The Glorious History of GG

Grummz praises the OGGers and the consequences of #GamerGate.

It’s time to take credit.

Gamergate really did change the world.

It was the first time normies (like I and others used to be), woke up to how corrupt our journalism was.

We fought back so hard that social media spent millions developing censorship tools to stop us, which were then weaponized against the mass populace.

There IS a gamergate playbook and it is this: TRUTH. We used TRUTH and social media to spread the word, through epic meme battles and more.

We gave rise to the Right media. So many pundits on the Right came from GG and got HUGE.

We helped get Trump elected the first term, because Trump called the media “fake” and that was the GG banner. We wanted it fixed.

We crushed AAA gaming last year and forced Ubisoft to their knees.

We may not be called Gamergate anymore, we may have been smeared and pushed into a corner for years as social media banned us all, but we are the keyboard warriors of truth and we have won the long game.

Now let’s keep going!

Indeed. As it happens, the final track on the SOULSIGMA album is THE RIDE NEVER ENDS, a tribute to GamerGate and all of its leaders, of whom, of course, I am one.


It Was NEVER Just Video Games

Anti-GGer: You guys are genuinely so fucking pathetic IT’S QUITE LITERALLY JUST VIDEO GAMES

Endymion: Idiot says protecting video games is pointless & stupid & the USAID story is a nothing burger. These are the same kinds of people who were totally fine to see all your favourite things turn into transgender playgrounds. We won, you lost. Seethe all you want, we’re burning it all down. The fact everything I spoke about while I risked my livelihood when censorship was at its highest only to be proven TRUE all along…you’re damn right I’m going to shout it out from the rooftops. We won, and we must ensure these pathetic losers never grasp power ever again. Destroy it all, raze it to the ground. Keep the pressure no matter what. Thank you.


They Cannot Lose

At Sigma Game, reflections on #Doge, #GamerGate, and the Omegas who provide the manpower for both of them on the basis of a heartfelt post from /pol/:

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We’re already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren’t shy about throwing their money elsewhere, or even making the games ourselves. They think calling us racist, misogynistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a headset. They picked a fight against a group that’s already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they’ve threatened us with. Who take it as a challenge when they tell us we no longer matter.

They cannot lose because they have nothing to lose. That’s what makes them invincible.

I particularly enjoyed this: They think calling us racist, misogynistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a headset.

The Ride Never Ends.


GamerGate’s Pyrrhic Victory

Games Journalism is like fewer than 40 people now. Magazines are basically gone and websites are close behind them. None of this is a surprise to me, but it’s incredibly sad. We had something awesome for a while there. Younger generations have no idea what they missed out on.

As a longtime fan of Computer Gaming World, which I would argue was one of the greatest magazines ever published, I could not agree more. In absolutely related news, we’re informed of the game industry’s darkest hour since the Video Game Crash of 1983:

The movers and shakers of the video game industry will gather Thursday in Los Angeles to celebrate the annual Game Awards, the sector’s equivalent of the Oscars. But no amount of glitz and glamour can put a sheen on what has been one of the worst years in the industry’s history, marked by waves of layoffs and studio closures.

“Game industry continues to be just incredibly bleak behind the scenes,” Mike Bithell, who heads a small British studio, posted on the Bluesky social network this month. “Ecosystem is in free fall. Doubt there’ll be an easy solution, or a quick one. This darkest hour has dragged out to a darkest couple of years.”

At least 14,500 people in the sector were laid off worldwide in 2024, up from 10,500 in 2023, according to the Game Industry Layoffs website. Many studios have also closed their doors. In recent months, French giant Ubisoft announced it would close its branches in San Francisco and Osaka. Sony-owned U.S. studio Firewalk — behind this year’s spectacular flop “Concord” — met a similar fate in October.

The fact that the financialization of the industry led to its complete failure, and that its convergence led to its inability to perform its core function, is not even remotely surprising. The suits were bad enough in the late 1990s; I remember GT Interactive’s vice-president – and eventual Atari president – once calling me tell me that he didn’t like the color of the laser bolts in an early demo of Rebel Moon Revolution.

“Harry,” I said. “You’re a lawyer. First, we’re working on the 3D engine now, so we made the lasers bright pink and bright green so it’s easy to see where they go. Second, you’re a freaking lawyer! Leave the game development to the game developers.”

But the invasion of women and other status-seekers, who were chasing the cachet of being in the entertainment industry as well as the high-paying jobs available in game dev, really sunk the ship. They were more concerned with story and characterizations than gameplay, and once the social justice movement got started, representation and inclusivity and diversity and every form of sexual insanity. I flat-out quit playing new games; I haven’t paid any attention to a mainstream game in years and I’m very, very far from alone.

