The New R-Word

In the aftermath of Team Trump beginning to cut off the massive funding to Clown World’s operations in Europe, the leaders of the European Right are beginning to find their backbone and actually say the R-word out loud. That’s right… they’re openly calling for RECONQUISTA and remigration.

Right-wing leaders from across Europe have called for a new “Reconquista” to defend the continent’s traditional values and cultural identity while criticizing the EU’s migration policies. On Saturday, the Patriots for Europe group, the third-largest political bloc in the EU parliament, gathered in Madrid for its first high-profile rally since the summer elections. Attendees included Santiago Abascal, the leader of Spain’s conservative Vox party; Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban; Marine Le Pen of France’s National Rally party; and other high-profile conservative and right-wing leaders.

The event was held under the slogan “Make Europe Great Again,” an explicit nod to US President Donald Trump’s campaign motto. The conference centered on the theme of battling Islam, EU bureaucracy, globalism and left-wing “woke policies” and diversity.

The term “Reconquista” echoed throughout the event, with Abascal comparing today’s political struggles to the centuries-long campaign by Christian kingdoms to free the territory of modern Spain from Muslim rule in the Middle Ages.

“We Spaniards are proud to be known for that extraordinary feat of our ancestors. We are ready to be that again,” Abascal noted. “We are ready to be that wall of Europe once again in the face of Islamist advance,” he said, vowing to fight against “global dictatorship,” including the one imposed from Brussels.

The idea of Reconquista was also mentioned by Martin Helme, the leader of Estonia’s Conservative People’s Party. “For Europe to be great again, we need to have a new Reconquista,” he said while accusing globalist elites of trying to “damage our Christian civilization and replace it with their sick satanic utopia.”

Do Europeans want Reconquista, remigration, and a return to Christendom or do they want to continue their sick satanic servitude that has seen hundreds of millions of them slaughtered in the last 111 years in the name of the Enlightenment, Liberalism, and Democracy? Because ELD is the foundation of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality, which we already know is societal and civilizational suicide.


Consequences of the 21st Century Volkerwanderung

Third-worlders have invaded every Western country en masse, with the inevitable consequences for the natives and the economy. Meanwhile the primary concern of the mainstream parties is banning AfD instead of repatriating all the migrants. Angela Merkel and her successors have the blood of innocent German children on their hands.

A boy, aged two, and a man, 41, have been stabbed to death in a horror attack in Germany after a suspected asylum seeker armed with a knife ambushed a nursery group.

The child and adult were slain in Schontal Park, located in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, Germany, at around 11:45am.

Local police said: ‘A 28-year-old man from Afghanistan was arrested close to the crime scene’. He was apparently specifically targeting the children. 

No wonder the young Germans are increasingly demanding Ausländer raus! Any politician who stands in the way is going to get run over no matter how they try to suppress the will of the people.

History teaches conclusive lessons in this regard. Yesterday’s serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History addressed the Volkerwanderung, or Movement of the Peoples, and its terrible consequences for the collapsing Western Roman Empire and its citizens.

Among the Romans population had decayed for century after century, and the land had gone steadily out of cultivation, until nature herself seemed to have created the vacuum into which, in time, she inevitably attracted the Germans. The rush begins with the passage of the Danube by the Goths in 376, and is continued in the passage of the Rhine by the Vandals, Alans, and Sueves in 406. A hundred years after the passage of the Danube the final result of the movement begins to appear in the West. The praefecture of Gaul now sees in each of its three former dioceses Teutonic kingdoms established — Saxons and Jutes in the Britains; Visigoths (under their great king Euric) in the Seven Provinces of Gaul proper; Sueves (along with Visigoths) in the Spains. In the praefecture of Italy two of the three dioceses are under powerful barbarian rulers: Odovacar has just made himself king of Italy, and Gaiseric has long been king of Africa; while the diocese of Illyricum is still in the melting pot.

If we regard the movement of events from 410 to 476 internally, and from a Roman point of view, we shall find in the domestic politics of the period much that is the natural correlative of the Volkerwanderung without. Already, in the very beginning of this period, and indeed long before, the barbarian has settled in every part of the Empire, and among every class of society.

These “empire-destroying saviours of the Western Empire” were in reality the prime ministers of their generation, prime ministers resting not on a parliament (though they might, like Stilicho, affect to rely on the Senate), but on their control of a barbarian soldiery. Their power depended, partly on their influence with this wild force, which the Empire at once needed and dreaded, partly on the fact that the nominal representatives of imperial rule were weaklings or boys, whose court was under the influence of women and eunuchs.


Germany Gives Up

Germany has stopped funding Ukraine. Which means every other European state will follow suit, especially when Trump takes office and the US gravy train stops.

