Mailvox: they don’t forget

A military wife would like the backers of the Will Caligan’s Comic campaign to know that your efforts have been noticed and are deeply appreciated by the military community:

My husband recently retired from 20 years mixed service Airborne and National Guard. His uncle is a Desert Storm vet.  My dad was in Vietnam.  Our collective family military histories go to the Revolution.

What you are doing for Caligan means the world to us.  You are not just offering brother Christians and vets support.  You are offering spouses and families support and encouragement.

I’ve been sharing the campaign on Facebook with my vet and spouse friends.  I’m not sure who has contributed, if anyone.  But we don’t forget these things.

The campaign has reached 573 609 backers and $40k $42.3k. It will end on Tuesday (Alt-Hero backers will remember that 1 day left means the NEXT day is the final day.) Please continue to spread the word.

In case you need any reminder of what we’re up against in the long term, this should prove to be a useful reminder. Nice hat, right? Note that the editor of that particular series is the new Marvel editor-in-chief. Which suggests that as bad as it has been, the convergence at Marvel is only going to get worse now that they are shutting down some of their most converged comics due to poor sales.

A sensible individual might conclude that means that the executives there have learned that convergence doesn’t sell. But those who understand that SJWs always double down will know it means that they’re simply going to transfer the convergence to the better-selling series.

Mailvox: ideological ignorance

Jack Burroughs demonstrates his complete ignorance of virtually every single left-wing ideology, party, and movement in human history in seeking to argue that the Nazis Are Too White Right-Wing Christian Conservative Republicans.

Read the Munich Manifesto. The fact that you’ve swallowed the ahistorical revisionism doesn’t change history. The Mensheviks fought the Bolsheviks too, the SPD fought the KPD too, that didn’t make any of them parties of the Right.”

I have read it, Vox. The issue here is not my ignorance of history, but rather that you insist on approaching this question as an extremely narrow definitional argument, almost as if you can, through linguistic sorcery, magically define the Nazis out of the history of the Right. You don’t usually argue that way, but for some reason you do it with this question.

Yes, there are some Left wing elements in the National Socialist platform. I have never denied that. My point is that National Socialism is blatantly anti-egalitarian in spirit and racially supremacist at its foundation, and for that reason cannot be called primarily Left wing. It was a sui generis experiment in political hybridization that was unmistakably Right wing in spirit, while making certain concessions to the collectivist Zeitgeist as a means of preempting the Communist threat.

The Nazi’s ideological commitment to anti-egalitarian racial biology, along with their astonishingly vivid and imposing rallies and heroic iconography radiate Right wing energy like a fever dream. That is why people with Far Right tendencies are often drawn to Nazism, and that is why people with Left wing tendencies are universally repulsed by it.

The call for equal rights for Germans in the Munich manifesto was, in effect, a call for an organic meritocracy, with free and flexible social mobility, such that the most gifted people from the lower classes could rise, and the pseudo-elites at the top could be purged. It was also a declaration of social and political holism: every person, of every class, had value to the whole of the State.

But It was not in any sense a Left wing claim that everyone is basically alike, but for differences in economics and social circumstances.

My argument in this case is no different than my argument in every other one. Jack simply doesn’t know what he is talking about because he is a historical and ideological ignoramus. By his bizarre definition of the ideological Left, even the Leninists and Stalinists and Jacobins and Zapatistas and Nasserites and Khmer Rouge and Maoists were all right-wing. All of these major leftist movements were extremely conscious of the difference between their countrymen and everyone else on the planet. It will be interesting to hear how Jack tries to explain how Stalin and Bukharin’s “socialism in one country”, which became formal Soviet policy as early as 1925, and Nasser’s socialist Pan-Arabism, are somehow of the ideological Right.

Jack has no case whatsoever because he doesn’t understand what it means to be of the political Left. The absolute egalitarianism of globalism is a recent and extreme form of Leftism, it is very far from defining the historical limits of Leftism. It is well to the Left of both Trotsky and Stalin; even Trotsky’s “World Revolution” ideology openly acknowledged that everyone is not “basically alike but for differences in economics and social circumstances.”

And neither nationalism nor ethnocentrism is intrinsically of the Right either. As I pointed out in my debate with Greg Johnson, the national socialist parties that historically preceded and followed the German variant in China, Vietnam, and Egypt were also all of the Left. Jack’s equation of the Left with absolute global egalitarianism is not merely wrong, it is completely ahistorical. And when Jack talks about “an extremely narrow definitional argument”, he is observably projecting his own approach.

Alt-Retard is not of the Right

didnothingwrong whines that we exclude the Fake Right from those who will not be left behind:

Except if they’re alt-retards! Their economic views exclude them from any such consideration!

