The Rage is Building

What did the politicians think would happen once resources began running out. How are the Germans going to pay for all those unproductive migrants and refugees when even Volkswagen is shutting down multiple plants? How long will the Spanish sleep in their cars when the foreigners sleep in four-star hotels?

The destruction of civil society is the price of believing all the wicked lies about equality, diversity, and inclusivity, about immigration being good for the economy, and about the moral duty to aid and abet the invasion of your country. It’s all obviously stupid in hindsight, to such an extent that historians will marvel that it could have ever happened, but it was every bit as stupid at the time, it’s just that it’s not possible to provide the material evidence to prove something that hasn’t happened yet.

And, unfortunately, the majority of people are totally immune to logic, as they vastly prefer reasoning based upon argumentum ad imaginarium.


France Shuts the Borders

At this point, Schengen is essentially dead. The EU and its “free movement of peoples” will eventually follow:

France is set to ramp up the intensity of border controls with European neighbours amid fears of uncontrolled migration and terror threats just weeks after Germany announced a similar policy. French authorities informed the European Commission last week that its borders with six of its neighbouring Schengen members – namely Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain and Switzerland – will be reinforced with increased checks as of November 1 for at least six months.

We’ve definitely passed the peak of the pendulum. And given how far it reached, it’s going to snap back with a historical vengeance.


Moldova Rejects EU

This may mark the death knell for the EU. Once every Central and Eastern European state was desperate to join. Now, a number of existing members want out and formerly-prospective members no longer see any benefit to joining:

Voters in Moldova have rejected the government-backed proposal to enshrine eventual integration with the EU in the former Soviet country’s constitution. During Sunday’s referendum, held simultaneously with a presidential election, voters were asked whether the constitution should be amended to reflect the “irreversible European course” of the country and affirm the “integration into the European Union as a strategic objective” of the nation.

With more than 86% of the ballots counted, 54.55% voted against the proposal, while 45.45% voted in favor, according to the preliminary results cited by the news channel TVR.

BRICS is the smarter bet anyhow. But staying out of the EU is paramount. Never trust anyone who wants you to sign on to something “irreversible”. It’s almost as obvious as requiring you to sign in blood.

UPDATE: And now it looks as if this “vote” is about as legitimate as the faked 2020 US Presidential election. The referendum was suddenly turned around at the last minute with a flood of YES votes being found in the final hours. Democracy is increasingly nothing more than a flat-out fraud that inverts the genuine will of the people.

Potrivit rezultatelor preliminare, după prelucrarea a 98,74% din buletinele de vot din cadrul Referendumului constituțional 50,24% au votat DA și 49,76% au votat NU.

This probably means that Russia will have to invade Moldova sooner or later to free its people from Clown World.


The Well Runs Dry

France and Germany are throwing in the towel on Ukraine. Not all at once, of course, but the writing is clearly on the wall.

The heavyweights of Europe — France and Germany announced a reduction in funding for Ukraine. Not far from the time when The EU will also abandon anti-Russian sanctions, the observer is sure Pravda.Ru Lyubov Stepushova.

France, which promised assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 3 billion euros this year, reduced it by 1 billion, that is, by a third. This is caused by problems in the budget — its deficit for 2024 may amount to about 6% of the country’s GDP, which is unacceptable, according to EU rules. French Defense Minister Sebastian Lecorniu in an interview with Politico clarified that he does not plan to request additional funds from the parliament for Kiev by the end of this year.

Germany has also cut aid to Ukraine by half since the new year. According to German media, according to the budget for 2025, it will decrease from 7.1 billion euros this year to 4 billion euros next year.

It would be much better to make Ukraine go cold turkey and put pressure on the Kiev regime to surrender unconditionally instead of pointlessly wasting more Ukrainian lives in a futile effort to maintain a false posture that will neither fool nor impress the Russians into settling for less than they believe they require for a lasting peace. In the aftermath of the NATO expansion and Minsk betrayals, Russia is not in a hurry to reach any sort of settlement that is simply going to lead to another war in a decade when its position might be less advantageous.

The undeniable military reality is that Ukraine has to accept whatever Russia decides to demand; only then can the massive work of attempting to rebuild a smaller and less ambitious Ukrainian state begin. The other option is that Russia will simply continue its war of attrition until Kiev falls to its forces, so the sooner Kiev surrenders, the better for everyone.

1.8 million casualties, of which 780,000 are KIA since February 2022. And for what? About the only substantive accomplishment was permitting Kiev to serve as a massive short-term money-laundering center for the global elite.

