Racism, Disproved

An X-commenter proves the case for untrammeled immigration presented by Elon Musk, Ramaswampy, and Fake Short Trump:

All the vile, racist drivel on this hell site can be disproved so easily with one real life example. Look at man in his most debased and primal state, man in prison, where his survival instincts emerge. Notice how prison gangs do not segregate on racial lines, but instead, scout the top talent from the prison system, as the Black Disciples and Aryan Brotherhood furiously compete for the Indian inmates and other elite human capital.

In actuality, history underlines, illustrates, and proves the truth of Andrew Torba’s recent statement: Be racist or be replaced. Consider the selection from today’s eerily timely serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History, published in 1911:

This is the role of nomadism in the history of the world: countries too distant from its basis it could only ravage transitorily, with robbery, murder, fire, and slavery, but the stamp which it left upon the peoples which it directly dominated or adjoined remains uneffaceable. The Orient, the cradle and chief nursery of civilisation, it delivered over to barbarism; it completely paralysed the greater part of Europe, and it transformed and radically corrupted the race, spirit, and character of countless millions for incalculable ages to come. That which is called the inferiority of the East European is its work, and had Germany or France possessed steppes like Hungary, where the nomads could also have maintained themselves and thence completed their work of destruction, in all probability the light of West European civilisation would long ago have been extinguished, the entire Old World would have been barbarised, and at the head of civilisation today would be stagnant China.

In light of these historical observations, isn’t it intriguing to observe that the economic nomadism encouraged by the Enlightenment-era elite for the last 200 years appears to be in the process of extinguishing West European civilization, barbarising the New World and the Old World alike, and thereby leaving staunchly racist China at the head of global civilization today?

Perhaps greater intellectual courage, which is to say greater knowledge and acceptance of the fact that racism is neither a sin nor an evil, but a civilizational prerequisite, could have averted what is shaping up to be a global cataclysm surpassed only by Noah’s flood.


Magic Dirt Fail in New Orleans

A suspect who was “hell-bent” on killing as many people as possible drove a rented pickup truck around barricades and plowed his vehicle through a crowd of New Year’s revelers on Bourbon Street in New Orleans at a high rate of speed, leaving at least 15 dead and injuring dozens of others early Wednesday, city and federal officials said.

After mowing down numerous people over a three-block stretch on the famed thoroughfare while firing shots into the crowd, the suspect — identified by sources as Shamsud Din Jabbar, 42 — allegedly got out of the truck wielding an assault rifle and opened fire on police officers, law enforcement officials briefed on the incident told ABC News. Officers returned fire, killing the suspect, a U.S. citizen from Texas, sources said. At least two police officers were shot and wounded, authorities said. Another 25 people were hospitalized with injuries.

Apparently Mr. Din Jabbar was also a US Army veteran. Keep that in mind the next time you’re assured that immigrants love America so much that they even want to defend it.

Identity always trumps ideology. Always.

UPDATE: The Sugar Bowl has been postponed until Thursday, according to Sugar Bowl official. The official noted that the game has been delayed 24 hours.

Good thing Americans fought them over there so it wasn’t necessary to fight them in New Orleans…


The Degeneracy of Migration

In today’s post on Castalia Library, a selection from The Cambridge Medieval History, published in 1911, explains the inevitable social degeneracy that results from mass migration. Note that the same principle holds, whether the migration is sparked by economics or war, and whether the imperial superstate is erected by conquest or by elite corruption.

During the winter the wives and daughters of the enslaved became a prey to the lusts of the yellow-skins, by whom they were incessantly violated, and thus every conjugal and family tie and as a further consequence the entire social organisation was seriously loosened. The ancient Indo-European patriarchal principle, which has exclusively prevailed among the Altaians also from the earliest times, languished among the enslaved just because of the violation and loosening of the conjugal bond, which often continued for hundreds of years. The matriarchal principle came into prominence, for the Altaian adulterer repudiated bastards, and still more did the husband where there was one, so the children followed the mother. Where therefore matriarchal phenomena occur among Indo-Europeans, usually among the lower strata of population, they are not survivals of pre-patriarchal times, but probably arose later from the corruption of married life by systematic adultery. Thus the subjugated Indo-Europeans became — here more, there less — mongolised by the mixture of races, and in places the two superimposed races became fused into a uniform mixed people.

Indo-European usage and law died out, and the savage wilfulness of the Altaians had exclusive sway. Revolutions among the people driven to despair followed, but they were quelled in blood, and the oppression exercised still more heavily. Even if here and there the yoke was successfully shaken off, the emancipated, long paralysed and robbed of all capability of self-organisation, were unable to remain independent. Commonly they fell into anarchy and then voluntarily gave themselves up to another milder-seeming servitude, or became once more the prey of an if possible rougher conqueror.

