Seems I am the Leader of Gamergate

90% To fight both corruption, censorship and political colonization of gaming by SJWs/Con-artists.

06% Only to fight censorship of artistic freedom and political colonization of gaming by SJWs/con-artists.

04% Only to fight corruption in journalism

This is mildly amusing in light of those who tried to claim that I didn’t know what I’m talking about and that GG only concerns ethics in game journalism. Never confuse the initial flashpoint for the war.

SJWs and con-artists are the enemy. We fight them by relentlessly and ruthlessly speaking the truth.

The end of Arthur Affect

Coming on the heels of Arthur Chu’s jokes about rapes and bomb threats, Reaxxion reports the purported outing of the oft-quoted #GamerGate enemy as a freakish sex deviant:

At approximately 7:30 PM Eastern time yesterday, @BroTeamPill Tweeted out links to several web pages potentially associated with Arthur Chu, white-knight extraordinaire and notorious GamerGate detractor. These sites were found by locating different accounts registered to the same email. Among the sites were an embarrassingly juvenile LiveJournal, a Flickr account from 2006, and, most interestingly, an active Tumblr account bearing his signature name “AbstractArthur” The Flickr primarily consisted of photos from Mr. Chu’s college years and clearly belonged to him.

Among a number of photos of his friends rendered in now-antiquated Demotivational Poster format, a slew of pictures he took for his old student paper The Phoenix at an extracurricular event, and an exceedingly poor attempt at webcomicking, were at least a few rape jokes, statutory rape jokes, and candid photographs of a female friend sleeping. This is already terribly compromising to Arthur’s image, since he tries to portray himself as a “defender of women” and opponent of “rape culture.”

The Tumblr, on the other hand, resembled the private hoard of a sex fanatic: someone obsessed with shemale transgenders and being seen as a “sissy-boy” whom men would screw. Updated as recently as last Sunday, it was a glimpse into a truly disturbed mind. It appeared, in fact, to be a hoax. The blatant ArthurEffect label and sheer horror of the content seemed like something a prankster would slap together to make it look like Chu was a bizarre deviant.

Warning: do NOT click on the archive links at Reaxxion. I’m not kidding. In fact, my initial thought was that it had to be some sort of vicious dark op meant to humiliate Chu, until I read this part:

As word of the compromising Flickr photos and uploads sluiced through the veins of Twitter, word reached the ears of their owner. Almost immediately, the Flickr account was closed, presumably with the intent of limiting the damage. But the Internet never forgets, and archives of the content had already been made. What is worth noting, though, is that the Tumblr was also deleted, at the same time.

Now, it’s entirely possible that these hypothetical dark operators were clever enough to anticipate Chu’s foolish attempt to belatedly delete the damaging Flickr account and thereby making it look as if he was also responsible for shutting down the Tumblr account that was closed at the same time, but we will have to wait to hear if Mr. Chu denies responsibility for one or both accounts. Regardless, if he is responsible for either of them, it would appear to be time for Mr. Chu to abandon his public posturing as a white knight attempting to save women by attacking #GamerGate.

UPDATE: Apparently Mr. Chu has denied responsibility for the Tumblr account, and admitted to the Flickr account. Of course, this does not mean that he is not responsible for it; given that Mr. Chu is a self-professed supporter of playing dirty and being dishonest, one cannot simply take him at his word. Nero has more:

Yeah, that’s not going to happen. We’re not going to leave you alone, Arthur. You didn’t leave us alone, after all.

An apology to GamerGate

SJWs always lie, and sooner or later, the honest non-SJW is eventually going to realize that so long as he, or in this case, she, pays enough attention:

My name is Sofie Liv, i’m a young woman from Denmark, I love playing video games and sometimes review them.

And I feel like I owe you all the greatest apology. I’m ashamed, and I want to apologies. I can only apologies for myself so here goes.

We all know about the Zoe Quinn and Sarkeesian thing that happened so long ago. Back then as I was just minding my own buisness with my web review show, reviewing the nerd things I love so much on the Agonybooth, I was given information that these women had been threatened, that they had been driven into misery, that gamergate was behind all of it, that all these second grade photoshopped images were proof of it, that these women were doxxed and got rape threats on a daily basis.

