Guns are for fighting government

Americans haven’t completely forgotten their rebel heritage:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of
American Adults think the purpose of the Second Amendment is to make
sure that people are able to protect themselves from tyranny. Only 17%
disagree, while another 18% are not sure.

The problem is that  those who want a government monopoly on guns are constantly in everyone’s face about it, so they leave the false impression that they are more numerous than they are.  Remember, the left is essentially rhetorical and feminine in its tactics, so to them, silence equals consent.  Don’t ever keep your mouth shut when someone starts talking about “the need to do something” or making anti-Second Amendment cracks.

Remember Breitbart’s advice.  Punch back twice as hard.  If they try to blame freedom advocates for Sandy Hook, blame them for Stalin.  If they compare the US firearms homicide rate to Europe, compare it to Latin America and ask them why they want to leave single black women living in the city unarmed and vulnerable to predators.

Never give them an inch, because they are looking to take a mile.

Gun bans don’t work

A prosecutor from Washington DC recounts his experience with one of the strongest gun bans in the country:

As a former prosecutor in Washington, D.C., who enforced firearms and
ammunition cases while a severe local gun ban was still in effect, I am
skeptical of the benefits that many imagine will result from additional
gun-control efforts. I dislike guns, but I believe that a nationwide
firearms crackdown would place an undue burden on law enforcement and
endanger civil liberties while potentially increasing crime.

The D.C. gun ban, enacted in 1976, prohibited anyone other than
law-enforcement officers from carrying a firearm in the city. Residents
were even barred from keeping guns in their homes for self-defense.

Some in Washington who owned firearms
before the ban were allowed to keep them as long as the weapons were
disassembled or trigger-locked at all times. According to the law,
trigger locks could not be removed for self-defense even if the owner
was being robbed at gunpoint. The only way anyone could legally possess a
firearm in the District without a trigger lock was to obtain written
permission from the D.C. police. The granting of such permission was

The gun ban had an unintended effect:
It emboldened criminals because they knew that law-abiding District
residents were unarmed and powerless to defend themselves. Violent crime
increased after the law was enacted, with homicides rising to 369 in
1988, from 188 in 1976 when the ban started. By 1993, annual homicides
had reached 454.

As I’ve already shown by citing the international firearms homicide statistics, guns are quite clearly not the problem.  It is absolutely impossible to reasonably claim, with a straight face, that the Obama administration’s push for gun control has anything whatsoever to do with reducing gun deaths in particular or the violence in general.

This is obvious because regardless of whether one looks at Western Europe, Latin America, Australia, the UK, or US cities such as Chicago and Washington DC, gun bans have reliably led to more violence, and often, more firearms homicide.  The logic is not compelling, it is conclusive and inescapable.

And it leads one to the next question.  Since reducing the rate of gun deaths and criminal violence is obviously not the objective of pursuing increased restrictions on firearms and further infringing upon the Second Amendment rights of the American people, what is the real objective?

Now, I know what I believe it to be.  But I’m interested to hear the claims, and the supporting arguments for those claims, from those who believe it to be anything but the eventual disarmament of the American people.

Impeach Obama

But much more importantly, DON’T RAISE THE DEBT LIMIT!

A second Republican congressman is suggesting that impeachment should be an option as President Barack Obama takes executive action to enact gun control measures. In an interview with Florida’s “The Shark Tank,” Florida Republican Trey Radel addressed Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman’s statement that he might seek impeachment if Obama goes forward with executive action to bring about gun control measures.

“All options should be on the table,” Radel responded.

Obama announced 23 executive actions during his Wednesday press conference.

Obama should be impeached, although there is no chance that the Democratic Senate would vote to remove him from office even if he barbecued the children he was using to sell his Second Amendment violations in the Rose Garden and ate them in front of the cameras.  But more importantly, he can’t continue his disarmament campaign against the American people if the government is in default.

I don’t expect the House Republicans to follow through on this, of course, they’ll cave a third time, just as they did before.  But if they actually intended to defend the American people against the metastasizing government in Washington, they would do so.

What part of “shall not be infringed” does the administration not understand?  It’s not just “Congress shall make no law”.  Unlike the First Amendment, the Second Amendment means the Executive Branch is also barred from taking any actions whatsoever that limit the people’s right to bear arms.  There are no mental health exceptions; these 23 executive dictates collectively amount to straightforward unconstitutional dictatorship.