There is a direct connection between the stupid Emma Lazarus poem, the 1965 Immigration Act, and the widespread corruption and degeneracy that plagues the USA and the rest of the West today. While we can hope that the Fake Biden Administration marks the nadir of the descent into degeneracy, we cannot be certain of that until the remigration has begun in earnest.


No Meritocracy Without Nationalism

With apologies to Lee Kuan Yew:

“In multiracial societies, you don’t hire in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you hire in accordance with your race and religion.”
– Vox Day

Despite its grandiose and universalist pretensions, ideology is ultimately nothing more the detailed rationalization of an identity group’s immediate interests, and it will always be subject to further modification and mutation as that group’s interests evolve over time. A co-ideologist from a different identity group can never be more than a temporary ally, as his identity will always hold priority over his current ideology in the end.

A Russian commenter provides a salient and logical perspective on the matter.

I am not an American and I have never crossed the Atlantic – but, as a general point, any line of reasoning that assumes:

1) that a country with a population the size and quality of America (or Russia, France, Germany, etc) cannot produce its own highly-skilled IT, research, engineering, etc. professionals;

2) that it is normal and and acceptable to brain drain the entire world using economic incentives and globalist ideological propaganda;

3) that it is normal and acceptable to deprive your own population of socioeconomic opportunities to save a few bucks by claiming 1) and engaging in 2);

is not only morally reprehensible and psychotic, but also the sort of self-serving, hypocritical lie that incites homicidal rage in the people who are being damaged by it, and permanently erodes the social fabric on every level.


The Devil Champions Foreign Invasion

I warned everyone not to go back to Twitter after it was acquired and rebranded by Elon Musk. It was just swapping King Log for King Stork, which is becoming increasingly obvious as Musk is now seeking to deplatform, demonetize, and suppress the reach of Americans who criticize the federally-approved foreign invasion that has disemployed millions of Americans and lowered their wages.

The online beef between Donald Trump’s Silicon Valley backers and the more traditionally conservative MAGA base has culminated in Elon Musk allegedly using X to censor his fellow Trump supporters.

Laura Loomer, Gavin Mario Wax, ConservativePAC, and Owen Shroyer all had their X verification badges removed Thursday night after criticizing Musk’s stances on labor and immigration earlier in the day.

“All of our influencers have now lost verification status, as well as our own page,” the Trump-supporting ConservativePAC wrote. “Our brand did nothing. We spoke out against HB1 visas and it appears that @elonmusk intentionally shut us down? Is this the new status quo from America’s ‘most free’ social media platform?”

No, it’s not “the new status quo”. It’s the same as it always was. I have had actual evidence proving that Musk is a liar for two years now. In order to prove my suspicions, in 2022 I asked X tech support to unsuspend my @voxday account which had been suspended since 2017. They promptly informed me that my account would never be reactivated, in direct contradiction to what Musk had been publicly proclaiming at the time.

The amusing thing is that the Clown World fraud – Elon Musk is most likely a midwit actor, he’s probably not even Mensa material – almost appears to believe that he actually is the character he is playing. His IQ is reportedly five whole points higher than my own, but I have never heard him say or seen him write one single thing that would require an IQ over 120. Does this angry and self-defensive tweet sound like anything I, or any other high-IQ individual, has ever written? Or does it sound more like bad 4chan copypasta?

The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.

An invader is willing to go to war to import more invaders in order to defend himself from the natives. How very new and different… America would be much better off if he and Ramaswampy would go back to their homelands and take SpaceX, Tesla, and every other fake, propped-up company they’ve financialized with them. What they represent isn’t economic strength, but what is known in the economic literature as “malinvestment”.


Nationalism > Meritocracy

A lucid explanation of why nationalism, genuine ethnicity-based nationalism as opposed to the fake “civic nationalism” that has been the basis for the decline and fall of the United States since 1965, is much more honest, much more open, and much more effective than the so-called “meritocracy” of those who anoint themselves and their foreign kin as “the best and brightest”:

Homogenous group strategies offer better, more legible protection than diverse meritocratic ones Ethnonationalism is a legible, simple protective group strategy strategy in the grand game for power and influence. You have a country that’s only for people like you, and it’s very easy to check whether that constrain has been violated. Mass immigration, diversity quotas, legal protections etc claims to offer the same protection. “We’ll make the workforce more diverse, but only by hiring the best candidates”, “There aren’t enough skilled white candidates!” But violating the constraint of hiring in a colorblind way is extremely illegible.

The entire recruitment process is full of hidden information – the employer secretly runs some process to hire people and can even incentivize hiring managers to hire ‘diverse’ candidates. You have absolutely no idea how many times you have been discriminated against for being white and male. But of course occasionally bosses will blurt it out – I’ve heard it at least twice personally. And then there are ways to craft the selection criteria that appear to be colorblind but actually aren’t (this has been done to exclude East Asians from Elite schools), or to demand equal representation based on an assumption of equal skill (low quality black doctors being hired for DEI).

