Mailvox: le shrug

This is simply not the sort of thing I am inclined to get worked up about.

JF smacked you & said you had a 117 IQ. I honestly was not expecting this but I questioned him on his thoughts on your conversation and he attacked you.  Fast forward to 127:30. Very disrespectful to you.

What are your thoughts on your convo with Vox Day?

I think Vox Day is very smart and I really enjoyed the conversation. Now Vox Day has this problem he’s like 117 IQ but it really strongly believes that he is 118 IQ. He has slightly overreached on his evaluation of his own IQ.

I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all. Nor do I see it as an attack. First of all, people are entitled to their opinions based on their personal observations. Second, I think it may be the common situation of the individual who is smarter than the norm failing to recognize when he’s dealing with someone who is outside his customary frame of reference. If you’re defining “very smart” as an IQ of 117, then you’re obviously more accustomed to dealing with midwits than VHIQ or UHIQ individuals.

What I find somewhat amusing is that it is almost invariably those in the 1SD to 2SD range who believe that I overestimate my intelligence, whereas people in the 3SD to 4SD range often incorrectly insist that I sell myself short. In either case, their opinions are irrelevant. Not being an American of a certain age, JF has no reason to either know that nearly everyone my age has had their IQ objectively evaluated multiple times or understand the significance of National Merit in this regard.

For my part, I enjoyed talking to JF, and if he happened to feel my contributions to the conversation fell short of the sparkling intellectual pyrotechnics expected, well, I suppose I’ll just have to be more scintillating and insightful next time.

UPDATE: It has been suggested that Google’s autotranscriber is to blame and that JF was referring to 170 and 180 IQs. If so, let me hasten to assure him and everyone else that I definitely fall more than a standard deviation short of either.

Mailvox: the archetypal forked tongue

A Voxiversity viewer shares his initial skepticism about Jordanetics:

I’ll tell you the point when I started having doubts about Jordan Peterson. You may remember that Jordan Peterson went out of his way at one point praising Milo and saying how he embodies an archetypal trickster persona. It was quite a passionate and interesting analysis. Fast forward a year or so and Jordan Peterson is talking with some twat from the New York Times who pronounces Milo a “racist.” Now, that is obviously not true when you consider the fact that Milo’s husband is black! And Jordan Peterson KNOWS that Milo is not a racist. Suddenly he starts to denounce Milo and nod his head in agreement with the suggestion that Milo is a “racist.” WTF??

So I guess Jordan Peterson can’t stand up for someone who is being maligned by some twat from the New York Times. Meanwhile, he spent the whole talk discussing the important of “not telling little lies.”

Jordan Peterson knows perfectly well which side he’s on and it’s not the side of the Beautiful, the Good, and the True. It’s a pity that so few of the conservatives that he has successfully bamboozled with his bafflegarble do.

It’s fascinating to see that there have already been more than 800 comments on the most recent Voxiversity video and more downvotes for it than there hitherto have been for all the Voxiversity and the Darkstream videos combined. Based on the number of comments like the one above, we could do at least four more videos tearing apart the fraud that is Peterson and never repeat ourselves once. The hysterical reaction of his fans and the variety of inept ways they attempt to disqualify the video clearly indicates that they know, on some level, that the leader of their little cult is eventually going to be exposed as a charlatan.

I don’t care if you agree with him or not, for a man who never tries to attack someone’s character, the editing and insulting takes down any real argument you have, regardless of religion being flat out baseless and without logic, when it comes to god isn’t it the Christian way to let people believe in what they believe in their own way, or do you need to be as authoritarian as possible, and before you call me some leftist soy boy or cuckservative I’m a centrist, with a long history of reading about the idea of religion and god, and while I don’t agree with everything Peterson says, he conducts himself with remarkable civility, try to learn about that.

It’s always fascinating to see a rhetoric-speaker utilize pseudo-rhetoric in an attempt to disqualify dialectic. How could one’s decorative rhetoric, however vicious, possibly have any effect whatsoever on the underlying logical syllogisms? And it never ceases to amaze me how little Jordan Peterson’s fans actually know about what he believes, says, writes, and does.