And like a complete sucker, I bought it! I suckered it up, I bought into it, and I am ashamed. No part of me would believe that someone would downright lie about rape threats, it didn’t even occour to me that they would lie about their own mental state, because no part of me could ever believe that someone would lie about those things.

Then slowly arguments started crawling up, I raised my eyebrow at quite a bit of the things Sarkeesian openly said, I had to point out. “That isn’t right.”

At that point I had taken a new stand… I am not with Sarkeesian, but neither am I with Gamergate, I think they both did wrong. Still, stupid me hadn’t done prober fact checking, but just taken peoples word for these things happening.

So many people in my circle, so many people following me pointed to the harrashment of these women as plain fact…. I now know this is untrue. Now I have finally done the prober actual research and found the sources, and I know i’ve been lied to… and as a sucker I suckered it up. I called Gamergate things, hinted at you guys being imoral, I switched from reviewing movies to review another medium that I love, video games, and called it a stand against the idea women can’t be gamers… an idea I now know, doesn’t even exsist!

Now my game reviews has been turned into a stand up against the Sarkeesian ideals, because now I actually feel it’s important to stand up to her and call her bullshit for what it is… It’s bullshit. She’s full of bullshit, and I can only apologies that I bought so easily into it as a brain dead sheep.

What I want to say with all of this is that, I think you people have done absolutely fantastic. In spite of all this bad rep you still managed to stand up and stand true to what this is actually about.

Apology accepted. This is why it is so important for us to stand our ground. This is why it is so important for us to speak the truth, and keep speaking the truth, whether anyone believes us or not, whether the media calls us names or not, and whether people offer us friendship and approval or not.

The one thing SJWs absolutely rely upon is honest people NOT calling them out. They don’t expect to convince everyone, they merely want to silence anyone who threatens their false narratives. So stop playing along with them. Stop sitting there in mute disapproval of their lies and misrepresentations, stand up, and declare “that is not true!”

SJWs are the sons and daughter of the Father of Lies. They are the People of the Lie and they can only be defeated by the Sword of Truth.

Anti-GamerGate bomb threat

Fortunately for the world, I can assure everyone that the 8th Wonder of the World, Nero’s hair, is safe:

event began at 9:30 pm and the local bar appeared to be having a good
time until approximately 11:30 pm when the local police received a
report from an unknown source about a bomb threat at Local 16. The
threat was made over Twitter according to the local police station. This
led to an evacuation, which took place at approximately a quarter after
midnight. Sources at the location that left prior to the evacuation say
there was no knowledge of the threat prior to their departure at about
11:45 pm.

The whole affair was initially run as a fire drill, and everyone was
able to get out without much issue, allowing the police to search the
premises afterwards. By all accounts and video footage, the people were
all calm about the events as it was on going.

After the investigation was done, everyone was allowed back into the
bar and, according to people at the event, there were several free
rounds. There is no information on who made the threat, and anyone calling
for investigations of particular people are being premature at this
moment in time.

This was the threat, which someone promptly archived:

I have multiple bombs planted around the area #GGinDC is being held in. If #GGinDC is not evacuated within the next hour, it will detonate.  

A number of people seem to think Arthur Chu was somehow involved, but I find it difficult to believe that he could be that stupid.

A misstep on the long march

David Futrelle’s jumping on my failure to properly articulate my statement on what I believe #GamerGate to be is a good example of why the written word is reliably more powerful in the medium- and long-term than the visual medium:

Yesterday, I wrote about Vox Day’s extravagantly evasive — yet highly revealing — interview with David Pakman. But the interview also featured a few striking moments of candor. One of these came when Day — a sometime gave developer as well as the biggest asshole in Sci Fi — offered his answer to the question: “What is Gamergate really about?”

Suggesting that the issue of “corruption in game journalism” was little more than “the spark that set the whole thing off,” Day declared that

    what Gamergate is fundamentally about is the right of people to design, develop and play games that they want to design, develop and play without being criticized for it.

Which is an. er, interesting perspective, as there is in fact no “right” to be immune from criticism.

If you write a book, if you make a movie, if you post a comment on the internet — you should be ready for it to be criticized. Because that’s how free speech works. That’s how art works. And that’s how ideas work.