The inflexion point has been reached. The Pax Americana, the neo-liberal world order, and the post-WWII era have ended. The locii of power have shifted from London and Washington to Moscow and Beijing. This is the new global reality. This is now the context in which all geopolitical and military and economic policies must be understood.


Hungary Opts Out

An object lesson in why government by treaty does not, and cannot, ever work:

Hungary has joined the Netherlands in seeking an opt-out from European Union rules on asylum, a minister has said, as the country’s nationalist leader Viktor Orban is expected to make waves at the European Parliament on Tuesday.

Last month, the Dutch government, which is dominated by Geert Wilders’ hard-right party, declared an ‘asylum crisis’ and requested an opt-out of the common asylum policy from Brussels. It said the move was justified so it can provide ‘housing, health care and education’ to its citizens, but the European Commission responded by saying that it expected no ‘immediate changes’.

The European treaties are binding agreements, and any exemptions can only be made with the agreement of all 27 EU member states.

“Binding agreements” are the way Satan tries to claim your soul. This is as true of nations as it is of individuals. The fact is that there are no agreements that can ever be regarded as permanently “binding” for sovereign nations. The sooner that the remaining EU member-states realize this and follow Great Britain’s lead in ridding themselves of their would-be rulers, the better.

No nation should ever sign any agreement that purports to be binding, permanent, or final.


Will, Not Could

Emmanuel Macron is half-right. But it’s not a situation where the European Union “could die”, it’s one where the collapse of the European Union is absolutely inevitable.

Emmanuel Macron has admitted that the EU ‘could die’ as he issued a dire warning about the bloc’s economy. The French President told the Berlin Global Dialogue event that the EU was over-regulating and under-investing. He also pointed out that both China and the USA outstripped the 27 member-bloc in economic output and investment.

In words reported by the Daily Telegraph, Macron said: ‘The EU could die, we are on a verge of a very important moment. Our former model is over – we are over-regulating and under-investing. In the two to three years to come, if we follow our classical agenda we will be out of the market’.

One of the central tenets of the EU is the “free movement of people”. Which is a necessary component of free trade; the benefits of free trade necessarily derive from labor and capital flowing to the places where production is most advantageous. This already produces serious problems, but with financialization, globalism, and debt completely interfering with these flows, the costs of free movement are even worse than they should be while the benefits are never realized.

Either the nations collapse into civil war and barbarism or the EU does. And it’s clear that more than one-third of the native populations have already figured this out. The worse things get, the more people will understand that the status quo is simply not an option.

And, of course, they’re doing what all bureaucrats do when faced with failure: prescribing more of the poison that is already killing them.

Former Italian Prime Minister and former European Central Bank chief, Mario Draghi, said that the bloc cannot compete alone with the likes of China and the United States and needs a far more integrated single market to create pan-European businesses of the require global scale. 


Freedom Wins in Austria

Clown World’s media pretends to be shocked that a party opposing futile permawars and migrant rape should prove to be popular.

Austria’s hard-right Freedom Party has topped the country’s national elections, winning the popular vote for the first time in its history. While the party has been in government several times, it’s the first time it has won the most votes, having gained the support of 29.1 per cent of electors, according to projections based on more than 60 per cent of the votes counted.

But even with the victory, it is still uncertain that the party will be able to form the next government.

Its leader Herbert Kickl, 55, has vowed to transform the country into ‘Fortress Austria’, slamming the current government’s ‘failed migration policy’ as being to blame for the Islamist terror plot on a Taylor Swift concert. Mr Kickl and his party have promoted ‘remigration’, the controversial concept which promotes the expulsion of immigrants of non-European ethnic backgrounds who are deemed to have failed to integrate.

And a reminder, as if any was needed, that conservatives are always worse than useless.

Based on current projections, the conservative People’s Party, led by current Chancellor Karl Nehammer, is on course to become the second largest group, with 26.3 per cent of votes. Addressing his party’s result, Mr Nehammer said it was ‘bitter’ that it missed out on first place, but noted that he had brought it back from lower poll ratings. He once again ruled out a coalition with Mr Kickl, adding ‘what I said before the election, I also say after the election.’


Europe’s Economic Suicide

This is not an accident. It’s not as if everyone with an economics degree didn’t see the economic meltdown coming when the EU decided to prevent its member states from using Russian gas:

The European Union decided to analyze why their economy is collapsing. They commissioned the former head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, to figure this out.