The Alt-Retards are not on our side. They are not our allies. They are our self-appointed enemies, by their positions, by their admissions and by their long and documented history of attacks on us.

It isn’t merely their economic views that justify their exclusion and our lack of support for them when their fellow lefties burn them. They are of the political Left in literally every way. They support the EU. They oppose nationalism. They are small-g globalists. They are often anti-Christian.

They are not of the Right and they never have been. That’s why so many of them voted for Obama. Never trust ANYONE who voted for Obama no matter how much they profess to have changed their views; remember, he was twice rated the 10th most left-leaning Senator in the U.S. Senate. No one legitimately on or of the Right would ever have supported him under any circumstances.

The Alt-Retards don’t support us and we will happily leave them behind. Because they are Fake Right.

Mailvox: remember the cartoon?

A small businessman asks if hiring a known SJW is an acceptable risk in certain specific circumstances:

I have a situation that I’d appreciate your perspective on, and which may be of interest to you as material for a blog post.

I have a business which operates full time. It’s small—just us and a handful of independent contractors—but it has provided well for us the past few years, and we are looking to hire someone on a full time or close-to-full-time basis, which would be a major investment of resources.

We have found what seems to be the perfect person for the job: a woman with the time to devote to our projects, and who has the right experience and skill set for the wide range of tasks she would be performing. She understands our industry and market, has also done some limited work with us, and we have been pleased with what she has produced. She appears to be a very self-motivated, hard-working person, one we could count on for the high level of productive output we need. Hiring her would be a tremendous help, and would enable us to branch out into new markets that we don’t have time to work on ourselves. But…

In the process of considering this person, I researched social media and found out that she was, to say the least, not in agreement with our theological, political, and social views. A summary:

  • Marion Zimmer Bradley fan
  • Belongs to a “Social Justice Committee.”
  • Aggressively pro-abortion
  • Aggressively pro-LGBTQ
  • Supports the SPLC.
  • Anti-alt-right, anti-white-nationalism
  • Defends Antifa while condemning white nationalists.

Basically, this woman couldn’t be more of a social-justice-minded leftist if John Stuart Mill spawned her from the dust of the ground.

Here’s the thing: I think it’s likely, in our context, that political discussions would never even come up. But I have all kinds of red flags popping up and alarm bells going off. In our small business situation, what kinds of dangers could we encounter from a person like this?

Is there a difference between a social justice activist and a social justice warrior? Our personal interactions with this woman have been good, and she seems very decent and kind—though I realize there’s a reason you chose a smiley face for the cover of your SJWs books, which I have read. I know it’s possible that she is a decent, honest, though deceived person, who would never dream of trying to destroy us if she found out that we stand against everything she stands for. On the other hand…

No, there is no difference. My advice is straightforward. Do NOT hire this individual. Do not even THINK about hiring this individual. Once she finds out that you are opposed to the sacred Narrative, she will devote her life to sabotaging your business in ways you can’t possibly imagine or anticipate, even if that is directly opposed to her rational self-interest. Since he has read SJWAL, the Chapter One cartoon should have been sufficient to answer his question.

Mailvox: converged medicine

SJWs in Canada are attempting to play the “Code of Conduct” game in the medical field:

I am a physician in a Canadian province, and unbeknownst to most of the lay public, there is currently some infighting amongst the physician community here, centred on a physician’s organization. In short: some autocrats within the organization have taken it upon themselves to try and impose a “Code of Conduct” on all members. This “Code” includes provisions placing limits on what members may speak or write in public, subject to the whims of unelected, unaccountable busybodies.

There is no reason or need for this Code. No provincial physician’s group in the country has a similar Code. But, being familiar with your work, the phrase “Code of Conduct” sets alarm bells crashing in my head, and I recognize it for what it can only be: an SJW-style attempt to impose absurd and capricious rules on successful people.

I belong to an organization which is fighting all of this. Periodically they send out mass emails, and in the most recent one, they say this about the proposed Code: Most of the words used within the policy have no legal definitions and are so vague that they could be arbitrarily and subjectively applied to ANY words or actions of members; serving to silence voices through fear and suppression of free speech.

All of this may only be semi-interesting to someone outside the province and outside the profession, but I felt it to be yet another example of the “Code of Conduct” strategy currently being deployed by SJWs across the English-speaking nations. And Jordan Peterson recently predicted this, in a video in December – he’s been involved with a fight over similar issues with the Law Society of Ontario, and he predicted that it would be coming to all professions, soon.

Well, he was right; it’s here. Luckily some of us have read your books.

Personally, I think adopting a Code of Conduct is brilliant. Just suggest the following:

  • No telling lies.
  • No committing adultery.
  • No stealing or engaging in financial fraud.
  • No performing acts of euthanasia.
  • No performing abortions
  • No blaspheming the names of God or Jesus Christ.

