How to Solve the Housing Crisis

When the population can be reduced by nearly 10 percent simply by sending the illegals home, you don’t have a housing crisis, you have a foreign invasion crisis:

As many as one in 12 people in London is an illegal immigrant, a shock report has claimed. The previously confidential study commissioned by Thames Water found that the ‘irregular’ population of the capital could be more than half a million.

Researchers at Edge Analytics used academic estimates of illegal migrants nationally as well as National Insurance registrations for non-EU foreign nationals over a nine-year period to estimate the numbers in each London borough. The study produced a range of figures from 390,355 at the lowest to 585,533 at the highest with a median figure of 487,944.

It suggested most illegal migrants arrived in the UK on work, study or visitor visas then overstayed. Many illegal migrants arrive in the UK on work, study or visitor visas and then overstay the limit.

What we have witnessed in our lifetimes is the complete failure of so-called representative democracy. The American Founding Fathers were right to be suspicious of what they called “mob rule” but as it turns out, the limited form of democracy that purports to be “representative” is even worse.

All systems fail in time, but the system of constitutional democracy has observably failed already. Its one theoretical justification was that it better represented the will of the people, which it very clearly doesn’t. And no amount of complaining about “authoritarianism” or any other perceived pejoratives is going to change that.


Consequences of the 21st Century Volkerwanderung

Third-worlders have invaded every Western country en masse, with the inevitable consequences for the natives and the economy. Meanwhile the primary concern of the mainstream parties is banning AfD instead of repatriating all the migrants. Angela Merkel and her successors have the blood of innocent German children on their hands.

A boy, aged two, and a man, 41, have been stabbed to death in a horror attack in Germany after a suspected asylum seeker armed with a knife ambushed a nursery group.

The child and adult were slain in Schontal Park, located in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, Germany, at around 11:45am.

Local police said: ‘A 28-year-old man from Afghanistan was arrested close to the crime scene’. He was apparently specifically targeting the children. 

No wonder the young Germans are increasingly demanding Ausländer raus! Any politician who stands in the way is going to get run over no matter how they try to suppress the will of the people.

History teaches conclusive lessons in this regard. Yesterday’s serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History addressed the Volkerwanderung, or Movement of the Peoples, and its terrible consequences for the collapsing Western Roman Empire and its citizens.

Among the Romans population had decayed for century after century, and the land had gone steadily out of cultivation, until nature herself seemed to have created the vacuum into which, in time, she inevitably attracted the Germans. The rush begins with the passage of the Danube by the Goths in 376, and is continued in the passage of the Rhine by the Vandals, Alans, and Sueves in 406. A hundred years after the passage of the Danube the final result of the movement begins to appear in the West. The praefecture of Gaul now sees in each of its three former dioceses Teutonic kingdoms established — Saxons and Jutes in the Britains; Visigoths (under their great king Euric) in the Seven Provinces of Gaul proper; Sueves (along with Visigoths) in the Spains. In the praefecture of Italy two of the three dioceses are under powerful barbarian rulers: Odovacar has just made himself king of Italy, and Gaiseric has long been king of Africa; while the diocese of Illyricum is still in the melting pot.

If we regard the movement of events from 410 to 476 internally, and from a Roman point of view, we shall find in the domestic politics of the period much that is the natural correlative of the Volkerwanderung without. Already, in the very beginning of this period, and indeed long before, the barbarian has settled in every part of the Empire, and among every class of society.

These “empire-destroying saviours of the Western Empire” were in reality the prime ministers of their generation, prime ministers resting not on a parliament (though they might, like Stilicho, affect to rely on the Senate), but on their control of a barbarian soldiery. Their power depended, partly on their influence with this wild force, which the Empire at once needed and dreaded, partly on the fact that the nominal representatives of imperial rule were weaklings or boys, whose court was under the influence of women and eunuchs.


