Dr. Jordan Peterson, plagiarist

The accusation strikes me as bordering on the impossible, given how incoherent Dr. Peterson’s writing is. But what is much more remarkable than the accusation of plagiarism is the identity of the author Jordan Peterson is supposedly plagiarizing:

The Devil and His Due: How Jordan Peterson Plagiarizes Adolf Hitler by Troy Parfitt offers into evidence some 3,100 instances of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson allegedly copying the written and spoken text of Adolf Hitler. Volume One of a two-volume series will be released on November 1, 2020 in e-book and paperback edition. Its length is 460 pages.

Jordan Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, best-selling author of 12 Rules for Life, and pop-psych guru whose YouTube channel boasts 2.87 million subscribers. Often described as controversial, Peterson shot to fame after challenging Canada’s Bill C-16, which made it illegal to deny employment to or discriminate against people based on their gender identity or expression.

In The Devil and His Due, Parfitt argues that “the Jordan Peterson Phenomenon” is a mainstream cult whose leader identifies as “the saviour,” feigns Christian beliefs, glorifies Satan, discusses “the Jewish question,” encourages converts to slaughter goats in backyard sacrifices that ought to be “sufficiently bloody,” suggests that suicide can be an effective method for achieving revenge, touts banned substances as “miracle cures,” and teaches that the alt-right project is “incomplete.” Parfitt also asserts that Peterson employs Hitlerite speech to communicate in a crypto-fascist code, but that his supporters seem generally unaware of this.

Parfitt wondered if Peterson might have been borrowing from Hitler after noticing that he frequently complimented the dictator. “He says he’s rescuing people from the clutches of the far-right, but tells his followers that Hitler was a genius who was good at nearly everything, so I read Mein Kampf to see if he had found it inspiring. What I discovered was blatant academic theft.” Parfitt claims that Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life and Maps of Meaning are riddled with language and ideas from Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Second Book, Table Talk, and speeches. 

Do you know what this means? It means Jordan Peterson is literally Hitler. We are amused. 

Nevertheless, color me very, very dubious indeed. Because as awful as Jordan Peterson is, those who have read Jordanetics will know that Jordan Peterson didn’t even manage to get Hitler’s description of “the Big Lie” correct. 

Don’t bother asking for a link. This is from a press release from the publisher.

UPDATE: Interesting. Speaking of those who have read Jordanetics, the author may not be anywhere nearly as out there as the press release makes it sound. If nothing else, Parfitt correctly picked up on the occult elements of Peterson’s philosophy.

As author Troy Parfitt began to doubt his own sanity with his discoveries of Jordan Peterson’s freakish love affair with the occult, Vox Day’s book “Jordanetics: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity’s Greatest Thinker” provided a welcome validation that it was not Parfitt who had lost his marbles, but Peterson.

It is impossible that Day’s and Parfitt’s revelations about Jordan Peterson’s infatuation with the occult–and indeed the Great Beast himself, Aleister Crowley–could be mere coincidence.

Despite having opposing political views, Parfitt maintains that Day deserves a lot of praise for his book, and says “Jordanetics” was largely ignored because of Day’s far-right political views, and that even left-leaning JP critics have bashed Parfitt for even mentioning Vox Day. The media has a lot of explaining to do, Parfitt says. Vox Day gave them the evidence and they ignored it. Peterson critics are so blinkered by their own political hang-ups that they refused to read or even discuss Day’s book.

Eppure le idee, si circolano…

Mailvox: condolences

 ZT writes of a personal tragedy:

My husband passed away unexpectedly in his sleep Friday morning and I’m struggling. Any prayers offered from you all here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

My condolences to ZT and her family. If you are so inclined, feel free to express yours here as well.

Mailvox: a warning sign

A reader writes about an observation he has made in his travels through various small towns:

I don’t know what is going on but something is happening below the surface. Locally, the various banks have been shutting down branch offices all over. In the small towns, who owns the prime property at the intersection of Main and State Streets? Banks.

I was talking to someone whose husband ran a branch is a small town. The bank shut down that office. He got out of finance. In a small town of 5,000 in the borough and another 5,000 or so in the township, a big player shut down its branch. That property is now up for sale. That office had been in existence as long as I can remember.

