that guy in the wookiee costume who was ahead of us in the concession line, it even smells like science fiction, or at least like the third day of a furry fandom convention.

But Star Wars is not science fiction. It’s a long-winded heroic magical fantasy saga that happens to take place in a world cluttered up with lots of sci-fi props and set dressings. If considered as science fiction, there is not one thing in the entire Star Wars universe that bears close scrutiny, because if you think about it at all seriously, the seams split and all the nonsense comes pouring out.

Read the rest of it there. It is… informative. As for J.J. Abrams, I appreciate that he is good at what he does. I just don’t like what he does. That stupid “mystery box” formula of his is the sure sign of a storytelling charlatan.

“Equality” means the girls must win

AD relates a tale of competition, such as it is:

Last year, my homeschooled son participated in a team puzzle-solving competition at the local college.  He had a blast, and when the alert came out for the event this year, he was the first to sign up.  My daughter wasn’t old enough last year, but was the second person to sign up this year.

The woman running the groups this year contacted my wife last night to inform her that my son had been cut from the team.  “Why?”

The woman admitted that my son had done quite well last year, had not upset or annoyed anyone, contributed heavily, and was definitely an asset to the team.  After quite a bit of beating around the bush, the woman finally admitted that the rest of the team was entirely female and she was afraid that they “might feel uncomfortable with one boy in the group.”

“So, you’re telling me that you cut my son from the team solely because he is MALE?”

“Um…well…er…yes, I guess.”

The punch line…the woman asked if my daughter would mind being the only girl on an otherwise all-male team.

The woman delayed talking to us (due to “bad email address, sorry”) until it was far too late to form a team of our own.

My son quit on the spot, knowing he was not welcome.  My daughter immediately quit in solidarity with her brother.  Both are looking forward to next year, when they form their own separate homeschoolers team and get even for the insult.

That’s the spirit. And this is an example of why no man should ever be chivalrous in competition with women. Crush the opposite sex without mercy every time they dare to step foot on a level playing field. Because far too few of them have any intention of playing fair with men and boys.

I’ve mentioned before that when I coached a boy’s soccer team, we once played in a tournament against all-girls team that was blatantly favored by the referee, so much so that my players were being called for their fouls and even had a goal disallowed for a nonexistent foul AFTER the goal was scored. And this was after I’d taken out all my starters since we were up 3-0.

So, I taught the opposing coach, the referee, and my boys a lesson by putting all of the starters back in and telling them to score at will. I don’t remember what the final score was, but it was in the teens and the girls never even came close to scoring. The boys were brutally unmerciful; both the starters and the subs were furious and each unnecessary goal was cheered as if  it was the winning one. The lesson was this: those who don’t play fair don’t merit any sporting mercy.

I don’t have any objection to genuinely gifted girls who really need to play with the boys in order to fully develop their skills. My favorite player on one of Ender’s teams a few years ago is now a junior international and will probably be called up to the women’s national team within the next two years. But in 42 years of playing soccer, she is the only girl I ever met who merited that sort of accommodation.

Anyhow, I hope the reader’s homeschooled team goes in and crushes the competition, particularly the team that wouldn’t have him.

Mailvox: two readers, two different views

A regular reader is going to be a little busy for the next 18 months:

Hi Vox, I hope all continues to go well (your presence on Twitter is missed.)

I just wanted to thank you for your good wishes on my IDF service [he went in yesterday – VD] and for being one of the few rational, perceptive political commentators online (also for being an ideologically consistent and honest member of the alt right, or your stream at least, while much of it appears to be purity spiraling into extinction.

Thanks again for the good wishes. And yes, the riots do seem to be only posturing. Israelis I follow who’ve seen them say they seem underwhelming, low energy, like they’re just being done because that’s what’s expected. A guard was stabbed at the Jerusalem central bus station today, and the media is going to link it to the Trump declaration, but that’s just palestinians being palestinians.