It is noteworthy that the study was commissioned by the European Commission, but the conclusions were still disappointing. Draghi came to the conclusion that the basis of Europe’s economic problems is the cost of energy for industry – electricity is 158% more expensive than in the US, natural gas – 345%.

Thus, in fact, Ursula von der Leyen’s department confirmed its own professional incompetence with statistics and research, because thanks to anti-Russian sanctions, there was a vast jump in energy prices and, as a result, a decline in the economy.

The wicked and self-destructive nature of the EU can be seen in its embrace of migrants – who are supposed to help the economy, but are massive net economic and social negatives – combined with its rejection of Russian energy – which was always going to destroy the economy. There are only two reasons for member states to continue to stay in the EU: 1) transfer payments to the member state and 2) corrupt politicians working against the interests of the nation.


The End of Schengen

Germany has finally bowed to the inevitable and will be bringing the era of free movement across Europe to an end:

Germany will bring in controls on all its land borders to deal with the ‘continuing burden’ of migration and ‘Islamist terrorism’, the country’s interior minister has told the EU.

Nancy Faeser of the struggling Social Democrat party (SPD) has finally accepted that Germany has no choice but to enforce proper border controls if it has any hope of coping with the staggering amount of unauthorised entries.

According to German newspaper Bild, the new rules will see ‘harsh rejections of migrants at the borders’.

Faeser has reportedly already informed the EU Commission of the decision, which is fuelled by deep-rooted panic over Germany’s current migrant situation and internal security threats.

I lived in Europe pre-Schengen, and I won’t lie, it was really nice to be able to blitz right through the borders that used to take up to 45 minutes to get through. But what was convenient for day-trippers and tourists has been an absolute nightmare due to the criminals and migrants who were also provided with easy and invisible movement throughout the European Union states and the non-EU Schengen signees.

This has been coming for two or three years now; we’ve seen some of the big border infrastructure being built at the borders of France and Spain, even though it isn’t being used yet. The police mostly use the toll booths as an ersatz border, but that only works for the highways.

Brexit marked the beginning of the end for the EU, but the effective demise of Schengen marks another important step.


Clown World “Democracy” in France

French President Emmanuel Macron refuses to accept the Parliament’s choice for Prime Minister.

Following consultations with the main political forces at the Elysée Palace on Friday and Monday, the head of state ruled out the appointment of Lucie Castets as prime minister, as demanded by the left-wing coalition.

According to Emmanuel Macron, “a government based solely on the program and parties” of the NFP “would immediately be censured by all the other groups represented in the National Assembly”. “The institutional stability of our country therefore requires that this option not be retained”, he thundered.
In the same text, the President of the Republic announced the launch of “a new round of consultations” starting on Tuesday with party leaders and “personalities distinguished by their experience in serving the State and the Republic”. A source close to Emmanuel Macron told Agence France-Presse on Monday evening that La France Insoumise, Rassemblement National and Eric Ciotti would not be invited to the new consultations.

Even before the announcement of Mr. Macron’s decision, the leaders of the Nouveau Front Populaire had announced that from now on they would only go to the Elysée “to work on the modalities of this cohabitation” with Ms. Castets at Matignon. None of the left-wing groups in the NFP coalition is therefore expected to go to the Elysée Palace on Tuesday.

All the left-wing parties have vehemently denounced Mr. Macron’s refusal to allow them to appoint a government, despite finishing top of the legislative elections. The national coordinator of La France Insoumise, Manuel Bompard, denounced on BFM “an anti-democratic coup de force that is being carried out on the basis of an argument that makes no sense”. “Emmanuel Macron’s communiqué is a disgrace”, said Marine Tondelier, National Secretary of the Ecologists. Communist Party national secretary Fabien Roussel felt that members of the presidential camp “don’t want the left and the ecologists to govern, they don’t want to respond to our citizens’ expectations for change”. “The Republic was born of the refusal of personal power,” wrote the Socialist Party’s first secretary, Olivier Faure, for his part, denouncing Mr. Macron’s decision.

In the evening, Manuel Bompard announced that a motion of impeachment against the head of state “will be presented by the Insoumis deputies to the bureau of the National Assembly in accordance with article 68 of the Constitution”, to oppose “an abuse of power”.

So, the Clown World “centrists” manipulated the electoral system to keep the nationalists out, and thereby handed the elections to the French Left. But, of course, they don’t want the Left to actually take power, because the Left is insane and will simply accelerate the process of turning power over to the nationalists.

Remember, this is the “democracy” that is supposed to be in demand all over the world. No wonder all the sovereign nations are looking at China and Russia and deciding that they’d better apply to BRICS.