The Wrong Guy Game

Given the inability of the low-IQ set to learn from the mistakes of others, it would appear that there are going to be more and more Trayvons and DeAndres as time goes on:

DeAndre was part of a pattern of hundreds of examples of black mob violence documented in more than 80 cities revealed in “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.”

DeAndre knew The Knockout Game was usually pretty safe. For the attacker, that is. In Meriden, victims aren’t likely to carry concealed weapons. Nor do they fight back: As one player said in Philadelphia as his victim begged for mercy: “It’s not our fault you can’t fight.”

So when DeAndre and his gang of eight to 10 left the parking lot in a Meriden mall just a few weeks ago – soon after the park beat-down – he was confident little could go wrong when he told his friends he wanted to “beat someone up.”

They found their victim a few minutes later. Soon DeAndre and his confederate, Deshaun Jones, were peeling off from the group, heading for a guy walking home from work. Alone.

We don’t know his name or race or much else about him other than this: He was The Wrong Guy.

With their friends lurking less than 100 yards away, DeAndre and Deshaun attacked The Wrong Guy. Then came the surprise: The Wrong Guy fought back. He pulled a knife. Soon DeAndre was dead, and Deshaun was on his way to the emergency room.

Feral vibrants are cowardly pack animals, which is why they only attack in numbers.  But their Knockout Game, or Polar Bear Hunting, or whatever overly dramatic name the media gives the activity, suggests the possibility of the existence of another, even more dangerous sport: The Wrong Guy Game.  Now, it is quite likely that in this case, The Wrong Guy was simply an average white man walking home alone from work, not looking for any trouble, but prepared for it.

But I wonder. If one was a violent sociopath with sufficiently light skin to attract this sort of attention, what better way to legally unleash one’s less civilized instincts than to just happen to take the occasional stroll at night through a neighborhood where these sort of attacks are known to happen? If I was a parent of one of these “black angels”, I would point out to my little angel that with 8 million conceal-carry permits issued across America, there is close to a six percent chance that the seemingly helpless Polar Bear is more than capable of ripping your head off.

As Instapundit points out: “And if your teenager gets shot while carrying out this kind of assault? He
deserved it, and you’re a bad parent for not raising him better. Don’t
complain about the gun laws. Hide your face in shame.”

A failure of gun control

The attempt to emotionally bludgeon Americans into supporting gun
control on the purported bodies of little kids has not only failed, but backfired entirely:

Police said the
Connecticut town — where 26 students and six staffers were killed at
Sandy Hook Elementary School during gunman Adam Lanza’s massacre — has
already had 211 permit requests this year, a number far above the 171
requested in 2012 and the 99 in 2011.

There has been a
run on guns in the Connecticut town where a madman armed with a
Bushmaster assault rifle turned a grade school into a slaughterhouse.

for gun permits are on track to double this year over last year in
heartbroken Newtown, where 20 first-graders and six staffers were
massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Dec. 14, police said.

How deliciously ironic indeed. It
should be eminently clear that absolutely nothing is going to convince
Americans to disarm, not at a time where violent feral vibrants roam city streets in packs, Hispanic gangs are ethnically cleansing
entire cities one neighborhood at a time, the police are militarized, and agents from the
Department of Education and the Internal Revenue Service are armed
better than the average third-world army.

Granted, the average American has given his government a plethora of reasons to believe he is stupid, but Americans are not completely devoid of an instinct for self-preservation.

More guns, less crime

The left’s shameless attempts to debunk and disqualify John Lott’s landmark study never made much sense, because eventually, over time, the facts of the matter were bound to become readily apparent.  As, for example, the case of falling violent crime rates in Virginia shows:

In a real life demonstration of scholar John Lott’s maxim “more guns, less crime,” violent crime has dropped in Virginia as gun ownership has increased. According to a Fox News report, firearms sales in Virginia were 16 percent higher in 2012 over 2011 and violent crime went down by 5 percent.

This correlation between more guns and less crime hasn’t just been observed once or twice.  It has been observed over and over again, just as the dozens of predictions concerning the consequences of concealed carry laws and the removal of firearms restrictions keep failing to produce the expected bloodbaths and shootouts in the suburban streets.

It also shows the intrinsically unscientific thinking of the Left. To them, it doesn’t matter how well, or how poorly, a predictive model fares, because their dull and programmed minds aren’t about to change no matter what happens.  Or rather, they aren’t about to change until the credentialed authorities they recognize tell them to change their minds, at which point they will do so in lockstep, conveniently forgetting that they ever believed otherwise.