I mentioned to him that at least the locus of global violence appears to be well away from the usual Mid East hotspot for once. More than a few VP readers are serving their nations in various militaries and I hope and pray they will all stay safe in these increasingly dangerous times.

Another one was a little less appreciative of my work:

“Low morale cowards,” “useless parasites,” “fearful MGTOW,” “indentured servants.”  You sound like a woman castigating a ‘men’s rights’ advocate with just as little interest or sympathy as those women have.  As a result, you’re just as convincing.

“Going Galt” existed long before the internet, and has much more basis in fact overall.  When men don’t see anything worth contributing to, they don’t contribute, as is their right.  They may look for ways their contributions will be recognized [the military, the black market] they may keep their productive work to themselves, they may do nothing but smoke pot and play video games.  But none of that qualifies as cowardice, fear or servitude.

At some point, women have to step up their game and be worth more than looking at [or banging, if you’re the kind who chases women.]  If I was into investing, I would be putting all my money into sexbot companies, especially once they start programming sexbots to cook, clean, do laundry, shopping, and answer the phone/emails.

This isn’t fear or parasitism, this is a natural response to the world women want to live in, and Muslims and Hispanic Catholics will eagerly supplant us.  Maybe they can enjoy the thousands of pages of comic books I’ve written, drawn and lettered, the dozens of CDs of music I’ve recorded or the almost-nine books I’ve published.  [Still trying to finish proofing the ninth book]  I can’t see how my life would be better if I’d chased women or spent my life watching movies in the same amount of time.

I’ve suffered worse than ‘Vox Day doesn’t look well upon my kind” [and thanks to God I haven’t had any real suffering outside of the military where suffering is sorta expected.]  A sexbot would improve my life guaranteed much more than a human wife would, so even though you say you’re not telling us to ‘man up and wife these sluts’ that’s really the effect of what you’re saying.  I could have spent the last fifteen or twenty years of my life wandering in a dark forest for the same result.  It’s not fear of a dark forest, it’s knowing that every minute I spend there is one less minute I can focus on what matters to me.  This is the same ‘how to win friends and influence people’ playbook as the Democrats are using, good for entertainment and not much else.

What can I say? He makes my point for me. The fear emanates from his missive like a visible fog. While we can’t dismiss him as a useless parasite due to his past military service, what is the point of defending one’s nation if one does not also act to perpetuate it?

The ironic thing is that MGTOW denigrate women for making choices that preclude their becoming wives and mothers. And then, they promptly declare that they are justified in doing the same. Where is the male leadership in that? That is not leadership, it is the precise opposite.

I, too, have written books, recorded music, and even written a few dozen pages of comic books. And I can declare, with more than a little authority, that the most important thing I have done for both the West and humanity is to marry Spacebunny and have children with her. MGTOW are every bit as wrong about the importance of their individual accomplishments as the college girl who is focused on her degree and her career instead of her family life.

Mailvox: SJWs really do always lie

A note from a reader of SJWAL who discovered that SJWs really have to be encountered to be believed:

Just wanted to thank you for your invaluable insights in SJWAL… I got roped into joining my HOA board a year and a half ago after the former president rage quit due to resident’s being angry with her behavior. She actually recommended me as a replacement. I think she actually thought I was an SJW and that she was going to be able to control me since all my interactions with her were friendly agreements in the interests of trying to get her away from me as fast as possible. She is retired so she has plenty of free time and has always been the neighbor that snoops in everyone’s business and selectively complains about neighbors she does not like violating minor rules. She had been working on updating the community rules book when she quit and the rest of the board wanted to allow her to stay on the rules committee. Whenever the topic came up, I said “that is fine, but she does realize that the board can vote to accept, reject or modify her proposed rules.”

Flash forward this summer and she is still working on the rules with no end in sight. The board has turned over through resignations and only myself and one of her minions remain on the board. The other 3 board members and I agree to place a deadline on the rules committee. To spare you the gory details you don’t care about, the committee submitted a proposal on time after much complaining about deadlines.