Mailvox: on the hunt

If there are any small skeletons in Jordan Peterson’s closet, Saint Chan will find them:

Just in case no one let you know already, Jordan Peterson is getting researched in the Qanon board and it includes references to your videos.

I won’t be even a little bit surprised if something deeply sketchy surfaces once the chans dig deep enough. The man’s guilt is literally etched on his face. I don’t know what it is that he feels so guilty about, but this might be an indication.

Pedophile ring theory in Cornwall, Ont., will likely continue to swirl
16/12/2009 7:08 PM

TORONTO – It’s been more than 10 years since allegations that a pedophile ring operated in eastern Ontario first made national headlines.

And long after the dust has settled from the tome that is the Cornwall inquiry report some will continue to believe in a conspiracy to cover-up the truth, experts and observers say.

Commissioner G. Normand Glaude concluded Tuesday that children were sexually abused by people in positions of authority and that public institutions failed victims by mishandling complaints dating back to the 1960s.

But many were looking to him to lay to rest a more sinister explanation for those events, that it was the work of a pedophile ring and a cover-up that reached all the way to the Attorney General’s office was at play.

He did not, saying in his 1600-page report that he would not make an unequivocal statement about the theory either way.

For some, it may not have mattered.

An explanation that to some appears to debunk a conspiracy theory just further confirms others’ suspicions, said University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson.

“It’s very difficult to disprove a conspiracy theory, because every bit of disproving evidence can be just written off as additional evidence that these conspirators are particularly intelligent and sneaky,” he said.

Conspiracy theories are usually started by people who are very untrusting and it gathers steam among others who are somewhat untrusting, Peterson said.

They’re psychologically compelling because they neatly tie together troubling facts or assertions, he said. When things go badly there are often many explanations, and an orchestrated conspiracy “should be pretty low on your list of plausible hypotheses,” Peterson said.

“A good rule of thumb is: Don’t presume malevolence where stupidity is sufficient explanation,” he said.

“Organizations can act badly and things can fall apart without any group of people driving that.”

While Glaude made no definitive statements about a ring, he declared there was not a conspiracy by several institutions to cover up the existence of any such operation, rather that agency bungling left that impression.

But we know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that an array of government officials and agents have been conspiring against Trump. We have the emails and text messages. We know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the Vatican hierarchy conspired for decades to protect its gay pedophile priests. We have the indictments, confessions, admissions, and apologies. So, how does malevolence somehow cancel out stupidity?

And more importantly, why was this particular psychologist brought in to dismiss the idea of both a pedophile ring and a coverup even when the criminal abuse of children had been confirmed? Dismissing these things appears to be a subject of some interest to him.

Given Jordan Peterson’s massive guilt complex and his observed inability to answer the question about his belief in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, taking him down might be as easy as simply asking him on camera if he has ever a) had incestuous relations with anyone in his extended family or b) had sexual contact with a minor. Again, I don’t know what it is that Peterson feels so guilty about, why he feels he has to save humanity in order to expiate whatever sin or crime it is that he committed, but there appears to be something that is tearing him apart from the inside.

Remember the heuristic: anyone who claims stupidity is sufficient explanation for malevolence is in league with the malevolent.

UPDATE: Oh, Sweet Saint Solomon Kane! Apparently it’s been sitting right out in the open all along.

Psychology professor Jordan Peterson explains the method small children start to explore the world – quite similar to the voyages of Star Trek. This excerpt is part of his comprehensive lecture “2017 Maps of Meaning 9: Patterns of Symbolic Representation” at the University of Toronto:

Jordan B Peterson@jordanbpeterson
Sept 1, 2017
I’m a bad guy but I’m trying not to be and that’s fucking something…. 

You don’t say…

UPDATE: Apparently Peterson failed to notice the pedophiles right at his own university. Or a ring of 1750 of them who were in contact with his colleague at the University of Toronto.

Mailvox: you’re doing it wrong

A reader I can only conclude is a midwit appears to entirely miss the point:

I have an above average intellect and have big problems dealing with co-workers. I call them out, pointing out their mistakes and errors. This has caused the loss of more than one job due to ‘upsetting’ those in charge. Now I find myself being accused of all sorts of bullying and ridiculous charges by people who are either plain stupid or ignorant. Just mentioning facts they consider embarrassing is ‘problematic’. I’m sure you have set yourself up where you don’t have to deal with morons anymore on mass, but what did you do when you you weren’t in such a position? 