Respect their wishes

And buy your books somewhere else.  Considering how difficult the retail environment is supposed to be for booksellers, I can only conclude that the owners of McKay’s Books in Knoxville genuinely believe that gun owners don’t buy books.

I have blogged many times before of my love for McKay’s Books in Knoxville. I don’t know how much money I’ve left in there in the last decade, but it runs well into four figures, if not five. Many is the year when “books” may have been the single largest line-item expense in my personal budget except for…

…except for guns. And this sign seen on the front door today tells me that my money is not wanted there anymore.

With the new law in Tennessee, the same one that allows you to CCW into places that serve alcohol, these little signs at the door are no longer just a formality.

I would never enter a bookstore that banned concealed carry whether I was carrying or not.  And, I suspect, there are millions of Americans who feel precisely the same way.  I suspect that either the anti-gun sign comes down within a two weeks or McKay’s Books goes out of business within 18 months.

Carry laws and stand your ground laws are hugely popular, and only an ideologically blinded idiot would be dumb enough to alienate a statistically significant percentage of its customers, especially in a business that is known to be struggling and operating on narrow margins.

It’s not treason, it’s just free trade

So, the threat from al-Qaeda is so great that Americans have to give up all their civil liberties, while at the same time, al-Qaeda is being subsidized by the U.S. government:

Supporters of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan have been getting U.S. military contracts, and American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements, according to an independent agency monitoring spending.

The U.S. Army Suspension and Debarment Office has declined to act in 43 such cases, John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, said today in a letter accompanying a quarterly report to Congress.

“I am deeply troubled that the U.S. military can pursue, attack, and even kill terrorists and their supporters, but that some in the U.S. government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract,” Sopko said.

But even that is less apparently treasonous than the US government directly supplying al-Qaeda, with whom it is supposedly at war, with heavy weaponry.  At this point, it looks as if Obama’s chief legacy will be having been the greatest gun salesman, both foreign and domestic, of all time.

It’s enough to almost make me wish I’d voted for him.

Cause for hope or warning sign?

I can see both in looking at this graphic of the changes in gun laws from 1986 to the present, courtesy of Jeff Dege via the Volokh Conspiracy

On the one hand, this looks exceedingly promising.  State legislatures are moving towards freedom and individual liberty, and the Supreme Court is not standing in the way.  And yet, most of the legal changes we’ve seen at state and federal level are moving in the opposite direction, supporting the embiggening of the central government and its control over the individual.

How to explain this dichotomy?  My suspicion is that even white liberals are secretly scared to death about the demographic changes that have taken place since 1986 and they are unwilling to remain disarmed given their growing suspicions that the social changes they are still too proud to openly abandon go badly awry.  Just as many anti-gun liberals own firearms despite their loudly proclaimed principles, I suspect that many pro-immigration liberals and conservatives alike view their firearms as an insurance policy in case the Great Diversification turns into the Multicultural Wars.

What “independence”?

This is what happened back in January 2011, just to set the stage:

In the wake of the recent shooting in Tuscon, Travis put up a post on his blog about how he didn’t particularly feel like shedding any tears over the shooting of a politician, entitled “1 down, 534 to go!” Provocative? Inflammatory? Even tacky? Sure. But it was just speech. Political speech. The kind that’s protected under the 1st Amendment, even when it’s about politicians further up the food chain than congresscritters.

Comic readers tend to trend younger and lefter than the norm, and some of his customers found out about his post and decided to organize a boycott. I have no problem with boycotts; lord knows I’ve called for the boycotts of businesses that did things that annoyed me, such as using murderers for pitchmen. Some people were so butthurt, however, that they went to the authorities, and Travis received a knock on the door: It was the Arlington, MA po-po, there to relieve Mr. Corcoran of his guns, his ammunition, his firearms license, and his 2nd Amendment rights, all for having the temerity to use his 1st Amendment rights in the former Cradle of Liberty, now its grave.

 And this is what happened yesterday, on July 4th, “Independence Day”, 2013:

Well, TJIC got his Massachusetts FID* reissued, and has reapplied for an MA LTC**. Now the local po-po*** is surrounding his crib, wanting to inspect the premises. Without a warrant. In the suburbs of Boston. On Independence Day….

I repeatedly refused the cops’ requests for a voluntary walk-through of the house.

I repeatedly refused to answer any questions.

The cops repeatedly told me that if I had nothing to hide, I should just allow a walk-through, and if I was a good guy, I’d have a “conversation” with them.

In the end they illegally seized my FID (just plan CAN NOT do it, but they took it and wouldn’t give it back) and they illegally seized Jennifer’s firearms. My lawyer was appalled but not surprised.