This town used to have in the early 80s a Chevy-Oldsmobile, Ford, Dodge, Chrysler-Plymouth, and Pontiac-Buick dealerships. All are gone now. The Chrysler dealership built a new building in another small town in the county. The original location deals only in used cars now.

Something is up with the banks.

Banks don’t make their money from deposits anymore. And increasingly, they don’t make money from loans anymore. So there simply isn’t any point in maintaining branches for service to non-revenue-producing customers who have no savings and can’t take out any more loans.

It’s interesting that they’re trying to sell the real estate, though. That tends to indicate that they need cash. It won’t be even remotely surprising if the next financial crisis starts later this month; I would be very surprised if it didn’t start before the end of 2021.

Mailvox: the wolves are not new

Even if the Apostle Paul hadn’t warned us about the dangers of false “Christian” leaders infiltrating the flock, William Bradford, the first governor of Plymouth colony, did in his book Plymouth Plantation:

In Chapter Five, Bradford discusses a minister named John Lyford who arrived a few years after Plymouth was founded. Lyford was the textbook example of an SJW.

He immediately sought to become a church member upon arrival and after that started defending “delinquents” in the colony while holding secret meetings and spreading gossip. His plan of course was to divide the community and start a separate church he would control.

He was caught sending slanderous letters to England about people in the colony, on top of intercepting his own friends’ letters and annotating them before resealing them. Like a true social justice warrior, Lyford lied and denied he wrote the letters until they were produced. He then engaged in theatrical displays of repentance and pleas for forgiveness to the point where he generated sympathy among colony members – only to secretly write letters to England defending his behavior.

It is then that Lyford’s wife reveals to Bradford her husband’s history back home in England and Ireland as a pathological liar and philander to the point where she couldn’t have a female servant in the house because he slept with all the others. This was on top of lying to her about fathering a bastard child prior to their marriage. Then men from England report to Bradford that while “counseling” a young man contemplating marriage, Leyford met the girl in private and raped her, who later married the young man without telling him until afterwards.

Bradford writes that after they expelled him from Plymouth, Lyford proceeded to abandon all his friends that still stuck with him and died shortly afterwards in Virginia.

There’s a reason why St. Paul and other apostles warned about false teachers in their letters.They have been a threat to the church since the beginning, anywhere a group of Christians gather. What we’re experiencing today is not unique. The question is whether a body of believers under attack or being infiltrated are led by strong men with the moral courage to identify, confront, and cast the wolves out, or cowards who have exchanged truth for niceness.

Predators not only go where the prey is, they have a very finely attuned understand of how to go about putting themselves in position to obtain it. Always be very, very dubious of any enthusiastic new member who is extremely helpful and assiduously pursues leadership and other positions of influence.

The Puritans had the sense to expel this predator. Unfortunately, and despite the Biblical admonition, most modern churches won’t expel anyone, not for adultery, not for abortion, and not for axe-murdering.

Mailvox: a bad review

Apparently this gentleman was not pleased by the Voxiversity video about Jordan Peterson.

Here I was hoping to find actual intellectual criticism of Mr. Peterson. Instead I just find an absurd amount of baseless claims, twisting of the truth, and appeals to emotion. This video is a shining example of hate-mongering and ignorance hidden behind a veil of “entertainment”. Points for reference: 1 guy disputing Jordan’s claims is not evidence of his claims being false. It also doesn’t mean that what Jordan is saying is absolutely true. The entire point of lectures in real academia is for people to look at life from different angles to improve your own scope of understanding. This is to say, knowledge is just repetition, intellect is using knowledge to form your own ideas. If I were to compare it to food, it’s like being given potatoes and experimenting on your own to make mashed potatoes, or home fries, or gratin, etc. Only sheep take words at face value and apply them as rules for life, because every life is different. You call out his mental illness, yes the guy is clinically depressed, he’s talked about it openly. Despite having clinical depression, this guy has risen to be an esteemed professor. The people who bring about real change to the world are not the sheep, but instead the skeptics, the insane, and the so-called mentally ill. Jordan, instead of falling to his “illness”, has instead used that different perspective to give people a different (and overwhelmingly positive) outlook on their own lives and role in society. You criticize his inability to claim a religious doctrine multiple times through the video. He has described this perfectly in other talks. A large part of this is he doesn’t want to get lumped into groups, as you are trying to do. If he says he isn’t Christian, then he is atheist scum that shouldn’t be listened to, if he is, then he is a religious fool that is blind to the truth. He recognizes this question as a “gotcha”, and it’s disappointing that anyone claiming to be a purveyor of knowledge would push this argument (that’s talking about you here buddy). I honestly don’t know why I bothered with a response to a creator who clipped a fragment of JP quoting Nietzsche and tried to attribute the thought/words to his view of life. That alone shows your blatant disrespect to knowledge and towards the sanctity of intelligent debate. What kind of person lambastes another for quoting someone else? You. You do that sir. Under your methodology, any history teacher who talks about the holocaust or the gulags is now scum of the earth, not worthy of being listened to. 