Anyone guilty of violating the code will lose their medical license. Any questions?

Agreeing and amplifying may actually be a better defense against SJW-imposed codes of conduct than trying to argue that one is unnecessary. Once they realize it will be turned against them, they’ll stop pushing for it.

Dreamers are not Americans

As the God-Emperor reminds everyone:

When I became your president one year ago today, I took an oath to protect, serve, and lead ALL Americans.

Democrats have since shown our country that they could never do the same.

They chose to use our U.S. military as a bargaining chip to fight for amnesty for non-citizen illegal immigrants. But a good many patriots and I REFUSED to accept their ransom.

Now American voters need to remind Democrats that we will NEVER forget their reckless decision.

Tell Senate Democrats that YOU — the American voter — will ALWAYS remember the day that Democrats put illegal immigrants before American citizens.

One hopes Trump has the wisdom to ignore the example of his predecessors and simply ignore the government shutdown until the Democrats cave completely. No party that supports smaller government should EVER back down over a government shutdown. That’s the problem for the big government party… wait a minute!

Mailvox: your mileage WILL vary

Baseball Savant emails about his daughter’s inarguably flawless taste in epic fantasy literature:

I know I’ve e-mailed you this but my 14-year old daughter has read the Lord of the Rings trilogy 3x and the Hobbit countless times. She loves them. She basically has them memorized. She collects them if she sees copies with a different cover. It’s crazy.

She read Throne of Bones in a week. After, she read Lord of the Rings again. So I asked her, how does Vox compare to Tolkien.

She hesitated and then said….”Hmmmm, I think Vox got him.”

What I really like about Throne of Bones is that it sucks you in so fast. The beginning pages with the painting! Whoa. Loved it.

That’s very flattering, of course, and I’m delighted to hear it, but honestly, it would be hard for me to disagree more. Here is how I rank some random authors on a broad and indistinct range of criteria I have not fully articulated. In some cases, it’s based more on their peak, in others, on their average. There is no particular rhyme or reason in this regard; even the greatest novelists have their occasional clunkers.

10/10: Immortals
Tolkien, Eco, Tolstoy, Murakami, Hesse, Maupassant, Poe, Wodehouse

9/10: First-Rate
Lewis, Tanith Lee, Dostoevsky, Adams, Gibson, Herbert, Mieville, Stephenson, Balzac, Calvino, Douglas Adams, Lovecraft, Fitzgerald, Soseki

8/10: Second-Rate
Lloyd Alexander, Susan Cooper, Heinlein, Clarke, Barbara Hambly, Arthur C. Clarke, Pratchett, Keillor, Simmons, Zelazny, Howard

7/10: Third-Rate
Robert Anton Wilson, Katherine Kurtz, Ann McCaffrey, Raymond Feist, Eriksen, George RR Martin, Eddings, Card, Poul Anderson

6/10: Fourth-Rate
Gaiman, Asimov, Anthony, Bujold

At my very best, which is to say with ARTS OF DARK AND LIGHT, I’d give myself an 8 to date. But I’d regard a 7 as perfectly reasonable, depending upon your tastes. And yes, I can explain each of these ratings in detail, but I’m not going to do so here.

MAILVOX: Just read your recent posts on Gaiman, was curious which book or two you would recommend starting with China Mieville? I have read about his work here and there and it seemed intriguing but never got around to it, am interested now upon seeing that you admire his writing.

I would read The City and the City, followed by Kraken, and then, assuming you enjoyed both of those, read his best, which is Embassytown.

Mailvox: up your game, people

JF writes about the declining quality of the comments here:

Over the years that I have been reading your blog, I haven’t always agreed with everything you say, but I always find that it challenges my thinking about the world. I traditionally have enjoyed the comment section, also. However; over the last year, after reading the post I find myself doing a quick skim through the comments to see who is actually posting to see if it is worth following the discussion.

A number of the commenters who brought thoughtful, funny, and intelligent views seem to have moved on or only comment sporadically now. This has left the comments section to become filled with more midwit posturing and monomania that derails conversation (such as “muh purity”). I don’t know what the solution is, or if it even needs one.

If I am out of line, just let me know. Either way, I’ll continue to read.

He’s not out of line, he’s absolutely right. Now, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a natural consequence of the blog readership having grown from 3,000 pageviews a day to 105,582 pageviews a day. The early readers tended to be highly intelligent outliers, almost all of whom were WorldNetDaily readers and familiar with a wide range of political subjects and authors. They were not monomaniacs and they had the ability to intelligently discuss a wide range of subjects as well as an interest in doing so.

Now we’ve got everything from Disney shills to commenters who see a nefarious Jewish hand at work in the fact that they ran out of skim milk this morning. I don’t follow every discussion in the comments myself.