Jennifer and I have been talking about moving out of MA in 3-6 years.

We are officially looking for real estate tomorrow; I will not spend one more day than is necessary in this totalitarian hell hole.

I ask again, what “independence” was it that you were celebrating yesterday?

UPDATE: It’s not only the Second Amendment that is under attack. Even the Third Amendment is being openly violated:

Henderson police arrested a family for refusing to let officers use their homes as lookouts for a domestic violence investigation of their neighbors, the family claims in court….  It continues: “At 10:45 a.m. defendant Officer Christopher Worley (HPD) contacted plaintiff Anthony Mitchell via his telephone. Worley told plaintiff that police needed to occupy his home in order to gain a ‘tactical advantage’ against the occupant of the neighboring house. Anthony Mitchell told the officer that he did not want to become involved and that he did not want police to enter his residence. Although Worley continued to insist that plaintiff should leave his residence, plaintiff clearly explained that he did not intend to leave his home or to allow police to occupy his home. Worley then ended the phone call.

Mitchell claims that defendant officers, including Cawthorn and Worley and Sgt. Michael Waller then “conspired among themselves to force Anthony Mitchell out of his residence and to occupy his home for their own use.” (Waller is identified as a defendant in the body of the complaint, but not in the heading of it.)

The complaint continues: “Defendant Officer David Cawthorn outlined the defendants’ plan in his official report: ‘It was determined to move to 367 Evening Side and attempt to contact Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell would be arrested.'”

Interesting, is it not, that white suburban Americans appear to be increasingly less inclined to trust or cooperate with the police.

The raw terror of the gun

A woman nearly scares herself to death by wearing an gun on her hip… an empty gun:

I started my 30-day gun trial with a little window-shopping. I visited a gun show and two gun dealers. I ended up buying a Glock 9mm
handgun from Tony, a gun dealer four miles from my house. I settled on
this model because it was a smallish gun and because Tony recommended it
for my stated purposes of protecting myself and my home.

It was obvious from the way I handled the gun that I knew nothing
about firearms. Tony sold it to me anyway. The whole thing took 7
minutes. As a gratified consumer, I thought, “Well, that was easy.” Then
the terrifying reality hit me, “Holy hell, that was EASY.”  Too easy. I
still knew nothing about firearms.

Tony told me a Glock doesn’t have an external safety feature, so when
I got home and opened the box and saw the magazine in the gun I
freaked. I was too scared to try and eject it as thoughts flooded my
mind of me accidentally shooting the gun and a bullet hitting my son in
the house or rupturing the gas tank of my car, followed by an
earth-shaking explosion. This was the first time my hands shook from the
adrenaline surge and the first time I questioned the wisdom of this
30-day experiment.

I needed help. I drove to where a police officer had pulled over
another driver. Now, writing this, I realize that rolling up on an
on-duty cop with a handgun in tow might not have been fully thought

I told him I just bought a gun, had no clue how to use it. I asked
him to make sure there were no bullets in the magazine or chamber. He
took the magazine out and cleared the chamber. He assured me it was
empty and showed me how to look. Then he told me how great the gun was
and how he had one just like it.

The cop thought I was an idiot and suggested I take a class. But up to that point I’d done nothing wrong, nothing illegal.

So here I sit at Starbucks, and the irony couldn’t be thicker. On
March 12, 2010, I was surrounded by big hairy men with guns on their
hips, yelling at me as I led a protest against Starbuck’s gun policy.
Today, I’m surrounded by five-year-old boys sitting with their moms at
the next table. Now I’m the one with a gun on her hip.

The gun makes me
more fearful than I could have imagined.

Keep in mind that there are people who genuinely think I’m crazy because I believe permitting terrified little mice like this a voice in governance is likely to lead to the loss of human liberty.  What the writer clearly doesn’t understand that it is not the gun that makes her fearful, fearfulness is her essential state of being.

She’s not the only one.  I have personally witnessed women reduced to tears by the sight and sound of men checking to confirm that their guns are completely unloaded. It was like seeing someone come unglued because the driver buckled his seatbelt.

No, you’re not “exempt”, cop

These lawless police are going to be learning some very hard lessons if they don’t get themselves under control. They appear to think they can act with impunity simply because they wear badges. They are wrong. They are very, very wrong.

Grisham says he supports the police. He shouldn’t. In the USA, the police are the enemy of the people. They are the bad guys and the servants of evil. They are not your grandfather’s keeper of the peace, they are lawless enforcers.