Germany has officially stopped funding Ukraine.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has REFUSED to approve a further €3 billion in military aid for Ukraine.

It’s over.

The smartest thing European leaders can do now is drop all sanctions on Russia, return all the frozen funds to Russia, apologize to Vladimir Putin, and beg him to start the gas flowing to Western Europe again. It’s not smart to deny that you’ve lost an argument, a fight, or a war, because it’s an objectively obvious fact that everyone can observe.

The Allies demanded unconditional surrender from Germany. The Russians would be in their rights to do the same, but simply granting them their original demands will probably suffice. The sooner Clown World accepts that and does so, the better it will be for everyone.


They Deserve Their Fate

If you’re not willing to remove your invaders, you fully merit the subsequent occupation and eventual loss of your property.

A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.

The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10. It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants. But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24. Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is ‘continuing to increase’ and has swelled to around 300 people. ‘The sanitary conditions are deteriorating day after day and the teams are facing this situation alone,’ it said as it called for the local authorities to find a housing solution for the occupiers.

‘Although this occupation is forced, it is unthinkable for the Gaîté Lyrique to throw these people out onto the street in the middle of winter,’ the statement added.

This is a metaphor for Europe and the USA writ small. Like the gods, the governments only help those who help themselves. When they’re not actively obstructing the way, of course.


The Fall of the Fake Democracies

Simplicius rightly calls out the fake democratic imperialism of Clown World’s European slave-leaders and their woefully misnamed “rules-based order”:

A new speech by Georgian pretender Salome Zourabichvili to the EU Parliament is a must-see. It is the very apotheosis of the Rules Based Order’s terminal decline, on which we’ve enlarged at length here. As things get down to the wire and the European ruling elite squander their mandate from the people, they have no avenue left but to ratchet up totalitarian policies to stay in power—and to keep the system, that interconnected grid of elite deep state power in control. As that occurs, their anti-democratic calls become increasingly naked, as they’re forced to say the quiet parts aloud:

It is in the context of what recently happened in Romania and elsewhere that her speech is seen in its most egregious light. She essentially calls on European powers to intervene in her own country, to act against her own people and government, which she calls illegitimate; for the record she’s now called both the parliamentary and presidential elections illegitimate and has vowed to illegally stay past her deadline.

There are so many outright shockingly hypocritical and treasonous statements it would be too long to list them all. Right from the getgo she blames Russian “imperialistic tendencies” for wanting to influence Georgia, yet almost in the same breath declares that Georgia is a “strategic interest” for Europe, and that Europe should therefore move in to take control of it. Is that not imperialism by the same name?

She goes on along the tack of saying the unspoken by naming every strategic advantage that NATO and the EU would see with Georgia under their control, such as control of the Black Sea, Armenia, the Caucuses, amongst other things.

She hails the illegal nullification of the Romanian election, which is met with resounding applause by the corrupt unelected bureaucrats. And this shows the flagrant corruption of the system—a dying empire seeks only absolute power and expansion at all costs, nothing else matters. Laws, rules, democratic principles are mere frivolities to be used as bargaining chips or talking points as means to an end.

It has become abundantly clear that nothing the Enlightenment promised is real. Every single intellectual pillar upon which it rests, from biology and economics to physics and science, is entirely false. Not misleading or mistaken, entirely and consciously false.

These wicked people aren’t even the atheist materialists they pretend to be!

However, these are dangerous times, because every time The Empire That Never Ended is exposed and overthrown, it lashes out and attempts to do as much damage as it can on the way out. But this time, we have to do a better job of chronicling its evil, in order to avoid future historians crying about the methods required to both repress the evil and unleash positive human potential.

The demographic and economic consequences of the Black Death, which kept populations down and labour scarce well into the 1400s, exacerbated conflict. After about 1470, however, the balancee tilted across Europe. This can be seen most vividly in the consolidation of powerful new monarchies in France, Eland, and Spain… Political consolidation was accompanied by increasingly rigid social hierarchies and a new wave of repression directed against those who diverged from Christian ideals. At the same time, intellectual innovation beginning in Italy transformed education, religion, and eventually elite culture as a whole.
– A Concise History of Switzerland

We’ve seen the dreadful fruits resulting from the rule of an elite that diverged from Christian ideals. That pendulum has already reached its apex, and now it is swinging back toward new political consolidations, increasingly rigid hierarchies, and new waves of repression and intellectual innovation that will, taken in their entirey, have massively positive effects for humanity and the world.