It strikes me that if the gentleman is correct, and the people who bring about real change to the world are the insane and the mentally ill, that would go a long way toward explaining why everything is getting crazier and crazier.

You can almost see the demons whispering in his ears.

Mailvox: those aren’t chickens…

 An observant reader notes the source of the Color Revolution currently taking place in the USA.

You probably already know this, but if not, Michael McFaul has surfaced again. He’s the Stanford professor who was Obama’s ambassador to Russia and the creator of that idiotic “reset” policy, but before that, he was considered an expert on revolution, especially the Color Revolutions. According to McFaul, the seven factors necessary for a successful revolution are:

  •     A semi-autocratic rather that fully autocratic regime
  •     An unpopular incumbent
  •     A united and organized opposition
  •     An ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified
  •     Enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote
  •     A political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud
  •     Divisions among the regime’s coercive forces

What I didn’t know is that the State Department under Hillary Clinton turned these factors into a program and exported it, using it to destabilize and overthrow governments all over the Arab and former-Soviet world, especially in Ukraine.

Hench Ukraine’s interest in keeping an eye on McFaul’s activities. Better still:

“But it was McFaul’s role in the U.S. interference in the Russian 2012 election that put in motion everything that followed. Perception makes its own reality, and the Russian perception is that McFaul and the Obama administration purposefully put their thumb on the scale of Russia’s presidential election to keep Putin from winning. McFaul has been banned from traveling to Russia, and in 2018 Putin approached Trump for permission to have Russian intelligence officers question McFaul about alleged illegal activities conducted while he was ambassador. While the Russian claims are unsubstantiated allegations, and their request facially absurd, the fact remains that when it comes to apportioning blame for the sorry state of U.S.-Russian relations today, one need look no further than Michael McFaul and his decades-long effort to create Russian “democracy” from whole cloth as laying the foundation for failure.”

In 2014, having made a thorough botch of trying to install American-style democracy all over the Arab and post-Soviet world, McFaul resigned and slunk back to Stanford, to resume teaching… until this past weekend, when he reemerged as a quotable expert on foreign relations: “Trump has lost the Intelligence Community. He has lost the State Department. He has lost the military. How can he continue to serve as our Commander in Chief?”

I keep thinking about McFaul’s seven prerequisites for a successful revolution. It looks to me as if we’re in Step 7 of the plan now: creating divisions among the regime’s coercive forces, to make it impossible for them to present a coordinated response to the riots in the streets. Having failed to install democracy everywhere else in the world, it looks as if McFaul and his ilk have decided to bring the revolution back home.

Is it just me, or do you hear it too? It sounds like … chickens … coming home to roost.

Not that the situation isn’t serious, but I can’t help being amused by the appropriate nature of the man’s name. McFoul indeed. What we’re seeing here is not about “liberals” or “the Left”, it’s actually the neocon’s World Trotskyite Revolution attempting to reestablish their control over the USA now that they’ve lost Russia.

The sun is setting

Sacrificial Lamb nobly attempts to explain to the Boomers why they are, and will probably remain, the most despised generation in recorded human history, before they pass from the stage:

You Boomers always had more wealth, more opportunity, and more political power than us younger generations……and your narcissistic stupidity caused you geezers to squander it all. If current trends continue on, then most of the people that will end up taking care of you Boomers in nursing homes will be low IQ, white-hating black Africans….here in a previously white nation. No joke. I know this because I have seen this multiple times, with my very own eyes. You Boomers wanted cheaper labor, and you got it.

