This is why Gammas are never welcome

After copious bloviating, SamuraiJeff finally managed to get himself banned from here as well as SocialGalactic for an egregious violation of the rules here. Now, this would not normally be an event worth noting, as it was almost inevitable, but for the very informative reaction of SamuraiJeff to his banning:

You know vox, I haven’t seen ur books on The Pirate Bay. Hopefully some spiteful gamma king posts your books. That would certainly cost you more than 10$ per month (my subscription). You could have just let me have my opinion.

And I will pay that cost happily and without hesitation. Gammas are full of spite and pain, and the poison of their self-delusions never leaves them. This is why there are entire subreddits devoted to hating various celebrities, and even non-celebrities, and it is why I do not permit Gammas to participate in any of our projects.

As soon as the Gamma feels things aren’t going his way for one reason or another, he will turn on you every single time. It doesn’t matter how enthusiastic he is, or that he is your biggest fan, eventually he will decide that you, like everyone else in his life, has failed him. It saves a lot of time to simply let them know they are not welcome, and encourage them to go elsewhere once they draw attention to themselves.

Mailvox: the irrelevance of Google

Some readers report a blacklisting problem with Google search and this blog similar to the issue that Rod Dreher was reporting which involved a number of conservative sites, but I’m not seeing it:

I noticed today that Google has blacklisted your blog from search. It’s now impossible for to appear in Google search results. Not surprising from those dummies.

I tested this myself this morning, and searching for “Vox Day” reveals the following results:

  • DuckDuckGo: #1 VP, #2 Wikipedia, #3 Amazon
  • Bing: #1 VP, #2 YouTube, #3 Amazon
  • Google: #1 Wikpedia, #2 VP, #3 RationalWiki

Now, Google also shows something called Search performance for this query at the top of its searches which may or may not be informative.

Last 7 days 
Clicks: 2.41K +228{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}
Impressions: 3.38K +193{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}
Avg. Position: 4.4, -0.1

Last 90 days
Clicks: 32.4K, -15{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}
Impressions: 47.5K, -11{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}
Avg. Position: 5.1, +0.9

And a search for brings up VP as the #1 option. So, if Google is putting a thumb on the scale concerning search results and this blog, it must only be doing it in the USA. Regardless, the number of daily clicks and impressions reported is a tiny fragment of the daily pageviews here, which now average over 100,000, so, as in the case of the Unz Report, which has seen its traffic grow considerably in the wake of its Facebook deplatforming, it really doesn’t make much of a difference how Google manipulates the search results.

In other news, I have not been deplatformed by Podbean. To the contrary, we elected to stop financially supporting Podbean, which means that MP3s from the Darkstream will no longer be available there or the various podcast services it supports. They are available at Unauthorized.

Mailvox: making a difference

Sometimes people are just looking for someone to take a stand:

We belong to a small 400-500 member startup church that I thought was Biblically-based. Several weeks ago, our pastor preached a message on Social Justice.  After several days of consideration, I sent a two-page rebuttal to the sermon.  We fully expected to be asked to leave the church.  Today, the pastor asked me to take one of three eldership positions.

Don’t be afraid to leave. But also, don’t be afraid to lead.

Allow me to reiterate

I do not watch videos. I will NEVER watch videos. So for the love of all that is Good and Beautiful and True, stop suggesting that I watch “just this one amazing video.”

VD – I know you don’t like videos but this is awesome.

First, I don’t give a single fragment of a quantum of a damn what anyone else thinks is awesome. I am not asking for video reviews. I am not requesting recommendations. I am not inspired by whatever it is that inspires you. I do not care about whatever it is that happens to enlighten you.

Second, I do understand that most people do not share my antipathy for videos and podcasts. That’s fine. I have no quarrel with their opinions and I am not offended that their preferences happen to differ from my own. If anyone wants to recommend a video or a podcast or a wax cylinder recording to others here, that is perfectly fine with me so long as they leave me out of it. I am very grateful that so many people so greatly appreciate and so staunchly support the videos being produced and published every day on UATV. Video is, without question, the dominant form of media today.