The good news is that the independent game industry is alive, well, and thriving. It’s actually rather reminiscent of the late ’80s and early ’90s when it was possible to develop a successful game with a small team of 2-to-10 serious and motivated gamers. #GamerGate won, in the end, but it has been a costly victory indeed.


The Triumph of #GamerGate

We were the first to punch through the Narrative and make them bleed. No wonder they hate and fear us to this day.

Listen very carefully to how Mike explains the Narrative Warfare capacity of Globohomo, when it came online, and why they freaked out. He did not mention us by name, but considering the anniversary event and that Games Journos are the Farm League for Mainstream Media and do every single bit of Narrative bullshit that the big players do FOR THE SAME REASONS.

We were the Black Swan that no one saw coming! We were the first to crack that wall in the Narrative Warfare Dyson Sphere. Sure, we did it against the Regime’s Farm League Teams, but we did it nonetheless; it’s no different than an unexpected revolt in a heretofore secure rear area garrisoned by shitters and losers because that’s exactly what it was.

The newbs and fuckups screwed up a job with low expectations, then fucked up the containment response, and suddenly people further up the status (and thus command) ladder had to be diverted to handle something that they should never have had to handle. In the process of doing this, we did irreperable damage to the Narrative Warfare Complex.

The lessons that were learned, the tactics that were developed, and the example that was set are still relevant today. The power of the Meme Magic we collectively unleashed is such that even those who are genuinely opposed to the Establishment Narrative are terrified of our ability to punch through it. Seriously, the fourth rule of r/neilgaimanuncovered is “No reposts from “Neil Gaiman Memes” and yet the posters there still regularly take their lead from some of our posts.

That was five days ago. This is today.

A few days ago, Milo, Ethan, Mundane Matt, myself, Sargon of Akkad, and a few more of the 40 or so original #GamerGaters appeared on a 10th Anniversary of GG Killstream, and it was remarkable to discover how despite our widely disparate politics, fields, and interests, every single one of us had been the subject of multiple hit pieces by the mainstream media, the same mainstream media that has been desperately trying to maintain its wall of silence about the growing number of accusations of sexual assault, non-disclosure agreements, and large monetary payouts.

But sometimes, silence speaks volumes. Indeed, perhaps the most damning confirmation of the worst-case scenario is the fact that The Guardian hasn’t fluffed Neil Gaiman once in the last two months.

So, to paraphrase an old GG aphorism, shut up and meme, boys! Shut up and meme. Vivian’s grown up and gone Goth.


They Are Still Lying

Grummz calls out WIRED for lying – again – about #GamerGate:

Wired gets it completely wrong.

Gamergate started because journalists were exposed for trading favorable reviews and coverage in exchange for favors, and for lying about it, as well as the movement.

Ethics in journalism was the banner, and now Wired is perpetuating the lies and smear campaign that started it all.

Just yesterday we had recent example of a game journalist’s corruption, and even just weeks ago with Ubisoft and expensive Disney trips for influences.

The gaslighting that wired is doing here, shows the reasons haven’t changed, and the journalists are still scum.

To this day, the media still knows virtually nothing about #GamerGate. As an OG GamerGater, I do. I was there from the very start ten years ago, before it was even christened #GamerGate. I even know the identity of GamerGater#1, who broke GameJournoPros and exposed the gaming media’s whole ghastly favors-trading game; most people have forgotten that I was once not only a game journalist myself, I was the first professionally syndicated one.

The gaslighting, as Grummz correctly described it, was always an attempt to change the narrative away from the gaming media’s wrongdoings, many of which are things they do openly today that they don’t even bother to hide.


The Roots of GamerGate 2.0

The Dark Herald delves into the latest iteration of GamerGate at the Arkhaven blog:

It all began with GamerGate.

Well, no it didn’t. It began with decisions that the editors of PC gaming magazines made.

Back in the 1990s I had a subscription to Computer Gaming World. It was a don’t miss back then. Given what the internet was like at the time, a print magazine was an absolute necessity. At least if you were going to find out if Master of Orion II was anywhere near as good as the first game, (BTW, it was better). Is the full version Redneck Rampage as difficult to run as the share-ware? (Yes, definitely). Or is John Romero really going to make you, his bitch? (No, he wasn’t.) You would also get interviews with people like Roberta Williams and Richard Garriott. Plus, you would find out which conventions were going to have the best computer gaming room. (It mattered in those days because it might be the only place you could play some titles if your friends didn’t have a copy.)