The Repatriations Begin

It appears President Trump may actually be serious about repatriating the millions who have invaded the USA to their own nations:

Donald Trump appears set to make good on a promise ‘border czar’ Tom Homan made to start his mass deportation program in Democrat-run Chicago shortly after his inauguration. However, the Windy City isn’t alone, according to a person with knowledge of the plans, as multi-day raids will take place coast-to-coast. ‘We’re going to be doing operations all across the country,’ the person told Reuters on Friday. ‘You’re going to see arrests in New York. You’re going to see arrests in Miami.’

Chicago appears to be first on the list, having seen more than 50,000 migrants flock to the Windy City since August 2022. Following Trump’s election in November, Mayor Brandon Johnson defended the city’s sanctuary status – as he declared that he would not allow cops to help federal ICE agents.

In December, Homan said that Chicago would be the first city set to expel illegal migrants.

The raid is expected to begin on Tuesday morning, less than 24 hours after Trump’s second inauguration. ICE will carry out the operation for an entire week and is sending between 100-200 officers to handle the job, the Wall Street Journal reported.

We’ll see if they actually follow through on this or not. It would make for a good start, although 50,000 is only a drop in the bucket out of the 50-100 million who will need to be repatriated if the USA is to be made American again. But this is the only way that a political collapse in the early 2030s could potentially be avoided.


They Deserve Their Fate

If you’re not willing to remove your invaders, you fully merit the subsequent occupation and eventual loss of your property.

A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.

The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10. It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants. But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24. Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is ‘continuing to increase’ and has swelled to around 300 people. ‘The sanitary conditions are deteriorating day after day and the teams are facing this situation alone,’ it said as it called for the local authorities to find a housing solution for the occupiers.

‘Although this occupation is forced, it is unthinkable for the Gaîté Lyrique to throw these people out onto the street in the middle of winter,’ the statement added.

This is a metaphor for Europe and the USA writ small. Like the gods, the governments only help those who help themselves. When they’re not actively obstructing the way, of course.


Protecting the Pakistani Rape Gangs

Susan Cooper got it fundamentally wrong. The Pakistani invader she championed in Silver on the Tree was, ironically enough, one of the first signs that the Dark was rising again in Britain.

The full extent of the UK’s paedophile Asian grooming gangs shame is laid bare by a shocking MailOnline investigation today. For more than two decades depraved gangs of mostly Pakistani men preyed on vulnerable children and teenage girls across the UK with impunity while those in power struggled to get to grips with the crisis.

In what has now exploded into an international scandal, billionaire tech tycoon Elon Musk sparked a transatlantic war-of-words with Keir Starmer – with his government voting against a Tory demand to hold a full new inquiry.

Now, for the first time, MailOnline is publishing an interactive map which illustrates in the fullest detail to date the extent to which the grooming and rape culture spread across the towns of England. Our unique digital map reveals the 41 towns in England where children and young women were targeted by the perverted gangs, around 76 gangs in total, taking in all corners of the country, from Plymouth in the south west and Ramsgate in south east, to Barrow in the north west and Newcastle in the north east.

And our research has found that of the 396 known groomers to be convicted and jailed over the last two decades, at least 155 have now been quietly released and are back on our streets – many living back in the very towns they previously prowled for victims.

It’s not exactly a mystery why these foreign rape gangs were permitted to attack young British girls and then protected by the British police and Parliament after the fact. Here is one of the current government officials who successfully led the charge against an inquiry into the government protection of the foreign rapists, whose title of Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls is extraordinarily ironic given the circumstances.

If you still don’t understand that Clown World is literally satanic, and that the subverted governments of the West are every bit as evil as any historical reference you can cite, nothing that is happening, or will happen in the next fifty years, is going to make any sense to you at all.

If history is any guide, what is coming is going to make the Los Angeles fires look merciful. Christian nationalism is just the start. The reason that it terrifies the globalists and the civic nationalist frauds alike is that it means Reconquista and Inquisition are inevitable, no matter what they do and say.

I was one of the first to point out that the swinging back of the pendulum was inevitable. Now, it’s undeniable. Remember, it took Christians 770 years to get back what they’d lost in Spain, but they succeeded and their success launched a new Golden Age.