The connection between social discipline and positive social advancement is no different than the one between personal discipline and positive personal improvement. The obese, drugged, immoral, dishonest, society in which we live is the direct result of the West’s abject failure to reject and repress The Empire That Never Ended and its wicked representatives like Salome Zourabichvili. It is the direct result of rejecting the truth and foolishly choosing to believe Clown World’s lies.


The EU’s Fake Democracy

If the people vote wrong, just make them vote again until they vote correctly:

Romania’s Constitutional Court has annulled the results of the first round of the national presidential election after independent candidate Calin Georgescu clinched a surprise win last month. The decision comes amid accusations that Russia had allegedly assisted Georgescu’s campaign, claims Moscow has dismissed as “absolutely groundless.”

Georgescu, a religious nationalist, is critical of both NATO and the EU, and has criticized Romania’s role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He has also promised to end all military and political assistance to Kiev if elected into office.

During the first round of voting in November, Georgescu secured 22.94% of the ballots, beating out the liberal leftist candidate Elena Lasconi, who received 19.18%. The two were scheduled for a runoff on Sunday. However, on Friday, the country’s constitutional court issued a ruling annulling “the entire electoral process regarding the election of the President of Romania” and announced that the whole process will be resumed in its entirety at a later date.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the only thing worse than mob rule is rule by constitutional courts. The separation of powers doctrine is just the latest Enlightenment concept to prove a complete failure, in this case due to the combination of legislative cowardice, executive corruption, and judicial tyranny.


France’s Unholy Alliance

The French government has collapsed in record time. In response, French President Macron announced that he would be sending another 500 million Euros to Ukraine – actually, that’s a joke. I think.

The French Government has collapsed after the Brexit-hating prime minister lost a no-confidence vote after just 90 days in power. Michel Barnier has become the first prime minister since 1962 to be to be forced out by such a vote. French lawmakers voted 331 out of 574 in support of the motion with the far-left and far-right coming together in an unholy alliance.

Speaking to French media after the result, the leader of the far-right National Rally party (RN) Marine Le Pen said that her party’s support for the vote was to ‘protect the French’.

Just 288 votes were needed to see Barnier ousted.

The French Prime Minister had been appointed on September 5 – a mere three months ago. Barnier was the European Union’s Brexit negotiator with successive British Prime Ministers following the 2016 referendum. Today’s no-confidence plunges France into a period of political paralysis, with many predicting economic disaster will follow.

Clown World forcing its puppets to cling to power is becoming increasingly ridiculous. Their promises are void. No one believes that importing Africans and sending money to Ukraine and Israel is going to make them rich anymore.

Nationalists and Socialists joining forces to take on the globalist banking interests. You know, that sounds almost familiar somehow…


Not In Danger, Doomed

It is gradually beginning to dawn on the Eurocrats that their grand project is headed for a catastrophic collapse:

The future of the EU is in jeopardy at a time of multiple crises beyond its borders and doubts over defense guarantees from the US, Brussels’ outgoing foreign policy chief said on Monday. Josep Borrell painted an alarming picture of the state of world affairs when marking the release of a collection of his speeches and essays titled ‘Europe in the Arc of Fire.’ He listed conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, and Africa among the key factors threatening global security.

“The events we have had to face during the last several months have – unfortunately – confirmed the diagnosis made earlier: Europe is in danger,” Borrell wrote on his office’s website.

“Our geopolitical environment is deteriorating, and conflicts and crises are multiplying on our doorstep. From Ukraine to the Middle East, via South Caucasus, the Horn of Africa or the Sahel,” he added. “All of this against a backdrop where the future US commitment to European security is becoming much more uncertain.”

The European Union has no future. It is an incoherent, anti-democratic institution sold on false pretenses, reliant upon false promises, and it will be neither the first nor the last supernatural currency regime to collapse under the weight of its inconsistencies.

It was never going to work, but the decision of its unelected leaders to actively oppose and suppress the nationalism of its member-nations rendered it unhealthy and indefensible. There isn’t a single European who is willing to fight to defend Brussels, indeed, the sickness of the EU now runs so deep that there are few Germans who are willing to fight to defend Berlin and few Frenchmen who are willing to fight to defend Paris.

The only thing that prevents Russia from conquering Europe is that Russia has no desire to rule over Europe and never has. It has always been European countries invading Russia, not the other way around, dating back to the days of Charles II, the Great Northern War, and the Swedish invasion of Russia.

The sooner Italy, Hungary, France, and Germany withdraw from the autocratic imperial rule of Brussels, the better it will be, not only for the nationals of those nations, but for the world.


Complete Detachment From Reality

A French regulator has ruled that since unborn children are not “living beings” it is forbidden to state that abortion can be a cause of death on the airwaves. Even though abortion is observably the world’s leading cause of death among homo sapiens sapiens.