Now, this doesn’t really matter all that much because the blog does not exist for the sake of the comments. The comments are mostly there as a requested courtesy for the readers and the posts of most interest to me seldom receive anywhere near the most comments. That’s fine, because things are what they are, not what we might wish them to be. But if you’re a commenter, perhaps it might matter to you that people notice the fact that you don’t have much to say and you say the same thing over and over again.

(Which, of course, you could say is true of some of my posts on certain subjects, but then, history keeps happening and you can’t say I don’t manage to throw the occasional curveball on even the oldest chestnuts.)

The moderators do a pretty good job of blocking the trolls and neutralizing the shills, but they can’t make people smarter, give them a broader perspective, or make them better-read or more interesting. That’s something every commenter will have to do for himself. So, perhaps you might want to think about this and put a little more thought into your next comment. Or perhaps you’ll just blurt out the same damn thing you’ve already posted here to no noticeable effect on 27 previous occasions.

It’s up to you. Just don’t think the readers don’t notice… and remember that there are more than a thousand of them for every one of you. Also, drop the posturing. If you feel the need to strike poses and posture, just get your own blog. Or a mirror. If you find that you’re about to make your third heated comment in another tedious pose-off with another commenter that everyone else is ignoring, just walk away from the keyboard. Believe me, no one – NO ONE AT ALL – is interested in those ridiculous arguments that never resolve anything.

We could, of course, turn on the feature that limits comments to members of the blog, which would permit the moderates and me to eliminate the shills, the trolls, and the tedious. In the past, I’ve resisted doing so in the interest of maximizing the range of the discourse, but if we’ve now reached the point of the tragedy of the commons, perhaps it is time to consider doing so. Then again, informing Google whose comments I permit here might be unwise, in light of recent revelations about the converged tech giant. Feel free to share your opinion.

Mailvox: Israel or the West

Howard takes an inherently anti-Zionist position on Jewry:

The notion that Jews are not part of Western Civilization, particularly those Jews who’s family’s and history are linked to the West and the U.S by multiple generations, is without merit…and again, simple, ignorant anti-semitism.

No, the idea that Jews are part of Western civilization necessarily eliminates any legitimate territorial claim they might have to the land of Israel, which is not and has never been part of the West. Jews can claim Israel or they can claim to be of the West, but they cannot claim both. Furthermore, Christianity is an integral element of Western civilization and Jews are, again by definition, non-Christian. They are not part of Christendom, which you will note is a synonym for Western civilization.

Howard’s historically ignorant posturing is reflective of the growing divide between Israeli and American Jewry. Many Israelis are already openly contemptuous of diaspora Jews who refuse to make aliyah and become citizens of the Jewish nation despite being able to do so, so it won’t surprise me if Israeli Jews eventually decide that the diasporans are not Jews at all, especially in light of the fact that most of them are less than half genetically semitic already.

No nation can survive its people not sharing a language, a religion, genetics or geography for long.


It is officially on.

Ethan Van Sciver‏@EthanVanSciver
Next guest interview is with Alt Hero creator and my new arch enemy Vox Day.  Monday at 7 PM.  Trailer is coming.

In order to allow us to focus on EVS’s questions on Monday, let me get a few of those posed by his Twitter followers out of the way.

Ask him why he’s so obsessed with Jews in the negative sense and why he believes non-white people are inherently chaos bringers and can’t be a part of western civilization.

I’m not obsessed with Jews in any sense. Being pro-Christian, pro-American and pro-Western civilization, I am opposed to everyone who seeks to fundamentally alter either the American nation or Western civilization, no matter who they are or what their reasons might be. Non-Westerners are not, by definition, part of Western civilization, they have their own civilizations, customs, and traditions which they quite naturally prefer, and to quote a VP reader quoting Horace, they change their sky, not their souls, who cross the sea.

In other words, they don’t bring chaos, they merely bring civilizational changes which often result in chaos. Exactly as European whites did to American Indian civilization. But the fact that the invasion and subsequent changes may be well-merited from a karmic perspective doesn’t actually make it desirable for anyone who values America and the West.

Ask him if he still believes N.K. Jemisin is a half savage, and those of her ethnic heritage shouldn’t write sci-fi.

Yes, I still believe NK Jemisin is “an educated, but ignorant half-savage, with little more understanding of what it took to build a new literature by ‘a bunch of beardy old middle-class middle-American guys’ than an illiterate Igbotu tribesman has of how to build a jet engine.” Those of her ethnic heritage are certainly welcome to write science fiction if they please, but Jemisin observably shouldn’t. Her two successive Hugo Awards for Best Novel are a more embarrassing indictment of the degraded state of so-called science fiction than the nominations of “Alien Stripper Boned From Behind By The T-Rex” and “Space Raptor Butt Invasion” combined.