UPDATE: One longtime British campaigner against the Pakistani rape gangs and the police, media, and politicians who ran cover for their crimes is similarly confident:

We will, in our lifetime, get the great justice we rightly deserve, especially those who have suffered the worst of these crimes, such as the family of those killed by foreign invaders and the survivors of these foreign peadophile rape gangs. These crimes of murder and rape of our people are truly the greatest injustices of our time, nothing else compares or even comes close to the horror, pain, the lifelong and intergenerational suffering those crimes cause the victims, their families and communities. We are on course to ensure that those responsible will face our wrath in the coming years. The righteous rage of our people will bring about the justice we deserve.


Sen. Graham Demands Mass Deportations

It’s fascinating to see how the Clown World puppets simply change their tune in order to maintain their political viability as well as Clown World’s monopoly on positions of power and influence:

The US needs to fortify its border with Mexico and start mass deportations as soon as possible, in the name of national security, Senator Lindsey Graham has warned. The South Carolina Republican, who chairs the Senate Budget Committee, spoke to Fox News on Sunday about the pending budget reconciliation bill.

“I’m very worried that if we don’t put border first and get it done, it’s going to be a nightmare for our national security,” Graham told Fox’s Maria Bartiromo.

“We’ve got millions of illegal immigrants that President Trump has promised to deport, and he should. Why are we doing mass deportation? Because we had mass illegal immigration,” he added.

My best guess is that Clown World will embrace mass repatriations of illegal immigrants in what will probably be a futile attempt to prevent the mass repatriations of legal immigrants and dual-citizens. Graham has been a U.S. Senator since 2003, and to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time he has ever publicly called for mass deportations.

Notice how all the “nationalists” who receive coverage are civic nationalists who never even mentioned the word except to disavow it until 2020 or so, while all of the overt and outright nationalists are ignored, when they’re not still being denounced as “extremists” and worse. Now the fake “nationalists” are talking up a storm trying to defend their “idea nation” and denouncing “illegal immigrants” despite the fact that the core problem isn’t, and has never been, either the ideas or the legality of the invaders, but rather, the fact that they are not part of the American nation, they are not part of the American posterity, and they never will be.

But the pendulum is definitely swinging back, and it’s going to go a lot further than Clown World or its fake nationalists would prefer.


She Has to Go Back

The fat Portuguese mediocrity who actually claims to have been “born American in Portugal” is literally willing to redefine the very concept of “nation” and deny it to Americans rather than admit that she is not part of the American Posterity for whom the U.S. Constitution was written, whose rights it was supposed to protect, and to whose Blessings of Liberty she has absolutely no legitimate claim.

What? Again? Why are we on this topic again?

Good Lord. I too am sick and tired of it. Trust me.

And yet there is a growing drumbeat for “America is a blood and soil nation.”

It’s ludicrous and laughable. I’ll be honest, it’s ludicrous and laughable even for other countries, but for the US it would be laughable, if it didn’t make me pull out all my hair and cry.

If you pursue that “blood” thing — and as an idea of how crazy this is, my husband thought blood referred to blood spilled in battle, which to be fair makes a ton more sense than “blood is genetic relationship” for our country — with its proponents, you get incoherent moaning and groaning alternately about how the founders meant the nation only for their “progeny” (but this is invalidated by the progeny reproducing with newcomers, which means they were only supposed to marry each other for 250 years now. Well. I guess they’d have eight toes per hand, but they’d play the banjo a treat.) Or we get moaning and eructations about “Anglo Saxon ancestry” or–

This is not just bullsthit. It is complete, utter, smelly scrapings of the filthiest stable you can imagine.

Look, guys, no nation is blood-and-soil. Not really. Even the nations of old Europe with their chest beating about the “French race” or the “Portuguese race” or heaven help us “the German race” are basically full of shit.

Blood is not “bullsthit”. Nations are nothing but blood; the soil is merely the ground they happen to have conquered and hold. Civic nationalism, which is based on substituting “ideas” for blood, is pure satanic evil, a self-serving inversion that allows late-coming minorities to redefine themselves as the legitimate heirs to the people they have dispossessed.