But what part of I DO NOT WATCH VIDEOS OR LISTEN TO PODCASTS is so hard for some of you to understand?


And I will never, ever, watch ANY video that is recommended to me no matter how many of you insist that because you are a Very Special Boy or Girl, I should ignore my preferences refined over four decades of informational intake because your one special video is the specialist special must-see inspirational series of moving pictures ever.

If you don’t understand why I absolutely hate all video and auditory informational exchange, let me put it into terms you might understand. I read at around 1,200 words per minute with full comprehension. That’s not an estimate or an exaggeration, as it has been repeatedly and reliably tested over a period of 34 years. I scan-read more than twice as fast as that when I’m reading casually to see if I’m interested in the subject or not. In contrast, videos and podcasts transmit information at around 150 words per minute on average.

And if you factor in the probability that whatever the person is saying in the video is something I already know in considerably more detail than is being addressed, then perhaps you can grasp that I view videos and podcasts as being considerably more akin to sadistic psychological torture than entertainment or inspiration.

Mailvox: Churchianity means leave

And leave immediately:

Long-time reader, first-time emailing.  Have never even commented before, but visit your site 3-4 / day.

Long-time member of an LCMS church where I’ve taught Sunday School and Confirmation classes for the past 6 years.  Primarily to ensure Churchianity would not be taught to our middle-schoolers.

Unfortunately, during the sermon this last Sunday, our relatively new pastor (37 y/o white) decided to spend ~85{574700e7d57f0a5242f51645fa25e9fe0fd372296e9a798489edc6652e3f512a} of the sermon time reading this notice from the Black Clergy Caucus regarding the death of George Floyd and the ensuing unrest. It is a short read, but awful.

I immediately decided to leave this church and my post as Christian Education volunteer.

If you’re not in a position to kick out the converged and the Churchian, leave. Don’t sit through sermons from the Pharisees and the Prometheans, or allow your children to be indoctrinated by the Synagogue of Satan.

No church that preaches against “racism” or about how Black Lives Matter can be considered a genuine Christian church.

Mailvox: waking up to Churchianity

A new reader discovers that Churchianity is not Christianity:

I’ve been a reader of yours for maybe a year now, or a little more,whereas my wife has been a long time reader, so I’m fairly new to this. I would like to briefly share a bit of info with you that you may find interesting, I’ll try to keep it short.

I was browsing my local news today just to see what stories they’re spinning with the protests of late and I found a picture of our previous pastors protesting in our town for George Floyd, and they’re not exactly hiding.

After getting out of a bad church I spent years in, me and my wife attended the church, Life Church, for around a year and a half and stopped attending over a year ago. The virtue signaling kicked up, the pastor started cherry picking scriptures for his shallow sermons, and we got tired of being pressured to give and tithe..which his wife railed on every single service. For the sake of brevity, that’s about the jist of it all.

Not just this event, but my wife and I have seen many of our “christian” friends and acquaintances reveal themselves as churchians as of late. They’d rather virtue signal and would sooner shelter a foreigner from Somalia then care after their own. Yes, we experienced this first hand. They do not serve the good, the true and the beautiful, but themselves.

Anyone who continues to support this church is either ignorant of the evil of this, or willfully conceding to this wickedness.

A converged church is a wicked church that invents and condemns “sins” that are not sins while condoning actual sin. Racism is not, and has never been, and can never be, a sin, unless God Himself can sin. To claim otherwise is pure inversion. And only the wicked deem the separation of sheep and goats, of wheat and chaff, of truth and lies, to be evil.

If your pastor or preacher or priest is preaching this Churchian wickedness, call him out. And if the congregation will not cast him out, then it is time to leave.

The Bible warns that many who profess themselves to be Christians will be deceived. Now, do you truly not see the grand deception at work here? And ask yourself this: does the world hate or does it celebrate these brave anti-racist Churchians?