We are all suffering from an endless parade of Boomer selfishness and Boomer mistakes.

Stop being defensive, and take a hard look in the mirror. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re going to have a full-blown civil war soon, and you Boomers need to acknowledge your role (wittingly or not) in creating this increasingly dystopian and Luciferian world that we live in today.

Oh, and people don’t bust you Boomers’ chops for being old. They bust your chops for being the most narcissistic, selfish, and delusional generation in modern history. People bust Boomer chops because you guys inherited a nation of laws, tradition, ethnic and racial cohesion, and prosperity….AND THEN JUST THREW IT AWAY, even when your adult generation still had demographics in your favor. You may have been (((manipulated))) into doing so, but that is not an acceptable excuse.

Can you now understand why some people might hold a slight grudge, or at least deliberately taunt you Boomers?

It’s time to take a hard look in the mirror, geezer…..because the sun is setting soon.

Generation X doesn’t hate its grandparents or its kids. The Zoomers don’t hate their Gen-X parents. But both generations, as well as the Millennials, despise Boomers. Indeed, the small minority of Boomers capable of both a) generational self-reflection and b) self-identification rather than generational identification despise their fellow Boomers too. 

There is a reason that “Boomer” is now used unironically as an insult by the two youngest generations, and that reason is that being a Boomer is observably synonymous with narcissism, selfishness, short time preferences, indifference to one’s posterity, technological and temporal cluelessness, lack of gratitude, and generational identification.

If you’re a Boomer, instead of asking yourself if this is true of you, try asking yourself if it is true of your acquaintances of an age with you. Do they sacrifice for their children and grandchildren or do they live in nicer homes than their kids do on the other side of the country? Are they leaving bigger and better legacies for their descendants than their ancestors left for them or do they brag about spending their children’s inheritances? What sort of world are they leaving behind them? Will the Earth be a better place for them having been here or not?

The sun is setting, Boomer. Isn’t it time you stop lying to yourself about how your generation changed the world and face up to the material consequences of your generation’s actions? Wouldn’t it be better to spend your final chapter doing whatever you can to rectify the damage that has been done over the course of your lifetime?

This really isn’t that hard

Not that the usual morons will pay any heed to this, but simply because it will permit me to tell them in the future that I already pointed this out, I would like everyone to please note that all comments are moderated here. This is necessary because there are literally hundreds of spam comments that spammers attempt to post here every day due to the 100k daily pageview traffic. If moderation was not in effect, the comments would be entirely unreadable.



Literally nothing that anyone has to say is so urgent that it necessitates a second, or third, or even fourth attempt to post it. If you’re worried that your Very Important Comment may have been lost, then for the love of all that is Good, Beautiful, and True, accept with equanimity that possibility as The Decretive Will of God, An Act of Nature, An Unfortunate Accident, or even The Insidious Work of the Father of Lies, whatever may happen to best suit your particular philosophical perspective. FFS, this isn’t a difficult concept!

Let me repeat for those of you who are too stupid to grasp the readily apparent: DO NOT TRY TO COMMENT A SECOND TIME WHEN YOUR INITIAL COMMENT DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY APPEAR.

Furthermore, please note that adding an “OT” to your off-topic comment does not make it acceptable. It is still off-topic. If you feel the need to share your Very Important Opinion or some Very Important News, then feel free to do so on your own site. Do not do it here. All that adding “OT” to your off-topic comment accomplishes is to make it clear that you know you’re a jackass and you’re going to try to hijack the mic even though you know you’re not supposed to. Furthermore, if your Very Important Breaking News is a link to Drudge, Twitter, Instapundit, or the AP News Wire, then there is absolutely no need to “alert” anyone to anything. 

This may come as shocking news to the solipsistic, but everyone else reads those sites too.

UPDATE: If you’re a Boomer who doesn’t understand why everyone Gen X and younger can’t stand you and your g-g-generation, allow me to point out that one of the regular Boomers here has ALREADY tried to post the same comment on this post TWICE, presumably because he didn’t see the first one appear immediately. The Day of the Pillow cannot arrive soon enough.