The complete absurdity of the civic nationalist position can be seen in Hoyt’s own words.

We are a credal nation. No, we’re not going door to door and examine our citizen’s consciences and understanding. We’re going to assume they’re Americans and believe as Americans UNTIL AND UNLESS THEY PROVE OTHERWISE. And then we’ll deal with it. Preferably in the courts of law. Meanwhile, we’ll teach and we’ll behave and we’ll be AMERICAN.

In other words, this “credal nation” has no intellectual borders to replace the physical borders for which it purports to be a substitute. It’s not only a false and manufactured substitute, it’s an entirely ineffective one. Sarah Hoyt is clearly triggered by the fact that real Americans are sick and tired of fake paper Americans like her claiming that they don’t even exist and of having to see their way of life comprehensively and systematically destroyed in order to better suit the invaders like her; she can’t even spell “creedal” correctly. And America is not, and never was, “a creedal nation”, and “idea nation” or a “melting pot”. Those are self-serving concepts created by early 20th century immigrants.

It’s more than a bit ironic for Hoyt to turn around and claim that there is no Portuguese nation after subjecting her readers to more than a decade of her pontifications on what life in Portugal is like, not that anyone ever asked. But here’s the thing: if America is nothing more than an idea, and if a nation isn’t blood or soil, then what was it that prevented her from being American while remaining in Portugal? As Moammar Qaddafi once observed, if America is an idea, then it belongs to the entire world, not just those who happen to be resident in a portion of the North American continent.

Hoyt very clearly demonstrates why they have to go back. Because they will never, ever, be Americans nor do they have any loyalty whatsoever to the American nation. To the contrary, they will deny that the American nation ever existed at all. So there will be fire, and there will be blood, and it will be due in large part to the wicked Babelist propaganda of the civic nationalists that was utilized to erase the borders of the various nations of the West in order to destroy them.

But despite their best efforts, many nations will survive to the end, and new nations will arise from the ashes of the heterogeneous empires, as they always do. What God hath put asunder, let not man attempt to join together. And for those who don’t realize how deeply and fundamentally evil the position asserted by Sarah Hoyt and her fellow civic nationalists is, consider the words of John Locke on the subject.

No damage therefore, that men in the state of nature suffer from one another, can give a conqueror power to dispossess the posterity of the vanquished, and turn them out of that inheritance, which ought to be the possession of them and their descendants to all generations. The conqueror indeed will be apt to think himself master: and it is the very condition of the subdued not to be able to dispute their right. But if that be all, it gives no other title than what bare force gives to the stronger over the weaker: and, by this reason, he that is strongest will have a right to whatever he pleases to seize on. 
– John Locke, Of Conquest, Second Treatise on Civil Government, 1690

The civic nationalist conservatives aren’t merely wrong and stupid, they are outright evil. They are the secular version of the Churchians, and like the Churchians, they have substituted the perception of niceness for the pursuit of the truth. Also like the Churchians, they have actively worked to destroy the very institution that they profess to love.


Racism, Disproved

An X-commenter proves the case for untrammeled immigration presented by Elon Musk, Ramaswampy, and Fake Short Trump:

All the vile, racist drivel on this hell site can be disproved so easily with one real life example. Look at man in his most debased and primal state, man in prison, where his survival instincts emerge. Notice how prison gangs do not segregate on racial lines, but instead, scout the top talent from the prison system, as the Black Disciples and Aryan Brotherhood furiously compete for the Indian inmates and other elite human capital.

In actuality, history underlines, illustrates, and proves the truth of Andrew Torba’s recent statement: Be racist or be replaced. Consider the selection from today’s eerily timely serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History, published in 1911:

This is the role of nomadism in the history of the world: countries too distant from its basis it could only ravage transitorily, with robbery, murder, fire, and slavery, but the stamp which it left upon the peoples which it directly dominated or adjoined remains uneffaceable. The Orient, the cradle and chief nursery of civilisation, it delivered over to barbarism; it completely paralysed the greater part of Europe, and it transformed and radically corrupted the race, spirit, and character of countless millions for incalculable ages to come. That which is called the inferiority of the East European is its work, and had Germany or France possessed steppes like Hungary, where the nomads could also have maintained themselves and thence completed their work of destruction, in all probability the light of West European civilisation would long ago have been extinguished, the entire Old World would have been barbarised, and at the head of civilisation today would be stagnant China.