The board was in the process of reviewing it and suddenly she started meeting, in secret with her minion and working on proposed modifications. We had a board meeting and her minion submitted her proposed changes, we voted on each one individually and some passed and some failed. The next day we get an angry email from her about how we were violating the law if we did not write the rules the way she had proposed. That she as a member of the rules committee she should have been invited to the meeting and included a PS that said the email was to voice her objection to our proposed rule because it was illegal – it’s not – and she didn’t want to be implicated if the association were sued by a concerned resident.

I wrote the response and made clear they were my opinions alone. I informed her she was not invited because the rules committee was dissolved after the deadline voted upon. I pointed out where she was wrong about the things we rejected and asked her to cite relevant law on the things she was claiming were illegal. I finished the note saying I, personally, did not appreciate the veiled threat in the post script.

She wrote an response to the whole board about how she was crying just reading my “hateful” email. She doubled down and claimed she had legal opinions to back up her assertion. She complained about how it was disrespectful of us to put a deadline on her and the other committee members etc. etc.

Next morning I decided to respond. I prefaced the email saying I wasn’t going to go point by point with her because I didn’t think it would be beneficial. I then stated that I was going to state three things without malice or ill will towards her. The first thing was stating that respect is a two way street and asked her to honestly consider why she has unresolved conflicts with multiple neighbors (the number is close to 30{84e33cb3079486242e497491211df3d205f46b3a0e51fcdbcd64cea5b9aea06c} of the neighborhood).  The second statement was that I would pray that she finds peace and contentment in her life because in 7 years I had noticed that these were things she struggled to achieve (she is a churchian). The third was the simple statement “I will not be bullied”.

I get the reply later that morning. “Stop harassing me immediately” She references her email sent to the whole board about not wanting emails and I wasn’t respecting her wishes. Then the bingo moment “I call this harassment, especially because I am a woman”. She then threatens to contact the police and have her and her husband make sworn statements that I am harassing them if I ever speak to or email either of them again.

I was a little taken a back by this at first, reread my emails and realized they were tame and fact based, and was thankful for the fact that I sent copies of all correspondence to the board immediately before sending to or after receiving anything from her. I have 2 board members solidly backing me independently sending me emails that had the same sentiments of “good job, it’s time someone confronted her” and “you were much kinder than I would have been”. The same two initiated separate motions to the board about not allowing her to participate on any committees again, and seeing if there is anything we can do about her threatening a board member.

The fundamental mistake, of course, was giving this SJW the chance to have any input on the rules after she stepped down from the board. But this is a pretty textbook situation, from the board members naively failing to anticipate the SJW’s bad behavior to everyone being surprised by the shameless lies and counterattacks that to which an SJW who feels threatened invariably resorts.

Fortunately, the emailer was prepared, although it was a complete waste of time to babble about respect and prayer and personal lives. I suspect the emailer may be a woman, because women are usually far too concerned about that sort of superficial virtue-signaling trivia. But the important thing is that she also made it clear to the SJW that she was not going to submit and accept the SJW’s false narrative. It was also good that she copied the rest of the board on everything; notice how the SJW tried to conceal her direct communications with the emailer from the other board members.

It’s not difficult to defeat SJWs once you learn to identify and anticipate them. With a little patience and foresight, you can readily trap and expose them to the benefit of naive third parties who still think SJWs are some sort of fictional bogeyman.

Mailvox: low morale men

JAG defends MGTOW:

This is why I don’t look down my nose at the MGTOW guys. Most of them are MGTOW because women have become so toxic through feminism that they are no longer attractive. Plus, many of these guys have seen their brothers, fathers, uncles, etc., utterly destroyed by the feminist court system that makes the man an indentured servant for the rest of his life after taking everything else away from him all because the woman got bored or some other ridiculous reason.

I realize that this is not a popular opinion around here, but those are my reasons for being sympathetic to the MGTOWs. How could you blame them, really? I know that lack of breeding is the biggest issue many have with them, but they are staunch allies when it comes to the issue of feminism.