Empty words

Barack Obama attempted to unilaterally impose the following on Americans today:
1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal
agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly
relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,
that may prevent states from making information available to the
background check system.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.

Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals
prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not
slipping through the cracks.

5. Propose rulemaking to give law
enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual
before returning a seized gun.

6. Publish a letter from ATF to
federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run
background checks for private sellers.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).

9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.

11. Nominate an ATF director.

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.

Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease
Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.

Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and
most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the
private sector to develop innovative technologies.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.

Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal
law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement

18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.

19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.

22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.

It isn’t law. It isn’t anything but the meaningless words of one man who seeks to disarm Americans.

The real reason for the gun bans

“The first notable is that the two rates track closely, so that
whatever is driving changes in the one is likely (but not certainly)
driving changes in the other. The second remarkable feature is the
abrupt increase in the turbulent 1960s, and the subsequent decline as
the people responsible for these cultural excesses began to enter their
50s and 60s, and even to die off in the 2000s and 2010s. The percent in
2011 was the lowest on record.  I want to repeat that: The homicide rate in 2011 was the lowest on record since 1960.”

Now ask yourself this question.  Since homicides and firearm homicides have already been dropping for more than 20 years with or without the assault weapons ban, why are various government officials suddenly so desperate to disarm the American people?

Karl Denninger explains the mystery:  “The people on the left are telling you in plain English that if you disarm you will be slaughtered.  Exactly as occurred in Germany, in Rwanda, in Guatemala and in countless other parts of the world.  These people are not anti-gun.  They are only against you being able to defend yourself against them, and they intend to kill you if you first disarm and thus make it possible for them to do so.  That’s the history of the “anti-gun” people worldwide over the last 100 years and it is happening again right here, right now, today, in America.”

He is right too.  No one ever wants to believe that their elected officials or their fellow citizens literally want to kill them.  But considering how many times it has happened throughout human history, and how many times it happened in the 20th century alone, the American people would have to be blitheringly stupid to imagine that those attempting to disarm them are doing so for any reason except to be able to kill them at will.

That doesn’t mean they actively want to kill anyone today.  They merely want the option in case large quantities of people don’t fall in line with their demands.

So, buy a gun today.  Buy one for your friend who won’t get it until they can’t be legally acquired anymore.  And don’t let anyone take them from you, for any reason.

Obama bypasses Congress

The totalitarians don’t have the votes to disarm America, so they’re going to try to bypass the democratic process by utilizing Obama and a collection of unconstitutional executive orders.

The White House has identified 19 executive actions for President Barack Obama to move unilaterally on gun control,
Vice President Joe Biden told a group of House Democrats on Monday, the
administration’s first definitive statements about its response to last
month’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Let’s see them try it.  If nothing else, it might put an end to the use of executive orders.  More likely, it will explode the last tattered vestiges of the veil that disguises the dictatorial nature of the ruling oligarchy in Washington DC.

And yes, I know Republicans have used executive orders too.  That’s because they’re part of the problem, not the solution.

Hence the nerves

A little math should help put things in perspective for those who are convinced that the gun owners of America can’t possibly stand up to the military might that is under the control of the federal government:

In November a record 2 million guns were sold in America.  This was followed up by another record in December.  2.7 million guns were sold in America in the last month of 2012…. There are 2.29 active members in the Chinese Army. There are 1.13 active members in the Indian Army.

The U.S. Army has 561,984 active personnel.  Keep in mind that 600,000 men armed with rifles were sufficient to dissuade the 16 million-strong German Heer from attacking Switzerland.

Are all of those 4.7 million new guns bought by people willing to kill in order to protect their God-given liberties?  No.  But many, perhaps even most, were.  And that is why the current media drums being pounded for gun control are going to dwindle away to silence again soon.

Obviously, it’s the guns

What other explanation could there be?

A new report finds that Americans die younger and contract sexually
transmitted diseases more than any other high-income country in the
world. The report found that Americans had higher rates of chronic lung disease, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, drug-related deaths, infant mortality and homicides than countries that included Australia, Canada, Japan and many western European countries.