It’s too bad David Pakman didn’t jump on that or I would have corrected myself. But Futrelle is absolutely right for once. I shouldn’t have phrased it that way. It was a mistake. What I should have said, and what I believe, was this:

What GamerGate is fundamentally about is the right of people to design,
develop and play games that they want to design, develop and play.

Period. Although I will add that it would certainly be nice if we could simply design, develop, and play games without being harassed in the process. Now, as is normal for the average SJW, Futrelle hasn’t really thought this through beyond the chance to momentarily try to portray me as being anti-free speech. (DISQUALIFY!) It’s not a cheap shot, given the quote I handed him, but it is a silly one, because I have twelve years of evidence demonstrating that I am fairly extreme on the pro-free speech side, whereas Futrelle is considerably less staunch in that regard.

Of course, they will keep saying “you said it” and “no takebacks”, or as PopeHat rather absurdly tried to insist, “you can retcon all you like”. But that would only convince people if I had no previous statements on free speech, not to mention one of the more lightest moderating policies of any popular blog.

And it’s very easy for us to turn this particular line of attack around on them. In response, I asked Futrelle the following question:

A question for you re your two articles. Do you support the right of gamers to tell women they should not develop games?

Help the Honey Badgers

The Honey Badgers were kicked out of Calgary Expo, apparently for the thoughtcrime of supporting GamerGate by selling GG t-shirts. Here is another chance to strike back at the SJWs:

The Honey Badger Brigade is now seeking legal advice to hold the Calgary Expo staff accountable for their acts of abuse and discrimination against us. We have made attempts in the past week to diffuse the situation by attempting to contact Mr. Kelly Dowd, owner of the Calgary Expo. We have received no response.

On April 17th 2015, the Honey Badger Brigade was forcibly evicted and our booth ordered removed, despite our operating well within the rules of the Expo and it’s policies of conduct. We were not given a chance to dispute the alleged complaints. The organization violated its own stated policy in the process and has released conflicting claims regarding its reasons for our removal.

Those claims indicate that we were removed due to our Men’s Rights Activism and unpopular view of modern feminism. Therefore it is our belief that the actions taken by the Calgary Expo staff were of a political nature and contravene the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in particular freedom of conscience, freedom of thought and freedom of association.

If so, this eviction was based in discrimination, an act that has defamed and abused us. While we would prefer to settle this outside of a courtroom, we are prepared to take every legal action needed to ensure that ourselves and other future exhibitors will be treated equally, and without such a denial of their fundamental human rights.

All funds submitted to this fundraiser will be used for legal costs and costs directly related to our ejection from the Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo. We will be keeping track of expenses and providing expense reports as we’re able.

If you’re a member of the Dread Ilk, Rabid Puppies, or #GamerGate, I’d encourage you to start a little coffee fund. Nothing much, maybe save your change or devote $5 per month to support the little causes such as these that are going to continue to arise. If we all do that, and judiciously apply this financial ammunition, the force multiplication of doing it at the same time at critical junctures can have a disproportionate impact.

I’m not going to bring up every little thing, but if one seems particularly useful or hits in a critical area, I will bring it to your attention. The Honey Badgers are significant because they are being attacked primarily to prevent the GamerGate virus from spreading into other potentially anti-SJW women’s groups.

Remember, the SJWs always focus their ire and their fire at the weak links and the inroads. That’s why they put pressure on the likes of Annie Bellet, not Steve Rzasa or Tom Kratman, to withdraw from the Hugo shortlist. If we can continue to knock them back at those points of resistance, they’ll crumble much more rapidly than they will from steady, constant pressure.

The virus spreads

Now #GamerGate is spreading into fitness and media. It’s a pity David Pakman didn’t stick to the topic at hand, as I made a prediction about #GamerGate that is already beginning to come true. The anti-SJW offensive is spreading out from games into books and other industries.

The SJWs took the cultural high ground. But due to their being centralized, they have a very limited ability to respond to the 4GW tactics being utilized by the various #XGates.

Pakman Show interview

Not the greatest performance by me. I was taken more than a little by surprise, as I thought we were going to be discussing GamerGate and the Hugo Awards, not op/ed columns I wrote 10 or 12 years ago and didn’t even recall immediately.