How could you blame them? Easily. MGTOW are low morale cowards. From the societal and civilizational perspective they are useless parasites who, by their fecklessness, are helping the barbarians win the civilization war. Sure, they’re vastly to be preferred to the feminists, foreigners, globalists, and anti-Christians who are actively waging war against Western civilization, but they are passively refusing to defend it in any way.

How are they any better than the very Western women they excoriate? They are, in fact, observably worse, as both are in it merely for themselves but at least the women may produce the next generation of Western children, even if they will surely raise them in a sub-optimal manner. Neither the feral woman nor the fearful MGTOW is capable of maintaining the civilization whose toys they enjoy.

If we aren’t sympathetic to soldiers who run the moment they see the first casualties in their unit, we should not be sympathetic to men who run from women because they saw someone taken down by a toxic woman. The truth is that men often suffer the legal order they deserve, because they tolerate it. Would any Roman patrician have meekly submitted to being made an indentured servant at the whim of his wife and the word of a judge?

No. He would have killed the judge, the wife, and everyone who assisted either of them, then calmly gone home and opened his veins in the bath. That’s why Roman law permitted patriarchs to kill those under their authority who crossed them in any way – because they were going to do it anyway and the maintenance of legal order in their society relied upon acknowledging that reality.

But the modern man values his toys more than his honor. That’s why no one, including the legal system, respects his possession of either. Men could end the entire divorce machine in 30 days if they chose, but instead, they prefer to live alone as indentured servants or in fear of becoming an indentured servant. I am not saying “wife up those sluts”, I am merely saying that living one’s life in fear of potentially wifing up a woman who may turn out to be less than entirely faithful and interested in playing the divorce lottery is not worthy of respect or emulation.

A man of the West takes risks. A man of the Wests molds his wife and his children. A man of the West is willing to fight for his honor, his family, and his civilization. Success is not guaranteed. But then, when, in the entire history of Man, has it ever been guaranteed? For millennia, young men of honor have fought and died for what they believe. But for what, if anything, would an MGTOW risk breaking a fingernail?

Mailvox: the foundations of Reconquista

Scott C wonders why Donald Trump is willing to call the Muslim world’s bluff on Jerusalem:

what the hell was Trump thinking by doing something that he and his advisers had to know would trigger a third Intifada???

Who cares about another Intifada? Another Intifada would actually be desirable from the American perspective, and possibly the right-wing Israeli perspective as well. The West is dealing with a much more serious problem of Muslim invasion and needs to launch Reconquista 2.0 before the outcome of it is in any doubt. The worse Muslims behave worldwide, the better, as the harder it is for their (((advocates))) in the West to cover for their customary behavior.

Best of all, those (((advocates))) can’t even object to the God-Emperor’s action, because he is giving them something that they have publicly demanded for decades. It’s a strategically brilliant move. Myanmar and China may be the first countries to be addressing their Muslim invasions, but they will not be the last. I see Trump’s action to be following a strategy similar to that of Myanmar’s. Pressure, provoke, and clean house.

From the headlines:

  • ‘Death to America’: Lebanese press issues threats after Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, while Turkey says US has ‘pulled the pin on a bomb’
  • Pro-Hezbollah newspaper al-Akhbar carried front page saying ‘Death to America’ along with a burning US flag
  • Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said US had ‘pulled the pin on a bomb ready to blow in the region’
  • The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas last night condemned recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
  • Islamists called for ‘days of rage’ and new ‘intifada’ uprising after saying Trump had ‘opened the gates of hell’

If those headlines don’t surprise you, why would you imagine that they surprise the God-Emperor? They are reacting exactly as he expects them to react. All you need to ask yourself is why he wants them to react that way.

Translation: distraction. I believe a war is about to begin. Most likely on the Korean Peninsula, although if that is the second distraction, we may be in for a bigger and more unpleasant surprise.