Mailvox: the USAF, converged

A soon-to-be ex-Airman shares his observations concerning the convergence of the USAF:

I listened to the audiobook of Corporate Cancer a couple of months ago, and at that time I categorized my own workplace, the USAF as Level 4, highly converged. But recent events have caused me to reevaluate, and I am convinced that the USAF has achieved Level 5 and has become fully converged. Attached is a copy of a recent post on Facebook by the highest ranking enlisted member in the force, the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth O. Wright. This post played a big role in my need to reevaluate. Here are the highlights:

“Who am I? I am a Black man who happens to be the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. I am George Floyd…I am Philando Castile, I am Michael Brown, I am Alton Sterling, I am Tamir Rice.”

“This, my friends, is my greatest fear, not that I will be killed by a white police officer (believe me my heart starts racing like most other Black men in America when I see those blue lights behind me)…but that I will wake up to a report that one of our Black Airmen has died at the hands of a white police officer.”

“So, I spent the last week, “plotting, planning, strategizing, organizing and mobilizing” just as Killer Mike, the popular Atlanta rapper and activist encouraged us to do.”

“I believe that we have not made much progress in this area of racial injustice and diversity among our ranks. This is why I’m working with General Goldfein, first and foremost to have a full and thorough independent review of our military justice system…We are also working to improve the diversity of our force, especially within the senior ranks.”

“You might think you know what it’s like to grow up, exist, survive and even thrive in this country as a Black person…but let me tell you, regardless of how many Black friends you have, or how Black your neighborhood was, or if your spouse or in-laws are Black…you don’t know. You don’t know the anxiety, the despair, the heartache, the fear, the rage and the disappointment that comes with living in this country, OUR country every single day.”

The evidence of the full convergence is everywhere. When deployed, there is a TV service that we are provided which is not nearly as cool as UATV. It is called the Armed Forces Network and it is so packed with anti-American propaganda that sometimes I can’t help but laugh. There are constant commercials proclaiming “Diversity is Our Strength.” As well as those touting American citizenship for those who serve. So we are openly training and running logistics for our own invaders. We get constant diversity centered e-mails, and my home base acknowledges cultural appreciation months throughout the year. Even Pacific Islander month!

That same base also has a giant recruiting billboard which can be seen from the highway. On it is the picture of a woman security forces member holding a gun. And in big letters it reads “I swear to defend…” It seriously has the … and just leaves it at that. I’ve never seen a better piece of grabbler propaganda in my life.

I am deployed to one of the grabbler wars right now, but I should be returning to the states before long. I am a young Airman without much rank and the USAF has proven through it’s convergence that it is not the place to go for those who wish to defend America. For that reason, I’m out.

This convergence is why I am predicting that the US military is going to shock the world by unexpectedly losing an important battle one of these days. The Chinese and Russians already know that the US empire is fading, even if those who rule it from the Potomac haven’t realized it yet.

Mailvox: invading academia

A grad student writes concerning a recent economics paper:

I forgot to thank you for your analysis on the deflation argument. I started a graduate program in economics last fall, and your deflation argument served as a critical point in a paper I wrote during the fall semester for a finance class. I received an A on the paper and am very grateful for your blog and Darkstream channel. The professor has an MBA in finance from University of Chicago and has worked in corporate banking since the 70s, so what you have been saying for decades is starting to resonate with economics professionals. He  wrote that the argument was very thought-provoking. I cited your sources rather than you directly because of how far you are out of the economics academic hierarchy.

A wise decision. It might bother some people to know that they will never receive public credit for their ideas, but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. The more that you understand that the public laudation of intellectual celebrities is nothing but Promethean PR and ethnic propaganda, the less that sort of thing appeals to you. If, at this point, the media suddenly started talking me up as an important public intellectual and handing me awards, I’d be wondering where on Earth I’d gone wrong.

For me, the most interesting thing about the reader’s email is the fact that his professor, with an MBA in finance and 40+ years of banking experience, considers the concept of credit deflation to be “thought-provoking”. That underlines how completely inept, how completely ignorant, the greater part of the so-called intellectual elite are, even in their areas of credentialed expertese.

In any event, the reader is quite welcome. It’s good to know that someone, somewhere, is getting something out of this pensaverie.