The point is to MINIMIZE your interactions with the less intelligent, not intentionally seek out conflict with them!

Mailvox: the inutility of self-help

I mentioned in the recent Darkstream how dubious I am of both self-help books and therapy, prompting this perceptive comment.

So true! I used to visit with a young man whom I’d see off and on. He was always scarfing up the self-help books. He was in his late 20’s, but lived with his parents, didn’t even own a car, had to use his brother’s truck. His parents even paid for him to attend a self-help conference somewhere for a week and he would propound on the ideas ad infinitum if you’d let him, but he never became self-sustaining or able to support himself to this day. I saw him a couple of weeks ago at a bus stop and gave him a ride and he is still at it. 

Talk-talk may be better than war-war, but it is no substitute for act-act. The thing is, if you stop and think about it, there is absolutely no reason that therapy or self-help books should make any difference whatsoever to the average individual, given what we know about the inability of information to transform the rhetorical mind.

From the transcript:

I’m not into self-help stuff. I have resolutely ignored all self-help stuff dating back to the days of Tony Robinson. I frankly regard them as being, by and large, scams. I think that if you’re going to help yourself, it’s probably not going to come in the form of a book, it’s probably not going to come in the form of a television show or a series of video lectures. Now I understand that that people feel that they are helped through reading these books, that they feel that they are improving their lives by seeing therapists and all these sort of things, but one thing I’ve noticed about people who go to therapists and people who read self-help books is that they never seem to get better.

By which I mean, once somebody starts going to a therapist they never seem to stop. When they start reading self-help books, if you see the kind of person who buys self-help books, what you tend to notice if you’re at their house, or if you’re at their apartment, is that they have a library full of self-help books. This is why I’ve always been intrinsically dubious of of people who rely upon this kind of stuff, and these kind of people, and you know, when I see people who actually improve their lives, they tend to go to the gym. I’ve seen many, many people start off as skinny little guys with spaghetti noodle arms who have no confidence and get no attention from anyone, and seen them transform themselves over the period of two or three years. It’s always kind of fun to see these guys come in, and they’re not really in shape, they’re very out of shape, they’re very lacking in self-confidence and that sort of thing, and then you see them improve over time.

And then one day you see them walk in, and they’re there with their girlfriend who is moderately attractive. and you know that their life has improved. Somebody just said, “I really think most people use those self-help books to distract themselves from their real problems and to avoid making real changes.” I think that is true.

Mailvox: DC’s take

You’re a DC character now. Thought you’d get a kick out of this character from a book called “Border Town” that’s clearly meant to be you.

Frankly, I think I prefer Marvel’s take on me. But it is amusing to see just how awful the new Vertigo comics are. As bad as we assumed they’d be, they’re actually worse, at least when it comes to the characters and the stories.

And just to set the record straight, I am not HALF-MEXICAN! It was my great-grandfather who was the Mexican revolutionary.

As it happens, I am 100 percent pure native Wakandan. Journalists, reporters, and other enemies of the people, please note this in all future references to me. Thank you.

Mailvox: Saint Gamma

The email I received this morning was truly astonishing. It’s not the only one like this I’ve ever received, but I thought it was remarkable for its combination of clueless narcissism and Christian virtue-signaling.

Hello Vox. I found your utube channel and find you very interesting. I like what you have been saying in your podcasts. I will tell you more about me but first I have two questions I must ask you. Please give at least a paragraph long answers to each of my questions.

 1. Who do you say Jesus Christ is?
 2. What did he do at the Cross of Calvary and why?

I think If you don’t get Jesus right, then nothing you say about any other subject matter can be trusted.  I guess that is my litmus test of truth and trust. I will reply after your answer.

My response: I’m not a performing monkey. I’m not looking for a reply from you nor do I want to hear any more from you. 

Let’s just say that was neither the first nor the second nor the third response that immediately sprang to mind, none of which were printable. Seriously, what is wrong with some people? If my responses, public or private, occasionally strike you as curt or even rude, I hope you will keep in mind that you don’t see even one-twentieth of the emails I receive.