There are just so many ways to cheat to gain advantage in a more diverse society, and those forms of cheating are harder to check for or politically hard to get rid of (because everything in a democracy needs to be politically viable in addition to being technically viable) “We’ll just take the most talented people from everywhere so everything will be better” simply ignores political economics and game theory. In fact I think these kind of appeals to meritocracy are bad on purpose – the people making them know that a more diverse game will be more corrupt and they like it that way.

In short, what the wicked call “hate” is morally and rationally superior to inclusivity, be it nominally meritocratic or diversity-fueled. Notice that for all of their blathering about “merit”, they’ll be the first to declare they would never hire a racist no matter how intelligent, accomplished, or capable he might be. Their entire position is an obvious lie.

Elon Musk, Ramaswampy, and the short Trump are as fake and as in service to Clown World as the overt globalists they pretend to oppose. I’ve never understood why anyone on the Right took Musk or Ramaswampy any more seriously than Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, or any other member of the controlled fake opposition.


An Apple Manager’s Experience

Let’s just say he isn’t inclined to fall for Ramaswampy’s self-servingly nepotistic nonsense on the basis of 11 years as a hiring manager at Apple:

During my ~11 years as a hiring manager, I personally hired maybe 20 fulltime & intern employees. Filling empty reqs was a huge source of pressure, both due to workload being down a man and the risk of corporate operational changes yanking an empty req (which did happen). HR handled 100% of sourcing resumes for me, performing a first pass to exclude obvious mismatches. HR turnover was worse than mine, so I quickly told them to just send me everything remotely relevant and I’d filter them myself. “Everything” turned out to be quite a lot.

I never saved any firm stats, but on average I probably looked at 500-2000 resumes for every person hired. When I was inexperienced, this took several minutes per resume, carefully pondering & weighing each detail, and extrapolating to some hypothetical future on my new team. After a few years of experience, I would discard a resume within ten seconds. After a while, you’ve simply seen the same exact sort of person hundreds & hundreds of times. Once you know what’s not the right fit, there’s zero point in hemming & hawing.

I would speak to maybe 2-4% of the candidates I reviewed. Probably 90%+ were filtered out after the first call. Someone credible would talk to another guy on my team, and on or two more if things went well. Someone promising came in for a day with the whole org, two at a time. And this was just my own team. I also far more regularly interviewed on behalf of other teams in my org, & even other orgs, as other managers grew to appreciate my feedback & opinion. All told, I talked to probably over a thousand candidates from tens of thousands of resumes.

Lessons learned: it’s all about which schools’ programs produce the right minds for which specific tasks. Plenty of bright, capable candidates went to schools that simply taught them nothing relevant for an OS platform vendor. We’re not talking databases & web dev for this. Over the years, HR evolved its own prospecting strategies to prioritize schools that produced a high hit rate, plus serving executive bias. Tim went to Duke so after a while all of finance went to Duke. Virtually nobody in SWE came from Duke; different domain entirely.

Over ~2004-2014, the volume of resumes from Indian schools skyrocketed, virtually all the “superstar” IITs. I was always unbiased about the protected categories. Looking back, my all-male team was quite “diverse” although everyone was probably INTJ, now that I think about it. I talked at many dozens of Indians, and quickly learned a few things that are invariant: they are helpfully accommodating to the point of obsequiousness, and this holds regardless of whether they have any clue what they’re talking about. This is crucial to understand.

When you are speaking with an Indian, you are not communicating. You are engaging in a choreographed dance where they are exclusively tasked with mirroring your moves, and leaving you to walk away thinking that your needs will be satisfied. And that is all that has happened. If you don’t know which follow-up questions to ask, you’ll have no idea that you’ve just been handled by an entity that understands how to “close,” but not how to deliver anything promised. The idea of the latter is never even part of the equation. Utterly alien minds to us.

One of Britain’s greatest crimes was teaching them to speak with that hackneyed, goobledygook accent, because it simply fries the brains of most Americans. It is scamouflage for the fact that they will lie, lie, lie as easily as you or I draw breath. It’s indescribable. Thankfully, I became good enough at technical interviewing that a couple simple questions would break their lies wide open, & I could simply nope out in good conscience. After a while, a glance at such resumes told me how the conversations would go, optimizing away the rest.

During this time, in other parts of SWE & IS&T, I watched as a couple Indian hires within 18 months turned into an almost wholesale replacement of any other race in the blighted departments. The degree of their apparently illegal hiring practices cannot be overstated. But of course, who is going to complain, and to whom? One of my last cross-functional meetings at the company, myself & one or two other guys from our org met with one of the terraformed orgs. There were 25 of them packed into a room for a meeting that required 5 people tops.