Mailvox: Breaking the Gamma

A reader writes of how using the SSH helped him to avoid trouble at the workplace:

I was recently able to use the SSH to manage an employee.

We had a new worker with us and from the first moment, I knew he’d be difficult. He turned up late, answered back, tried to tell experienced employees how to do the job, etc.  He wouldn’t cooperate with the guy he was assigned to work with, so I called him over and said, “There’s a hierarchy here, so if Marty tells you to do it a certain way, that’s how you need to do it.” He immediately got defensive, saying, “Where is this coming from? Why are you talking to me like this? You don’t need to talk to me that way.”

Thanks to your insights into the SSH, I realised that was he was doing was an attempt to make himself a victim, so I said, “Stop. This is not a conversation. The ONLY words you need to say are ‘I understand’. So… do you understand?”

Anyway, we didn’t have any further problems with him. My point is that before I read your SSH insights, I wouldn’t have recognised his behaviour for what it was and I certainly would not have known how to deal with it. So, thanks!

I’d still keep an eye on the guy. He may have enough sense to learn his place, or he may simply be waiting to take his shot at the hated workplace Alpha. Which is why, if the Gamma acts up again, the boss should not hesitate to get rid of him.

Mailvox: the importance of family privacy

A reader belatedly decides that I was right to keep my family out of the public eye:

Just wanted to share with you what I’ve learned about keeping things private and especially keeping your children out of the social media world and all of that. One of the first times I saw you was on Jesse Lee Peterson, and when Jesse asked you about your kids I soured on you. He merely asked how many you had or how old they were, absolutely casual and normal questioning, but you went a bit quiet and hesitant and replied that you didn’t like to talk about your kids. I thought it was a bit rude and it sliced through the fun and camaraderie you two (and us in the audience) were enjoying.

I didn’t think anything ill of you for something that simple, but it seemed a strange quirk or issue, I wasn’t sure. But I read more of your blog, and have watched nearly every Darkstream since, and thought your rule about banning or ignoring the questions about yourself or your family were a bit overboard. Not because I didn’t know how much you’re hated by the SJW demons and how badly they would love to get any info on you they could to hurt you, that is obvious and I respect that justification for privacy. But the cloak around your family was extreme, again just insofar as even relaying an anecdote or being able to share memories about them as part of the dialogue, since a decent chunk of the community talks about the family and marriage cornerstones.

Well, here I am realizing how right you were, because my brother posted a picture on his FB of him holding a can of Goya from his truck’s cargo. He was smiling and posted it saying thank you to the President for appreciating the company and about how simple things like what Goya produces are taken for granted. A message of decency and gratitude, and the insanity that follows I still can’t believe. This vile woman went trawling through his FB, found pics of his kids with their school either captioned or mentioned, and contacted the fucking school to tell them their dad was dangerous, that he was a racist, blah blah. This nonsense took a few days to sort out as my brother had to return from his job, and he let the school have it for even entertaining this bullshit, and got them to apologize to him. It’s not a typical cancel culture ending, thank God, but the fact that he had to go through this shit in the first place!

Now I think about this, about my brother who is barely even political but just said thanks to the President for supporting a large company. That’s freaking it, nothing else on his FB, only pics of their family, dogs, etc.! So I thought back to you, about how you had reacted to Jesse, and how I misjudged you and didn’t FULLY appreciate what these monsters would like to do to you. I not only respect you shutting all inquiries about your family down, I admire it.

Fair enough. Now, I will readily admit that there is only so much you can do, what with public records and curious fans and naive friends and family members who don’t understand how there could possibly be any harm in posting innocent pictures where no one is doing anything even remotely objectionable. And eventually, your children are going to grow up and live their own lives.

But there is no reason to make it easy for the stalkers and trolls and would-be harassers to chronicle your life, and the harder you make it for them, the more likely it is that they will cross a criminal line that will give the police, or at least the social media police, a reason to crack down hard on them. And, more importantly, living a public life online should be the child’s choice, not the parent’s.

It’s too bad, because what parent isn’t proud of their children and eager to share their achievements and accomplishments. But the world has changed, we now live in a no-quarter culture that refuses to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, and it is vital to understand that even as we embrace the conflict.