It’s really terrible how all of those legal guns are having indiscriminate sex and forcing Americans to gorge themselves with pizza and mainline heroin.  #GunControlNow!

Guns and the slave mentality

Contrast New York Times columnist Charles Blow’s call for gun control with Robert Heinlein’s statement about freedom:

We don’t want to pass the point where society is so saturated with the most dangerous kinds of weaponry that people feel compelled to arm themselves or be left vulnerable, if indeed we haven’t already passed that point.

According to The Associated Press, a small Utah town is making a “gun in every home a priority.” The A.P. reported:

“Spring City Councilman Neil Sorensen first proposed an ordinance requiring a gun in every household in the town of 1,000. The rest of the council scoffed at making it a requirement, but they unanimously agreed to move forward with an ordinance ‘recommending’ the idea. The council also approved funding to offer concealed firearms training Friday to the 20 teachers and administrators at the local elementary school.”

That is not where we want to be as a country.

No, Charles, that is precisely where we want to be as a country.  America is a nation of armed free men who answer to no earthly power, it is not a nation of unarmed slave boys who cower before their masters in Washington D.C. lest they apply the whip.

“You cannot enslave a free man, only kill him.” 
 – Robert Heinlein

Blow doesn’t appear to realize that he is advocating a return to the evil that was inflicted upon his ancestors.  What is worse, not only does he not wish to be a free man, he doesn’t want anyone else to be free either.

What was the point of freeing blacks like him when they use their freedom to beg to be returned to their chains?  Instead of obediently carrying water like a servile house negro on the NYT plantation, Blow should recall the words of the free man, Frederick Douglas:

“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”

Those with the slave mentality of Charles Blow will quietly submit to the violation and elimination of their Constitutional right to bear arms.  Free men will never do so.  Nor should ever be so foolish as to do so, as Karl Denninger points out:

All told the count is somewhere north of 170 million citizens that have been executed not by combat in war or as “collateral damage” (accidental injury) but rather simply because once the government obtained an absolute monopoly on force it was able to slaughter people with impunity, and did.

170 million people is an extraordinary number.  Since we’re only 330 million out of a world population of something like 7 billion, it is not fair to charge all of them against us when making comparisons.  We’re about 5% of the world population, basically, so you could “charge” 8.5 million of those deaths (5%) to us in comparison.

How’s that work out?

Well, we have 11,000 firearms homicides, more or less, annually.

Objectively looking at this issue it would take 772 years for civilians to murder 8.5 million people, most of them one at a time, but the comparison table only runs in the last century.

It is therefore nearly eight times more likely that you will be slaughtered by your government wholesale if you give up your guns than the risk you run of being murdered by a bad guy if you don’t and this assumes that all of the 11,000 gun murders do not happen if we ban all or some firearms.

Guns in the hands of the American people are not the problem.  Guns in the hand of the American people are the PREVENTION of the problem.  If Charles Blow wants to return to slavery, then let him do so.  But he is a damned fool if he thinks free men, black, white, or any other color, are going to follow him there.

Another argument against registration

Registration of firearms of any kind cannot and should not be permitted, both due to its historical use in subsequent confiscations and because it is a clear violation of the Second Amendment, being a law that clearly hinders the right to bear arms.  However, there is now another powerful argument to use against registration, which is the way that anti-gun media organizations are making public the lists of registered gun owners:

A gossip site has taken the controversial decision to post the name of every licensed gun owner in New York City online as the debate over gun control rages on. Gawker posted the list of names, which is already publicly available, today. It follows the move by the Journal News to publish home addresses of gun permit owners in Westchester and Rockland counties last month.

No doubt Nick Denton, Gawker’s owner, will soon be cowering behind armed guards like the Journal News editor, Caryn A. McBride.  It is clear that at least some of these anti-gunners are looking for a war.  That they are dumb enough to seek one with a people who are clearly armed and more than willing to fight to defend their Second Amendment rights staggers the imagination.  I suspect, that like the Germans and the Japanese before them, they mistake the American people’s reluctance to fight for an unwillingness or an inability to do so.

I can’t help but notice that Denton, like Piers Morgan, is another Redcoat attempting to disarm the Americans.  Even after more than 200 years, they still haven’t learned.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? 

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… 

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough.” 
 – Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn 

UPDATE: It appears another map of gun owners has been published.