In light of these historical observations, isn’t it intriguing to observe that the economic nomadism encouraged by the Enlightenment-era elite for the last 200 years appears to be in the process of extinguishing West European civilization, barbarising the New World and the Old World alike, and thereby leaving staunchly racist China at the head of global civilization today?

Perhaps greater intellectual courage, which is to say greater knowledge and acceptance of the fact that racism is neither a sin nor an evil, but a civilizational prerequisite, could have averted what is shaping up to be a global cataclysm surpassed only by Noah’s flood.


Magic Dirt Fail in New Orleans

A suspect who was “hell-bent” on killing as many people as possible drove a rented pickup truck around barricades and plowed his vehicle through a crowd of New Year’s revelers on Bourbon Street in New Orleans at a high rate of speed, leaving at least 15 dead and injuring dozens of others early Wednesday, city and federal officials said.

After mowing down numerous people over a three-block stretch on the famed thoroughfare while firing shots into the crowd, the suspect — identified by sources as Shamsud Din Jabbar, 42 — allegedly got out of the truck wielding an assault rifle and opened fire on police officers, law enforcement officials briefed on the incident told ABC News. Officers returned fire, killing the suspect, a U.S. citizen from Texas, sources said. At least two police officers were shot and wounded, authorities said. Another 25 people were hospitalized with injuries.

Apparently Mr. Din Jabbar was also a US Army veteran. Keep that in mind the next time you’re assured that immigrants love America so much that they even want to defend it.

Identity always trumps ideology. Always.

UPDATE: The Sugar Bowl has been postponed until Thursday, according to Sugar Bowl official. The official noted that the game has been delayed 24 hours.

Good thing Americans fought them over there so it wasn’t necessary to fight them in New Orleans…


The Degeneracy of Migration

In today’s post on Castalia Library, a selection from The Cambridge Medieval History, published in 1911, explains the inevitable social degeneracy that results from mass migration. Note that the same principle holds, whether the migration is sparked by economics or war, and whether the imperial superstate is erected by conquest or by elite corruption.

During the winter the wives and daughters of the enslaved became a prey to the lusts of the yellow-skins, by whom they were incessantly violated, and thus every conjugal and family tie and as a further consequence the entire social organisation was seriously loosened. The ancient Indo-European patriarchal principle, which has exclusively prevailed among the Altaians also from the earliest times, languished among the enslaved just because of the violation and loosening of the conjugal bond, which often continued for hundreds of years. The matriarchal principle came into prominence, for the Altaian adulterer repudiated bastards, and still more did the husband where there was one, so the children followed the mother. Where therefore matriarchal phenomena occur among Indo-Europeans, usually among the lower strata of population, they are not survivals of pre-patriarchal times, but probably arose later from the corruption of married life by systematic adultery. Thus the subjugated Indo-Europeans became — here more, there less — mongolised by the mixture of races, and in places the two superimposed races became fused into a uniform mixed people.

Indo-European usage and law died out, and the savage wilfulness of the Altaians had exclusive sway. Revolutions among the people driven to despair followed, but they were quelled in blood, and the oppression exercised still more heavily. Even if here and there the yoke was successfully shaken off, the emancipated, long paralysed and robbed of all capability of self-organisation, were unable to remain independent. Commonly they fell into anarchy and then voluntarily gave themselves up to another milder-seeming servitude, or became once more the prey of an if possible rougher conqueror.

There is a direct connection between the stupid Emma Lazarus poem, the 1965 Immigration Act, and the widespread corruption and degeneracy that plagues the USA and the rest of the West today. While we can hope that the Fake Biden Administration marks the nadir of the descent into degeneracy, we cannot be certain of that until the remigration has begun in earnest.