But that’s how they play the game. I’m not the least bit upset or annoyed about it. I could have shut it down once it became clear that David Pakman had set up a bait-and-switch, but I was interested to see just how far he would take us off subject. I find it amusing that the headlines are focused on my supposedly “controversial statements” when saying that some races are smarter than others is no more debatable than saying that some races are taller than others.

And I am not stating unequivocally that homosexuality is a birth defect for the obvious reason that we don’t know with any degree of certainty that it is an immutable condition determined at birth. But if it is, then what else would you realistically call a condition that significantly reduces the odds that a creature will be able to propagate its genes?

Anyhow, the interview turned out to be an obvious hit piece, as Roosh demonstrates with this screencap of the original video title.

And just to be clear, I was told this would be an interview about #GamerGate and the gaming industry.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 4:30 PM
From: VD
Subject: show appearance

Message Body:
You tweeted at me and asked me if I would appear on the show. That’s fine, you can contact me via this email.


Terrific, would love to set something up. We do our interviews via skype
video. If that works in principle it would be great to set something up
for sooner than later. Would you be available this Friday at 11am
eastern time? I’d love to discuss your views on gamergate and just more
broadly how you general views inform your views on gamergate and the
gaming industry. It will be a casual discussion, likely 25 or so
minutes, just between you and I.


David Pakman
Host / The David Pakman Show /

And then there is this:

6h6 hours ago

Today’s interview with is up. He admits to sex without consent, says gay is a birth defect, more
From the interview (17:30)

Vox Day: Have you always obtained absolute formal written consent every time you’ve had sex?
David Pakman: No.

A statement by the Literally Wus

Try to read this statement about RavenCon with a straight face. I dare you:

A statement from Frank Wu and Brianna Wu about RavenCon

This weekend, we are both invited to be guests of honor at
RavenCon. Every time we’re asked to be GoHs at a convention, we consider
it a huge responsibility. We take our work as guests seriously – both
in representing the convention, and participating in programming in a
way that is entertaining to attendees. Our long track record of
professionalism speaks for itself.

The toll that the hate
group Gamergate has taken on our family has been well documented in
press, interviews and documentaries. Brianna has received 83 death
threats in the last 8 months, and Gamergate regularly disrupts her
speaking invitations at colleges. We’ve tried to stand firm to our
beliefs and march forward.

Sadly, the same reactionary anger has
spread into the science fiction community with the hijacking of year’s
Hugo awards, deliberately sabotaging them for bitter, regressive
political purposes. Many of the forums that orchestrate harassment
against Brianna and other women in the game industry have avowed
supporters of the Hugo hijacking, many of whom participated in the
voting and strongly support Vox Day.

What makes RavenCon
particularly uncomfortable for us is that a number of those attending
directly orchestrated or benefited from the hijacking. We’ve heard
numbers as high as six.

Frank Wu has won four Hugo awards. They
are near and dear to our family. And we agree with John Scalzi, Connie
Willis, George R. R. Martin and others about the travesty this has been.
The hijackers have contempt for the awards while also desperately
wanting the legitimacy they feel it would grant them.

To put it
bluntly, attending this con makes us tremendously uncomfortable. But we
agreed to attend, long before Gamergate, and we will follow through with
that professional commitment.

Neither of us wish to discuss the
Hugo hijacking with any person responsible for this atrocious action.
Both of us would consider it a professional courtesy if you didn’t
attend Brianna’s Gamergate panel tomorrow.

Let’s all enjoy what
brings us together, rather than focus on what brings us apart. There’s
plenty that science fiction fans can agree on. We hope we can all enjoy

Frank and Brianna Wu

I know when I hear about John Flynt, the first thing I think about is his “long track record of
professionalism”. Not about his pretending to be a woman, his pretending to flee his house, his being caught autoharassing, his failure as a game developer, or his ludicrous, but modestly successful attempts to promote himself as a victim of misogyny. As for the 83 claimed death threats, I would assume Mr. Flynt himself likely accounted for at least 80 of them. But it would be interesting to hear someone count how many lies Mr. Flynt tells in his #GamerGate panel; I’d put the over/under north of 30.

And I’m guessing every single one of these six logical fallacies so often relied upon by SJWs will be on display.