Mailvox: working for the gamma

A reader asks how to deal with a Gamma male manager:

Longtime reader here– loved Corporate Cancer.  Got me thinking about my current job hence the question:  How should one deal with working for a gamma male manager?  Seems pretty common to have this in government and utilities but I’m finding this type is more and more common in management in large organizations.

It really depends on the SSH delta between the manager and the employee. A Delta or Omega will probably be all right. Alphas and Bravos probably will not. Fellow Gammas should be fine. Sigmas probably won’t be in that position in the first place.

The key is to understanding whether he feels threatened by you or not. As soon as you observe signs that your manager is feeling threatened by you or envious of you, you should focus on getting out of his group or department as soon as possible. Because, just like the former Big Bear fans who have now spent months attempting to attack him and his family, once the gamma male turns on you, he’s not going to stop attempting to harm you until either a) you are gone or b) he perceives a new and more pressing threat to his status and self-regard.

Mailvox: debt deflation confirmed

A reader writes to observe that the concept of debt deflation is gradually leaking out into the mainstream discourse:

I found a little snippet that NeonRevolt posted from Reddit’s Wallstreetbets concerning Debt Deflation. I will reproduce the two pertinent paragraphs below, and while I am unsure of the veracity of some of the other points, I find his conclusions in the second paragraph, which I have bolded for emphasis very interesting.

OKAY. So demand has been reduced dramatically around the world, our $21 trillion GDP has basically been paused for 2 months, so to keep it afloat (rough math), the government had to add $3.5 trillion to keep the economy running somewhat smoothly. That’s a lot of printing, you idiots probably expect inflation. Wrong, step away from the US and look at what other countries are doing, the ECB (European Central Bank) and BOJ (Bank of Japan) are having to print trillions of dollars worth of EURO and YEN to keep their economies going, along with every other country getting pounded. Not only that, but since the US dollar makes up 70{105b5945f2a7891a3dd860d3a09046b26c32f8a07d097b566642738deee8841e} of global transactions, in liquidity terms, trillions worth of euro and yen is MUCH MUCH more than any amount Jpow feels like printing, there’s no way our printing could offset what the rest of the world is doing, so inflation isn’t coming. If you want proof, just look at the euro/usd (going lower) and literally ANY emerging market currency is getting absolutely clapped vs the dollar.

Furthermore, not only is US corporate debt at an all time high, but emerging markets, the eurozone, and asia has borrowed more dollars than ever before at any point in history, basically everyone around the world’s debt is denominated in US DOLLARS. So what’s about to happen? It’s already happening, demand for US dollars is going up because everyone around the world wants to borrow more to offset cash flow concerns and pay off existing debts, which will cause the dollar to increase in value. What happens when the whole world has debt in dollars and the dollar goes up in value? DEBT BECOMES MORE EXPENSIVE. This is DEFLATION, and in particular and even more terrifying DEBT DEFLATION, a phrase that would make Jpow absolutely shit himself (and he knows its coming). This has already started before the whole beervirus nonsense, look at Venezuela and Zimbabwe, they had too much dollar debt, no one wanted to lend to them anymore and whoops, their currency is worthless now. It’s going to be like a game of musical chairs for people trying to get access to dollars, starting with emerging markets and eventually moving into the more developed economies. The result: massive corporate bankruptcies, countries defaulting on debt (devaluing their currencies) and eventually a deleveraging of massive proportions. This WILL occur and no amount of printing can stop it, it’s already too far gone.

The reason I am sending you this is that I have been following your posts/darkstreams concerning debt, deflation and how money is created ex nihilo, with great interest. I am also aware of your stance versus inflation versus deflation, and while your arguments already convinced me completely that deflation is in order, this is further proof of your predictions.

In other words, think this is another example of:

Of all the words of screen and pen
The saddest are these:
Vox was right again.

Deflation is inevitable. It doesn’t take any great mind or vast understanding of economics to grasp that. In fact, it has taken decades of intentional deceit and maleducation to convince the economic mainstream otherwise.