Here’s the big thing. There was a real sense of community back then and gaming magazines were the glue that was holding us together. The guys that wrote those articles were part of our tribe. They spoke our language, shared our concerns, and agreed with us on what was cool.

The gaming magazines were huge and I don’t just mean within gaming culture. They were physically gigantic. There was a point where CGW had 500 pages. That was where the trouble began.

When you have that many pages, you need to fill them with something. The editors of gaming magazines had run into a problem there. They could hire more gamers and teach them how to write, a longer process to be sure but in the end, you would have more in-depth articles by people who know and love gaming. However, given how fast the gaming magazines were growing and how much original content they needed month to month, a shortcut beckoned siren-like to the editors.

There was always a pile of resumes from journalism majors who were shotgunning any publication in the hopes of landing a gig. They knew absolutely nothing about gaming, but they did know how to write, (sort of, they were journalism majors after all). The view clearly was, just give them something easy to play until we can find someone better.

So, the editors started hiring journalism majors as a temporary shortcut. The kind of temporary shortcut that stays forever. Journalism majors could write about games, but they didn’t love them. They didn’t care at all about game mechanics, what they had a passion for was narrative story structure and pretty, pretty pictures. So long as a game had those it would get a ten-star review even if the gameplay sucked.

It was obvious that these journalism majors were setting the game difficulty on Toddler Mode and playing through as fast as possible. They wanted to experience the narrative with as little interruption by gameplay as could be managed.

This temporary fix stuck around. The journalists got promoted. Then the magazines started getting bought by media conglomerates like Ziff Davis, who definitely preferred to work with journalists. Consequently, the gamers at the gaming magazines got shunted to the side and the journalists started making the hiring decisions. Guess who they hired?

You guessed right. Other journalists.

Most readers here know of my involvement in GamerGate, including the hosting of #GGinParis with Mike and Milo. But I was much more deeply involved with game journalism starting more than 20 years before the exposure of the GameJournoPros list.

Computer Game World was arguably one of the greatest magazines in publishing history. I read it from cover to cover, carefully taking notes as to who did what and worked for which company, to the point that when I started attending industry events, I could speak substantively to pretty much anyone of note that I met.

I eventually started writing for them, had one of our games reviewed by them, and even contributed by writing the initial review for the much-anticipated id-and-Raven game Heretic. In fact, I was the only game developer who was permitted to write for them, for as Editor-in-Chief Johnny Wilson once said, correctly, “Vox would rather cut his arm off than cut a bad game any slack.” Johnny was eventually replaced by Chris Lombardi, who was also excellent and possessed of a formidable intelligence, but once Ziff Davis bought them and Chris was hired away by one of the early gaming networks, the quality declined rapidly, to the point that I no longer even bothered subscribing even though I was a game developer.

So, I can state with some authority that it’s a good history. Read the whole thing there.


GamerGate 2.0

Buckle up, boys. The ride never ends. A summary from /pol/

  • DEI-gaming consultants “Sweet Baby Inc” exposed for harassment and coercion to insert wokeism into video games (example: CEO talk admitting to their coercion tactics
  • Issue mostly ignored by Media/Gaming “Journalists” for at least a week
  • A group on Steam forms with a list of games that employed Sweet Baby to consult on their creation, along with a discussion board and chat about the issue
  • Group swells to just under 200k users as of the time of this post
  • Kotaku and other gaming “news” start posting articles over the past 24 hours to start calling the group and users a bunch of wayciss chud nazis
  • Alyssa Mercante, “Journalist” who wrote the Kotaku article, starts taking heat for defending the Sweet Baby company and CEO for her own racism vs whites
  • “Journalist” then hauls off her mask to obliviously spout critical theory talking points after posting said article denying that Sweet Baby pushes critical theory agenda. “hi! you can’t be racist against white people! thanks for tuning in!”

I think we all know who is going to win the 2025 Hugo Award for Best Related Work now. I’m a little surprised Kotaku is still around, to be honest, given the fact that no one who is actually interested in or plays games reads them anymore.

UPDATE: Curiouser and curiouser…

  • Sweet Baby Inc is funded by Baby Ghosts
  • Baby Ghosts co-founder is Eileen Holowka
  • Eileen Holowka’s brother was Alec Holowka
  • Alec Holowka was LITERALLY WHO’s boyfriend


Pray for Daddy Warpig

My old GamerGate colleague is fighting cancer. Best wishes and sincere hopes for his full recovery.

I’m asking for prayers from anyone willing to do so, because I was diagnosed with metastatic Pancreatic cancer on Monday. I’m going into surgery on the 29th. Anyone who could pray for me, I would be so very grateful.

No idea if he’s vaxxed or not, and I really don’t care. He’s always been one of the good guys.