Needless to say, he completely ignored my explicit lack of interest in hearing from him and sent a subsequent email:

I think you just answered my question. You are not a Christain, because any true believer in Christ would not hesitate to answer, or not know the answers to my simple questions. You are super smart, yes, but you are lost my friend. You may have been burned by Religion, that is man made and sucks, but you do not have a relationship with the son of God, Jesus Christ. If your soul has not already been corrupted by the evil one, I challenge you to go some place alone in the wild for days, like your American Indian ancestors did on their vision quest, and pray, scream and challenge the God of the Holy Bible to use his Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you man enough to do that? My message has been passed to you. My work done. You will not hear from me again.

Anyone want to take that bet?

Mailvox: escaping the gatekeepers

Now that William F. Buckley is dead and no one reads National Review anymore, new gatekeepers are needed to keep conservatives on the farm:

The more I examine Conservative positions (that I used to hold) the angrier I get.

I’ve been paying a bit of attention to an Ultra Cuckservative on Twitter for a few weeks.

His name is Charlie Kirk and he runs a Conservative group called Turning Point.

He posted this on Twitter just last night:

“Fringe ethno-nationalist racial identitarians have NO PLACE in the conservative movement – we reject them!”

Every post from this clown is the same old Basic B Conservative Boilerplate we’ve seen for decades. He’s constantly tweeting about Blacks. Never mentions white people.

I suspect he’s propped up, too. He’s only 24 years old, I never even heard of this guy two years ago, but he has nearly 700K twitter followers and has managed to establish a fairly major think-tanky style operation.

Propped-up? Just because he hasn’t been kicked off Twitter, he’s barely out of college, and he has a well-funded think tank is no reason to be suspicious. He’s probably just whip-smart and DEMOLISHES liberals with his tweets.

Anyhow, neither identitarians nor nationalists have any place in the conservative movement, since the conservative movement never conserved anything, least of all America.

Mailvox: is Azeroth converging?

A WoW player has concerns about the possible convergence of Azeroth.

I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the latest plot twist Blizzard just served us as a prelude to Battle for Azeroth.

I assume you know what I am talking about but just in case:

After launching the War of the Thorns to fight the Alliance for Azerite, Sylvanas burns Teldrassil under dubious pretenses, falling into Garrosh territory and pretty much ruining the night elves faction and the Horde lore at once. 

So my question is very simple, should we consider that SJW convergence is finally catching up with Blizzard and is now going to proceed with ruining the game for long time fans, bit after bit? The accusation has a pretty strong case here with the night elves’ home being destroyed and the Horde reduced to a bunch of brainless brutes blindly following an unhinged zombie after 15 years of effort to build a lore for it that would not reduce it to the evil faction trap.

I am reluctant to abandon that particular ship, but if the cancer is spreading I might have to be prepared to. Or perhaps I am wrong and Blizzard is going to serve us an amazing plotline throughout the extension, but that is not what my gut feeling says.

No, given what we’ve seen in Overwatch, I think it is safe to say that the cancer affecting Blizzard has finally spread to World of Warcraft. It’s too soon to be certain, but there is an all-too-familiar stink of convergence in the air.

Winning: Arkhaven edition

An Arkhaven reader emails:

My son was recently punished, not allowed to play on his computer. I offered him some comics, because he is always allowed to read, no matter what; I offered him my World War Hulk, Dark Phoenix, House Of M, Decimation, X-Cutioner’s Song (w/ Stryfe), Age Of Apocalypse, etc.

His response: But I Like Fazer!

From Avalon #1: The Street Rules.

That’s winning.

That is indeed. And now it’s time to call upon the Arkhaven fans in the UK. Ingram and Arkhaven are about to launch our mailing campaign to all the comic book stores in the UK, which will put the first two Alt-Hero comics, plus Chuck Dixon’s Avalon #1, in the hands of the comic book store owners so they can see the quality for themselves. The idea is to a) convince all the stores to sign up with Ingram, and, b) convince them to carry Arkhaven’s comics.

If you are a UK resident and you’re willing to call upon a few stores, either by phone or in person, to help follow up on the mailing, please email me with ARKHAVEN UK in the subject and include the name of your local comic book store, if any, in in the body of the email.

I can also confirm that Castalia/Arkhaven Direct will begin shipping in the UK before December.