The French media regulator has fined the conservative channel CNews €100,000 for, during a Catholic programme, saying that abortion is the world’s leading cause of death. The episode reveals the extent to which the debate on abortion is deadlocked in France.

In February 2024, presenter Aymeric Pourbaix, during the Catholic programme “En quête d’esprit,” broadcast every Sunday on the conservative channel CNews, showed an infographic on the causes of death, ranking abortion as the leading cause, with 73 million deaths each year worldwide. That translates to 52% of annual deaths, far ahead of cancer (10 million) and smoking (6.2 million).

The journalist’s comments sparked a wave of indignation in the mainstream press, on the grounds that abortion cannot be considered a “cause of death” because the foetus should not be considered a living being… In the weekly magazine Valeurs Actuelles, Jean-Marie Le Méné, head of the Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, denounced the totalitarian nature of this decision, which proves the denial of reality that surrounds the practice of abortion in France:

Arcom writes: “Abortion cannot be presented as a cause of death.” Equating an aborted child with a dead person would make abortion a homicidal act. So that abortion can be carried out with a clear conscience, it is forbidden to say that abortion takes away life. Otherwise the keystone of the system collapses. But who believes this fiction?

He adds: “Abortion, the leading cause of death in the world, is unfortunately a fact, not an opinion.”

This decision demonstrates Clown World’s complete detachment from science, medicine, law, and reality. If unborn children were not “living beings” then no doctor would ever tell a woman that her pre-natal child had died in the womb. In fact, it would be impossible for any baby to die in the womb if the pre-natal baby was not a living being.

Never buy into the false dichotomy of something being EITHER evil or stupid. In most cases, evil is stupid, because it is intrinsically detached from, and actively opposed to, God, Nature, scientage, logic, reason, and observable reality.

The fact that abortion is undeniably the current leading cause of death for human beings is why I describe feminism as one of the very worst ideologies in human history, worse than Communism, worse than fascism, and worse than National Socialism. Those who have supported feminism in any way should reflect about the fact that future generations will regard them as having been more evil, and more horrifically stupid, than they now regard those who supported the historical Communists, fascists, and Nazis.


Germany Suicides Even Harder

It’s very, very difficult to imagine what the NATO mouthpieces currently pretending to run Germany think they’re going to accomplish by threatening to suicide Germany even harder by throwing its young men and women on the same altar they’ve sacrificed the German economy:

Now Germany reveals plans to mobilise national defence and 800,000 NATO troops after Kremlin nuke threat – as US announces new weapon Kyiv can use to stop Russia after allowing long-range missile strikes.

Ukraine’s strike on an ammunition depot in Russia’s Bryansk region yesterday with US-supplied ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) meets these criteria, with Moscow saying that it marks a ‘new phase of the Western war’. ‘This is, of course, a signal that they want to escalate,’ Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said, while foreign intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin said attempts by NATO countries to facilitate Ukrainian missile strikes deep inside Russia ‘would not go unpunished’.

In Eastern Ukraine, Russia’s forces are steadily grinding towards the logistics hub of Pokrovsk having taken large swathes of territory in the Donetsk region in recent months. Putin’s army took 185 square miles of Ukrainian territory in October, a record since the first weeks of the conflict in March 2022, according to an analysis of data provided by the real-time conflict tracker from the Institute for the Study of War.

Now, where are those “800,000 NATO troops” going to come from? Not Poland, the Scandinavian countries or the Baltics. They’re talking about US troops, mostly, but there is no way President Trump is going to send more US troops to Germany; he’s far more likely to withdraw all the troops that are already there.

Simplicius points out that the IMF, the World Bank, and the CIA have now all confirmed that Russia is decisively winning its war with NATO and its member states on economic terms as well as in the military context.

A couple months back, you may recall World Bank announced that as per their calculations, Russia had finally surpassed both Germany and Japan in GDP PPP. However, the official IMF and CIA figures still scoffed at this, with Russia trailing both countries on their counts. This allowed the popular narrative to be maintained that the World Bank figures were some kind of inaccurate fluke or anomaly.

Well, the IMF has just done their latest report and has officially concluded that Russia has blown past both Germany and Japan as of 2024, and is now the number four economy in the world. And not only that, but the IMF has Russia in the lead by an even larger margin than World Bank. On top of which, the CIA also updated their numbers and likewise reflects Russia at the number four position.

This means that the longer Germany persists in its futile denial of the need to stop supporting Ukraine and encourage it to surrender, the worse off the Germans and the other Europeans will be. Time, attrition, and economics are all on the side of the Russians, and more importantly, their allies in China, North Korea, and Iran.