Regardless of context, every American needs to understand that they will lie under any circumstances for any reason or no apparent reason whatsoever. It is “cultural,” so get over your Christendom-centric notions of morality; those exist nowhere else on Earth.

If you don’t hire and protect your own, you will soon be swamped by those who do. Unlike the tango, it doesn’t require two to play the nationalism game. And if you’re not playing, you’re losing.


At Least They’re Good for the Economy

Imagine how much worse the failing economies of the USA and Europe would be doing if it weren’t for the tens of millions of immigrants who have invaded their countries:

Data from the Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly suggests that crimes committed by illegal immigrants cost U.S. taxpayers at least $166.5 billion and the severity of those crimes greatly exceeds that of typical American norms. The report was written by Dr. John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center and is based on data from the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ). In September, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed in a letter to U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) that as of July 21, 2024, there are 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal histories on the Non-Detained Docket (NDD), which means they are living freely in the U.S.

Of the 662,566 illegal immigrants, a total of 435,719 on the docket are documented to have criminal convictions in their home countries; that is 65 percent. Another 226,847 or 34 percent, have pending criminal charges.

FBI crime statistics show that in 2023 the rate of convicted killers in the NDD along is more than 13 times higher that of the rate of reported homicides when compared to American crimes. According to Dr. Lott’s research, out of the total crimes committed by the illegal immigrants on the docket, 14,944 are homicides; 20,061 are sexual assaults; 105,146 are assaults; 126,343 are traffic offenses; and 60,268 are burglaries, larcenies, or robberies. Lott’s report states that the financial cost of crimes committed by illegal immigrants on the NDD list is estimated at $166.5 billion, with the largest share of $153.8 billion coming from murder.

I suspect that the immigration-inspired pillaging of the USA is going to make for a very interesting chapter in the economic history of the decline and fall of the West. Especially since this estimated financial cost apparently doesn’t even include financial crimes of either the real estate or Nigerian Prince variety.

The idea that “immigration is good for the economy” is an even bigger and more obvious lie than “free trade is good for both economies involved” and “kidnapping Africans and transporting them by sea to pick cotton is good for the economy”.


Immigration Kills 11 in Germany

Elon Musk is right. Only the AfD and massive repatriation can save Germany from Clown World:

Horror in Germany as ’11 people are killed and up to 80 injured’ as car ploughs into crowd of people at Christmas market

A car drove into a group of people at a Christmas market in the eastern German city of Magdeburg on Friday, leaving at least 11 dead and between 60 and 80 people injured.

The driver of the car, reported to be a dark BMW, was arrested following the crash which took place at 7:04pm today, according to unidentified government officials in the state of Saxony-Anhalt who spoke to the dpa news agency.

Bild reported that the car was driven ‘at least 400m (1,300ft) across the Christmas market’, per a police spokesperson. The alleged perpetrator is said to have been a man from Saudi Arabia who was born in 1974, per Welt. German broadcaster MDR reported that a suspected explosive device is currently sitting in the vehicle.

According to emergency services, who have set up tents to immediately treat victims, several people were ‘severely’ injured.

Video footage too graphic to share appears to show the dark car careening into the dense crowd, leaving dozens of people lying on the floor. Within seconds, countless revellers can be see fleeing for their lives in the wake of the crash. Separate footage showed children crying loudly as several small crowds of people formed over those injured in the crash, in apparent attempts to help them.

We see this every year. Every single year. Unless and until Europe returns to Christendom and the invaders are repatriated, the satanic slaughter will continue.

How is it even possible that the Bundeswehr just sits by and permits this to happen? How do the German politicians imagine they’re going to defend Ukraine from Russia when they can’t even defend their own people from foreign invaders?

Note that the mass murderer is an Arab doctor.


Migration = Homelessness

After permitting millions of foreigners to enter the country, the British government is shocked and astonished to discover it now has a homelessness problem.

The British government has announced “the largest ever cash boost” to tackle soaring destitution in England, which Minister for Homelessness Rushanara Ali has admitted is “the worst housing crisis in living memory.”

Councils across the country will receive almost £1 billion ($1.27 billion) in new funding next year, it was revealed on Tuesday. The amount is equal to what councils spent on temporary accommodation for homeless families over the past year, recent figures show.

The funding aims to prevent “households becoming homeless in the first place,” according to a press release.

So, they’re going to build more homes. Next, they’ll discover that they have new pollution, environmental problems. Totally unforeseeable, of course.

And if you don’t think migration causes homelessness, ask yourself where all those Indians who provided the names to the towns in your area are living… but it’s the Americans and the British who are the Indians now.